
Industry Growth Quotes

There are 277 quotes

"Being able to help people is really what is going to grow this industry and ultimately make this world a better place."
"Artificial intelligence is one of the fastest-growing industries in the history of humanity."
"The broader global space economy is already worth more than $423 billion, and Bank of America forecasts that the space industry as a whole is expected to reach $1.4 trillion by 2030."
"The big reason why there's a lot of hype for the stock is because of the growing sports betting industry."
"The industry will be way bigger in the future than it is today."
"This was esports in 1972 and this is it now: from competing in arcades for magazine subscriptions to sold-out stadiums, grand prize pools pushing 20 million dollars, an event livestreamed to millions of concurrent viewers, esports has evolved into a billion-dollar industry serving an audience of upwards of 500 million people."
"The influencer marketing industry is set to grow approximately $16.4 billion in 2022."
"Trade helped foster the growth of industries that provided stable jobs to workers in all corners of the planet, while also bringing in large quantities of useful and affordable new consumer goods."
"India has the third largest pharmaceutical industry by volume and the 11th largest by value as of 2020, and it is growing extremely fast."
"PC gaming as an industry has grown significantly."
"Renewable energy space as a whole will be one of your safest bets."
"The energy storage segment growing faster than Automotive."
"I don't expect some ordinary gamers to get to where it is now but I'm glad it is."
"India's VFX industry has now managed to grab 10 percent of the global market."
"The future looks promising for Tesla and others in the space."
"I think the industry is going to continue to grow."
"We are entering a time within gaming that could be considered a second Golden Age, especially if you happen to be on the PC platform."
"This is an industry that is growing at an extreme pace."
"The level talent in the NBA over just even the last six seven years has just exploded."
"Seize opportunities like the film industry; the video game industry exploded in its prominence and were showcased in many different ways."
"He enlisted as a doctor in the Army, saving lives and gaining fame and popularity."
"When the metaverse goes mainstream it's not going to look back this is going to be the biggest industry growth-wise in the next 10 years in my honest opinion."
"The main advantage that we have in the overall state of the crypto industry is that the more amount of people get involved... we're gonna have the support that we need in order to move this forward."
"The total affiliate marketing industry is worth over 10 billion dollars currently and it is still growing a lot meaning there is tons of money to be made."
"India's IT sector has evolved so far out of its call center beginnings and it's now a 150 billion dollar industry."
"The industry's grown... It's totally different than that 20 years ago."
"Man, the more good games that exist, the better."
"Teaching is definitely going to be one of the major industries in the next several years."
"Crypto gaming is going to be one of the largest industries in the entire world."
"Malaysia's durian business continues to expand."
"Mobile industry has risen to account for slightly over half of all gaming revenue in the world."
"It's building those Industries which is Somalia's best chance of Never regressing Back to the Lawless Anarchy it was just a decade ago."
"Spacex doesn't seem to be slowing down at all in the near future."
"I think next year's gonna be one of the biggest years probably Magic's ever had because of Arena."
"Netflix released more original content in 2019 than the entire television industry in 2005."
"A Democratic leadership in America is most likely going to have a positive influence on the growth of this industry."
"I think it's not a zero-sum game, I think it's a game where as the industry develops everybody wins."
"Gaming is bigger than it's ever been before and I think a key part of that massive growth is mobile gaming."
"The private spaceflight industry is growing at an unprecedented rate."
"The industry is now immense, the teams are immense, the amounts of funding is immense, this is global."
"I think it's a fantastic space, I think it's going to grow a lot from here."
"There's never been a better time to be a gamer."
"Fermented foods: Global market forecasted to be $60 billion in the next five years. Opportunities in DIY fermentation kits, fermented alcoholic drinks, and more."
"A rising tide raises all ships in the comic universe."
"We are witnessing the birth of what will become the world's biggest industry."
"The fastest growing industry in America is the electric, solar energy, and wind."
"For our industry, it was like a rocket ship."
