
Minimum Wage Quotes

There are 216 quotes

"The minimum wage was designed to create a minimum standard of living to protect the health and well-being of employees."
"An undercover journalist... was met with horrific treatment immediately. There, they discovered they would only be paid three Euros 50 cents an hour, a massive difference from the United Kingdom minimum wage of 8.72."
"Maybe the solution to $15 an hour was never a federal mandate, maybe it was the inevitable economic necessity of incentivizing workers."
"Emotional intelligence is one of the strongest weapons someone can have in their arsenal."
"Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it."
"I agree with a $15 minimum wage. It would be good for the economy."
"If you gave people a $15 minimum wage, there'd be more customers. That's what businesses really want."
"A reminder that the federal minimum wage has actually decreased in value over the past several decades. We're paying people less in purchasing power than we did in 1970."
"The president has indicated a strong support for increasing the minimum wage in our country from seven and a quarter now to fifteen dollars an hour."
"It helps provide a more livable wage in a time when things are getting more and more expensive."
"Maybe just maybe we should join the rest of the industrialized world, guarantee healthcare to all people as a human right, raise that minimum wage to a living wage of 15 bucks an hour."
"Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour... so no one has to raise a family in poverty."
"Florida voted to increase the minimum wage to $15 by 2026."
"If the minimum wage kept up with productivity, it'd be over $20 an hour today."
"Increasing the minimum wage does not dramatically impact unemployment, except for small groups of people."
"We cannot continue to have a minimum wage in this country of $7.25 an hour, a starvation wage."
"The primary reason why we're talking about a $15 an hour minimum wage now is because Bernie was in the primary and lost. He pushed Hillary on it. I think he pushed a lot of other people on it too. I really firmly believe that, which is awesome. That's great."
"I think the best way to get a $15 an hour minimum wage is to get more Senate seats. That's how it has to happen."
"60% of Floridians, a state that went for Trump, wanted a $15 minimum wage."
"Federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour."
"I think a minimum wage hurts the people that it's trying to help."
"The minimum wage does not provide a living wage."
"When we increase the minimum wage, we will be giving over 32 million Americans a much-needed pay raise."
"Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour is an enormously popular idea, more than 60 percent of the American people support it."
"It's not a radical idea, people want it, states have done it, the House of Representatives have done it and now it is our turn to do what the American people want."
"Raising the federal minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour is essential."
"The president remains firmly committed to raising the minimum wage to $15."
"There will be a national minimum wage of $15 an hour."
"If free labor is not beneficial to the capitalist then why should a 15 minimum wage be a problem?"
"Every time you raise minimum wage, who in the behind closed doors goes like this?"
"The radical left wants to do things like raise the minimum wage for the first time in decades."
"Fifteen dollars an hour minimum wage should be a minimum wage period."
"The minimum wage should be 15. These companies make billions and we get crumbs. It's pathetic."
"People deserve $15 an hour now because they are living below the poverty line while working 40 hours a week."
"A $15 an hour minimum wage is not a radical idea. Making $600 a week in the United States of America, barely given the high cost of rent and all the other living expenses that people have to pay, that's not a lot of money."
"Duh file that under duh making the minimum wage a living wage."
"Remember it was Bernie's relentless campaign in 2018 that contributed greatly to Amazon raising its minimum wage to 15 an hour."
"We agree with Senator Sanders, and the president is going to be standing right alongside him fighting for an increase in the minimum wage to $15 an hour."
"Florida passes $15 minimum wage but the state went to Trump."
"A $15 minimum wage will not help, we believe."
"There's not a single place in America where someone working a minimum wage can afford a one-bedroom apartment."
"We must raise the minimum wage to a living wage."
"He is committed to raising it to fifteen dollars and he's going to work with members of congress to find the right path forward."
"Let's tie the minimum wage to the cost of living, so that it finally becomes a wage you can live on."
"No one who works 40 hours a week in America should still live below the poverty line. They are entitled to a minimum of 15 dollars an hour."
"Now essentially you have nothing more than 'we're going to raise the minimum wage, we think it's a good idea, we're going to open the borders, we think that's important.' And the only justification is some emotional appeal."
"Which will still be a huge win for anybody that is on the federal minimum wage seven dollars and 25 cents."
"This whole raising the minimum wage is just bringing in the age of automation."
"Spending will remain slow, while stimulus checks and a hike in the federal minimum wage will have some stimulative effect on the economy."
"The only scarcity is the moral will to do what's right. We are those with sub-minimum wage jobs who can't afford sky-high rents."
"Give the small business people a subsidy. Let them be required to pay better than the minimum wage."
"We're going to fight to make the minimum wage a living wage."
"I hope we can raise the minimum wage to a living wage."
"Push for a $15 minimum wage: skewing the equation in favor of upfront capital costs."
"Time to stop picking around the bone and actually get into the meat of who we're talking about here."
"We're not going to educate our way to a more equitable society. We have to tax our way and we have to increase minimum wage our way into a more equitable society."
