
Demeanor Quotes

There are 1078 quotes

"She's walking into it with this like prowess of like I'm confident but yet she's not egotistical."
"Sometimes, in order to be gentle, you have to have self-control."
"I'm proud of the way I carry myself. I'm ladylike but at the same time, I'm not stuck up."
"Play it cool, be reserved. That [stuff] is sexy."
"Mr. Slow also gets an A for maintaining a calm and respectful demeanor throughout the encounter."
"He was composed in the most critical of moments."
"The lady-like veneer is always there, but the veneer always masks an undercurrent of passion."
"Are you a good cop or a bad cop? I'm a very reasonable cop, ma'am."
"Stop crying, it's very unbecoming of you. You're a vampire."
"It ain't cool to sit on the Block like what up what up dog what what an upset oh."
"They might be tall and bitter, but their request is short and sweet."
"Cancer is a preventable disease in most cases."
"Nagatoro blushed but then tried to act nonchalantly."
"He's very charismatic and kind of laid back."
"His face was just stone-faced the whole time."
"Looking calm and cool and chatting a little bit with his opponent."
"Gwendolyn answered the door with a prim smile."
"One thing I respect is you always have the same cool calm demeanor."
"Some of the baddest men in the world are the most mild-mannered."
"When you beef with people online... I'm unbothered, I'm chilling, I'm having a good time."
"The more samurai would smile, the bigger his smile got, the closer you are to death."
"Nothing screams badass more than..." - "Nothing screams badass more than a buff, nonchalant dude with a sword."
"Cool, calm, and collected like the other side of the pillow. He was the iciest man in the building."
"Silence in taking your time tends to sound more confident than anything."
"Zachary does not appear stressed or concerned in the clip."
"His lack of movement and cold gaze give him a dark, creepy presence."
"Irish Wolfhound... gentle giant despite the imposing size."
"A mysterious woman is modest about how she feels, thinks, carries herself, speaks, and dresses."
"I am consistently constantly in muscular and joint pain... but I always appear to be in jovial spirits."
"He understood that you didn't have to roar like a lion to gain respect."
"There was something incredibly unnerving about the way it just stood there with an unconcerned look."
"She looks cheerful all the time but she's always cautious of her own safety."
"He came up calm, slow, humble, and secure in himself."
"Respect to Jordan Peterson, man. One thing that I took out of that is just the calmness and his demeanor. I absolutely loved it."
"Stay polite, stay kind, stay out of drama, and it'll pass."
"Somebody with a great card up their sleeve tends to have a little bit of swagger and maybe a slight twinkle in the eye."
"Even birdman, the demeanor, the calmness, how he answered questions, his presence."
"Philip appeared stoic and showed little emotion as the verdict was read."
"There's something important about trying to hold an energy of elegance."
"He's just always been cool, calm, and collected."
"All the killers I know stay really calm man like straight up straight up."
"It's more about our demeanor than our outward appearance."
"He's preaching the gospel in a way that's so composed, gentle, kind, and loving, but bold at the same time."
"I always try to present relaxed, I always try to make them feel at ease."
"He's friendly, easygoing, and usually gentle." - Narrator
"Consciously choosing a positive demeanor has subconscious benefits."
"Sometimes you don't have to fire a shot you have to carry yourself the right way."
"He was well prepared he never lost his temper he was clever he was witty he was serious his name was truthful."
"You gotta have resting bitchface for a little bit."
"Other than that he's like really chill and he's and he's doing great."
"Just remember the people will find you way more attractive and notice you and your smile as opposed to constantly wearing a frown or even a scowl."
"Being bold doesn't mean rude or arrogant."
"There is peace in them, facial expressions, in the way they carry themselves."
"I'm a very respectful person, I don't like putting people in lights that aren't positive."
"Very calm and tranquil over here."
"It's something about your comfortability right now, you're coming off as very grounded, balanced."
"You were coming off as way more stable than you ever were before."
"If you do it in the mood of service... you come off like a sage."
"I love this attitude, it's so cordial."
"Their confidence was unflappable."
"He's very friendly and that can be disarming."
"I think it's really important to keep your composure and not let people see what's going on."
"Humility is unassuming, it's not loud, it's not boastful, it doesn't wear red shoes and bright ties."
"He does get misunderstood easily because he acts coldly towards others, and that is just a small part of who he is."
"So calm and collected this vehicle."
"He's got such a great demeanor about him. He doesn't take life too seriously and one of the best sportsmen in the game."
"It's the eyes, I reckon, they unnerve some folk."
"The confident smile isn't for nothing."