"Being critical about video games is not only acceptable but essential for the industry's growth."
"The gaming market is set to reach $256.97 billion by 2025."
"The gaming industry generated $155 billion in revenue in 2020."
"Let's work with regulators, let's make this a multi-trillion dollar industry."
"The more we see major Partnerships like T-Mobile and others, it only validates the space."
"If treated correctly, this comic book industry has a big future."
"MPC film and Technicolor's VFX brands will continue to grow and expand."
"Everything else realistically has a 10x potential."
"Retail trading industry is going to continue to grow over the next 10 to 20 years."
"Cloud computing... the largest growth opportunity of the computer industry."
"The permeation of the crypto industry in the real world is not slowing down."
"China's medical aesthetics industry has been growing at an unmatched rate."
"Change always leads to opportunity, doesn't it?"
"It's a really good time to be involved in the industry."
"Universal parks on a rise in a way that we haven't seen before."
"There's a ton of money to be made in this industry."
"This is the type of investment that will be necessary for EV makers in the future to truly ramp up and be able to sell cars at affordable prices."
"Assisted living will only get bigger in the United States. Me and Ryan conversation all the time, like there gonna be a lot of stuff go away, assisted living it will not be one of them."
"I think these things are really important for the growth of the scene."
"2021 looks like it's going to be a massive year for electric vehicles."
"We like to bring other people that have different opinions... We're trying to lift the entire crypto space up and provide perspective."
"Your rate of growth is unlike anything that this industry I think has known."
"This is a very good thing. This is a massive step for the manga industry to reach its global audience."
"The closest thing to a certainty in the cryptocurrency market is that the industry is going to grow as a whole."
"VR over the last year has seen such a boom in growth."
"Crypto is still in its much early stages, we're getting more and more good news."
"I think within a year plus you will see companies much much more comfortable i mean every day something new is coming out that's making crypto more accessible more favored by people and so forth"
"The drone industry is currently worth a whopping 127 billion and is only set to grow."
"Telemedicine companies like Teladoc have seen a big boost."
"It's a 400 billion dollar industry right now and it's on the way to targeting towards the trillion dollars and I suspect it'll get here faster than we think."
"I think the food delivery business in this country has now become such a booming business."
"There are a lot of companies coming up, and there's a need for manufacturing engineering in the U.S."
"This isn't 2004 when WoW came out and there were like one or two other good MMOs to potentially play. Nowadays there are hundreds if not thousands if not hundreds of thousands of great games that we could just boot up right now and play instead."
"Competition is fantastic. This move over was absolutely monumental."
"As long as the whole industry is getting bigger, then that is good for us all."
"I think it's a good sign for NASCAR that the owners are reinvesting."
"The meteoric rise of the WWF in this period as well as the goodness of WCW before its sharp decline ushered in the first major wrestling boom since the mid-80s."
"The competition is strong and it's getting stronger in this space."
"To the moon indeed, this is now our sixth major factory, and now we're in three continents."
"I think data science is really poised to grow in the next decade."
"The EV industry in general is the best industry over the next three to five years."
"There is so much room for everybody to grow with this including Neo and Tesla together."
"We are at long last, we're in a golden age of video games."
"We're literally on a rocket ship that is growing three to five times faster than any other industry."
"Tesla has successfully led the way with Austin, Texas."
"this is building into a giant in this industry."
"Our focus as an industry should be on making our periodical releases more attractive to more new readers and to grow our base not simply exploit the existing one."
"Competition is rising but so is consumption."
"Our goal is to build and deliver 20 million Vehicles a year by 2030."
"This is a mature industry that's just getting started."
"They've built a wide-ranging exciting beer industry."
"Gaming has continued to grow... larger than the movie and music industries combined."
"I think we should actually improve healthcare, then we don't want to get too sidetracked."
"I think the Indie space is as thriving as it's ever been and it's only growing every year."
"Our industry had record occupancies, profitability, and new development thanks to the exceptional strong economy under your leadership, Mr. President."