"I believe that at a time when half our people live paycheck to paycheck, we should raise the minimum wage to a living wage."
"Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats are determined to fight for the $15 an hour minimum wage." - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
"A $15 an hour minimum wage is not a radical idea."
"Raising the minimum wage will affect over 30 million workers in the United States."
"We said we were going to do the minimum wage. We're going to do the minimum wage."
"There's nothing in the world that can stop me from passing higher minimum wage Paid Family Leave lower drug prices public option."
"Out for better working conditions demanding better ventilation PPE equipment and a 15 an hour minimum wage."
"They're going to try to raise the minimum wage in this new budget plan."
"The whole point of a minimum wage law that a lot of people don't understand is it's just to say like, 'Hey, what's the lowest level we can have an employer pay an employee without it being exploitative, right?'"
"Raising the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour would pull fifty percent of black Americans out of poverty would have these all these amazing downstream effects."
"A new poll says that eight in ten Americans think the federal minimum wage is too low and two-thirds support increasing it to 15 an hour."
"The 15th dollar minimum wage is part of the democratic party platform this is not some radical bernie agenda point."
"The fight for 15 is a lot more than about 15 an hour, it's about a fight for your dignity."
"If you really want to tackle racial equity, you have to raise the minimum wage."
"We're seeing a lot of workers do not want to go back to work right now for seven dollars and 25 cents..." - Brian
"Plenty of working folks want this. It's overdue to have the $15 minimum wage."
"And what the American people know is that we have to raise that minimum wage to a living wage of at least 15 bucks an hour."
"Focusing on those key issues like Medicare for all, $15 minimum wage... I really think that's what's going to set a challenge for Biden come 2024."
"Fifteen dollars an hour is not enough for minimum wage."
"We have to look at increasing the minimum wage."
"They want to make it illegal to hire me for anything under $15 an hour and that made my life better?"
"Perhaps it's time to reinsert this hidden history back into the debate about the minimum wage."
"The minimum wage should at least be $15 an hour in California."
"In a major victory for labor unions, Uber's more than 70,000 drivers in the UK will be guaranteed the minimum wage."
"My gut tells me that like we probably don't want people to feel like they can settle into minimum wage jobs their entire life that's probably not..."
"The minimum wage puts many low-skilled workers out of jobs. If a teenager is not worth $7.25 per hour, employers are not going to hire that teenager at that price."
"Even if he was paying minimum wage, it would still be terrible exploitation."
"Poor people who are still making minimum wage are affected."
"California state voters may have a chance to increase their minimum wage once again."
"Raising the minimum wage is actually one of the most popular issues that exists."
"The minimum wage 15 bucks an hour is surely not a lot of money... that's where we should be."
"When you pay a minimum wage, you're literally saying, 'I am paying the amount that the government legally requires, and I would pay less if I could.'"
"Eventually I could probably just find one of these darn minimum wage jobs where I could finally love the store and love everything about it and work my way up to be CEO one day."
"You could make minimum wage and still receive keys to a brand new paid-for home."
"We ought to make the minimum wage a living wage."
"It's time to end poverty as the for evening cause of death. It's time to have $15 at a living wage index with inflation so every time inflation goes up the minimum wage goes up. It's time to have health care for all."
"That will be coupled with the increase in national minimum wage."
"When they kept hollering about the minimum wage going up because they didn't realize for everybody then not only you with your wage going up you're gonna have to pay higher prices."
"$15 an hour is poverty, and I think we need to say that loudly because right now companies use it as a badge of honor."
"Should we raise the minimum wage to a living wage? Yes."
"Minimum wage in Australia is 21.38, generally people in Australia get paid a lot better, and that is why it's one of the wealthiest countries in the world."
"So the overall findings are that there's a general Trend that the places that have a low cost of living but minimum wage above the national minimum tend to be the places where your low wages will go the furthest."
"Minimum wage in New York City for non-tipped employees is $15 an hour."
"I think a higher minimum wage would have a lot of benefits."
"One can construct hypothetical facts which could be true under which a minimum wage law makes poor people better off."
"America should not forget their tipping culture, but servers should also get a set minimum wage."
"McDonald's revenue is like way up this year way up and it's based on everyone who fought to raise the minimum wage."
"That's the minimum wage at which people are willing to work."
"Creating a minimum wage which is not the capacity curve is leading to a minimum wage which doesn't come from institution but is an efficiency wage, does create an involuntary unemployment."
"It's crazy that we live in a country where you cannot make a living or save any type of money if you work a minimum wage job."
"We sending folks back to minimum wage, one DoorDash comic at a time."
"I began to realize that one, people were losing their jobs as you kept raising the minimum wage."
"It is cruel and absurd, to one, tell people they can live in 2021 on $7.25 hour, and two, let an unelected bureaucrat no one's ever heard of decide whether millions of Americans get a raise."
"Minimum wage is depressing. Let's move on to something more wholesome."
