
Credit Quotes

There are 973 quotes

"For every credit sugar rush, there is always a credit cliff unless the governments continue printing at the same pace and the banks continue lending at the same pace."
"China is pumping credit, has been doing that for already three months under the radar."
"The best options are always available for those who have their credit game locked down."
"Having access to revolving credit you can use when COVID hit... that's the key to success, the key to that peace of mind."
"When people couldn't buy in the 1970s, the capitalist system kept going anyway. How did it do that? Credit."
"Credit is a foundational element for financial success."
"Credit has helped me build the company and shape my life in profound ways."
"You should view credit not just from a consumer's perspective but as a business person."
"It's easier to obtain a hundred thousand dollars in credit cards than it is to save a hundred thousand dollars in cash."
"Your business credit can give you access to credit that you didn't have before, like a key opening doors to financial opportunities."
"In America, you need credit to make money and to save money."
"Credit is like love; it's not diminished by sharing."
"Take this as an opportunity to re-evaluate your spending, work on your credit, work to increase your income, look in other areas you didn't consider, and look into buying a multi-family property."
"I know the power of credit, how credit can help you build wealth."
"When these artificial conditions end, you usually get a collapse in the credit market which leads to a sharp down move in stock."
"Your credit's going to stay the same. It's not gonna get worse; it's gonna get better."
"You deserve the credit of my life... because you continue to make really brave decisions."
"Under no circumstances do you, in fact, have to give her credit."
"Credit is the number one thing. Cash is cool but credit is how you get what you really want."
"It's not asking too much just to link a channel or link an Instagram that has artwork of you."
"Gary Neville deserves huge credit, he's been a leader for this whole thing."
"This is huge. I want to give credit to Donald Trump."
"Oblivion still deserves credit for its ambition."
"Building wealth with credit is essential... This is how powerful credit is... You can get approved for over a hundred thousand dollar line of credit before you can make a hundred thousand dollars."
"When something's a disaster, I want all the credit. When something's a success, I want none of the credit."
"I gotta give credit where credit is due to President Trump and his team."
"Keep in the community spirit and give credit where credit's due."
"It's amazing what you can accomplish when you don't care who gets the credit for it."
"I do want to still give Logan credit for that too."
"Believe it or not, one of the biggest reasons businesses get denied for credit and financing is because they submitted an application without a uniform online presence."
"Americans drowning in long-term credit card debt."
"Hmm, I love that Daniel doesn't take the credit, he gives all the credit to God. This is important."
"Impressive. I gotta give credit where it's due."
"We are meant to feel grateful to tech companies for bringing these innovations to our doorstep, but the truth is they didn't build this stuff, we did."
"I've been very blessed and fortunate, but Skip deserves all the credit in the world."
"He wants to put his name on the group project."
"Credit is dangerous, but with proper habits, we can leverage it."
"You need at least 10 plus positive accounts on your credit report."
"Opt out of secondary bureaus to improve your credit report."
"You're a landlord, and it seems like what you're really telling people is that we have to stop being afraid of credit."
"Last year the Federal Reserve Board found African-Americans have denied credit for homes at twice the rate."
"Each of these three men... deserves credit and recognition."
"Markets were betting that this Supply shock lack of credit growth lack of money growth would end in exactly the way it appears to be ending as 2023 begins."
"The most important thing you need to understand about money is credit and your ability to leverage it to build wealth."
"Having good credit doesn't mean having good income."
"Freeze your credit if you're worried about identity theft."
"Credit is part of aggregate demand and the way that I talk about is saying that aggregate demand, that sum of total aggregate demand in the economy, is the turnout of existing money plus the change in debt."
"The credit cards are really pretty and they're really fun but they're hurting me."
"We're at insane peaks of consumer credit growth right now."
"Gen Z is chalking up credit card debt and falling behind on their payments faster than any other generation."
"President Trump gets credit for the Democratic failures."
"But I still don't think we get the credit we deserve."
