
Habitability Quotes

There are 323 quotes

"We know that at one time, Mars was habitable."
"We want to know whether Mars could have been habitable in the past."
"Scientists are searching for a superhabitable world that wouldn't just rival Earth but be a place where life could thrive even more easily."
"If we find a planet that's only one and a half times larger than Earth, it would be able to hold on to its interior heat and maintain its atmosphere for a longer time."
"Even though we're not announcing the detection of life, the discoveries we're going to be talking about are the next step in finding out whether Mars was once habitable."
"Nearly five years after its amazing arrival at Mars, the Curiosity Rover continues to reveal Mars as a once habitable planet."
"The story of Curiosity really is about what we call habitability, whether Mars ever offered the conditions that could support life."
"In the beginning, the Earth seemed strange and unknown, and yet it would become so welcoming that it would allow life to develop and humans to settle there permanently."
"We're headed toward the end of the century with a planet that may not be hospitable, let alone inhabitable."
"These unusual planets might be some of the most numerous habitable worlds out there, which actually makes this really exciting."
"If the albedo value of its surface is close to that of the Earth, then the average temperature of the celestial body should be about 25 degrees Celsius."
"Let's all agree we probably don't want to live on a world that's terribly polluted and we physically can't live on a world that's uninhabitable."
"This is not about saving the planet. This is about ensuring that the environmental conditions that have made this planet habitable for us, that they actually continue."
"For the first time, mankind discovered a distant world that, based on a number of signs, could sustain life."
"Natalie Battaglia...suggests that the planet can be mostly made of ocean, with all conditions needed for life to emerge."
"It's like turning this cube floating in the middle of space into a beautiful, habitable planet that we can live on. That's so nice."
"We are therefore, in a sense, in the Goldilock zone of the galaxy, neither too close nor too far away, but just right."
"One of the more interesting ideas that has come up in our exploration of exoplanets is the idea that Earth may not actually be the ideal world for life to exist and that there may be planets out there better than Earth."
"Earth's been a cosmic paradise for all types of life."
"A planet that's super habitable could have orders of magnitude more types of life than Earth."
"Everywhere we look on Earth and find a habitable place, we find life."
"We now know that all of these stars will have planetary systems and then we look at our own solar system and we see that the range diversity of planets and many of them are habitable or have been habitable."
"We're answering fundamental questions: Why are we here? Why is Earth a habitable planet, and how did the origin of life occur?"
"Mars has the potential to be the most hospitable planet after the Earth."
"The implications for habitability of the clouds are pretty huge."
"If you have enough of this neutralizing agent to have the pH one, it actually implies that the cloud droplets are potentially much more habitable."
"But to make a more definitive assessment of habitability, actual habitability, for any of these exoplanets, you have to analyze their atmospheres."
"In the grand scheme of the universe, our explorations represent a mere fragment, and yet they have already unveiled dozens of potentially habitable exoplanets."
"Until the exoplanet's true background is unraveled, our Earth will remain the best home for humanity."
"There's this Goldilocks zone in the atmosphere that is not too hot, not too cold, but just right for life."
"There could be at least 300 million potentially habitable exoplanets in our Milky Way galaxy alone."
"Scientists now say they've discovered 24 super habitable planets or exomoons that could be better suited for the emergence and evolution of life."
"Kepler-1649c, located 300 light years from Earth, is very similar to Earth in size and estimated temperature."
"These 24 super habitable exoplanets were chosen because they have a star of the right size, lifespan, and lie in the habitable zone."
"Did you know the place you call home is a habitable place in space called the goldilocks zone? It's a place in space a certain distance from our star where liquid water could be found. Guess what? It's where you are."
"At least a half dozen planets beyond our solar system may be more suitable for life than Earth."
"The search for habitable exoplanets could benefit greatly."
"We may have gotten very lucky. Most of the rest of the habitable planets in the galaxy aren’t anything close to as nice as this one."
"My name is Kepler-452 b, also known as Earth 2.0. Yeah, that's me. I may support life within the Goldilocks zone while orbiting a sun-like star like yours at home."
"What's unexpected and remarkable is that we're finding planets that are a little bit larger than the Earth that as far as we can tell have the correct composition rock and water suitable for life as we know it."
"The possibilities for life here could be as numerous as they are on our own planet."
"Understanding the mechanisms behind temperature fluctuations on Mars is vital for assessing the planet's habitability and formulating strategies for long-term human presence."
"Earth is one of the only planets in our solar system capable of supporting life."
