
Economic Disparity Quotes

There are 661 quotes

"Net productivity rose 69.6% while the hourly pay of typical workers essentially stagnated, increasing only 11.6% over 39 years after adjusting for inflation."
"One of the reasons the rich keep getting richer is because they tend to look at investing in ways that most of us don't."
"The economic disparity and Russia’s military, economic, and diplomatic losses that followed the invasion of Ukraine make any deals fall naturally in China’s favor."
"Do you know what his poorest kid is worth? $74 billion."
"The more things money can buy, the more it hurts to be poor."
"Putting a price on everything makes it harder to be poor."
"The richest 1% of the country own over half the entire stock market."
"We have a big wealth gap, we have a big opportunity gap, we have big gaps that are issues."
"The problem is the white families in this country have had hundreds of years to build up generational wealth. The black families hadn't."
"The richest 85 people in the world equal the wealth of the three and a half billion poorest people in the world."
"The 62 richest people in the world...together have more wealth than the bottom half of the population of this planet."
"The fact that a small handful of rich ghouls owns most of the money and we'll all die of starvation and exposure if we don't get some of it... That's a big problem."
"The America when you have a society with the middle struggling and the rich realizing like almost unimaginable gains, it starts to corrode the civic foundation."
"If you as a normal person try tax avoidance, you ain't getting nowhere."
"Disparities between those who have more and those who have less have existed pretty much from the moment agriculture enabled us to accumulate a surplus."
"Everybody knows the inequality is getting worse. Well, almost everybody, anybody serious anyway."
"America freed the slaves in 1863 through the emancipation proclamation of Abraham Lincoln. But gave the slaves no land or nothing in reality and as a matter of fact to get started on. At the same time, America was giving away millions of acres of land in the West and the Midwest. Which meant that that was a willingness to give the white peasants from Europe an economic base. And yet it refused to give its black peasants from Africa, who came here involuntarily in chains, and had worked free for 244 years, any kind of economic base."
"The reality of capitalism is that the profits and resources that people receive at the top of the business rarely trickle down to those at the bottom."
"The American dream has turned into a nightmare for so many families."
"House prices have increased nearly three times as much as wages and four times as much as other prices."
"Millennials really dealt the short end of the stick because between 1970 and now, wages have gone up by around 70%, which is good news. But do you know what has gone up by more than 70% since 1970? Your rent costs, your housing prices, your college costs, and your standard of living."
"The fight is fixed, the poor stay poor, the rich get rich, that's just how it goes, everyone knows."
"There's a huge disconnect. You got 30 million people out of work, and the stock market and the Nasdaq is at record highs."
"Owning a home is more difficult now than before because home prices keep going up while wages don't keep up."
"It's a broader problem in Corporate America where you see these compensation packages are so out of whack with what they actually deliver."
"If home prices are growing like this while wages are only growing like this, eventually you're going to hit a tipping point where buyers can no longer afford homes."
"The degree is the number one grower of wealth inequality in the United States because people with college degrees are out-earning everybody else so much."
"For the majority of the millennial and gen-z generation, the rule actually seems to be downward mobility."
"Many privileged college students use 'broke' as a placeholder for 'I simply don't have access to disposable income right now,' which is very different from being broke in the sense that, due to your financial situation, you can't meet your basic needs."
"I'm tired of the well, relative to everyone else, I didn't have that much money perspective, because relative to the 90% of us, you're doing just fine."
"We came to do the agricultural work in the south and the textile work in the north. If I right now decided that I wanted to play Monopoly with you and for 400 rounds of playing Monopoly, I didn't allow you to have any money, I didn't allow you to have anything on the board, I didn't allow for you to have anything, and then we played another 50 rounds of Monopoly and everything that you gained and you earned while you were playing that round of Monopoly was taken from you, that was Tulsa, that was Rosewood."
"The truth is that in ninety-five percent of U.S. counties, those who work a full-time minimum wage job cannot afford even a one-bedroom apartment."
"The on-the-ground reality is more representative of a Charles Dickens novel than a Utopia."
"We have transferred a trillion and a half dollars from middle-class homes to the faculty and endowments of universities who have this delusional BS image of being nice, noble people. This is the most corrupt cartel."
"This degree of difference just feels wrong. There’s something about such a stark degree of income inequality in such close proximity that conjures up concerns of exploitation."
"We're trapped in a rigged game where the haves stay the haves, and that's the problem."
"Income inequality is surging, particularly between people at the very top and everybody else."
"There's a tremendous wealth gap that's continuing to get worse and worse."
"The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer."
"Tens of billions of dollars are being blown on this extravagant new capital city while one-third of the Egyptian population continues to live in poverty."
"Two things are destroying America: record homelessness and record rents."
