
Flattery Quotes

There are 837 quotes

"Imitation is the greatest form of flattery that mediocrity can provide to greatness."
"They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."
"I think you're super duper cool...not really, but I think you're super duper cool."
"The most sincerest form of flattery is replication and copying someone."
"Your accent sounded impeccable to me, and flattery will get you everywhere."
"Flattery ruins a lot of people's lives... if you're controlled by flattery, let me tell you, you don't control your life, people control you through flattery."
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely; absolute compliments corrupt even worse."
"You're just a bit worse than Jesus Christ. You're welcome."
"I'm flattered that these commenters are clearly so impressed with my content that they're forced to conclude I have Supernatural Powers."
"You make women feel like they're the eighth wonder of the world."
"His flattery thing works, Kim Jong-un, I love him, he says nice things about me."
"I feel recognized and then this part, wow girly pops, this is flattering."
"With that sort of flattery, let's introduce you now, Pink and Ted Kravitz and Karun Chandhok. Welcome, Pink!"
"Somebody is doing your act, that's the highest compliment you could give."
"Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery."
"The temptation of falling for a few traps, you know, like the moment you start thinking you made it, please. And flattery is a very dark thing."
"There is almost nothing that will ingratiate you with other people more than talking about them in a positive way."
"When people aren't calling you on it and all they're doing is complimenting you, all they're doing is praising you and it becomes one big ego stroke."
"You need to join us and you're the most awesome person ever."
"If people bigger than you copy, it's flattering. If people under you copy, it's trolling."
"On the other side of it, if they flatter him and they compliment him, he'll love them no matter who they are."
"Mariah Carey let me be the first person to say Merry Christmas Mariah Carey you're officially the queen of Christmas I am crowning you if you haven't already been because I'm going to embrace that and take it as a huge compliment."
"Your curves excite me, you're too good for me."
"It's nice to be wanted, flattering, you know?"
"It's nice to be wanted, you know? It's crazy, right?"
"I'll do anything to brighten up the day of the beautiful ladies in the crowd."
"Immigration is the sincerest form of flattery."
"Copying is the best form of flattery, Chip, and I'd love to flatter you."
"Are you from Tennessee because you're the only ten I see."
"If you copy someone, it's like the highest form of flattery."
"If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Elon Musk & SpaceX must be very pleased with the Chinese space program."
"Imitation may be the greatest form of flattery."
"They probably even want marriage with you. Who wouldn't want to marry an Empress?"
"Impression is the sincerest form of flattery."
"If beauty was a crime, you would be doing life."
"Nothing in the world is harder than speaking the truth and nothing easier than flattery."
"When you have a particular skill and someone is like, 'Man, that is so cool, would you ever mind teaching me some stuff?' It's incredibly flattering."
"You're gonna be the flavor of the month, how the decade is gonna be wanting your ass left and right."
"I don't even know what to say. I literally have no words that I can use to describe how complimented I feel right now."
"Impersonation is the highest form of flattery."
"This is the time to make your star shine brightest are you had me until the star shining thing you didn't need to try to butter me up."
"Yes, even sexy, you always say the right thing."
"Hey you watching this video are out of this world."
"I felt flattered that Punk tea-bagged, really flattered, you don't tea-bag somebody you beat most of the time, that doesn't make sense."
"I think sexual comments about me are hilarious and also kind of flattering in a lot of ways."
"I saw this and I was like, excuse me, excuse me. I don't even know what's going on. Who gave you a license to look like that, look that good? Are you kidding me?"
"Montgomery, you're looking beautiful. I was joking."
"Imitation is the best form of flattery after all."
"Everything about this dress I think is just very flattering on the figure."
"...it's just a distraction that you need especially when you turn to the side and this kind of seaming as well I think it's quite flattering."
"I take it as flattering, the thought of you picking blue out of all the different colors."
"Your voice is music to my ears, and I would like to make this my ringtone."
"Have you seen yourself? You are very attractive."
"Imitation is the greatest form of flattery."
"Being plagiarized is the greatest compliment one can receive."
"I said, oh, oh, oh, well, well, this is very unexpected. I'm deeply honored. I'm flattered."
"I think it's more flattering and it's just more versatile too."
"I'm so flattered that you dream of me, I haven't given you a thought since I left. Obviously!"
"I decided to wear my lucky charm pajamas because I feel so lucky that you've decided to bless my home with your elegant, charming, and graceful presence."
"I love the pattern and I love the colors, it's super flattering too because it hugs you with the waist and it flows out."
"I think you're bullshitting me a little bit, but I've been buttered up so hard."
"Copying isn't supposed to be the biggest form of flattery."
