
International Trade Quotes

There are 316 quotes

"A contraction in international trade would be expected to reduce global growth and global GDP."
"We are aiming to break down barriers to markets around the world."
"Mexico has replaced China as the United States' largest trading partner, but to truly understand what's going on, we need to go beyond the headlines."
"The meteoric rise of Chinese-made disposable vapes reflects a broader trend of Chinese companies dominating American and European markets."
"China's our greatest trading partner. The United States needs China just as much as China needs the US."
"China does not want to close itself off to the rest of the world...China is still very much interested in international trade."
"Imagine that: a $4.5 billion project in Mexico that could go toe-to-toe with the Panama Canal."
"From India's point of view, from an economic perspective, buying oil from Russia at a discount to market prices makes absolute sense because it's one of the biggest costs that they have to pay for."
"Earlier this year, the Indian Central Bank set up new facilities to enable countries to trade directly with India in rupees rather than dollars, Euros, or Yen."
"The whole idea of globalization is that anyone can go anywhere at any time and interface with any partner, buy any commodity, ship into any market without needing a military escort."
"Globalization means again exchange of goods across the world, exchange of services, exchange of labor across the world, and exchange of investments."
"For the first time in two decades, the US buys more from Mexico than from China. This is an accomplishment for Joe Biden that Trump and Maga promised but failed to do."
"International trade was closer to 20 percent of the global economy by the early 1910s, and by the mid-1970s it was about 30 percent. Today it is around 60."
"The theory of competitive advantage posited that rather than have a country try to make everything it needed for itself, countries should instead figure out what they can produce best and then sell that stuff to other countries."
"Trade in the 2020s is still overwhelmingly dominated by a handful of big industrialized nations whose exports have only become more diversified and more based on high-end manufactured goods."
"We want as Europeans to diversify away from Russia towards suppliers that we trust, that are friends and that are reliable."
"If we carry on with the levels of underinvestment we've got, the lowest levels of investment of any of the major industrial countries and it's falling, are we going to be forever developing high-tech equipment, high-tech ideas in Manchester University or any other University and selling them to China to be manufactured?"
"The Europeans and the Americans have this bizarre notion that they're the only buyers for the [stuff] that Russia sells... Russia... can find other customers."
"Trade deal between the US and UK must be contingent upon respect for the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland."
"The globalist view was, 'Okay, we know the Chinese are kind of bad guys... but if we trade with them and open our doors... they'll grow rich and in the fullness of time, they'll be just like us.'"
"The US dollar has three superpowers: trust for trade, power to buy oil, and lastly, it has all the excess Forex reserves invested in its own economy with 7 trillion dollars in bonds."
"Saudi Arabia’s Finance Minister, Mohammed Al-Jadaan, shocked the world when he said his country was open to doing oil deals in other currencies besides the dollar."
"European countries have significant economic ties with Russia, particularly in the areas of energy and trade."
"We have different points of view but the idea that a major multinational corporation can sue us for 15 billion dollars because the president made the decision that he thought right tells you what trade agreements are all about."
"I used to buy coffee in myanmar a place called burma and we were into asia trading so we'd buy coffee down in myanmar export out of yangon port."
"China's strategy of low price dumping could have adverse effects on the global economy."
"Mexico, a nation with abundant natural resources, a young and productive workforce, and a favorable location, overtook China as the biggest supplier of goods to their giant customer next door – the United States."
"Increasing trade with countries like Mexico could be expected to increase global demand and increase US exports in line with any increase in US imports."
"Fair and reciprocal trade with China will boost long-term economic growth, not only in the United States but globally."
"It is the Chinese, Indians, Russians, the Persian Gulf States, they are the people who produce and make things and who sell real goods and trade them with each other."
"My administration has taken the toughest ever action to confront China's trade abuses."
"If Chinese automakers continue their current level of growth and don't face increased trade barriers they really could take the EV world by storm."
"Japan and China purchased 75 percent of Australia's LNG output."
"Israel today supplies billions of dollars of fresh fruit and flowers to Europe and the Arab world."
"China's access to technology is restricted, affecting both sales and domestic chip development."
"The West's clampdown on technology exports marks a shift towards a more independent global economy."
"So what would happen is Russia would say, 'We are going to sell our oil for gold.'"
"Russian resources are no longer available to the same degree and obviously the flow of cheap goods from China... well, that's now there's a question mark over that as well."
"China is offering trade, their agreements, and they're not just coming and using threats and saying you have to toe the line."
"Now that the Biden administration has announced a ban on the import of Russian oil, a move that will cost Americans money, is the White House now eyeing a trade of one tyrant for another when it comes to buying oil?"
"My administration agreed to lift those tariffs."
"It's our biggest trading partner... if Europe's on fire they're not prosperous."