"I think if they win I should get all the credit and if they lose I should not be blamed at all."
"One of the things old Harry Truman said is, 'You can amazing what you can accomplish as long as you don't care who gets the credit.'"
"The enclosure of rent creates the cycle, but credit creation determines how high it will go."
"Get others to do the work for you but always take the credit... in the end, your helpers will be forgotten and you will be remembered."
"Do credit markets break like they broke in 2018?"
"Secured cards: reduce the risk for both you and the bank."
"You can put 10,000 on your credit card today, pay it off in its entirety tomorrow and they're not going to care."
"Interest is like 15, 20, however much it is. That's so insane if you can pay it off in full each month."
"Credit number trust. The more the banks feel like they can trust you, the more money they give you."
"The fact that Stella is doing as well as she is is a credit to Stella."
"Credit means dick nothing in this world of content aggregation."
"Others will try to take credit for what I do, don't let them."
"Give the man his flowers, give credit where credit is due."
"I would give massive credit to Isayama if he's actually gonna tie that back in."
"But I also believe in not giving credit where credit isn’t due."
"I thought the fanatic were gonna just end the game right then and there but like you can't give all the credit to caps"
"This is the absolute safest and fastest way to dramatically increase your credit score."
"Caroline should also arguably get the credit for the continued survival of this collection of Holbein sketches."
"Rius delivered Zerus to the Adventurers Guild and asked them to take credit for taking him down."
"Credit really creates wealth and if African Americans are locked out of the credit system it keeps them poor."
"I'm not letting a man get credit for a woman's work."
"We live in a credit-based economy... the more money somebody spends, the more money somebody else gets."
"I saved my blue guy, we freaking did it! Me and him, I mean it was mostly me, but he gets credit for being nice."
"More important than the credit score, I'd rather talk to a person that don't have no credit whatsoever."
"Take control of your money and create a life you love without credit card."
"Stan was very much a proponent of being like these are the creators of the book, we'll put their names on here. I mean I want my name on there."
"Give proper credit where it's due, that's where the credits do everybody, so yeah, you appreciate those people, I appreciate them seriously."
"The Redskins deserve all the credit for this selection."
"When you have great credit, you walk differently, people treat you differently."
"The Flames deserve every bit of credit that they haven't been given."
"You have to give our tattoo deserves massive credit card practically."
"If your credit's bad, that's gonna affect you. Maybe some of that [__] goes away, they claim in seven years or something like that."
"Business credit, business funding lines of credit, millions of dollars they will lend you way more for your business than they would ever lend to just you."
"The reality as I see it is you have got a combination of the peak of the credit cycle and we're beginning to go down the other side coinciding with trade protectionism."
"You certainly have the credit of being the first of us to find this out."
"This video took a lot of time and effort to produce and while free for download for personal or educational use, please link and give credit."
"Give Kentucky's defense credit, this has been an excellent defensive effort by the Wildcats."
"You definitely put it out there and every time I've ever seen you, you have the stuff to back it up with, you say, 'Hey, this happened, here's a video, or here's exactly what happened from my point of view.' So I give you a lot of credit."
"Everyone deserves so much credit for that match."
"In order to build credit, you need to make credit; in order to make money, you spend money."
"They're better and the manager deserves some credit."
"Don't be afraid of victory in places where other people aren't giving you credit."
"You're the star of the show, you save the account, some other [person] is going to take credit for it."
"For a long time this afternoon it looked as though ranis was going to reach the final at his first attempt but let's shift the focus and the credit to cop."
"I have so much respect for Adam Sandler, and I really don't feel like he gets the credit that he deserves."
"Because of social media, LeBron James gets zero credit."
"The most successful people don't even have a high school education, so credit really don't mean nothing."
"When someone opens the door, they can't take credit for you taking down the whole house."
"You gotta give her credit right... tapped in to team right now."
"You get honors level credit for the course. Here's how this works: if you get an A in a regular class, counts as a 4.0 toward your grade point average, you get a name here it counts as a 4.5 towards your grade point average."
