
Path Quotes

There are 1748 quotes

"This change will be all positive and lead you to your right path and lead you to your destiny."
"What is for you will find you and what is not for you will not take you off your path."
"The path I must walk is soaked in blood. It's a path that can lead to madness, can snatch away one's future, and can even take one's life. And the pool of blood at my feet is growing larger. Those stains can never be washed clean."
"You're starting to have faith in a higher power, starting to see the signs that you are on the right path."
"Humans will always take the path of least resistance."
"The path is clear. We require only the strength to follow it."
"We ask Allah to make us amongst those who follow in their path."
"Someone who forges their own path, embraces their innermost and incomparably unique potential."
"Say what you really think. If you tell the truth and it doesn't work, then maybe that's not the path for you."
"The ways of Christ are ways of pleasantness and all his paths are peace."
"There's a path opening up for you that leads to financial and just like earthy well-being."
"You should just do whatever you feel is right for you, like your own path, which is what I feel like I've always kind of done."
"Whatever I was doing... that I was on the right path, which is always like a good assurance."
"You're finally on the path you've been waiting for."
"You are staying on the path that you are, absolutely one million percent. Yes, you are staying on the path that you are."
"It's about confirmation that you're on the right path."
"Surrendering to this idea that misfortune forces us onto a path that we cannot break away from ultimately becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"It's heartwarming, you know, just finding the way."
"Trust your own path, trust your own self-leadership, and what you're moving into that you know is correct for you."
"Lauren was serious about getting on the right path."
"The universe will provide you with the path if you determine to follow it."
"Deja vu occurs in your life when you are on the right path or when you are doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing in that moment."
"Success is not linear. The path to success is normally thought to be three things."
"You're on the right path and you're doing a great job."
"Allowing your life to unfold or better yet allowing God to reveal your path to you, how is that not being lazy?"
"It's a dangerous world, heading down dark paths."
"I think when you're that famous and you're going from stop to stop and these fans are connecting with you on such a deep level, you would have to step back and be like, 'What am I doing? Am I on the right path?'"
"I feel beloved and I feel like I'm on the right path of glory."
"The challenging path is the path that you want to take."
"Now that you know there's actually a path, if you don't take it, your life will be very, very, very miserable."
"Recognize that there was a place in your path for you to transform and liberate yourself."
"They want to grab you by the hand and walk down this twin flame path together."
"You're never on the wrong path, you just sometimes get stuck and keep learning the same lesson over and over until you finally click and get it."
"Embrace it as a sign that you are on the right path, even if the road feels unfamiliar at times."
"On the path of destruction, he's like, 'I am going to get vengeance for this.'"
"You're going to choose the option that's going to lead you towards your heart's desire."
"He knows better than nobody that the club is not on the path that deserves to be."
"There's no safe path, only an honorable path."
"This is a time when the energies feel like they can stay above it and focus on the path ahead."
"She could have gone a really dark direction."
"Your path is one that not many walk on, not many experience, and not many may understand, but you're a very unique soul."
"If you don't choose what you want or choose your path, life will simply choose it for you."
"If you could see your path, you could see into the future."
"Just know that all of this energy and these thoughts will shift as you are entering a new path in your life."
"Beneath my bare feet is a path of burning coal."
"Stay focused and stay on your intended path. The universe has a plan, a divine plan for you."
"You are following your path, seeking truth for the highest good of all."
"I live for little winks and nods from the universe of like, 'Hey man, you're on the right path. Look how fortunate you are.'"
"Your dream will come true; your chosen path is the right one for you."
"It's our destiny, it's our divine path."
"When you're happy, it means you're on the right path, and if you're not happy, then something's going to have to change."
"The purpose of this reading is to ask Spirit, are you on the right path?"
"You don't need to be focused on what other people are doing or what they have or what you're not doing, you just need to be focused on you and your path."
"Every single person here is on the right path; it's just about how confident do you feel in that path."
"For me, it's like I had to mentally tell myself like, 'Yo, there's a path for everything.'"
"As teachers, they have to guide the students so that they don't walk on the wrong path."
"The path you are on will lead you just right."
"You guys are highly spiritually protected, your path is very spiritually protected."
"I had to find a way to choose the love or the low road."
"The path is clear if you want it to be."
"Make sure that whatever path you're on, to keep checking and say, is this still bringing me joy?"
"The word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
"You are on the right path towards the abundance and the success that you want."