"I just made a deal with China where they're going to put in 250 billion dollars of product, they're gonna be buying 250 to 50 billion in form."
"Massive global trade integration... all it needs is a few countries not to want to play by the global rules anymore."
"We expect to see [USMCA] start to take effect—it's a big deal and a reversal of decades of failed US policy."
"Trump's appeal to patriotism and his calls for America first food policy were going to cause problems on the world market. Predictions were shuttering exports would cost Trump the farm vote."
"Increasing Chinese demand and loosening regulations fundamentally changed the durian business."
"China imported a record 2.3 billion dollars worth of durian in 2020."
"We've got to start thinking of Pool Harbor as some sort of big not only Iron Age industrial center but probably another port that's of international importance."
"International Trade had broken down completely."
"The engine for the world's growth has been vastly increased international trade."
"So when trade agreements are done, usually trade agreements try to hold other countries to the same standard when it comes to like pollution or when it comes to worker rights, right?"
"I will revoke China's Most Favored Nations trade status."
"Giving away our jobs and buying our medicines and our Rare Earth only from China empowers them."
"There's absolutely no reason for China to do a trade deal."
"The state trade expansion program offers funds... to expand their horizons beyond the borders of the United States."
"We watched Russia get a pipeline. We watched the eastern coast of the United States actually bring natural gas in from Russia."
"Right now, as you know, China is paying 25%. We have taken in billions and billions and billions of dollars in tariffs from China."
"Western democracy wins if there's fair trade. If there's free trade, China wins because they cheat."
"Trade with China facilitates more jobs in the United States."
"Dollar dominance in question as Saudi Arabia considers yuan."
"The trade deal between them also soured; President Trump said in July a phase two trade deal with China isn't under consideration."
"Taiwan is a critical cog in international trade, producing over 90 percent of the most advanced semiconductors."
"Fiona, when you hear the signal, activate the EMP."
"The West should be accumulating gold like the rest of the world instead of selling it on a one-way ticket Eastward."
"We're gonna have a lot left over so we will have pretty soon over a hundred billion dollars in money paid into the United States Treasury by a country that never gave us ten cents."
"China is going to get more difficult to do business with."
"Our only hope is those foreign exchanges hold up strong."
"We put taxes and tariffs on China and took in hundreds and hundreds of billions."
"It's not the actual tax that they had worked for tariffs in Chinese is Guan which way it means a tax at the gate."
"America lost one in four manufacturing jobs following the twin disasters of NAFTA and China's entrance into the WTO."
"This is not a government-to-government... this is about reducing tariff rates and non-tariff barriers that will permit the increase in US export sales to China."
"Our first real evidence of international trade."
"Most trade is beneficial to both sides and to both countries but it has big impacts on the distribution of income within countries."
"The growth of US trade with China has made both US and China richer."
"Customers will now be able to enjoy trades using the Norwegian kroner and the Croatian Kuna."
"Smith said that certain nations are inherently better at producing certain Goods and rather than nations trying to make everything themselves they should instead specialize and trade with each other."
"Nearly two-thirds of France's uranium imports last year came from countries that are now either Russia or their sphere of influence."
"We're going to level the international playing field. That alone will raise 1 trillion over 15 years."
"Selling Saudi oil to China denominated in Yen is a really big deal."
"The phase one deal it's very interesting situation because you've been hearing the largest order of corn in history the largest order of soybeans the largest order of beef they've done more than they've ever done."
"Russia talking about halting commodities. Whoa, hang on, let's see what the news is. US stock 67 gains, Russia may halt wheat, corn, rye, barley exports March 15th, four takes bold steps."
"I would love to have a currency that was actually valued and backed by International Commodities trade."
"China remains an important business and trading partner...we don't want to decouple from it."
"Why would they sacrifice relations with their largest trading partner on behalf of Washington?"
"We're doing a lot of business with the farmers and China."
"China is actually going to help contribute to inflation."
"Sickness should not be a cause of financial ruin."
"Companies that were producing masks for the US and other countries were ordered not to export masks because they were needed in China."
"If China wants an economy to grow, it's got to open it up."
"Sometimes in life we learn you have to take short-term pain in order to establish yourself as someone that isn't going to have these huge trade deficits where China is clearly taking the mickey out of America."
"The world today is heavily reliant on China to manufacture almost everything that we take for granted in our modern lives."
"And instead what Trump has done is he’s picked all these fights with Europe that you’ve mentioned, levying these tariffs on Europe really for no reason, sort of made-up problems between the U.S. and Europe and how they levy tariffs on us."
"There's a really fine balancing act here between buying Russian oil and keeping your trade going with the rest of the world."
"Bricks is becoming all about helping countries conduct trade in each other's currencies to avoid the use of the dollar."