"He exuded confidence and maturity."
"Hitler's cheerful calm, the confident composure of the fortunate and successful that now emanates from him."
"He's always got a smile on his face, and not a false smile."
"...he sounded like the nicest guy in the entire world..."
"Insecurity tells, confidence shows."
"He's got this cool presence about him."
"Most of the lads who played at the highest level are usually the nicest, the most down to earth."
"I'm not that do you play cool I play it totally cool."
"It's such an angel, she's so like kind of quiet and just listens to everyone."
"They're trying to appear very nonchalant or like disengaged."
"The only way you become a star is by acting like a star."
"Leadership is very different; it's based around almost like a quiet confidence."
"He's been looking cool, calm, collected all weekend long."
"There's a real sweetness, almost childlike about them."
"She just looks so friendly and approachable."
"Smile, raise your eyebrows, close your mouth."
"Cool, calm, and collected as Michael Smith tonight."
"The calmest person in the room is always the most powerful."
"He's doing big smiles the next time we see him."
"chill cheerful and minding your business"
"She was calm, not easily rattled."
"I'm a nice person, like, I genuinely feel like it's hard for me to be mean."
"Elegant women are poetic and they leave lasting impressions."
"You just seem like someone that carries themselves with a lot of Grace and decorum isn't like a mess or kind of a disaster or kind of like um chaotic."
"I tried to look at least somewhat imposing as I watched them make their retreat but I was still shivering and dripping from head to toe so I don't think it worked very well, plus I slipped on the wet floor on my way back inside."
"There's a lot more wisdom in the way they carry themselves."
"I am anything but a pushover. I work with civilians so I have cultivated a polite exterior because I was counseled for looking unapproachable and scary."
"Be the tough guy at your next party."
"You want to sound cool, calm, collected, and just like, 'Hey, this situation is no factor, we're good.'"
"It ain't what's on you, it's what's in you, it's what you carrying, it's how you carry yourself."
"Lee was the type of guy that you just knew did not give a [ __ ] and he would step into any scenario without any fear."
"The man of Steel walks with a saunter, exuding calm confidence that appears to resonate with the bears."
"You say he comes across as not even giving much of a damn, like just saying 'We're gonna get you.'"
"You have a very calm demeanor, very grounded. Men would describe you to have very beautiful eyes, a sparkle in your eyes, a lightheartedness."
"You look very playful, happy, and carefree, even if you're not smiling. There is a relaxed energy to your face where you don't look stressed or worried."
"You gotta act like a professional, gotta act like you know what you're doing."
"That was cool, you know? He was always cool, you know? Yeah, it's just, you know, not an attitude, you know what I'm saying? He's like, you know."
"The security guards at HGB are senior to these security guards. They all act like David Miscavige, like a bunch of badasses."
"The hallmark of an alpha male is a man who does not come unglued and get angry, act desperate, or needy."
"You're very confident, but you're not arrogant."
"Everything about Hades captures a smooth attitude about the devil trying to get what he wants, a businessman who we know of daily life or a politician as figures of modern evil."
"Hades is eternally bitter and imperious with his most famous trait being uncontrollable temper at times."
"He's just got this calmness about him."
"Cool as a cucumber, that's why he's the champ."
"...despite their devil-like tails these dragons are very non aggressive..."
"He's got a nice smile on his face and he's super humble."
"A masculine quality is a kind of inner strength, it doesn't need to yell, it doesn't need to scream, it doesn't need to bully people."
"It takes more than just a walk to pull it off."
"You irradiate your optimism. It's on your face, it's in the way you move."
"The highest expression of gentleness."
"It wasn't even stern, it was almost a kindness."
"He seemed tired and a little weary but not, but actually very polite and actually sort of very sweet and tired."
"He didn't take anything seriously and he was always laughing, always joking."
"You look very gentle, very serene, and cute."
"You just see this real chill dude, there's no 'he's about him whatsoever."
"It's hard to be mean to Adam because he's just a very nice guy."
"He's such a mild-mannered polite guy and he gets on the bike and he's an absolute animal."
"They admire your grace, the way that you carry yourself."
"Stark is so calm throughout the fight that he feels he's able to hold a casual conversation with Kyoraku while the latter is actively out for blood, attempting to kill Stark in a single hit early on."
"Chris is so chilling now. Goddamn."
"The way you carry yourself is so inspirational, and I know people at home see it."
"He's casually walked back to the car."
"Elegance has a lot more to do with what you are not doing and what you're not wearing more so than what you would put on or say in order to make yourself look elegant."
