
Exports Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Economic distortions introduced by policy makers have more of an effect on exports and savings than culture does."
"We're exporting American products and creating American jobs."
"China has become the world's largest car manufacturer, exporting more cars even than Japan and Germany, which had been the world's car superpowers."
"Number 35: Kansas doesn’t have a ton to offer in exports but it does produce a large amount of wheat, soybeans, and beef."
"Number 31: Nebraska will have no shortage of food as it already exports more cattle than any other former United State."
"Reducing dependence on foreign exports will lead to a happier life."
"Austrian wine exports were down to less than 5 percent of where they had been only one year prior."
"Making Africa great by ending raw material exports."
"It's like one of the few things that we produce and export, and it's just one of those products that brings people together."
"Interpreting exports is essential for strategy."
"Cocaine is on Pace to pass oil and become Colombia's number one export."
"Russia is a net exporter of valuable raw materials."
"The single biggest product that Russia exports is oil."
"China's exports grew at something like 18.1% per year up until the financial crisis."
"Our biggest export these days seems to be pronouns which is bananas."
"India is exporting such a tech-heavy platform to the world."
"The major export of the U.S. is not soybeans or Boeings or computers, it's U.S. dollars."
"Hungary has no choice because 85 percent of its exports are within the EU."
"Kronk nowadays has a bustling Town Center it has no one big employer but it does export malt."
"This Administration has been focused on increasing exports. It's been a central pillar of the strategy for economic growth, and for good reason."
"We are number one in the world in terms of agricultural exports."
"Every time McDonald's or you have a pound steak that goes some place, you export 1,800 gallons."
"The Dutch: top exporters of cheese, peppers, tomatoes, and cucumbers."
"According to Statista, in recent years China accounted for over 41 percent of the world textile exports."
"Germany is the world's third-largest exporter."
"Exports tell you how competitive the economy is globally and as a result it's telling you how productive the people and its institutions and its firms and its governments really are at the end all said and done."
"Singapore exports include partially manufactured goods and oil."
"We've made available export contracts for SMEs worth over a billion pound."
"Only 16% of Scottish exports are to the EU, while 63% to the UK."
"Our turnover has almost tripled in three years because of our export markets."
"Oil now makes up 60% of their GDP and 85% of their exports."
"Healthcare is one of the few export industries we have as a country."
"It's a matter of cultural exports... if you export a certain specific cultural product, people then fall in love with the product."
"Exports lead to an increase in our nation's GDP since there's money flowing into the economy."
"Having a weak currency can be a good thing because your exports are cheap for everyone to buy."
"Require gives you access to whatever this module.exports thing is returning."
"Ecuador is famous for their high-quality chocolate, their high-quality coffee, bananas, flowers, and other agricultural things that they export to the rest of the world on a large scale."
"20121 was a record year for Turkey, and they actually hit $225 billion of exports, which is the largest that the country has ever achieved."
"By the 1980s, Japan accounted for around 10% of exports globally."
"The best way to correct an adverse balance of payment position is to increase exports."
"Exports... provided a way to effectively assess the extent to which firms were moving towards the efficiency frontier."
"Sherry has been the champion of Chinese passenger car exports for 21 consecutive years."
"Invest in local businesses to improve their international competitiveness and hopefully increase the volume of exports."
"Scotland contributes massively to the UK's balance of payments, our oil and gas exports are around about 30 billion pounds."
"Creating products for the international market, for example, coffee or sugar for export to Japan."
"Export goods will be more competitive in overseas markets, leading to rising sales."
"Let's say exports default function icons."
"Chinese electric vehicle exports grew 131 percent year over year to 20.9 billion dollars in value."
"The new fiscal year is starting off with a bang for American exports."