"Apple stated that the tariffs would not only affect its entire catalogue of hardware but would also affect Apple's status as the 'largest corporate taxpayer to the US Treasury'."
"Our economy lost a staggering 3.2 million manufacturing jobs to China."
"Consolidating growth and development in Ethiopia can serve as leverage in international trade."
"You can't just have the deal without Europe."
"Foxconn, aligning with Apple's strategy, has initiated a move to transfer a capacity worth 300 billion yuan to India, consequently laying off about 320,000 employees in mainland China."
"Stopping Fentanyl? Stop sending them our guns. Mexico has one gun store in the entire country."
"These kinds of increased economic exchanges with the outside world are happening despite the sanctions."
"There's about to be a tidal wave of Chinese cars entering the U.S market."
"New data shows that the US is importing a lot less from China. It's a sharp decline from before the pandemic started, largely due to US tariffs on the country."
"The US wasn't insisting that China changed its practices; it almost seemed like a realistic view."
"Iran couldn't accept money from China, but they could accept goods in return."
"The U.S.-China trade war had begun, dealing a fatal blow to these predominantly export-oriented Hong Kong enterprises."
"The ultimate net effect of this was an 8.5% reduction in trade from China to the US, and a 26.3% decline in the reverse."
"The chip industry itself is really suffering from this because it's deeply reliant on U.S.-China and China-Taiwan trade hoping to find some sort of stable rules."
"Not only that, but the tubes will also contain a series of pipelines that'll import and export gas, oil and water between Mumbai and the UAE."
"The Trump tariffs on China are a tax on the US middle class."
"Michigan jobs would have been exported while millions and millions of foreign cars would have flooded American streets."
"I will revoke China's most favored nation trade status."
"It's completely right, it's unfair to have the asymmetric market advantages that that Chinese companies have had and so you have to play hardball to create a different set of rules and I think this probably gets us to that place."
"It would be seismic. If that happens, it's... oh, I don't even know what the outcome is going to be. I can't imagine happening, since the U.S. and Mexico are such vital trade partners, big time."
"Moving oil trade out of dollars into yuan will take right now between 600 billion dollars and 800 billion dollars worth of transactions out of the dollar."
"The best way to enhance economic growth is to trade."
"If what happened in China stayed in China, that would be bad enough. But instead of America's changing China, China is leveraging its economic power to change America."
"The price of Russia in oil and gas products is falling those products are trading at a discount compared with the international prices."
"U.S blocks American firms from doing business with China's biggest chip maker."
"Putin has announced their Readiness to switch to the yuan in foreign trade settlements with countries in Asia, Latin America, and Africa."
"China is putting out a product where they're intentionally poisoning the product that we have and they have a clean, healthy version of the same exact product."
"Japan does not treat the United States fairly on trade."
"Hospitals are out of basic supplies, they're out of anesthesia, they're out of needles, they're out of bandaging equipment."
"Cryptocurrencies using blockchain technology are a phenomenal tool for cross-border transfers and trade."
"The result was that the Desert State which had previously been almost exclusively associated with oil became the sixth largest wheat exporter in the world."
"Russia is the world's biggest energy exporter and they're willing to sell oil to China in Chinese currency."
"He was orchestrating a 110 billion dollar arm sale to the Saudi Arabians."
"Decentralized finance... International trade is huge for crypto."
"China is decreasing its dependence on the United States quite rapidly."
"The Eurasian Economic Union has also signed a trade cooperation agreement with China."
"Why it's cheaper there because they don't have environmental regulations that we have here."
"Comparative advantage states that countries should specialize in producing goods and services where they have a lower opportunity cost."
"Tesla has officially started exporting made in China Model 3s over to Europe."
"We actually may see ourselves start catching up with the fleet off LA and Long Beach because things are starting to slow down in China."
"For more than 10 years, China has been on a buying spree for seaports around the world."
"China's overcapacity distorts global prices and production patterns, hurting American firms, workers, as well as firms and workers around the world."
"Russia is more interested than ever in continuing to sell gas at prohibitively high prices."
"This indian territory is key to international trade most of the oil tankers that supply china go through this place."
"I got China to give our farmers 28 billion dollars."
"Trump does not care about gay marriage as much as he cares about marbles in China."
"The Sea Peoples attacks disrupted international trade."
"Wars and melting ice aside, new international trade routes are healthy, and overall a net gain in the long term for the global economy and international cooperation as a whole."
"The economic ties between Italy and Turkey continue to strengthen, reaching almost $20 billion in trade."
"Canada's going through absolutely insane time right now with the struggles with the trade deals of India Trudeau's insane allegations and finger-pointing."
"Everybody's going to want to source their units from Canada and Australia."