"Earth is a very special place, a habitable planet that rotates exactly in the right distance around the sun, supporting life in the best way."
"There is clearly something special about the earth."
"Water on Mars is very exciting, because it means that at one point, Mars was probably habitable."
"Enceladus is the only confirmed current habitable environments beyond Earth."
"The Earth fits into the Goldilocks zone, a rare environment in the universe for life to thrive."
"Understanding the atmospheres and formation conditions for planets could help scientists better predict if certain planets are habitable or not."
"Most stars in our galaxy have potentially habitable planets."
"Europa: Potentially habitable with twice as much water as Earth."
"We estimate there's 11 billion earth-like planets in the habitable zones in our galaxy alone."
"The hero who can see and can communicate is also the hero who separates out the elements of existence so that it becomes a habitable place."
"It's the first of its kind, a habitable planet orbiting a white dwarf- and it doesn't have much longer left to live."
"Earth 2.0: the very best candidate for human habitability."
"We've done it! We have a breathable atmosphere. No way, that means people can actually live here!"
"Earth arguably may become uninhabitable as soon as half a billion years from now."
"Mars may have been far more habitable than previously thought."
"So there's our lava planet and then for this one we want it to be habitable."
"NASA proposes that the planet would be able to sustain water and life."
"The popcorn fallacy: start with a kernel of truth, add heat, ideological spin, raise the temperature until it undergoes a phase shift, pops."
"Safety First, make everything safe then livable."
"We now know that Mars could have been more habitable to life in the past."
"Because earth is what is it like 70, 70 something percent nitrogen 21% oxygen and a bit of other mix to gases so yeah, basically we've got a nitrogen oxygen atmosphere we can settle there."
"Enceladus is even more habitable than we expected."
"Venus could have maintained a stable temperature between 20 and 50 degrees Celsius."
"There are an estimated 300 quintillion habitable planets."
"This 70th anniversary does include a few extras that are really crucial to making this a more habitable place."
"Could we find worlds where neither was a moon, but both were large and habitable, like Earth, and would life have evolved from one of those double sand spread to the other?"
"Now, obviously Venus is not habitable, Mars is not habitable, Earth is habitable."
"One in six stars has an Earth-like planet, and one in three stars in the Milky Way has a habitable planet."
"Kepler-186f is the first rocky exoplanet found within the habitable zone, with conditions potentially right for liquid water."
"The observable universe might host around 5.3 trillion habitable worlds."
"In order for liquid water to exist on any Planet you essentially need to have just the right temperature and just the right pressure."
"These unusual worlds have a potential to sustain liquid oceans much much longer than planet Earth."
"The overarching mission goal is to explore Europa to investigate its habitability."
"Our default assumption is that a primordial planet life would emerge on has enough size to retain an atmosphere for billions of years."
"Humanity had been space-faring for two decades now, but this was the first planet in travel distance that wasn't an unlivable rock."
"The search extends to the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, such as Europa and Enceladus, where subsurface oceans beneath their frozen crusts could provide habitable conditions for life."
"...a world uniquely suited for life as we know it."
"The area around a star is habitable when it's not too cold or too hot for liquid water to exist on the planet surrounding it."
"The Earth's distance from the Sun was just right for the abundance of water on the planet to exist in liquid form."
"One big reason these planets have no life is that there's no geochemical reactivity because there's no tectonic subduction."
"Exoplanets... some of them may be in the habitable zone and have everything for life to form on them."
"When we look at other planets, and we ask, could there be life on other planets, my first question is, could that planet support liquid water? Yes, I'm interested. No, I'm not interested. It all comes down to show me the water."
"Mars is a lesson for what you need to maintain habitability for a long time."
"While Jupiter itself is unlikely to be habitable to much of anything its moons are a different story."
"Super Earth class planets are even better suited for the origin of life than planet Earth itself."
"There are literally thousands of planets in our universe that are in the temperate zone that will support life."
"This planet is located in the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri, it means that there can be water and even some microorganisms there."
"The James Webb Telescope has confirmed the presence of a rocky exoplanet, LHS 475b, 41 light-years away. This exoplanet has many similarities with Earth."
"But there are probably around a billion planets in the Milky Way that are Earth-like in the sense that they are about the size of the Earth and at a distance from their parent star such that water can exist, neither boiling away nor staying permanently frozen."
"The potential of these exoplanets to support life is ranked using an index that includes their distance from the center of the habitable or goldilocks zone."
"Life-friendly conditions on Mars."
