
Capitalism Critique Quotes

There are 315 quotes

"There is no excuse, neither moral nor ethical nor democratic, to continue with a capitalist system that so badly uses and abuses technical change as the one we have."
"We live in a capitalistic society; it is very, very difficult to be ethical. There is no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism."
"The entire facade of market capitalism looks at the earth as one big inventory at its core philosophical foundation."
"Every activist organization out there needs to look at the very root of market capitalism and its predication on scarcity and its necessity for constant consumption if they want to resolve the ecological problems that are at hand right now."
"Our modern market economics, the economic system we have today, is culturally unsustainable because it perpetuates inequality by its very design."
"We have to actually engineer our society to facilitate the interest to create an abundance, which is the exact opposite of what our system does right now."
"Capitalism has flaws, and there's a lot of ways to change that."
"Capitalism is unstable, capitalism is unequal, and capitalism is fundamentally undemocratic."
"Socialism is the movement that recognizes that what capitalism promised – liberty, equality, fraternity, and democracy – wasn't delivered, and socialism is a movement which if it has anything in common among its different tendencies, is a notion that we can do better than capitalism."
"The history of capitalism is the history of the struggle of the mass of working people to reduce the length of the working day... It's been a struggle at every point, capitalists driving people, children as well as adults, to work incredible hours."
"Marx developed the idea that capitalism also does something horrific to individuals."
"Showing that their system not only can grow faster than any capitalist country, but that they can avoid or minimize the damage from the instability that capitalism has never overcome."
"Because of the Great Depression of the 1930s, the confidence in the capitalist system being able to solve its problems as they arose collapsed."
"Capitalism, crony or not, is an economic system where a tiny unelected minority of people get the vast majority of people to work for them so they can get wealthier."
"The idea that capitalism, the economic system that dominates the world, makes us all rich or even content and able to pay the bills is a fairy tale worthy of Disney."
"There's just too many people in this world promoting things, selling things, and just thriving off this capitalist hellscape that we live in."
"I don't think capitalism is evil. I just think we're starting to see it fail."
"My book on capitalism was motivated by my sense that the world that I saw could not be adequately explained by the economic theory that I was given."
"If we live under capitalism and you want to critique capitalism, the only way you can critique capitalism is while living in capitalism."
"Capitalism as we know it is a defective economic system because although it's good at creating large amounts of wealth, it distributes that wealth in an incredibly inefficient way, where efficiency is understood not as the capacity to maximize total wealth but as the capacity to maximize human happiness."
"Capitalism might be about to transition to something else because it has lost its ability to adapt."
"I just really don't like capitalism, and I think that people deserve to be treated fairly and there should be less inequality in society."
"Socialism is for workers' interests. Capitalists want to work you as long as possible, as hard as possible, for as low a wage as possible, so that they can secure the largest amount of profit."
"Living under capitalism, seeing the homeless on every street corner and seeing the elderly decide between medicine or groceries for the week, suffering under mountains of all sorts of debt, students or otherwise, and fearing for their lives from police brutality all this can make a person numb."
"Capitalism is the best economic system I can think of, but that doesn't mean it's a religion and everything about it is good."
"Capitalism isn't bad because it's mean; it's bad because it's untenable and has inbuilt contradictions that are dangerous for the system itself."
"We need a leftism that is more than just reactive, providing a critique of capitalism that blames no one except the ruling class."
"Capitalism isn't, to me, it's an ideology of capital... It puts capital, the most important thing is the concentration of capital and it means that we seek and prioritize profit and the accumulation of money above all else and we seek it at any human and environmental cost."
"We have gotten away from the idea of true capitalism."
"To imply that those who are the victims of capitalism, those who are the most oppressed, most marginalized, are actually behind the curtain controlling everything is just wrong and contrary to every piece of evidence we have about who has wealth and power in this country."
"Capitalism without competition, capitalism without upward mobility is a failed capitalism."
"The profit motive, the feature that capitalists have told us makes capitalism so efficient, does a terrible job at properly allocating for human needs."
"It's sort of like exploring a mix between pulp sci-fi with ray guns and rocket ships and stuff like that, put through the lens of modern capitalism and sort of like poking fun of that."
"The Socialist response of running the economy without capitalists avoids this problem."
"I would say that capitalism isn't compatible with my definition of good if it requires ever-increasing uses of the finite resources of the planet."
"Capitalism's vision of efficiency is predicated not on ensuring the long-term function or sustainability of our systems or the common sense allocation of resources labor or products, but on minimizing costs and maximizing profits."
"This is an accessible way of communicating important points about how capitalism ruins things, especially art."