"We're really going to start seeing this play out in the next six months with tons of new projects being launched."
"This industry is going to absolutely explode, and it is a renaissance to say the least."
"The more entrance the better. It feeds awareness, adoption, it's a flywheel for the entire industry."
"Aviation growth is well 5% a year at the moment."
"This is for the people that aren't even thinking about it... There's a reason that they're investing in all this stuff and I think that seeing an investment in the gaming side of things is only good for games."
"A lot more are going to have them and I think that's going to be good for the operators."
"I have searched for a lot of information about the company, such as news on the company's website, cosmetics industry reports, and found that the company had an average annual growth rate of 20% in the past five years."
"The game business is becoming the biggest creative and social marketplace in history."
"This is just kind of like tangential to everything, but dude, I love that gaming is big enough now where there can be literally the most insane collabs ever."
"So if you're adding 2 million of capacity that would take you to 6.2 million."
"I think the automotive industry can innovate and grow even faster."
"The next two years are going to be huge for gaming."
"And so those are really the people that we've stayed focused on because they are the people that can support us growing to tens of thousands of tons or a hundred thousand tons of production volume over the course of this decade." - Chris Birds
"The growth of the American ice cream industry was greatly assisted by advancements in rail transportation."
"It's not only about investing in this industry, but it's also about building incredible businesses."
"I think this is gonna be big for them, this is gonna be great for them and I hope that this is a step in the right direction in terms of them being like 'cool we want to get talent.'"
"Games are better than ever, and there are so many more incredible ones these days."
"Computer vision has become the fastest-growing field in AI."
"Gaming is definitely going to stay, but play-to-earn games are exploding."
"Embracer Group is building an empire in the gaming industry."
"There's never been a better time to enter the 4K gaming ecosystem."
"U.S battery manufacturing capacity is set to grow tenfold in the next four years."
"I think that the industry is going to continue to grow."
"This Market is going to be so big there will be room for NVIDIA and others to come into the hardware space and do well."
"I think it's inevitable the long-term growth of this industry, guys."
"Semiconductor industry growth will hit one trillion dollars by 2030, providing opportunities for all."
"Institutions are not giving up; Fidelity digital assets plans on adding a 100 more crypto hires in the next six months."
"I want to show us as much support as I can because this is the community I'm in and I really want it to flourish."
"I believe the future is incredibly bright for the cryptocurrency space."
"Do you think cryptocurrency is going away or is this a nascent industry which is still exploding?"
"The blockchain industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, growing at a 30% CAGR every single year."
"Helping each other out really only helps the whole industry grow."
"There's money here, there's an industry for stuff. We need more of those people."
"The gaming sector is going to be big with crypto..."
"...with a market size of about 34 billion dollars globally and expectations to reach over 55 billion dollars by 2026."
"And I think this industry is only going to continue to grow in the next few years."
"We are encouraging a more competitive industry in shipbuilding and growing jobs across the country."
"I think we're going to continue to see models and different companies pour millions and billions of dollars into this industry."
"Collaboration is way better; if we are interested in growing the industry, it is incumbent upon us to help grow the industry."
"We actively promote our competitors because it grows the pie; hopefully, it helps them so that they can grow more, get better, be cheaper, and grow the industry as a whole."
"We as an industry we didn't take two steps forward we took like 18 steps forward in terms of all this really cool technology across compilers and systems and runtimes and heterogeneous Computing."
"For hydrogen batteries, lithium-ion batteries will continue to grow into the marine industry as compared to anything hydrogen-based."
"Just bring more people into the industry with different perspectives, and let them fall where their talents lay."
"The CAGR growth of Indian packaging industry has been growing at about 25 percent."
"The construction project of the Vikrant aims to boost the domestic naval industry in India, which will make it easier for India to build warships in the future."
"We're getting into like a neo golden age of comics."
"The robot industry is gradually approaching the point of radical change and a huge leap forward."
