
Landing Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"This is my fifth Mars rover...and as of this moment right now, this is the best landing on Mars."
"Can the fragile aircraft survive the stresses of turning, or, if they ever reach the airport, of landing?"
"This is one of the most remarkable flying events in history. No airplane has ever landed with this amount of damage."
"Crowd cheers here has touchdown for the third time."
"Always nice to do landings during the day because your shadow can be a really good guide as to your height."
"That comfortable cluck, he said, would fly like hell, fight like a wasp upstairs, and land like a butterfly."
"The ground was the only place they could be safe but at the same time it was the very thing threatening to kill them."
"It's gonna be basically what brings astronauts back to the surface of the Moon after more than 50 years."
"What an amazing rocket to talk about and yes a Delta for heavy also talked about in an upgrade document about possibly implementing uh cross-seat but never did."
"That was one of the coolest rtls Landings I have ever seen."
"Incredible to see that a Falcon 9 Booster can stick the landing coming in so hot!"
"A domed disc-shaped object with portholes and landing gear lands in the woods."
"Nothing too exciting, but it survived re-entry and landing."
"After just a moment the hatch closed and the orb descended a bit closer until it gently landed on the ground, center of the park."
"A successful landing for the space plane and the carrier aircraft will be making its way back down now."
"A successful landing... That was incredible."
"I thought they really really stuck The Landing."
"A little bumpy on the landing but it's all good, like butter."
"Perfect two-point landing and nothing broke."
"He made one of the best landings I've ever seen. I mean, it was just perfect touchdown."
"There's one secret to a perfect landing every time unfortunately no one knows that secret I think that suits that moment right there pretty well."
"We're safely on the surface of Mars."
"The Landing is the most dangerous part of any flight."
"That was the smoothest landing I have ever experienced."
"You only have one chance. The shuttle's a glider when it's coming in."
"Absolutely critical to the pilots and commanders and everybody being able to confidently land a shuttle."
"Landing a Falcon booster on a drone ship is like hitting a shoe box with a pencil off the Empire State Building."
"As long as you land softly, it's a good day."
"Actual landing footage from Phoenix International Airport."
"Our landing point at Edwards Air Force Base in California was a mere dot on our map as Discovery darted across the sky at high speed."
"The angled runway permitted pilots who missed the trap wires to accelerate and go round again."
"The Landing was gently, nicely, smoothly."
"Great job buddy, how do you look and you see the landing area?"
"But it was no faint. Within 24 hours, it was clear that they had got ashore, got far enough inland, consolidated sufficiently that they had a basis to keep going."
"I just want to be clear... If you're going to do a superhero landing, do it in heels."
"Kristen with a fortress going really high Landing dead center getting kind of a weird bounce but in a good spot."
"Starliner comes home today to White Sands New Mexico as the first American human-rated capsule to land on land."
"The landing went very smoothly today."
"what a trainer used to say any Landing that they can walk off from it's a good Landing"
"I get [ __ ] up, we land, I'm [ __ ] lit."
"That's a good place for a UFO to land."
"We landed, we cheered for the women's tennis players, but we were giggling."
"Literally all they had to do was land the plane and they would have had one of the most satisfying trilogies as far as fandom goes."
"At the end of the day, it's better to land."
"So we landed on our tires which is incredible because there are a thousand other ways that could have gone."
"A well executed final approach includes reaching the desired touchdown point at an airspeed that results in minimum floating."
"Well, I think we're over Landing now. It's how it works, right? They've even got trees and grass in here now."
"If you ask any Harrier pilot, he will be the first to tell you that it is far better to stop and then land than it is to land and then stop."
"It's all about the team, clean landing. I love that finish, very crisp, very clean."
"It felt great, just landed flat without a hard bump."
"...I brought the shuttle into land just outside the crater wall."
"And when we dropped in they landed us in a flooded poppy field."
"That was such a smooth landing. It was very smooth."
"There's a lot of pressure when you're Landing an airplane, especially a big one that you've never landed before."
"I love the way it looks in the air. I really like tricycle landing gear soaring on certain surfaces, kind of dragging it in with the nose high."
"It's better to try to land softly and then take that speed along onto the flat."
"I'm glad they were able to land as close as they did. You see his wing champ, man? It was like three feet off the ground. That was pretty sweet."
"for that reason alone of course then there superhero Landing followed by the explosion with Mario eyes"
"...during the approach and Landing your higher gear operating speed of 177 knots means that you can use the gear most any time to slow the plane."
"Do you have to power all the way back? Yes, yep, we land with zero power."
"I'm just gonna start my descent a little bit faster now."
"I'm gonna land a little bit to the right because it's soft."
"A little bit fast touchdown is better than a little bit slow hitting the ditch."
"... I think it's a fantastic course covers all of the common errors you can get talks about wide runway slope runways is a great way to get your landings up to speed."
"Bring a landing mat with you so that when you are landing you're landing on a smooth soft surface not concrete."