"Success turns into privilege under capitalism; to reject it is to cut off your own hand."
"Capitalism and environmental degradation went hand in hand."
"Disaster capitalism means using disasters to push through even more capitalist politics."
"We need to reform capitalism, or it's going away fast."
"It's one of many seemingly innocent things that hides yet another dirty truth of capitalism."
"Silicon Valley has managed to hide its voracious Wall Street-like capitalism behind hipster t-shirts and cool cafes."
"There is not a middle ground between the insatiable greed of uber capitalism and a fair deal for the working class."
"By pursuing the very selfish desire for money, in turn, to get the money, you have to basically be the most unselfish person in the world."
"There needs to be a hazard sign right, this concept exists in every facet of capitalism."
"Capitalism is basically a precondition for fascism."
"Capitalism is our greatest achievement and driving force, but it can also potentially be our road to ruin."
"The excesses of capitalism" will now be referred to as "the excesses of capitalism."
"The inherent vice of capitalism is an unequal sharing of blessings."
"Maybe Ken Langone came up in the Golden Age of capitalism, but where things stand now in late-stage capitalism..."
"Do you worry that capitalism in this I guess is more champagne or than Hayek and Mises?"
"Succession is unflinching in the way it critiques capitalism."
"Capitalism knows how to create market flows but doesn't know how to create societies."
"At the end of the day, money is what ruins art capitalism is what ruins art."
"At the end of the day, whether it's us or we force others to push the price of drugs down lower, I'll feel good about myself." - Mark Cuban
"But, first, Republican leaders will have to acknowledge that market capitalism is not a religion. Market capitalism is a tool, like a staple gun or a toaster."
"The basic idea holds that capitalism at best is an uneasy partner with our democratic values at worst it erodes them completely undermining the social and material basis of Republican citizenship."
"Capitalism is never going to stop... it's going to keep trying to commodify everything."
"Capital in the 21st Century is a really, really, really good book that does a really great job of explaining in fairly approachable terms how the economy we live in isn't just some incidental product of forces we can't understand."
"Capitalism is a system that is based on exploitation and profit and the only thing fundamentally to exploit is the earth."
"Capitalism needs an underclass, it always always always has."
"Capital is dead labor, that vampire-like, only lives by sucking living labor." - Marx
"The evils that capitalism brings differ in intensity in different countries but the root cause of the trouble once discerned the remedy is seen to be the same by thoughtful men and women." - Clement Atlee
"Capitalism has such an emphasis on employment, but does it guarantee everyone a job? Not at all."
"Promote competition... capitalism without competition is not capitalism, it's exploitation."
"I just don't know how this generation is going to accumulate capital and if you can't accumulate capital, it's not clear why you should have any instinct of love for capitalism."
"Abolish landlordism, dismantle capitalism, and begin the construction of socialism."
"Capitalism uses the same principles as evolution. The strong enough survive and reproduce, the weak and the unfit die."
"We need to integrate disability into our analysis of capitalism."
"Capitalism intentionally manufactures guilt."
"Capitalism is a religion which offers not the reform of its existence but its complete destruction."
"Capitalism is dying from internal as well as external causes."
"Capitalism just is never going to work that well for most people."
"Marx understood the interplay between class exploitation and national exploitation, highlighting the contradictions of capitalism."
"How did global capitalism come to this point?"
"If this is what capitalism produces, maybe it's time to try something else."
"MLMs work at an almost lizard brain level, exploiting the most American belief that all you need to succeed is an opportunity, hard work, and dedication."
"I just don't think that you can have true privacy and true freedom under a capitalistic society."
"Monopolistic capitalist society thing doesn't really work out except for like one person everything, so not good for everyone so this became super popular."
"He's an anti-capitalist he's a guy who's a Social Democrat."
"Capitalism invents your problem so it can sell you your solution."
"Capitalism is one great big [ __ ] gaslight gatekeep girl boss pyramid scheme to the next generation of dreamers."
"Capitalism can really go over a lot of really cool futuristic awesome technologies that could be brought to society in really cool ways but instead will be used to maximize profits."
"If the democracy is corrupted itself by that capitalist excess, then the first thing you've got to do is get big money out of politics." - Robert Reich
"The problem of advanced capitalism isn't production, it's overproduction."
"Sustainable capitalism: You will own nothing and you will be happy."
"It's not so much that capitalism needs an overhaul, our education system needs an overhaul."
"Work is something we should be wanting to engage in... Those are real needs human beings have that capitalism completely rejects in the name of profit."
"The dark side of capitalism is built heavily on greed."
"Capitalism failed as a system to prepare for a pandemic."
