
Relationship Resilience Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"We want to work this out because we want to be together. We overcame all this adversity in the beginning; we overcame hesitation, we overcame other people's opinions. Let's work through this."
"A robust relationship is not just being with you when it feels good."
"Show me two people who have a connection, and I'll show you two people who at some point will fight through and get back on track."
"Don't let circumstances dictate your relationship."
"Relationships aren't defined by how good they are when they're good. It's defined by how you handle the bad times."
"I don't care what they do to me back, babe. If I win, it'll be with you, and if I lose, it'll still be with you."
"My confidence lies in the fact that i know if they break up with me i'll be able to deal with it that's right that's that."
"That made it all worthwhile was the fact that we do love each other, and warts and all, aging and all, challenges and all."
"Their love survived multiple deaths, it spans across alternate universes."
"Power through and build a love that sustains all of this back and forth it's going to be the probably the most powerful relationship you've ever had in your life if you stick it out."
"You will always find your way back to each other because there is nobody better suited for you."
"Couples that fight together and suffer together, if they're meant to be together, it just makes them stronger."
"You and your person, you were meant to be together."
"I feel like you and your partner, your relationship will flourish regardless of what is, you know, whatever sacrifice you have to make here."
"If you have a solid foundation and you can communicate, I just feel like you can get through anything."
"High value couples have a long-term goal that they're working towards together."
"What if it doesn't work out? We will be just fine."
"Dear future wifey in a world where challenges seem to lurk around every corner I've learned that it's not the absence of obstacles that defines our journey but rather our response to them."
"True love resides in that ability to handle the tough stuff."
"Your goal should never be to have a happy marriage... through the trials, you should be together and you should be there for one another."
"The tweed jacket just elevates any look and I personally think it's always classic, very Chanel vibes."
"I'm proud that you didn't give in to that impulse that one year, and you guys worked through it. Now you have a great marriage, you have a great family, and what a blessing when we do the right thing."
"The priority here is friendship first. If there is true love of friendship and love of that person, there's nothing you can't work out or work through if you want to."
"Marriage, love, and relationships refuse to take L's."
"Couldn't be so bad that it ruins the relationship, right?"
"The love they've had for each other never really goes away."
"No relationship is perfect, but don't be quick to think it's over at the first sign of trouble."
"Love is constant, stable, and elastic, no matter what the argument, misunderstanding, mistakes are."
"Faith... that's how these relationships stay strong."
"Love finds a way and will overcome all obstacles."
"Five decades worth of love that's never wavered."
"They still love you or have emotion, no matter what happened between you two."
"Things there's gonna be troubles and things that come up in life and just don't throw it away over stuff like this. I love you."
"Love is choosing each other through all of it."
"We couldn't always disagree... but I loved you always, always filled the gap."
"An argument doesn't mean you're not good together; it just means you have something to work through."
"And my wife having lost someone very dear to her doesn't diminish the love she has for me."
"Both of you want this enduring love that will stand the test of time."
"We have our ups and downs, but when there's love there's always a way."
"Both of you are very intuitive, offering your whole raw hearts to each other. Choosing to be together through thick and thin."
"Sticking it out in a relationship sounds an awful lot like an incompatibility to me."
"Our connection, it's too strong to be destroyed by 30 minutes of poor decision making."
"Despite everything you guys have gone through... this is your person."
"Life can be humbling... look at your partner and say, 'She's still here.'"
"In a forgiving relationship, people understand that everyone makes mistakes."
"Every relationship has arguments, every relationship has challenges. But what makes love last is the ability to overcome those."
"The fact that CJ and Miro are still together after being put through so much crap makes me think these kids are in it for the long haul."
"A true Soul bond never really breaks. It's supposed to learn from it, and assuming you two have learned some things, then it's absolutely feasible to transform the energy and try again."
"Even the worst situations don't tear them apart."
"You guys will always find a way to overcome and evolve and grow beyond them. Soul mates typically are around in our life for most of our days."
"Love amidst disappointment—still connected, still caring."
"Life is hard, marriage is hard, it's supposed to be."
"I'm not throwing away almost a decade of being with somebody because we're fighting... I need to work it through."
"Friends fall out, brothers fall out, family members fall out, but the love remains."
"Growing together through all of life's messes."
"Marriage is two dysfunctional people who just refuse to give up on each other."
"You don't know what love is until you find somebody who can love you when you ain't on your feet yet."
"People are cheating and they still make it work and they end up dying together as husband and wife, old and long in age."
"If you're with the right person, even the hard times are easy."
"Marriage never fails; people fail."
"Don't be afraid of relationships not lasting because you'll learn something from them."
"If you can understand that you're committed to someone through better or worse, you're 100%, whatever it takes, I'm gonna get the job done."
"If we can get through a stressful situation, that means it's going to work in a marriage."