"She's feeling a little flattered."
"You look lovely. That is the right answer."
"There is no higher human form of flattery than naming something after someone you love or loved and lost."
"Aren't you just the prettiest thing? I've got split ends and I'm trying to cover a mountain-sized zit on my cheek that you just touched."
"imitation is just a serious form of flattery"
"Hey, I'm very flattered. I'm a fan of Douglas Williams big time. Love his work."
"You know me, it was flattered by The Stranger knowing his name for he was a proud man."
"What God did you bribe for a face like that? I don't know."
"He's telling me how like I was wifey material and he's saying all the right things."
"It's always flattering when you're asked to speak anywhere."
"I was stupid the other day. I've never seen someone as beautiful as you before."
"If a man says, 'Oh, you can have any man in this room you want,' why me? It means he wants you to stroke his ego, he wants you to tell him about himself, he wants you to talk about him because you are just so fabulous."
"You know Ella said you're probably the most attractive man I've ever met."
"Imitation is the most sincerest form of flattery."
"You are really handsome, Baron Trump."
"I felt flattered over all the kind attention."
"Despite lence felt flattered. 'I tried to keep myself busy,' he said."
"When you tell someone 'I know you want to be with me but I don't want to be with you,' that is very flattering."
"But remember, imitation is flattery. Okay, so when people are trying to be like you or people are trying to do things that you're doing, it's because you inspire them."
"You're the most handsome guy in the world."
"You have a nice booty that people really like."
"Let me see. Oh my God, you drew me the sexiest out of everyone."
"Imitation is the best form of flattery."
"You're actually hot. I'm so hot right now."
"I'm in love with you, very honored and terribly flattered."
"Do you feel flattered when other men flirt with you? Literally never happens, but I feel like it does."
"I'm flattered. I was talking about the puppy, but I think you knew that."
"If you thought every single thing I said was funny, I would feel like you were just blowing smoke up my ass, you know what I mean?"
"I feel like dressing to flatter your body type is so important."
"Few human beings are proof against the implied flattery of wrapped attention."
"Michael hears them and he was like that gets my dick hard somebody's like copying my work I'm thrilled and impressed and turned on."
"They are thinking that you are looking so good, really really tasty and delectable is kind of what's coming to mind, sweet like nectar."
"She looks like the cutest little thing with a little blouse and the polka dots. Everything just completely flatters her."
"The sincerest form of flattery is like a confession, you know."
"the sweet talk and showering girls in compliments"
"Those who strive to obtain the good graces of a prince are accustomed to come before him with such things as they hold most precious or in which they see him take most delight."
"'They were really trying to stroke my ego, telling me how smart they think I am.'"
"You're so perfect as you as it is like you literally were blessed so beyond belief with your looks."
"I love the color I think it's so flattering such a winner"
"You're actually really attractive, you know."
"You're a dashed handsome woman, Delia."
"There's nothing more flattering is there if someone takes the Mickey out and imitates you"
"I must have missed the memo that a beauty like you started."
"When I say you're easily five times as beautiful as any other woman in this room, stop at this, it's true."
"To me that's flattery man, you know I mean the bread Shaq n that I got it made over, you know um, it's flattering."
"The effect of liberty to individuals is that they may do what they please; to a people, it is to a great extent the same if accessible to flattery, as this is always interested and resorted to on low and base motives and for evil purposes."
"Flattery often looks like real love or respect, creating a false impression of warmth and appreciation."
"Men should be flattered that women will even attempt to use reverse psychology on them."
"You looking good, I'm not even gonna lie about it."
"Dami felt flattered when Jho also invited her to have a meal with Professor Ha."
"It's an honor to be asked, it's flattering, it's like, okay, yeah."
"Lots of really great applications already but they're from people that are like all over the world which is so flattering and lovely."
"It feels really flattering to be sort of fancied and liked and wanted to be with."
"Hey, you're not handsome, you're gorgeous."
"At some point in your life, somebody has masturbated to the thought of you."
"I just find it to be like really flattering."
"It's all about flattering the people because it opens them up to you and your influence."
"I must say though, you look even prettier in person."
"Flattery and compliments are two different things."
"If someone tries to copy your product, take it as a compliment."
"You are a work of art. Okay, wow. Someone is like really complimenting you very hard, like hitting on you super hard."
"False prophecy is any word spoken to flatter you that is not consistent with the word of God."
"Last night you called me the sexiest woman alive right after I made my sexy face."
"Anytime somebody wants to imitate you that's to me that's a compliment."
"She 100% believes that you're the most attractive person she's ever seen, really attracted to you."