"So long as capitalism is allowed to survive we have no hope of solving world hunger."
"It's not intended to run down the statutory clock and redundancies. This is disgraceful. It's the worst form of capitalism that you would ever see."
"Instead of lobbying congress to make it so that nobody could surge prices to gouge consumers, no, they're just going to take it off your credit score."
"We need to reconsider the model of capitalism that we have."
"The story I'm about to tell you about the Sith capitalist is not a condemnation of capitalism, it is really just a warning of what happens when a system like this has no checks and balances to protect us from malicious actors."
"We must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently."
"No form of capitalism will work in the long term."
"The problem with Boeing is capitalism, but nobody seems to get it yet."
"How would you improve capitalism? Socialism is an attempted improvement of capitalism."
"Exploitation and environmental destruction and doing just about anything for a buck is the name of the game under capitalism and that's what we take issue with, not that Jeff specifically is the one doing it."
"A socialist revolution is made inevitable by the conditions of capitalism."
"It's a victory for capitalism... going full speed ahead backwards to create new pharaohs who instead of building pyramids compete to sit in rocket ships."
"Now that we have officially established that capitalism sucks... what's y to do?"
"Bloodborne: an allegory for how capitalism ruins everything."
"If people want to understand the nightmare that capitalism is a lot of games turn out to be easy for metaphor just especially blood-borne."
"But the reason people attack capitalism is that capitalism is today's world and that imbalance exists in it fundamentally."
"Ultimately it all goes back to money that's obvious and I don't think anybody who's a capitalist is opposed to people making money we're opposed to people lying to us okay that's bad."
"If we can deconstruct and deprive man of the interest in the pursuit of capital or of money his greater altruistic nature will come forth and he will be less inquisitive and more communal."
"Doesn't every capitalist system create dangerous amounts of power in the hands of a few people?"
"Stakeholder capitalism makes no sense, capitalism is the free exchange, the free market."
"Our country has been captured by disaster capitalists."
"Capitalism eats away at your soul, capitalism is not a healthy habit."
"What the left needs to do to help men is continue to fight against the capitalist structures that hurt everyone."
"Success under capitalism is defined by capitalism. People could still live valuable lives without being forced to rapidly innovate."
"Exploitation in capitalism is a negative for society as a whole."
"Capitalism drains a country's resources into recession or even total collapse."
"According to the research, capitalists are bad at business too."
"Abundance is the enemy of capitalism, and all these talking heads work for corporations whose bottom line is profit. It's all a scam."
"We are living through a collapse of capitalism in the face of a virus."
"You have to force capitalism through a contradiction to be like a more stable form of capitalism."
"If you ask yourself these questions, you might just come to the conclusion that we could come up with a better system than capitalism."
"Unfettered, unregulated capitalism, especially on a global scale, is a revolutionary force."
"That's the difference between a truly caring medical professional and capitalism."
"Left to its own devices, capitalism makes the rich richer and the rest of us – Well, you know."
"You need a radical socialism basically that's going to disrupt capitalism and that's going to redistribute these things and disrupt the capitalist power structure."
"Ultimately if we're not changing the root cause of the problem which is capitalism man, then the changes he might bring are just temporary."
"I guess the weirdest thing is how capitalism turns everything into a commodity."
"A lot of people are very, very happy to make an awful lot of money and have no responsibility towards society."
"We ourselves and our corruption of our sense of responsible capitalism has contributed hugely to the creation of these monsters that now really threaten democracy itself."
"Be careful who you think is a socialist because there is no place in the world where capitalism is less in charge than Silicon Valley."
"Capitalism meets people's needs, but what happens is if you meet people's basic needs, they get new needs."
"You can't have unbridled capitalism, you need to have governments and regulation and rules and laws and hopefully morals overlaying that."
"You can't use the tools that capitalists have given you to win in a game against those who own capital. You're nothing."
"If the two options are white supremacy capitalism versus like diversity capitalism we would pick diversity cap but I think we'd like to actually aim a little bit higher."
"That's the beauty of capitalism... you got something... you don't even care to really understand."
"People like Bill McGlashan who have actual power, who are the ones turning the knobs, who are the people trying to distract us away from the issues that capitalism creates."
"All of this capital, all that money is being given to these big companies who are going out and increasing in value. Like that's not capitalism that's central planning."
"We are not a capitalist country anymore. We are a hybrid right now... moving closer to central planning."
"Why is capitalism treated as this evil thing?"
"Late stage capitalism is quietly murdering Americans every single day."
"This is capitalism, unless you are the upper echelon 1%, we are all selling our bodies, selling our labor for a paycheck."