"The elliptical orbit of this planet and its moon crosses an area around the star some scientists call the Goldilocks zone."
"Life as we know it cannot exist on the surface of Venus."
"The Sun is hot, the sun is not a place where we could live"
"And do all of them really have liquid water oceans? And if so, are they in fact habitable for life as we know it?"
"Understanding how environmental context affects habitability is crucial."
"These clay minerals landed on Earth 4 billion years ago, making our world habitable."
"Exomoons turn uninhabitable gas giants into habitable worlds. They could have life."
"They terraformed barren planets, making them habitable."
"Always leave the code in a better state after every commit to start the process of improvement aim to make the parts of the code where you are working a habitable space."
"Proxima b is particularly interesting because it is located in the habitable zone of its star."
"Liquid water - the key ingredient for life on Mars."
"Kepler-186f is the first planet to be discovered that is similar in size to Earth and lies in the habitable zone."
"The universe seems to be very life-friendly."
"If we find a radioactive planet that might be otherwise habitable with a giant satellite and with another planet in the system that has a huge ring, there would be no doubt at all that we had encountered Earth."
"We have a habitable planet in view, very likely habitable."
"I can sense it only faintly at this distance, but the planet is unquestionably not only habitable but inhabited."
"Taken as a whole, these twilight worlds with their thin habitable bands might be a lot wider than we used to think."
"...result is a list of only the most habitable and most earth-like planets discovered to date."
"What is required to terraform a planet? Terraforming is when you take a dead planet and then you turn it into a planet that is habitable for life."
"How does a planet go from this environment that was wet and comfortable and perhaps habitable, how does that evolve over time into this dry, hot, inhospitable Venus that we know today?"
"Making it the second closest potentially habitable world to our own."
"The atmosphere of Mandalore is breathable."
"It just may have all of the requirements for life."
"The arrival of water is the final step to create a habitable planet."
"Looking from space, it becomes clear that the only habitable planet in our solar system is the result of numerous coincidences and as such an invaluable stroke of luck."
"Countless worlds are waiting to be discovered, perhaps some will have breathable atmospheres and oceans of water, allowing life to flourish."
"For us to live on planet Earth currently as it is, you'd have to be in the Goldilocks zone; any closer to the Sun we would burn, any further away then we'd freeze."
"The planet must be in the habitable zone of the star, then the temperature and atmospheric pressure on the planet's surface will be suitable for simple life forms to begin to evolve."
"The planet's atmosphere might have more heat-trapping gases, the place is likely to be super habitable."
"Scientists have identified 24 that can be superhabitable."
"Within the multiverse, we have to live in one of its habitable zones."
"They are considered super habitable and are literally better places to live than Earth is."
"I am in the habitable zone of my red dwarf star so far."
"I orbit my star in its habitable zone; maybe there's a presence of liquid water on my surface shell."
"I may support life within the Goldilocks zone while orbiting a sunlight star like yours at home."
"Mars is for me... the first place we have started to look at habitability."
"Our terraforming technology can make this place more hospitable for all of us."
"The sun will get too bright... life on Earth won't be possible beyond this point."
"The planet has 83 moons... some of them may be habitable, and the best candidate among them is Titan."
"Kepler-438b is one of the most earth-like planets... it's in the habitable zone of its host star."
"Like a city between a desert and an ocean, our corner of the Galaxy thrives between two different inhospitable regions."
"It seems like our neighborhood is literally the only place to live."
"I'm Earth and the fifth largest of the planets, the only planet you can live on because I am the best."
"Earth hovers in a perfect spot called the habitable zone."
"The habitable zone is the perfect place for our Earth."
"Earth happens to be the right distance from the sun, and it has a favorable atmospheric composition to sustain liquid water."
"Wolf 1061c is within the habitable zone of the star and can be considered a potentially habitable celestial body."
"We need to keep the planet habitable."
"Potentially three of these are in the right place to get just the right radiation from its star to maybe have water on surface."
"The Earth is extremely lucky because we're sitting in this region where the temperature is just right."
"The moon makes Earth a more livable place."
"Planets like this around red dwarf stars could still have the Goldilocks temperatures that could support life."
"It makes wide swaths of Northern Europe much more habitable than they would be if in fact the Gulf Stream wasn't transporting that heat northwards."
"Part of what makes our planet so livable is the liquid water on our surface."
"We must restore the ice at the poles, we must make the world habitable for our children and future children."
"The right atmosphere makes it possible for climate regulation and a water-friendly surface."
