
Basic Income Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"Everybody gets it equally... everybody gets a basic amount of money, and they get that because they're a citizen."
"It means people can't fall below a certain amount... it also removes extreme poverty."
"This is capitalism where income doesn't start at zero."
"This is not socialism; this is not communism. This is capitalism where income does not start at zero."
"Los Angeles is launching the nation's biggest guaranteed basic income program."
"I'm a universal basic income enjoyer. I think it's an inevitability."
"The amount of change in the discussion around basic income has really been fascinating to witness."
"Arguments for a universal basic income are once again making their way into the mainstream."
"A UBI would have a stimulating effect on the economy."
"A UBI is often proposed as a solution to the problems of automation."
"Let's just have a minimum guaranteed income and get it out of the way."
"The freedom dividend can explain what universal basic income is for those people who don't know."
"Universal basic income proposes that the government give every adult citizen a set amount of money on a regular basis."
"$1,000 a month is even enough money for most people to pay for their rent."
"Up $1,000 a month in your hands would be a game-changer for millions of families right here in the state."
"Lawmakers want to implement a national guaranteed basic income program."
"Basic income is necessary: it's not sufficient by itself, it's not going to do the job."
"There's been all kinds of interest in basic income, just in the last three or four months."
"It attracts support from across the political spectrum."
"We have the ability to eradicate poverty... And I believe we have a moral obligation as a country to do so."
"The freedom dividend... is a critical first step in the right direction."
"He was such a supporter and promoter of basic income... that's what's going to enable another better world."
"People are choosing not to work, that's UBI for you."
"If designed properly, a guaranteed basic income is really the way forward."
"I think if New York City has a basic income, it's going to be a very, very powerful example for others."
"The idea behind basic income is that poverty is not a lack of character but just a lack of cash."
"Basic income can be an investment that pays for itself in the long run."
"Every black person needs to have a basic income in order to reach the economic floor so that they can compete in the economy."
"I'm a big supporter of universal basic income... at least it puts a floor on people who want housing food, medicine, and things like that."
"Unconditional basic income can free people from being shackled to a particular way of life."
"If you provide people with enough of a basic income, they will still want to work."
"Receiving a basic income had other great effects on the unemployed."
"Everybody, no matter how rich or poor they are, should get an amount of money sufficient to stay alive."
"The most exciting news I've ever heard, whether I believe in it or not, on addressing poverty is the fact that there's a bunch of places in the US now trying universal basic income."
"Why do we think giving people enough money to survive is crazy if we as a society have the resources to provide a secure financial floor?"
"The support for universal basic income is through the roof."
"Some kind of a universal basic income is going to be necessary."
"A universal basic income protects workers."
"A UBI solves for problems in the status quo welfare systems."
"An individualized UBI allows people to have the economic leverage to flee an abusive relationship."
"We can do both welfare and a UBI."
"A UBI is much less susceptible to electoral pressure."
"It is obvious that the government has responsibilities of basic income."
"Basic income is so influential in the people who are not privileged."
"The gap between the rich and the poor is increasing nowadays, so governments should provide a universal basic income."
"I believe that there should be like a universal basic income for people."
"People were randomly selected and they were given $500 a month for two years, no strings attached."
"If you give everybody a very basic level of income, that would allow a lot more human flourishing."
"Some kind of universal basic income will be required so that people can instead be free to focus on more satisfying, creative work."
"I think some kind of universal basic income is going to be necessary."
"Will giving people an amount of money every month just to cover basic living expenses give them a higher quality of life? Most likely, yes."
"A basic income... allows for more opportunity and freedom of choice in life."
"The time has come when we must move towards having a basic income as a universal right of citizenship."
"The only way to give people in the precariat and those peasants a sense of basic security is to move towards a basic income as the floor of a structure of social protection."
"With something like basic guaranteed income, people can get that foot up they may not have had otherwise."
"I support basic income because I think it's wrong to come between people, anyone and the resources they need to survive."
"Basic income programs that are replacing things but making people at the bottom better off are good programs."
"People did not stop working. In fact, we found that those who received the guaranteed income were more likely to find full-time employment."