"Unless we have something like a border carbon tax where everything that comes in from China, we look at the carbon, we put the tax on it, and that starts to redress the balance."
"We were just like them and you guys believe in free market and we bring in foreign exchange and we're your guys."
"Bitcoin is at a tipping point and could become preferred currency for international trade."
"Seth is doing a great job trying to increase demand in other countries."
"Russian-Chinese trade turnover grew by nearly a third in 2022."
"The true reason behind their help in ending the bloody civil war in Borneo was to secure peace and to protect the region's booming international trade."
"Trade between China and the United States soared by 28.7% and amounted to $755.6 billion in 2021, maintaining a strong growth momentum."
"Saab commits to deliver 100% of ITB obligations and commits to transfer technology to Canada and allow production of the Gripen E in Canada."
"It had a royal palace, towering walls 30 feet tall made of dry stone, and its residents traded as far away as China."
"A huge opal that made its journey from Australia to the United States has been sold at auction for over 140 thousand dollars."
"Millions of oil barrels from America's strategic Reserve getting sold to China and more than a dozen Senators now trying to stop it with the bill."
"China's investment in Australia crashes by 60% as Beijing wages trade war over coronavirus inquiry and human rights abuses."
"There's a very strong economic relationship with Russia... 60% of India's defense imports come from Russia."
"Africa should be one of our main trading partners."
"The demand is maybe coming back from China, that's going to amplify the inflation problem."
"We're doing very well now. We're making great trade deals."
"The peace agreement between Israel and the Arab countries was a historic event."
"Trump's trade war aims to liberalize China and make it more of a free market economy, but the effectiveness of this strategy remains uncertain."
"Tesla will begin exporting Model 3s to other countries starting next year."
"When the dollar gets too strong our companies in the United States it's too expensive for them to export... it just reduces sales."
"It's a big achievement for India to start exporting weapons."
"Nowadays it seems like that's upside down... should we really be thinking about international trade and economic security?"
"Hey, we get more action. They weren't a very good trading partner anyway."
"Trade is much the same: nations agreeing to trade with one another involves well a trade-off of sorts by agreeing to international trade."
"Our priority is to make sure that we are dealing with China's trade abuses that are harming American jobs."
"Russia provides its Black Sea neighbor Turkey with more than 70% of its wheat imports."
"In one of our most popular posts last year, we warned Lake Michigan water is being shipped by boatloads over to China," exposing the exploitation of Great Lakes water resources.
"The BRICS economies look set to endorse a new Gold Exchange standard by using their swelling gold reserves."
"German exports to China increased by 136% from 2009 to 2021, equivalent to twice the total exports to China from France, the UK, and Italy combined."
"China can now flood the market... there's no reason they're not going to be able to flood the U.S market."
"China buys more oil from other countries than anyone else in the world."
"Despite the unfavorable external situation, Russia and China managed to secure record high growth rates of mutual trade."
"China completed its first ever Yuan settlement of liquefied natural gas trade." - People's Daily
"The East will ultimately supply demand... rendering the COMEX as a scam."
"Countries such as China, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Brazil are all now exploring ways to trade commodities with alternative currencies by avoiding the US dollar."
"A typical ship can be built in the Republic of Korea, crewed by Filipino seafarers, owned by a German investment fund, and operated by a liner shipping firm in Denmark."
"If sustained, these disruptions of key international maritime waterways could cause greater upheaval in global supply chains."
"Chlorinated chicken's been in the headlines a lot recently because it's kind of become the face of differing food standards between the UK and the US."
"The more they can do business with like-minded countries, the more they create their own zone of economic activity."
"Their shipping is excellent and comes with custom taxes included for international customers."
"As the value of the Yen falls in the international markets, it makes the cost of all of its imports much more expensive."
"I believe that we should... move to remove every barrier to international trade."
"There are important questions about what currencies should be used in World Trade right now."
"...the real question about Cy is not what it transacted Remnant be it's will it hold Remnant B you know okay so it gets them but if it sells them on the international marketplace not you know it's not making any difference to the dollar whatsoever."
"...the devaluation has made the peso less valuable so it is now much more affordable for foreign customers to buy products in Argentina."
"International trade has helped create thousands of jobs in my district."
"Every country has drawbacks, and there are a lot of auto manufacturers who are very successful in Mexico."
"In the 1920s, the Port of Los Angeles was poised to become one of the world's most important international gateways."
"By 1989, Pepsi was selling 300 million rubles worth of Pepsi in the USSR."
"Because of our productivity, we have to be able to have that outlet and that last 10 15 20% of what we can't use domestically, it's what gives us our profit margin at the end of the day."
"Certainly, there are trade barriers that the United States could raise to protect its own markets."
"One of the main purposes of exporting cattle is to develop the livestock industry and supply meat to the international market."