"The key to the popularity and cult following for this 170 is the ability to land in what I'd call an off-road situation."
"We land airplanes into the wind to reduce the ground speed and reduce the amount of damage that's done to the landing gear and the tires."
"Touchdown nice smooth Landing Center Line."
"Create an experience that gives you a soft place to land."
"The landing was really rough, but the soft ground and corn acted like a cushion, softening the impact."
"I landed on the little pedestal there."
"The excitement of touching down and skimming across a runway."
"The helicopter gently descended, landing on the sandy patch of desert."
"No airplane has ever landed with this amount of damage."
"The aircraft landed in a vacant lot, there was no damage found, and the helicopter was deemed airworthy."
"Flying is the second greatest thrill. Landing is the first."
"This is going to be the eighth time that we have a successful landing on Mars."
"Landed so solid, such a perfect landing."
"Kissing the runway, that was fantastic."
"Let's see if we can land without looking like a fool, out of the throttle, just gliding it in, a little bit of throttle, there you go, oh yeah, that was sweet."
"Not a very pretty landing, but the thing is, it was a short landing."
"Smooth landing man, smooth landing."
"You are number one, cleared to land."
"Eyes down the runway, hold her off, hold it off."
"This gives the Kit Fox a much slower stall speed so you're going to be able to get into those tight backcountry landing spots."
"That landing gear is just amazing."
"It's the best landing airplane just because it doesn't bounce back up on you."
"It's a nice deep landing, so it should be no impact."
"Flawless! How do you land so perfectly?"
"In the span of less than a minute, we will have reduced from twice the speed of a jet all the way down to zero as the rocket lands."
"We're on the ground, engaging full reverses."
"This is a double twist, oh, finds the landing, absolutely yes, perfect."
"Regular airliners come in at a fairly shallow head-up angle, Concorde comes in a bit like a swan, landing with its head held high."
"The spacecraft's descent involved a ballistic trajectory, subjecting the crew to higher G forces than a standard landing."
"Falcon 9 hitting the brakes as it makes its way down towards Landing Zone 2."
"If you're owning a Glassair 1 RG, you just got to make sure you land it square and straight."
"The best part is that it's able to achieve a perfect landing each time."
"The Phantom itself is sweet on final behind the boat."
"As if that weren’t enough, the Falcon Heavy will be attempting to land ALL THREE of its massive first stages boosters, two by land one by sea."
"Oh beautiful, spoilers, reversers green, and decel, gentlemen, welcome down to Rovaniemi."
"The landing craft sways back and forth in the heavy waves."
"Plunging into the ocean is awful; landing on a runway is really nice."
"All landings are controlled crashes."
"For those drinking coffee or applying makeup, we do apologize. In just a few moments, we will be landing on Papaya Island, home of the World Martial Arts Tournament."
"Cats can jump down from great heights and land on their feet."
"We've demonstrated the capability to land wherever desired, not merely where possible."
"Exar landed the star storm one on the dusty red surface of Korriban."
"Make every landing a precision landing; don't accept floating down the runway."
"You can really see us crabbing the aircraft now as we come in, and then as we get over the runway and we're flaring and we're reducing engine power, I'll just tap the rudder slightly to straighten the nose on the aircraft, hopefully for a nice soft touchdown."
"It was the landing that was so good."
"And Quality Base here, the eagle has landed."
"Landing is always one of the more pleasurable parts of flying."
"But wherever they may be and whatever their point of origin, all of these planes have one thing in common: they all have to land."
"Very gently lands itself slightly off the center of the landing pad but that is still awesome."
"That's how you stick a landing, nice job."
"By the end of D-Day, the Allies had successfully landed on five key beaches along the Normandy Coast."
"We touched down at about 185, I think it was, nice and smooth; it was beautiful."
"When the feet land, just place and let it roll."
"We made it happen, so we landed just fine."
"Landings always give me a kick of endorphins, the sound of the wheels touching the pavement, the blur of runway zooming past, the satisfying sense of accomplishment that once again I have not killed us."
"Ideally, we want to be facing into the wind when we land."
"Her giants that are absolutely gorgeous, she will do a layout FlyAway again just floating down lands almost in a perfect standup position."
"He landed back on the ground in a breathtaking position."
"An incredibly smooth landing there from the A320 Neo."
"They are very courageous people, and none of that mattered when they stepped ashore."
"She just sees the mat, floats down, not even a step."
"Oh my gosh, a Virgin Atlantic A330, G-VKSS, just kissing the runway there, that was so good."
"This is Captain Emergency speaking. We are about to land in Italy."
"...it was Tiny, about three feet wide, two feet high, and was resting on tiny little landing legs."
"You got it, great job, good job, perfect couldn't ask for a better landing."
"It just gives you a really nice landing."
"Awesome arrival shot there, just held the flare long enough so we can get a great view of the touchdown."
"...anything you can walk away from is a good landing."