"Proxima Centauri has an Earth-sized planet in its habitable zone, known as Proxima b, which could potentially support life."
"Venus, the second planet from our sun, has a hot hellish surface, yet strangely, its clouds, which hover at an altitude of around 30 miles, bear temperatures that may be habitable for life."
"We must take care of the one we have because it is a very long way to travel to reach these other habitable worlds."
"The presence of these molecules is not definitive evidence of life; it does raise intriguing questions about the planet's habitability."
"In my pursuit of the most habitable planet, I ended up eliminating 16 of the 20 candidates right off the bat."
"This was the very first earth-sized planet found within its star's habitable zone, proving not only that earth-sized planets are relatively common but also that we are capable of finding such planets from here on Earth."
"This just tells us that there's this really potentially habitable environment there."
"It's really important for the habitability of Europa to have the ability to have that mixing."
"If liquid water can exist there, it would seem a bit pointless to ask if life can emerge on such planets."
"The most habitable planets in the universe also afford its inhabitants the best opportunities for scientific discovery."
"Proxima B... is the first potentially habitable planet found close enough to Earth for its atmosphere and composition to be observable."
"Proxima B is an exciting candidate in the search for potentially habitable planets outside our solar system."
"We now know there are something like 10 billion trillion habitable planets in the universe."
"Every fifth sun-like star can have at least one planet in its habitable zone."
"A shirt sleeves habitable world, no terraforming needed, low investment, high return."
"There's really two criteria for a planet to be considered habitable: one, it needs to be rocky; and two, it needs to fall into the Goldilocks zone."
"Venus may once have been like Earth, with a liquid water ocean and habitable surface temperatures."
"It doesn't need to be finished out to live in, it is totally livable now."
"This planet had water vapor in its atmosphere and orbits within the habitable zone."
"Water found for the first time on potentially habitable planet."
"Could a water world in a habitable zone actually be habitable?"
"We have 4,000 potentially habitable planets."
"We're right on the brink of being able to do that for a lot of planets."
"Gliese 581c is particularly noteworthy for its position within its star's habitable zone—the region where conditions might be right for liquid water to exist, a crucial ingredient for life as we know it."
"The intriguing prospect of this planet being within its star's habitable zone does more than just spark the imagination; it drives forward the scientific quest to understand the conditions under which planets can sustain life."
"It's also a bit larger than Earth, but its real claim to fame is its location within the habitable zone of its star."
"The sun dies in about 5 billion years, but Earth will be habitable for only another 500 million years."
"It's about the same size as Earth and just like the previous ones, it's located in the habitable zone of its star."
"We're looking for a habitable planet around another star, an Earth 2.0 if you will."
"There are 10 to the power 20 habitable Earth-sized planets in the observable universe."
"Look for planets like Earth because, you know, I like being able to jump up and down."
"Phoenix is really a stepping stone in the pathway of finding evidence for habitable zones and then perhaps later in life on Mars."
"Mars is a perfect good environment for life to begin and then be delivered to the Earth."
"There are seven Earth-sized planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system, several of which orbit within the habitable zone of this star."
"If we don't find any Earths, it's going to put a damper on the hunt for habitable planets in the next decade."
"This was a very hospitable place and which is actually why a lot of scientists believe that maybe just maybe life also started here."
"Life on Earth is our guide for what it takes for a world to be habitable."
"...we need to send more probes just like we do with Mars to try to investigate this beautiful planet and find out what we can do to make it more habitable."
"Whether Proxima B is habitable or even inhabited remains to be seen, but its discovery represents a significant step forward in our exploration of the universe."
"Titan is the 'most hospitable' place in our solar system that humans could survive at."
"There may be scientific support, based on studies reported in March 2020, for considering that parts of the planet Mercury may have been habitable."
"They are very good candidates for life because of their stability."
"The goldilock zone is a habitable place in space, a certain distance from our star where liquid water could be found, guess what, it's where you are."
"GJ 1132 B could have become a potentially habitable world."
"The law requires a landlord to provide fit and habitable conditions."
"The Earth is the Goldilocks planet because it's just about the right size, just about the right distance from the Sun."
"Venus most likely used to be covered with oceans... for 3 billion years right until something irrevocable happened 700 million years ago, Venus could have been habitable."
"Pluto could be an ice shell every bit as habitable as Europa or Enceladus."
"The earth is sitting in what's called the Goldilocks zone."
"A landlord has a duty under state and local laws to make a residential housing habitable."