"But in the lead-up to the new $20 minimum wage policy taking effect, business owners project a pinch."
"A new law will kick in raising the minimum wage to 20 bucks an hour."
"If the lowest rung gets £15 an hour, that means the economy gets the bump of that extra money."
"'Imagine earning like 10 dollars more than minimum wage.'"
"...our minimum wage proposal would do just that, in other words we would begin to build a real nation of people where dignity was the first priority..."
"Nobody should be making less than the minimum wage, bro. That [__] is absurd to me."
"16 an hour ain't [ __ ] it should have been passed. It's been over how many years should they get some type of increase on minimum wage."
"I am not opposed to the minimum wage; in fact, quite the contrary, I think they can work in many circumstances."
"We need to pass the robust relief package with the minimum wage requirements as soon as possible, immediately."
"Raising the national minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025 would have a positive federal budget impact of $65.4 billion a year."
"The minimum wage creates $92 billion extra in wages for working Americans."
"When you work as an employee, you are guaranteed at minimum minimum wage."
"All factories, farms, and suppliers are required to pay workers legal minimum wage or higher."
"The cost of living is rising as minimum wage is going up, cost of living is rising, things are so expensive."
"They're entitled to at least the $15 minimum wage per hour."
"A living wage has 80% support to raise the minimum wage among the American people."
"A higher minimum wage means more people want to work and they're more motivated to work and will do a better job."
"Raising the minimum wage to a living wage will expand our economy, it will create wealth in our economy, and it will increase economic activity in this country."
"Our constituents and people across this country put Democrats in power to, among many other things, establish a $15 minimum wage."
"I remember my first job, I work in McDonald's for 5.75 an hour."
"We have got to raise the minimum wage to a living wage."
"The vast majority of voters, Democrats and Republicans combined, want a $15 an hour minimum wage."
"So given that's where the minimum wage is going to bite the most it's maybe not implausible that the minimum wage could actually increase employment which is what we see in the studies."
"Here we're saying, actually, if we start a monopsony equilibrium, a minimum wage could increase employment."
"You deserve it, you are worthy of at least getting minimum wage per hour."
"We need more jobs, we need to see the minimum wage increase, and we need to lift people out of tax by raising the tax threshold."
"We are going to pass the $15 minimum wage. That's the fight we are in."
"She's fighting for raising the minimum wage; eighty percent of Americans want to raise the minimum wage."
"The American people understand that the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour is a starvation wage."
"You can't even survive on minimum wage right now in America. If you're earning minimum wage, you literally can't afford to live anywhere."
"It's difficult to make a living on minimum wage."
"In one of the only places in America where the minimum wage goes up every year, small businesses and restaurants are thriving."
"Seattle is a very expensive place to live, and many economists argue that minimum wage shouldn't just be tied to inflation but to the price of living in general."
"The minimum wage in 1963 was nine dollars and forty nine cents in 2013 dollars."
"Nobody gets freer when they aren't guaranteed a minimum wage or working protections."
"Make sure you're being paid properly; there are minimum wages."
"The federal minimum wage is $7.25; we need at least $15 an hour to live comfortably."
"I was working a job that was paying me five dollars and fifty cents an hour."
"When I was on minimum wage, I was able to live on basically half of that and save half of my minimum wage income."
"We have the highest minimum wage in the country in the state of California, long supported at the local level not just at the state level."
"I'm gonna pay all my employees a minimum seventy thousand dollars."
"We should really tie the minimum wage to CPI so it goes up gradually."
"Minimum wage is literally just to ease you into the workforce."
"Roughly one quarter of all children in the United States have a parent earning the minimum wage or just above."
"Over half of those who earn the minimum wage are women."
"There's no evidence that the minimum wage costs jobs."
"Try to get a job that pays above minimum wage."
"There is no state, county, or city in the country where a full-time minimum wage worker at 7.25 cents an hour working full-time can afford a two-bedroom rental."
"The minimum wage is the floor; it's not a bed. You don't stay there."
"The progressive agenda is what the American people want. They want to raise that minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour, they believe that health care is a human right, should be universal."
"If minimum wage had just kept pace with productivity, it'd be about 23 bucks a share."
"Because of how rapid inflation has been the past couple of years, the minimum wage increases are keeping up with or slightly exceeding inflation in a lot of States now."
"The minimum wage is more than 20 dollars."
"If you elect me as your governor, I promise you this: I will raise the minimum wage to 15 bucks."
"Burgers in Seattle just upped its minimum wage to $19, gives workers free health care, three weeks paid vacation, fifty percent 401K match, and $9,000 for tuition child care."
"The fair deal proposed national healthcare, money for education, increased Social Security money, and raising the minimum wage."
"I was working as a car cleaner at a local dealership, which paid barely more than minimum wage."
"Reality check: they do. In fact, by 2025, not only will all the unemployment caused by a minimum wage increase be halved, but 900,000 people will be lifted out of poverty."
"No one who makes minimum wage should be living below the poverty line."