"Some artists have also noticed that some accounts even claim to be the owners of the original work and post and use it as their banners and pfps without even mentioning the original artist or giving them credit at all."
"Some of that additional spread will come from credit risk, the risk of a default or bankruptcy."
"It was a really pure distillation. It is: Where is my credit? Why am I not getting my credit?"
"Hey Jack, this needs to be a new wallpaper. It's an amazing piece of art from three years ago, credits to Magenta Girl."
"I always wanted to see my name with my part under it in a credit sequence. Like, not just in the scrolly credits. Like, I wanted like a feature. Like, like a and then it's like your name and your character name. Dream big, my friends. Dream big."
"And Curtis Axel, don't forget that Curtis, while eliminated, was also on this team and should also get the victory credit."
"I think she deserves a lot of credit in this update."
"Aged credit card is the most beneficial thing you can have on your credit report."
"One late payment equals 11 on-time payments."
"If you cosign for someone, and you can have amazing credit, if they choose to not pay it, or run up your card, you are responsible for that."
"There's seven years of wasted time where you can build credit. I have never seen a credit report that is irreparable ever."
"We've got to give them credit for that."
"You deserve the credit, you created it."
"Thank you, General. But Young Gary should be given the credit. He's the one that turned it around, saved us all."
"Flesh don't get credit, spirit gets all the credit."
"This franchise most definitely deserves it, just as Miller deserves to have his name in the credits."
"I want to credit her where credit is definitely due."
"His best player is hardest worker, so anyway, yeah, Coach Belichick is 75% of the credit."
"By having a good credit score, it actually saves you money in the long run."
"Credit soft landing to us means we won't have a default or downgrade cycle and essentially skip the downturn phase of the cycle."
"You know, it's interesting because this team is deep, right, and we've been talking about that throughout the game, but if you ask Coach Harbaugh, he will really credit their strength and conditioning coach Ben Herbert."
"You can also be a big part of taking credit for and doing the impossible."
"Huge shout out to Max Randall for editing this video together. Follow him on Twitter @max_randall."
"Right away you get a lot of credit just for doing that."
"Appreciate the ISTP, give them credit where it's due and thank them, even if right now in the moment they don't deserve it."
"He deserves credit, that is an honorable man, Kale Sanderson, absolutely."
"I gotta give Andy Sedaris credit he sure cuts to the chase."
"Money is gold and the rest is credit."
"I can't take all the credit for doing all the work on this car."
"The important thing to know here is the credit spreads."
"How can you just take someone's work because it's fan art of a character from the studio you're working for, pass it off as your own without giving the original artist any form of credit?"
"Give them credit whenever you use their work."
"Who's the originator of this joke? Like, who was the first one? And yeah, how does that person get that credit?"
"The credit goes to our scouting and player development system."
"Success is about being honest. It's like the ability to say, 'This is what this person deserves credit for, and this is what I deserve credit for.'"
"Hammurabi took all of the credit for their expulsion from Mesopotamia."
"I feel like you are the true OG of this content regardless of if you get credit."
"Appreciation of your own worth is not egotism unless you assume that you made yourself and should take the credit."
"Just because you utilize your card doesn't mean that you pay interest on the card."
"No, you didn't teach us that, but I did teach you teamwork. So, it feels like I can take credit for this one."
"The types of credit that you have impact your score."
"Seeing that positive feedback as you're working on your credit can really help you stay encouraged as you're going through the difficult process of building your credit score."
"People don't give it the credit it deserves."
"Get others to do the work for you...let other people do the work for you, but always take the credit."
"Credit is buying power. By providing it, it also produces debt. And debt means the obligation to pay back."
"I feel like at the end of the day, no one's gonna ever give me credit no matter what I do, you know?"
"Putting something on a credit card when you know you can almost afford it out-of-pocket is usually the best practice because you can pay it off quickly."
"Try not to get in debt... make credit work for you."
"If righteousness is a gift, then Jesus should get the credit for it."