"Copying is the best form of flattery after all, as some would say."
"Beware when all men speak well of you."
"Copying is the best form of flattery."
"Imitation is the highest form of flattery, but sometimes it's nothing but a slap in the face."
"You make me hotter than anyone ever has, sweet talker."
"You should feel honored that you've got three women fighting over you."
"The hottest thing I've ever heard in my life was when some guy... said that I was really funny and he found it hot."
"It's kind of flattering really to have your name up there."
"Dear Madam, the perfume of your sweet breath informs me that your mother fed on roses and she bred you."
"I just love it, it's so flattering."
"It's very flattering and good for the ego."
"Just lie and tell me I'm beautiful."
"I just need my lip product to be flattering and this is one of those lip products I think especially if you have more mature lips you're really gonna like these."
"People feel like you're getting more and more attractive by the day, by the hour, the minute."
"By flattering I mean that you have to feel cute and confident in them."
"My first message to her was, 'You look like my future wife.'"
"I'm genuinely flattered, but we both know that I'm not that kind of person, really."
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...plus I blend right in and go trick-or-treating"
"Flattery will not get you an extra meal."
"I think they were both genuinely flattered by the other person's first impressions of them."
"Flattery will get you literally everywhere. Thank you."
"I like you. You remind me of a younger me."
"Oh my Primus, I know right, you are gorgeous."
"It's so flattering with the vertical stripes as Slims down the body silhouette and they're in this dark striking shade of blue it's not Navy it's just stunning."
"Flattery is a really weird word but it's true, a lot of what marketing is, is that flattery and not strategy."
"You're hotter than me, you're hot as [__]."
"Opposition is simply flattery from your enemy."
"And madam, if I was your husband, I would drink that tea."
"You're impossible, Edward. You're swelling the stud farm, not the sunset."
"You're a gorgeous man. What is this happening?"
"Are you Google? Because you're everything I've been searching for."
"You are the most attractive person that has been in here today."
"Ladies and gentlemen of the state of Florida, thank you very much for being, you are tremendously tremendous."
"You're very kind to say nice things, and I don't know how old you are but you're very handsome."
"The best form of flattery is when you reproduce something. Imitation is the best form of flattery."
"If someone is flattering you, if their words are flattering you, you can trust that they are not speaking the words of God at that time."
"They say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, and I'm not 100% sure I believe that all the time, but in this case I can tell you it's 100% true."
"When you trust in God, you won't have to serve or flatter anyone else."
"Hello, welcome, my, my! I must say, madam, you are the most beautifullest woman at this establishment. No words can describe your essence."
"Mockery is the highest form of flattery or something."
"Staring at you was like a great investment of somebody's time."
"There is no greater flattery than people not simply consuming it but making more of their own."
"I'm flattered... it's very nice to be thought of that way."
"By praising normal middle and upper-class Victorian families, Dickens is trying to flatter his readership so that they more successfully take on the moral of his story."
"Imitation is the best form of flattery. Always has been."
"And you should be actually very flattered that you being compared to them."
"Holy crap, that's flattering as heck."
"Your job is to figure out how to flatter your mother."
"...it's the sincerest form of flattery people modeling the approach."
"When everybody else tries to be like you, that's the best form of flattery."
"Your name is like perfume poured out."
"I'm flattered by the fact that a much better song than mine was written."
"They thought you looked younger even than the last time they saw you. They were starstruck by you."
"You're great, you're a great guy, you're so funny and you're attractive, so attractive."
"Flatter me and I may not believe you, criticize me and I may not like you, ignore me and I may not forgive you, but encourage me and I will never forget you."
"Many prophetic words are not coming from God; they are under the category of what would be called flattery."
"Somebody copying you is flattered imitations. ... I guess what they always term is flattered imitations, yeah, which I think is a crack of [__]."
"That’s the biggest compliment anyone could possibly give me."
"This poster is beautiful. Just like you."
"What would bring you down the path to grace me with your beauty today?"
"I think it's flattering. Imitation is the best form of flattery."
"Every fool loves to hear that he's important."
"You must be the square root of two because I feel so irrational around you."
"Imitation is the highest form of flattery even sometimes it's nothing but a slap in the face."
"I think it's flattering. What do you think?"
"The bloom of youth fades; charm lies in making the other person feel like the star."
"You have me blush every time we get on the phone."
"It's like Universal ly flattering to me."
"You are very lucky and so damn sexy."
"You know you are very lucky and so damn sexy."
"Imitation is the finest form of flattery. Absolutely."
"I be sitting there like, 'Oh my God, everything about you is just so amazing.'"
"You throw in bald and petite like you, you got some cute stuff."