"We are here because we are suffering. We have nothing to eat. The foreign mining companies won't give us jobs. They are getting rich from our minerals, but we stay poor."
"Education is used to climb the social and economic ladder but is being steered toward majors that will make them low earners."
"In the wealthiest nation in the history of the world, top 1/10th of 1% should not own almost as much wealth as the bottom 90%."
"Imagine the good that could have been done with five billion dollars: the roads, the infrastructure, schools, medicine, education, healthcare. All of that was taken away by a handful of people."
"We live in a nation today which has massive levels of income and wealth inequality."
"Blacks are still doubly unemployed than whites... How do you close the race gap in wealth? How do you close the wealth gap in home ownership where banks don't discriminate?"
"We have a system, an economy, which is doing just great for the people on top, for the middle class and working class, the system is in decline."
"The professional class has gone from asking the question 'How much is enough?' to asking the question 'How much can I get?'"
"It's very frustrating to think that you've gone your whole life here and then it's like they're saying, oh, we don't want you here because you don't make a certain amount of money."
"Landlords who say that they're having a tough time...they own so much more than us and are quite literally making money off of our paychecks."
"We're talking about trillions upon trillions of dollars that was stolen from us that was a product of our labor, that was our tax money that was handed to the richest people on the planet."
"The stock market is disconnected from the reality that the majority of workers are experiencing."
"The rich world talks a great deal but does a lot less about it than those with much less."
"The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. And if you in the middle class have to pick, which one we're going to decide?"
"It drives me nuts when like boomers have that attitude about like young people are entitled when like they were able to like fall ass backwards into owning a home in their 20s because houses were just so much more affordable back then."
"Suffering great for the poor, terrible for the rich."
"It would take over 200 years to close the racial wealth gap between black Americans and white Americans."
"If you're a kid right now, you're never gonna get a house."
"Athletes generate billions of dollars... Why should his mama still be living in the projects?"
"The system is broken. Ask yourself why there are teenagers making millions of dollars and broke 40 and 50 year olds."
"Just because you only make 11.50 does that mean you should allow shoplifters to steal from the store?" - Brandon Tamayo
"Death is cheap and your health is expensive."
"NFTs are not inclusive of all of our community and create a scenario of the haves and have nots."
"Not everyone can afford to be sustainable you guys. Let people live."
"But while some hospitals are seeing big revenue gains, many rural facilities across the U.S. are facing a grim future."
"The entire country was suburbanized... African Americans had to remain in cities and became poorer."
"The billionaires are getting their way. Mom and Pop shops were destroyed during the pandemic while Walmart Costco Amazon all those other big box stores were allowed to be open."
"It isn't a matter of left versus right, it's top versus bottom. Class struggle is not left or right, it's class."
"Rich people say 'How do I afford it?'... Poor people say 'I can't afford it.'"
"For every millionaire celebrity, there are a lot that actually are working multiple jobs to make it in the industry."
"London did far better than anywhere else... some of the poorest regions in Europe."
"You know just the mere fact that Ukraine is so wealthy but its people so poor, yeah tells you something about corruption and the state of governance and the commitment to fairness and equity across that community."
"The poor are very patriotic while the rich start planning to flee."
"We need to convince the American people that in fact we can have a government that represents working people and not just the 1%."
"The top 1% saw their income increase a staggering 275%, while everyone else, 99%, saw their incomes increase between 65 and 18%."
"There's gonna be two sides of the fence, the halves and the have-nots, and I prefer to see my family on the side of the halves."
"You can get bullied for being rich in high school. That's a genuine thing."
"It's a redistribution of wealth from people on the bottom who have to compete with poor immigrants to people at the very top who own the companies."
"Of course I'm rich and I don't get the stimulus check."
"The stock market is soaring because the nation's richest are doing so well while the poorers continue to suffer greatly."
"Because in a free country, that's what people pay more to see a great shortstop. Is it fair is it right? God can answer that question."
"The movie theater is and always has been a sacred Democratic space for all Woodrow this new initiative by AMC Theaters would essentially penalize people for being lower income and reward people for being higher income."
"These people are cutting slashing their prices by 80 percent to offload their assets so the rich people can buy up all the assets."
"Not all of us can afford super awesome cars, and if you can, please buy me one."
"I start my day with whole grain wheat Pixies, also known as my poor people Weetabix."
"The product of this negligence was poverty, a gaping hole between the rich and the poor."
"Renters have been left behind economically in America over the last 30 years."
"It is also reinforced and bolstered by the fact that those same hyper profiteers control the narrative that shapes expert policy and the people who make it."
"Dictatorship here doesn't necessarily mean one person making all the decisions... it's a system that excludes those whose economic interests oppose the majority."
"The whole economy system wants people to be drones... but those up there are sipping pina coladas and making millions off other people's hard work."