"Looking elegant is about 80% of what you are not doing, your posture, and how you carry yourself and your demeanor, much more so than what you're actually wearing."
"People look into your eyes and they see somebody who's very balanced."
"He was with outside and without conceit."
"He's got a certain Swagger about him. I personally like that about this competitor."
"Chen stood with a smug smile, the energy was still enveloping him."
"They radiate this lightness and this delicacy through their physical features and their mannerisms."
"Let's be gangsters but let's be polite gangsters."
"He was nice and smiley, but not all the time."
"Here was a pope who laughed and joked and who seemed comfortable with ordinary people and who smiled all of the time."
"His soft-spoken, down-to-earth demeanor, coupled with undeniable charisma, added layers to his public persona."
"Her cocky smirk left her face for a moment. It was chilling the way she looked at me."
"...when someone is confident, right, you will feel it. It just makes them appear a certain way."
"It's nice to meet you, thanks for being cool."
"How you hold yourself in the small things of life builds the character."
"You give off a relaxed and approachable vibe, making people feel comfortable approaching you."
"You give off a vibe of 'respect me, do not mess with me,' while also appearing playful and youthful."
"Strength and confidence is quiet."
"He's kind of a cool customer, isn't he?"
"The strongest man in the room is the quietest man in the room."
"You have this silent confidence about you, all right? Very deep, I keep on hearing the word deep."
"Their first impression of you is that you're very peaceful, loving individual."
"Lance's confident stances simultaneously make him look stoic while also hinting at his tendency to just have his dragonite hyper-beam everything."
"Peabo is always polite and friendly to others."
"People talk about how you have a light touch to you, you have some, it's not like a heavy, it's a bit different or it's very different actually."
"A smile that didn't reach his cold and blue eyes."
"People think it's funny that you're kind of so like standoffish at times, you know what I mean, like you're hard to get, you're actually hard to get."
"There's something about this vibe that's kind of fiery, feisty, independent where it's like a challenge that they want to meet and actually it's kind of a turn-on for a lot of people."
"He brought the calmness to the team."
"People know they kind of have to come correct around you."
"I'm just like chaos. No no, this was so aggressive."
"He's just so freaking calm about everything."
"He speaks this way, but it's out of confidence."
"They carry themselves with confidence."
"Nothing about him would give you the impression that he's actually nervous out on the course."
"You command respect when you walk into a room."
"...it kind of gives off like a confident vibe to it."
"Walk in like royalty and that confidence is going to be shown, people will be attracted to it."
"Bruce McArthur was known as an outwardly jovial man."
"You're somebody that's very soft-natured, even if you have that fire within."
"Being nice makes you look younger."
"She does have a very demure personality."
"Can we talk about how chilled this professor is? Like that's a good compliment to get as a teacher."
"I feel like this person would be very complimentary but in a cool kind of standoffish way."
"If he was uncomfortable, he didn't show it."
"Emerald throughout this arc showed a lot of good promise. His copying ability was pretty neat, his silent demeanor was quite interesting, and him being cutesy around Cream was some adorable shit."
"They like that you come across as very gentle to them."
"a culture that oozed swag and grit"
"He'd be well more put together than that."
"He is a calm, measured, and soft-spoken Elven Soldier."
"What I loved most was her elegance, poise, and class, the way she carried herself like a lady."
"He was haughty in his carriage, casting his eyes about him on all sides so that the proud man's power was to be seen in the very movements of his body."
"Exactly, Your Honor. It's like, you know, I'm excited about it. I didn't have an attitude with it like she did."
"They say you have this pure, angelic nature, and you seem really balanced and grounded."
"That child was a bit brazen, a bit rude."
"Nolan had this edge about him, and he was not afraid to throw one under your chin."
"Remarkably effective in the role, delivering her dialogue with a wicked glint in her eye."
"They view you as someone who's really smart... really tough... you seem really poised... have your ducks in a row."
"He's probably the coolest operator I've ever come across."
"The strongest hearts will move in a gentle way."
"I try to be kind, I'm not positive...but I find that suspicious."
"I think we carry kind of a quiet confidence which is very good in my opinion."
"If you want people to call you, you have to carry yourself in a way where they know you're going to be there."
"We can be very aggressive, sweet, and gentle creatures. Yes, you are. Yes."
"He came across very warm, very easy to talk to, very open, but it was a bit end-of-the-pier show, I think, for a member of the royal family."
"Confidence is quiet, insecurity is loud."
"Your demeanor is very genuine and curious and connective."
"Now I give off energy like, you know, 'don't talk to me' energy."
"She smiled a little as she spoke."