"It's all about giving these historical figures more credit and approaching the logic of a time period with openness rather than dismissal."
"But as the years have gone by and new female rappers have taken the industry by storm, you'll see Nikki standing high and mighty on social media demanding some sort of credit to their fame and career."
"Shout out to Jimmy Prime man, shout out to Jimmy. I've always given him that credit of being part of this whole thing, you know, and definitely changing the history of the city."
"Nature gets credit which should in truth be reserved for ourselves."
"Once you get the first credit, it's easier to get the next one."
"And screen direction, Brett Dos Santos."
"Credit to India, they deserve to win the match."
"Credit should be accepted as a human right. It's such a vital thing."
"Good leadership is able to get people with different talents working together... and not spend a lot of time trying to figure out who gets the credit."
"His daughter is the brilliant mind behind this remarkable portrait."
"Credit cards should be paid off every month."
"I'm giving Kyrie credit because by by putting me down no because I'm you're a left-handed player and you couldn't do that Zay you're left-handed you couldn't do it Z could do it."
"I'm going to credit her testimony for the two months, three thousand dollars just for the plaintiff."
"It's amazing what you can accomplish when you don't care about the credit."
"Stay in your lane, Black Americans give a piece and peace of their culture every single day and still don't get credit for it."
"You're just another man taking credit for a woman's work."
"It's expensive to be poor. Credit Karma is the way that'll help you find a better avenue for applying for cards, applying for loans."
"The people who have taken the chances are the ones who deserve the credit."
"Communism is you don't get to pick your job and everyone takes credit for everything."
"It's amazing what you can achieve when you don't care who gets the credit."
"Your credit is probably the most important thing you need to protect."
"You're going to need really good credit and by really good credit I mean almost spotless."
"They feel really unpopular, like they don't get the credit they deserve."
"Getting access to business credit is so important that many businesses can actually face complete implosion or failure if they do not get it quickly enough."
"It's like, I just got this new card and I'm gonna let you just use this card. I'm gonna make you an authorized user. It's gonna boost your credit."
"Attributing other people's success to luck but taking personal credit for your own accomplishments."
"I literally didn't make that. It was all them!"
"Our system grew so fast the last century that we ignored the early economists... and using the social invention of credit we globally pulled resource consumption forward in time every year since I've been alive."
"The moment you start taking the glory the credit for the good things in your life I guarantee you you're going to have God resist you."
"God created the men and women who created these banks to give us credit to live our life because God says tomorrow is not promised. So that's scripture what you just said."
"Give yourself grace and give yourself some credit."
"But let's give credit where credit is due. Rami was for sure improved."
"Always credit people who have given you inspiration... if you see someone doing something that you like, don't just copy it yourself."
"...I try to give credit where credit is due, of course, uh, but if someone chooses not to, that's perfectly alright too."
"It is still possible to rent an apartment without a credit score."
"Hermione Granger deserves a lot of credit for most of the protagonist group’s successes."
"When you take the time to put credit in writing, you have the potential to uplift them for a lifetime."
"You don't get any credit for me being happy. The only people who do are me and them."
"You gotta give yourself a little more credit."
"In order for the overall economy to continue to grow, it’s essential that businesses have access to credit because without credit, most businesses wouldn’t be able to finance future growth, at least to the same extent."
"So with credit, when you use somebody else's money, you know, I'm saying you still got that threshold. What if it don't work out? If you're using business credit, you feel you can start over. Yeah, you know what I mean?"
"I give Anthony Bourdain a lot of credit."
"Any band that can make Maroon 5's music more interesting deserves some credit."
"Raise your hand if you've had a bad credit rating. We command it to go up, and it goes up in front of you."
"Lars gets way too little credit for his creative inputs on Metallica."
"It's really a credit to George and how much knowledge he packed into 'A Song of Ice and Fire'."
"Give credit where credit's due, NC State defensively."
"Vince Russo has taken credit for this one."
"...another example of giving snow more credit than he deserves..."