"I can tell you this: they make a lot of money and pay their freelancers peanuts."
"The root cause of most harm, most crime, is poverty, it's inequality."
"We've seen a massive transfer of wealth... You got three people on top owning more wealth than the bottom half of American society."
"Late-stage capitalism asking poor people to police the dignity of other poor people for no payment."
"Being a landlord is not a job. These people buy up all the properties and hold them hostage. They are part of the problem."
"Are we just going to accept a future where the market kicks many Americans to the curb?"
"Younger generations are now poorer than their parents."
"CEO salaries have raised what? A thousand percent!"
"Artificial intelligence will increase economic divisions by worsening the disparity that already exists in society."
"We have a disconnect: the narrative in process is that we have greater integration but on the ground in the foundations of the European Union economy we have centrifugal forces that are pulling us apart."
"The people who are hurting like they have never hurt before not in our lifetimes and have the courage to tell the billionaire class who are doing phenomenally well that they cannot have it all."
"Poor people don’t have access to regular check-ups, no health insurance or access to new medicine."
"Only 44% of Americans can cover a thousand dollar expense. That's insane to me."
"The average person is never even going to come in contact with the kind of people who can afford to wear subtle discreet designer wardrobes."
"Some individuals have amassed such big amounts of wealth that it's difficult to even contemplate how much they earn and how they earn it."
"Heartbreaking sentence: 'It is painful for me to realize that youngsters growing up... have far less chance of rising economically, educationally, or otherwise.'"
"Doctors back then were just as poor as the rest of the middle class."
"The Central African Republic is a landlocked country smack dab in the middle of Africa, despite being full of natural resources like gold, diamonds, and uranium. It's one of the poorest countries in the world."
"Somebody smashed a window at a CVS, and Jeff Bezos just became the world's first trillionaire. Guess which one we'll frame as a danger to the public."
"Lockdowns crushed poor people, they crush the middle class."
"It's a little bit like the Occupy Wall Street, which was so remarkable in America because it wasn't about sexism and racism and all the other issues that are important. It was about the 1% versus the 99%, which puts the economics right up front."
"We're taking away jobs from the people that need it the most."
"Waking up is not simply understanding that racism is bad it is acknowledging that racism created generational wealth for white Americans and Rob black Americans of the same economic boost."
"The corporations are in much better shape than the little guys."
"The rise of affluence lifted all ships, but since then, we've entered a place of almost grotesque income inequality."
"It's the poor people that couldn't stock figure Eights that suffered."
"Neoliberalism has accomplished absolutely nothing but the redistribution of income from the majority of people to the richest people."
"What we are seeing is the mirror image of... the rapid growth and snowballing of wealth of the very rich."
"You have two sides of the same coin here, right? Massive wealth accumulation from the rich is mirrored by loss of assets for the middle class and increase of debt for the middle class."
"There's one other thing they can do with that massive amount of income... they can buy your mom's house."
"Every economic system is like a building... some people that take a helicopter and land on the roof."
"Bitcoin is going to get so large that it is only going to be for the wealthy."
"Bitcoin's price has become completely unobtainable for about 90% of the world's population."
"80% of the people live on less than $10 a day."
"It's time for our nation to deal with systemic racism, to deal with the growing economic inequity that exists in our nation."
"Property from poor people, it's it really is. If we want to revolt against anything, it's against the corporations, against the bank."
"Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I cry on company time."
"Nobody in America should have to work more than one job to be able to pay their bills."
"Now you're telling me that my video games are going to suck too like real life? Oh I'm poor here too, how shitty does it have to be?"
"The rich get richer isn't just a platitude, it's true—control through ownership or funding is exercised over major media, educational institutions, and practically every other facet of existence."
"I got to check only has one Robux he's going to fall so far behind this is awesome."
"A lot of the billionaires are getting richer... Jeff of Amazon and Elon Musk, they also have gotten quite a bit more money."
"But at the same time, no, you know, people don't want to give kids a break on their student loans, but they'll give a trillion dollars to billionaires for their businesses to work well. Right."
"Monetary policy has a lot to do with the growing wealth gap in developed countries."
"People that have money we haven't been suffering but people that are really the backbone of our country the whole backbone of what is made made America what it is today they're the ones that are really hurting."
"A reminder of the big difference between the haves and the have-nots."
"Widening economic gender and racial inequalities as well as the inequality that exists between countries are tearing our world apart."
"The truth is insulin is sold to other nations for as little as seven dollars of vial while here in the United States it can cost more than a hundred dollars a vial."
"In a free market economy, the ditch-digger is poor because he's only making about $1,000 a month, while a doctor is easily making twenty thousand dollars a month."
"There's not a single place in America where someone working a minimum wage can afford a one-bedroom apartment."