"The path of the Berserker is a path of untrammeled fury, slick with blood."
"You're intuitively following a path that leads you to this person."
"You are on the right path, you're very independent."
"By you following your own inner wisdom and you following your own inner guidance, you are on the right path."
"Happiness means that I'm on the right path."
"Little did anyone know that this hopeful and loving soul would carve an inspiring path in the world of entertainment."
"You are the creator of your own mission and path."
"Your future self is sitting there, pouring that ace of cups onto the golden path."
"It is not man who chooses the path, but the path that chooses man."
"The path you are on will lead to light."
"The universe wants you to know that you've been chosen for this path."
"I was in a path of self-destruction."
"They're starting to see signs that whatever path they were on may not have been the right path for them."
"Your person feels like you are on the right path, even though it's scary."
"Gratitude is the path to elevation."
"Their intuition is telling them to come towards you, that this is their highest path."
"You are on your own divine path. Trust it, believe it, and see your own divinity."
"You're going to be Illuminating a New Path for yourself."
"Take the path of least resistance and go with the flow, and you'll end up where you need to go."
"Patience, you are on the right path."
"The fire twisted and meandered like a starving beast, gorging itself on everything in its path."
"It's better to walk your path than to struggle against it."
"You want to lose 20 pounds but you have no idea how you're going to get there."
"Just try and stay focused on that path... don't get distracted by all of the things to the side of it."
"The entrance seemed to be a long narrow path like a furnace... I felt a fire in my soul."
"Just because your path is the path of least resistance doesn't mean it's the wrong path."
"This road just keeps going and going."
"It basically turns into a Shonen anime."
"May your path be guided by the light of stoicism."
"You chose this path not to merge with that darkness."
"If the path to what you want seems too easy it's not the right path."
"The path is very, very different than what people think it is."
"That's the entire spiritual path."
"Absolute path versus relative path."
"Blown away a path to be the fiercest gun of all time."
"This is the path that Alex and the droes follow as they're entering the location."
"Whether this is for you or for a crosswatcher, it happens. You know, you get on your path and then you know over the last two years since I've been on this journey there have been a couple times where I have gotten off path."
"If you want to speed up the spiritual path, if you want to make it as powerful as possible, the first factor on the Noble Eightfold Path is the most important one: right view."
"Following your intuition is akin to following the path that is opened for you to follow."
"So what we're going to do in this lesson is learn about type on a path."
"So, that's the path I think we're seeing here."
"I believe that we have set down a path, a path which our people can no longer travel alone."
"Voltage will only drop when there is amperage, when there is a direct path to ground."
"Life as a secondary source... is a lonely path."
"Because I have to do it my own way, I have to pave my own way."
"As long as I've got a clear path behind me, it will follow the exact same path that I pulled in."
"Keep doing what you're doing because you're on the right path."
"When you feel good, I feel like you're on the right path."
"Knowing the path ahead and knowing that it is a workable path, that's my main criteria."
"Your path to success is glittered with opportunity."
"The path will open that there is potential for Progress."
"Belief is expressed in trying to find the path."
"The Church offers a concrete Sevenfold path."
"Kakuri took the path of observation to the conclusion of future sight."
"The force is what gives a Jedi his path."
"Being on your path never looks like you're on your path. You never know when you're in it. It only makes sense retroactively."
"Confirming there is a path, a method, recognizing that path and method help us escape suffering and achieve peace."
"Magic is not a path, magic is a tool that can help you along a path."
"Your path is the path of the heart and your heart is opening. It's all happening to you. You don't have to do anything."
"By realizing that alone, one goes beyond death and suffering. There is no other path."
"We are looking at the universal principles of life that we have lost. There is the Ma’at, the path of Ma’at, and there’s the path of Isfet. Ma’at is the righteous path."
"It's just the least resistance path that we've taken which is why we've produced so many false converts."
"The path to love is being illuminated and is coming."
"The path you're on, you're about to go through is a major powerful transformation."
"I know my path is not for everyone but this is the path that has worked best for me."
"There's progression here. It's on the right path."
"I came to warn you Jedi. You know not what path you walk."
"The heroic path is one that leads to Universal Redemption."
"Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
"In the labyrinth of life, dreams illuminate the path to our heart's true desires."
"Even though I had my regrets and doubts, I'm glad I chose this path."
"Electricity takes the path of least resistance."
