
Economic Security Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"It means people can't fall below a certain amount... it also removes extreme poverty."
"Most people don't want to be millionaires and billionaires... most people just want a house, economic security, being able to look after their family."
"Quiet as is kept, people with secure jobs, secure income, and secure housing are not talking about programs they need from the government that the immigrants are taking."
"We've got to get back to a Canada that has jobs that are enough for a family to live on, where people can expect a decent pension at the end."
"We're taking on powerful interests to bring health care costs down so you can sleep better at night with more security."
"The evidence, 18 months after we've come out of transition, is that this is damaging to our economic well-being, our security, and indeed our sovereign power of influence in the world."
"Stop the circus and get to work on what really matters to the American people: their health and their economic security."
"You cannot have a country that doesn't have its own manufacturing capability."
"It stands right there with Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid as a pillar of economic health security for America's families."
"You should always have a smattering of gold as an insurance policy against the bad behavior of government."
"By ensuring economic security, not to mention free housing, free health care, free college for everybody, even if you're not willing to work, you have just made it so that there is no incentive to work."
"The demand over time driven by the fact that no one can print more bitcoin, it's like the issuance is algorithmically set in stone, that I think over time just creates a positive feedback loop where the thing gets more valuable and more valuable."
"Bitcoin uses mathematics to secure the distribution of money."
"The minutia doesn't matter what matters is we are facing a rising economic threat to the United States the United States is not going to tolerate that."
"It's up to higher ed to give people middle class security."
"Rich people can afford to fail because failure for them isn’t final, it doesn’t affect them."
"Gold can be a really important insurance policy hedge."
"Gold has value against the government, gold has value against a digital dollar, gold has value against a collapsing economy."
"I think if America were out of debt on a normal basis, we would have more economic freedom and economic security."
"I want freedom of speech to return. I want privacy to return. I want people's savings to have value. I want people to become richer while they sleep."
"These aren't economic arguments, these are national security arguments."
"Small businesses play an absolutely vital role in securing our nation."
"If you work for an employer, your employer tends to pay for your benefits."
"If you have a thousand bucks a month in your hands, it makes it so that if a landlord tries to really gouge you, you're going to be able to be much more portable."
"Money can't buy happiness, but many of life's basic stresses can be alleviated with some money."
"Every fixed income investor needs to own Bitcoin as insurance against the inevitable fiat debasement."
"Bitcoin serves as the exact opposite of these institutions, where you can basically get all the security and the preservation of purchasing power, but you get the sovereignty as well."
"That's the easiest thing you can do, you gotta own some gold, you gotta own some silver."
"The value of gold is a hard asset that is not being replicated."
"Families and workers deserve to know that they can put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads. They should not be at the mercy of constantly shifting legislative timelines."
"We still need help to try to figure out how to protect our money, how to grow our money because we have to. We still have to save for the future."
"Entire legal structures were created to prevent African-Americans from building Economic Security through home ownership."
"We must take necessary steps to protect the health of Americans and our economy."
"There is money here, there is success here, there is security here."
"Bitcoin is scarce. It is a hedge against inflation and a store of value. Institutions are stocking up."
"Everything is working in favor of gold. These trends are inevitable."
"So that cuts out a lot of that in that Gap or systemic risk and all these things Fester Bitcoin just kind of closes that Gap."
"It's a hedge against the financial system, it's a hedge against the government."
"If you're up for a little bit of manual labor, you too can reach financial security."
"You want to be in the top 20% of the earners in the United States. It will be the only people over the next ten years that are safe, I promise you."
"Financial independence is really this concept where your cost or your consumption on an annual basis is essentially covered by passive income."
"When you have buy-in on the belief system and can't be manipulated, it protects wealth."
"If you don't protect your wealth, then you won't have any wealth."
"Check out those tons of sources as well. Vet them based on low fees, good return, and security too."
"Investment is necessary to protect the buying power of your money and allow it to grow over time."
"Gold protects your purchasing power in times of crises."
"The fact that foreign countries are holding a significant part of our debt puts us in a very vulnerable position."
"Bitcoin is America's life raft if and when the dollar fails. Russia and China could combine their hash to censor the network around the 51 attack."
"No one, no matter what they look like, where they're from, or what they do for a living should have to choose between taking time off to heal from being sick or caring for a family member or paying the bills." - Mary Kay Henry
"You have much less in the way of interest and inflation risk with gold."
"Every man should make his son or daughter learn some trade or profession, so that in these days of changing fortunes – of being rich today and poor tomorrow – they may have something tangible to fall back upon." - P.T. Barnum
"The resolve to acquire physical precious metal is growing at a dramatic rate."
"You cannot pursue the American dream if someone can take it from you consequence free."
"Black people want to be safe, they want to make money, and they want to keep money in their pocket."
"Our country will create jobs, safety, prosperity, and security."
"The S&P 500 Index is probably the most indestructible financial asset that we have in our country. If you're not taking a part of it and not investing into it, you're literally choosing to be broke."
"First of all you never have to default because you print the money."
"You have the ability to acquire financial security for yourself."
"This is about our economic security, it's about our national security, it's about good paying union jobs you can raise a family on."
"If he had owned gold, would he had protected himself? Absolutely."
"Already got enough in the bank to live here for the rest of my life if I want to so I dissolved any money worries and I discovered I could live very happily."
"Americans deserve to know that they can put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads."
"Food in your pantry is worth more than money in the bank."
"A gold coin is a first layer of money. It doesn't have a counterparty, it isn't issued by a bank, it is a physical item that you can hold in your pocket."
"Bitcoin's price keeps on going up, and your buying power keeps increasing. Nothing is a better hedge against inflation than Bitcoin."
"And that's the fundamental argument they're making, right. Is that, these are important things in life, private economy cannot provide it for, cannot provide you this security, only government can."
"...the core of what the American dream means is some amount of economic security that you feel like you can get by and do a bit better. Maybe do better than your parents, maybe be able to afford a house, certainly be able to save for your children's future."
"But we're delighted to be back for this second panel on a hot topic of the day: Economic Security."
"This isn't about finding the love of your life, it's about finding security within the economic world."
"If we can find a solution to food insecurity that puts enough money in people's pockets alongside a robust universally accessible network of social programs, we'll be well on our way to finding a solution to food insecurity and a whole host of other social problems."
"Electronics are becoming so foundational to our way of life; it is part of National Security, it is part of Economic Security."
"We have to socially construct a model of enoughness where we recognize that we have acquired the capacity to ensure ecological stability and economic security for human beings."
"We can live in comfort and security, the trouble is we don't have jobs and therefore we lose our identity."
"Economic security, dignity, and justice to achieve their self-determined goals."
"A universal basic income protects workers."
"It's about Economic Security, folks. It's about National Security."
"Returning these programs to their original purpose of providing a measure of economic security for individuals in old age and a safety net for individuals who are unable to provide for themselves."
"People do deserve just a basic sense of dignity and economic security."
"It's always good to have another stream of income."
"What is important is combining Economic Security and National Security, and the two go together."
"We've heard today about so many workers having to make really terrible choices between their health and well-being and their family's economic security."
"Economic security is very much front and center."
"Socialism is about at a minimum securing people's social and economic necessities."
"A UBI or some kind of basic economic provision so people don't feel like they're one day away from losing everything."
"No matter what happens to the economy, when you know this information and you study, you have security inside of you because you're no longer common, you're actually uncommon amongst uncommon people."
"We will focus on increasing economic security and opportunity by addressing the structural barriers to women's participation in the labor force, decreasing wage and wealth gaps, and addressing the caregiving needs of American families and supporting care workers."