"The Global Financial system is fundamentally incentivized to support the wealthy minority over the lower income majority."
"Black folk don't own enough wealth and resources to be able to make decisions for themselves."
"NFTs were exciting for artists... but it's another example of a thing's potential already ruined by the ultra rich."
"There's systemic disparities in the banking system. Black entrepreneurs are three times more likely to report that they did not apply for credit for fear of being turned away by a bank."
"We need to understand the truth about our money, understand why this wealth gap exists."
"There's a class war going on... People on top have the money, they have the power."
"It's not a left-wing conspiracy. The billionaires get trillions of dollars to split among themselves as everybody else goes down."
"The rich is going to get benefit from this more than the poorest."
"Who are the true villains of this story? The one percent."
"The Walton family, six people, own more wealth than the bottom 41.5% of our population."
"Tories are the party of the one percent and they will always do the bidding of the one percent."
"When you have a lot of money like that, cash with individuals that's never seen it before... things start to go haywire."
"The little guys, the ones who normally end up picking up the tab, are the ones who will ultimately continue to be empowered and supported."
"The fight isn't against AI, but the wealthy ass people who will try to steal AI to make themselves infinitely richer."
"Sounds like a pretty sweet gig, right? And it was for the upper five percent of the populations who happen to hold some direct share in the plantations or shipping lines."
"There can't be many people around with a wallet fat enough to be purchasing a car in that category."
"The rich are nice and happy because they're rich and the main characters feel justified in taking advantage of the rich because they're poor."
"Regular Americans and billionaires don't get the same treatment. It's not a logical, factual debate with them."
"It's going to be the haves against the have-nots."
"It's not fair. The rich are getting ultra-richer not because of anything magic."
"He who has the gold makes the rules. It's been the law of history."
"We are seeing a system that is systematically picked on poor people primarily black and brown."
"There's a big difference between fifty thousand dollars and a million dollars."
"The rich are going to get richer, the poor are going to get poorer."
"We demand the most from essential workers while paying them the least."
"The North's economy boomed... without the South."
"Wages have been stagnant and the price of basic middle-class goods like housing and healthcare have gone through the roof."
"The rich are wealthier than they've ever been since the 20s."
"92% of all the Bitcoin out there is owned by essentially 1 million addresses."
"I do not want anyone to die just because they are poor."
"College-educated whites over like 20-25 years, their wealth increases. College-educated African Americans, same period of time, wealth actually decreased."
"Girl, we're in a whole panoramic. How you going tweet about a purse that is literally more money than most people make in two or three years?"
"Divergence between the stock market and reality."
"Why should he be the richest person in the world?"
"I think that's the shittiest part of it all that we get screwed over while people outside of this country make the money."
"Robot muscle and AI’s creating immense wealth and removing millions of jobs, but the upsides are stunning."
"If men could make as much money as we were, 70 of y'all would be butt naked on OnlyFans tomorrow."
"Everything comes back to wealth, everything comes back to the fact that we don't have people in every stratosphere."
"The reason black people don't acquire the wealth we deserve is because sometimes we don't know our value."
"Many people got rich, and they got super rich."
"Using your monopoly money does not prove that white privilege doesn't exist."
"It's not about demonizing rich people, it's a systematic problem."
"What we're talking about is the fact that working age black folks, and I'm not guessing when I say this, are largely wealthless."
"We have billionaire class, a party establishment that's fine with keeping the status quo." - Michael Brooks
"Globally, the top 1% now owns more wealth than the bottom 99%."
"They're making all this money but the families who are losing their loved ones, they're not seeing any of it."
"The whole system is set up to create income and wealth inequality."
"That four dollars in his pocket didn't mean [ __ ]. He had a million dollars worth of whiteness."
"Low social mobility makes it harder for people from poorer backgrounds to climb the economic ladder."
"The reason why a cashier at McDonald's makes minimum wage while LeBron James earns millions and millions and millions of dollars a year is not because of how hard they work."
"The inequality gap will grow and grow if retail investors are restricted."
"No, the rich just get richer, the comfortable just get more comfortable, and the working people get left behind."
"The simple reality is the people on top, the billionaire class, are doing phenomenally well. Meanwhile, the middle class continues to shrink."
"Gun control disproportionately affects the poor and people of color."
"If we could all afford first class we wouldn't be in economy, would we?"
"If you see your president and those in leadership positions doing just fine while you're struggling and those around you are struggling, yeah, I'd be pretty pissed too."
"Part of the reason why everyone is in crypto is because they're trying to bridge the gap between the have-nots and the haves."
"While this holiday may be tough for some Americans and small businesses, many retailers are booming."
"If you're in that situation, you're now to buy the average house, you would have to be making 10 to 20 times what you make a year."