"We're in the twilight stage of capitalism when as Marx predicted what capitalism does is essentially not only become parasitic but cannibalistic."
"Capitalism lies at the core of the failure of this economic system."
"Capitalism once again has become so unequal and dysfunctional."
"GTA 5's story argues against capitalism and materialistic greed."
"Catabolic capitalism is a self-cannibalizing system whose insatiable hunger for profit can only be fed by devouring the society that sustains it."
"I don't believe there's ethical consumption under capitalism."
"Capitalism is many things but... there are a lot of people getting very, very rich off of doing business in and with the Chinese."
"We're once again at a place in this country's history where people are realizing the exploitative nature of capitalism."
"Gamers who see games journalists as out-of-touch millionaires ruining games while sipping champagne in their mansions are arguably, in microcosm anyway, carrying out a criticism of capitalism."
"The church has likewise refused to accept in the practice of capitalism individualism and the absolute Primacy of the law of the marketplace over human labor."
"The default position of a lot of young people is capitalism is bad... We need to try something new."
"Mr Beast just unlocked a new form of capitalism I hate it here."
"Resurrections is saying that while we may be caught in yet another loop of capitalism, things have changed."
"The labour theory of value essentially arose with the rise of capitalism."
"Just a capitalist institution maybe if they do the numbers."
"We, the workers of the world, are not going to die for your hallowed unfettered capitalism."
"Literally everyone who watched and enjoyed Squid Game whatsoever is actually inherently guilty of funding capitalism."
"Capitalism is full of these kinds of internal contradictions that will in the end knock it out of the box."
"I think capitalism has always had a terrible trouble with elections and voting."
"We all suffer under capitalism. We might as well do the fun stuff in the mix, okay?"
"This whole thing is just capitalism and companies desperately just trying to make money from every single type of person Rich poor middle class every single person."
"Private capitalism is turning more and more to an authoritarian State."
"Our problem isn't that we're not making enough food or anything else. Our problem is that we have a system in which capitalism is just incapable of Distributing what we can produce to the people who need it."
"We're much, we may not see capitalism collapse, but we're definitely going to see more repression."
"Money, money, money! The Frankenstein monster that destroys souls!"
"Those three: white supremacy, predatory capitalism, and the empowerment of poor and working people."
"You're gonna let capitalism be the hill that your children die on... that's the hill that your children die on."
"We can't imagine the end of capitalism, but that's the work of culture producers."
"One of the things is to make sure the capitalism works for the majority of people."
"There's nothing pure about capitalism." - Michael Moore
"According to philosopher Byung-Chul Han, our ability to escape this capitalist prison depends not only on the working and middle classes seizing power over the means of production, but it also necessitates a change in mindset and ideology."
"I would very strongly push back against capitalism, which is the most centralizing force in our lives."
"Sanctions are a means through which core capitalist states are able to externalize costs of production through a denial of sovereignty."
"Capitalism, if not controlled, can lead to harmful consequences."
"Capitalism: you're embedded in it, you cannot be outside of it to see where you are."
"The only way to permanent negate all of the various forms of class conflict is to understand how capitalism controls and manipulates society."
"Capitalism can make you do things contrary to your values."
"All resistance must recognize that the body politic and global capitalism are dying."
"We live in capitalism. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings."
"All these acts of capitalism as acts of altruism, they're not. They didn't want to go down in flames. No question."
"Rudy really seems to see the dark side of capitalism and he embraces it."
"Capitalism at its worst creates problems to sell solutions."
"If you are supporting this capitalist system you're supporting your boss like your boss doesn't support you none of its gonna be reciprocated."
"Severance is about the demands that capitalism places on our everyday lives."
"Capitalism is a system with spectacular flaws that are now on display."
"Capitalism isn't a moral system. It's just a tool."
"This is America. I thought America is capitalism." - Anonymous source
"You cannot resolve the injustice inherent to a capitalist economy by consuming more."
"It's futile to be anti-fascist while attempting to preserve capitalism."
"It's easier to think of the end of the world than it is to think of the end of capitalism."
"Capitalism is simply a system in which capital controls the direction of society."
"Capitalism can fuel gentrification and displacement, but neither of these strategies actually help the people in those communities live in the kind of neighborhoods that we all deserve."
"Capitalism isn't the efficient engine it wants you to believe."
"There is a special urgency today around technology and around what capitalism has done to technology."
"The greatest problem with capitalism is it has made people like you possible."
"The U.S. system of capitalism is the age of U.S. monopoly capital."
"We need a philosophical shift, not just if capitalism is going to survive, but whether or not our culture as we currently know it will survive."
"The gains that have been made in the people of the world have been despite capitalism not before it."