"Embrace your own path, even if it diverges from others."
"Your entire path becomes one of letting go."
"The path of the heart is the path of love."
"You've got to listen for what, at this moment, is your dharmic path."
"Continue your path and embrace blessings from the universe."
"Jesus said, 'God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship him. This is the straight path.'"
"I understand there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
"Your path today will be a shining light that will shine brighter even unto the perfect day of Christ."
"You're going to fail and that's good because you are being redirected and put back on your path."
"The right path is not always the easiest."
"Sometimes the right path is not always the easiest."
"Anything that influences you out of Christ leads you on another path in that world so you're on this path there are difficulty on this path on this path there are roads that you have to take there's no short cut there's no shortcut."
"Follow my path and with time you will become happy."
"...ignoring the indirect path geologists find evidence for and assuming the straight linear panga split."
"God's Word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path. He'll give me enough light to take the next step by and to see that there's a hole and I should step around it."
"Every man is called separately and must follow alone."
"You're on your right path to achieve success."
"He sees this rod, and it's meant to help guide people toward the tree. In fact, once he sees the rod, he notices right by it is a path, a straight and narrow one."
"...we have this present in the downloads directory, let's copy that path."
"You cannot lose what is for you. Any road you take to avoid it will be the path that leads you right back to it."
"Default gateway serves as a path to reach other networks. In a business environment, it's typically a proxy server."
"Stay true to yourself and stay on the path that feels most authentic to you."
"This has been your path and your goal all along, and now you just need some wizard levels to fulfill that vision."
"The path of freedom is not always the easier path."
"I shall be telling this with a sigh, somewhere in ages and ages hence. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
"I don't know how that guy even... like, how did he even...? Like, I'm... You know that you have to have like a certain path, like I would hope."
"If your path remains unaltered, you will forever be slaved to the algorithm."
"The path that you've set for yourself becomes clearer and clearer and you can only hope that you've set yourself a good path and you've made good choices."
"Realize that you are walking on a very noble path that is the path of the prophets."
"Life is always trying to take you on the unique path that is aligned with you."
"You wisely choose your own path, trusting your intuition and following through with determination."
"Every single step is joyful, every single step on that path is fun."
"But we have to follow the path towards the truth."
"forced him to confront the fragility of his chosen path"
"Being happy means I'm on the right path."
"Evolution is a hugely branching tree; it doesn't take a straight-on path."
"Society isn't set up for queer people period. From birth to death, if you are a queer person, you have to carve out your own path essentially."
"The reality is that the steps you take forward are a little bit messy sometimes. There's no perfect path."
"Find an easier path forward, surrender the outcome."
"You could have a new path or a new choice to make in your life."
"Intent defines the spell and gives it a path."
"Not the straightest line but it's something."
"Jonah, the child who despises weapons, allowed them to shape his path entirely."
"It's really clear which circles are your starting point, what's your final destination was in the middle, and then the circles that you make to actually get there."
"This isn't the right path. We've got to pivot pretty hard towards profitability."
"Devotion to your path leading to success."
"The path was just lovely. Having spent so much time on pathless ground and rough ground, it makes such a difference to get your feet on a path."
"You're probably a person that views relationship as a spiritual path."
"You have to find what your path is and you find that by finding what your purpose is and what's your fastest route to get there."
"Believing that you're on the right path."
"If you keep that energy for yourself and you keep putting it into yourself, if this person is meant to be on your path, the universe will put this person back on your path."
"The Mandukya gives us a technique, a path."
"The path is riddled with discomfort."
"I respect mark for continuing to beat his own path through the the jungle of his life you know even if there's a well-worn path three or four feet to the left or right of him he's still going to go down the middle and that's got to be."
"You just need to get in alignment with the path."
"I feel like this path with spirituality, it's like I can see how things are interconnected."
"There's an alternative path, and that's what the Exodus story lays out."
"The electricity follows this one path, ignoring all the others."
"The best path to get there often looks way different than we thought it might."
"There is no single path. There is no single way to get to where we need to go, so you need to find the way that makes sense for you."
"Adversity is inevitable on the path to Greatness."
"Most of all, she's frustrated with herself and that she's going down a path that she refuses to accept."
"It's the effortless path, it's the one where, in other words, you give up effort because taking delight and pleasure is no longer seen as problematic."
"You guys are on a path, and you're going towards big blessings."
"It does tell a lot of the story about his path."