
New Ideas Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"New ideas, different perspectives come to you as well. Stay open to them."
"People can change their behavior, their attitudes, their skills, their values through the presentation of new and better ideas."
"People are ready for the new ideas and I think people are fed up with traditional politicians."
"It was such an exciting, heady time to find out that under the official reality, there was this seething turmoil of young people learning new music, new thoughts, new ideas."
"It's not just a question of a third party; it's a question of new ideas, new policies. The question is, is there an opportunity for a new competitor to threaten whoever the players are if they don't get things done?"
"So many people are so closed-minded to new ideas... that's why I had to talk about radical open-mindedness so much."
"You can clearly see where that time went, as Pikmin 4 is filled with new ideas."
"It's a bit like Maslow's hierarchy right it's all new hierarchy of thought."
"I really enjoyed it and I think it's one of those things which could introduce you to a whole new world of ideas in quite an enjoyable way."
"Innovation in gaming, I just love it. I really love to see new ideas emerge in a genre."
"The human mind is stretched by a new idea it can never go back to its original dimensions."
"New blood does bring new ideas new methodologies new energies."
"What if the thought you're thinking is actually a new thought, a new concept, a new technique that you've never thought of before?"
"I can't help but wonder if he's onto something here."
"It's fresh, it's new, and it's smaller brother... everything about sitting here says, okay, well, I've got some interesting ideas."
"This is exactly what I was hoping we'd get, just a completely different perspective."
"Something beautiful you will create, new ideas."
"Let's talk honestly: We might disagree, and that's where the opportunity of new ideas comes in."
"To innovate means to introduce new ideas, concepts, methods, or products to create or do something in a better or different way."
"Mercury allows you to come up with new ideas to get your health matters organized."
"Be willing to be misunderstood. If you're gonna do anything new or innovative, you have to be willing to be misunderstood."
"You guys also have a new idea that has come to you and you guys are feeling really inspired about it."
"It's always nice when you have a presentation or something like this where he's spitting out like new ideas or new thoughts he hasn't really expressed before."
"It's about stepping outside of your comfort zone to explore new ideas."
"I just want new stories to come out, new concepts, new worlds."
"The balancing act going on convenience is removed to open the way for new ideas and important quality of life additions that simplified traditional experiences."
"We made no little plans, and we went out and reshaped an entire continent around a new set of ideas."
"This is what I call generational innovation."
"I feel like this new idea will bring you some sort of news and confidence."
"The default position of a lot of young people is capitalism is bad... We need to try something new."
"Focus on expansion, focus on being confident in yourself. Brilliant new ideas will present themselves to you."
"You're being an achiever... actioning your new ideas."
"You need the applicability and flexibility of encountering new ideas."
"It really sometimes takes a special person in your life to present things at a new angle that you've never thought of."
"It will be an opening into more creativity, into more downloads, almost like you wake up in the morning and you're like oh my goodness, I've got it."
"Experiments with strange, untested new governance ideas can change the world."
"This sounds like a great idea. We need to do this."
"I think being open to new ideas and finding ways to try them that are relatively low risk is important."
"It's like anything new, everyone's a little skeptical of it at first."
"When the human mind is stretched by a new idea, it can never go back to its original dimensions."
"Physics has reached an end... but then somebody comes up with usually a completely new and unexpected idea."
"Get ready for these new ideas, y'all connected to the moon as well."
"Be open to new ideas, be open to new perspectives."
"This idea of the doctrine of Discovery was fairly new."
"Fresh new ideas, new perspectives. A breath of fresh air."
"Now that the space has been made by Saturn forcing a release on old ways of thinking, Jupiter is now saying let's fill this space with new progressive thoughts and ideas."
"Fresh ideas get looked at and debated - that's innovation and it's all around us."
"There are exciting new ideas that are shaping the direction of your life philosophies."
"Embrace newness, embrace new energy, embrace new ideas."
"Most of the time when you have a new idea, it might be at best partly right and partly wrong."
"The best thing that can happen to you is to find that those fixed ideas particularly wrong because then it means you're actually discovering something new or something interesting."
"One is for sure to love all the things that aren't working. So when people, what we were saying, one is just like, go through it. I'm confused and I love that. Confusion, by the way, means you're making room for new ideas."
"The trick if you want to have a healthy mind is you're simultaneously not only letting new ideas in but exploring new ideas."
"With all these new ideas floating around, censorship increased to keep them at bay."
"The fact that you can always meet new people and be exposed to a lot of new ideas that I wouldn't otherwise have seen, it's made my life more full."
"You have to keep innovating and keep looking for new business and keep looking for new ideas."
"If something captures your attention, explore it. Don't be afraid to look into new ideas."
"They recognized the influence of new ideas and anthropology that stressed the validity of non-European modes of thought and behavior."
"I'm always just creating some new [stuff]."
"Innovators are prepared to take the risk of frustration, failure, time, and money to try out new ideas."
"You may be rethinking some of your hopes and dreams for the future because of all the new ideas you have."
"New IPs, find them, love them, uplift them."
"The future of retail is always a future for any experience; we just have to be involved in that proposal and to bring some new idea."
"Provocative... provokes you to think of something new."
"Each verse should present new ideas, new material, new plot points."
"Maybe it's time for a new paradigm."
"It's a very interesting time; we have a huge number of new ideas."
"It's good to expose yourself to new concepts and ideas and things."
"You are open to new ideas and you are adaptable."
"I might not be used to this idea, but I'm noticing that it's working."
"My professors tell me my brain is like a sponge, absorbing new ideas."
"He said he wants to hear 'fresh out of the box' ideas, and since I was the newest recruit, he wanted to hear them from me."
"Most of these objections are more imaginary than real, a sort of emotional reaction to a new and slightly distasteful idea."
"...it's really exciting to see that actually a lot of old ideas and a lot of new ideas are coming together."
"It's a good idea, isn't it? Who's excited?"
"This is like a fresh new invention."
"The point is to give you an emotional barometer of how you feel when presented with new ideas."
"Talking to somebody different always leads to new ideas."
"You got the Ace of Wands, passions, your passions, creativity, you may have this brilliant idea."
"You have to be open-minded to new ideas of learning things."
"It's the innovation aspect, it's the introduction of new ideas."
"Spirit is saying be open to a new idea or excitement."
"You're getting ready to get inspired with new ideas or new beginnings."
"Feeling inspired, absorbed in thought, channeling creativity, new and inspired ideas."
"This is all about innovation, this is all about springing open some new ideas and some new ways of doing things."
"Some of you Aquarians are going to have an idea that's going to spring to life."