"We need more people in the industry, and we won't have older readers unless we cultivate younger readers."
"An increasing number of firms are establishing really thorough, proper training programs that can take new entrants to the industry and provide them with a career path."
"Cultural expression will come naturally as you gain the techniques and the industry became sustainable."
"The pursuit of decoding the human brain will become a multi-trillion dollar industry in the decades to come."
"We are at an inflection point in biotechnology and biomanufacturing."
"What you really want to do is be able to have the STEM education in place so that the students from the next generation can see themselves in this industry."
"It's awesome, you know, to feel like you might have been a part of the growth of our industry."
"This industry has literally grown in like seconds and so many people are having success."
"Film and TV has grown to become a nine point five billion dollar industry in the state of Georgia."
"With a 67.2 billion dollar market size and nearly 7% annual growth, the Sporting Goods industry has become one of the fastest growing industries in the US since 2018."
"If you have a hyper-scaling industry where the number of users and developers is going to 20x, you don't need to capture any of the existing users or developers."
"I hope this is as good a year as last year was for our industry."
"Moore's law requires the entire industry to increase its productivity by 25 to 30 percent each year."
"This is a great opportunity for motion graphics."
"Cybersecurity is a booming industry and will be for the foreseeable future."
"We're trying to encourage people at a young age to come into the haulage industry."
"The fishing industry went from strength to strength with hundreds of trawlers operating from this base."
"Through the alliance, they hope to further the sector's growth, provide a voice both nationally and globally."
"It's a 15 billion-dollar industry that's now gluten-free."
"The gallium nitride industry is still in its early stages and continues to grow. The sky is the limit."
"A whole new industry is being formed and that's driving our growth."
"Their impact, while already substantial, is set to grow, reinforcing their position as indispensable players in the global transportation industry."
"The global cashew industry has experienced significant growth over the past few decades due to increasing demand in both domestic and international markets."
"It's about equity and respect, and about people being able to work and live in an industry that is booming and getting bigger."
"Affiliate marketing is not dead, if anything it's only going to become more valuable."
"I always knew in the long term, this industry's going to build."
"It looks like the industry is finally learning how to work towards their strengths."
"No 3D printing company should be competing with anybody else, there is unlimited runway."
"Winning is important, but at the same time, making great fights is what's important because without making great fights, the sport's not going to grow and develop."
"I think the wind is behind DraftKings because they're going to have a lot more states they're going to legalize gambling throughout this country and elsewhere around the world."
"It's unbelievable, so I think anyone involved in the sport should want as many broadcasters in, spending money as possible."
"We should be on the same side here, looking to grow this industry."
"The space industry is literally taking off."
"The major lines have funds and what we're seeing is the financial community, like the Caribbean, seeing a huge confidence that cruising will return and grow."
"The competition is real and I think we are benefiting from that in a big way."
"More studios bringing more big games to VR is exactly what we need right now."
"It's a 40 billion dollar industry, and by 2025 is predicted to be worth over 70 billion dollars."
"I think our travel industry is really seeing a resurgence."
"In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, it's no surprise that the tech industry is one of the most lucrative and in-demand fields to start a career in."
"Revenue in the industry has increased by 20 percent this year."
"Real estate is one of the rising industries."
"The excitement level is over the top and the values are extremely high so that sets a good pace for the 2019 calendar year as far as what to expect from the deer industry."
"Aquaculture is a growth industry."
"This is such a booming industry right now."
"Encouraging the domestic industry, strengthening human capital, and building an entrepreneurial spirit will be critical to keeping India's chip design industry strong in the years ahead."
"It's crazy where the industry has gone, but it's also good in its own way."
"Industry growth is driven in part by new, more strict EPA regulations on certain ions in water as well as consumer demands for more environmentally friendly companies."
"So the product building is actually happening, and that's good news for avoiding AI winter."
"A lot of innovation continues to keep happening in the space."
"Our entire industry is about to explode."
"The craft beer industry here over the past three, four years has exploded."