
Government Policy Quotes

There are 1080 quotes

"For every credit sugar rush, there is always a credit cliff unless the governments continue printing at the same pace and the banks continue lending at the same pace."
"You would think that the federal government and States would promote adoption."
"Our administration will support education massively and work harmoniously with states and local governments."
"We will always do what's in the best interest of our citizens."
"We have brought together a plan that has delivered and improved the lives of the average Jamaican."
"This requires a sociological study; it requires a study as to how people, when the right appeal is made, they are willing to stand by what is good by the government."
"The conditions are getting far, far worse and far less livable for so many people in that country that the government had to shift."
"Urban renewal is a process in which local governments, usually with the financial support of state and federal governments, use eminent domain to seize and demolish blighted properties with the aim of restoring the economic viability of an area."
"The deficit is twice the size it was when Obama left office, and now there's talk of cutting Medicare and Social Security."
"I would always argue that enabling a person to make individual choices about their childbearing status is always going to be superior to the government compelling people through economic or fiscal policies."
"There could be creative ways of doing it other than legally requiring insurance companies to do it. They can do it through a government agency."
"Bitcoin coming along to kind of threaten the ability for governments to control their own monetary policy is actually something that goes into their existential type of risk."
"It makes no difference whether it's a progressive government or a conservative government, we know that it makes a huge difference to families whether they have $10-a-day childcare."
"We're working to ensure that the American people have access to vaccines, will have enough to vaccinate all American adults by the end of May."
"It's fundamentally wrong for the government to do anything to frustrate the right to vote."
"We need policies now where the government stands up for working families and the middle class."
"Our focus every step of the way was doing what was necessary every moment based on the recommendations of experts, based on science, and doing what we can to keep Canadians safe."
"Our government will keep doing everything we can to make sure workers are getting paid and companies are supported."
"The reason that the farmers are doing this is rather simple: they are rising up against a government proposal that would put severe limits on nitrogen emissions and, in the process, it will put about a third of the farmers out of work."
"President Biden has announced today more than 42 billion dollars to expand broadband and internet access across the nation."
"No one wants Chrysler to survive more than they do, so I'd say to the Obama administration, don't leave them out. Put their passion and ideas to work."
"The sad part about this is with the whole FCC getting rid of net neutrality is that now you have the government working on behalf of these companies to rip out the consumers."
"The White House has issued an executive order requiring increased transparency from AI companies."
"This administration can deliver policies and resources that will create jobs, rise to the climate challenge, and equitably serve all Americans."
"Let's give everybody an ID so everybody can get one, then nobody has an excuse."
"The policy of the government is to bring all hostages home."
"President Biden does not believe, as a principle, it should be difficult for people to gain access to healthcare."
"The reason that the economy was so sick, it's not the coronavirus, it's because of everything the government did before the coronavirus."
"Tightening belts in government is not a short-term countermeasure but a guideline and policy that should be adhered to in the long run."
"This economy is now doing exactly what we want it to do; it's growing."
"The problem is, it sets a precedent, and other governments like to follow suit."
"The government's must do everything in their power to avoid deflation."
"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul."
"We are allowing a huge amount of government overreach when it comes to civil liberties."
"He also launched a whole-of-government effort to advance racial equity and root out systemic racism from federal programs and institutions."
"The concept of a vaccine passport is not just some matter of administrative convenience. It is a first step in a major redefinition of the relationship between the citizen and the state."
"Chuck Schumer says that there are five basic things: first, we beefed up unemployment insurance in a huge way that has never been done before. You can call it unemployment on steroids or employment insurance."
"On advice of our Administration's medical and COVID team, President Biden has decided to maintain the restrictions previously in place."
"One of the first things that he signed when he walked into this presidency is an executive order to make sure that there's fairness, equality, and representation in the federal government."
"We're taking property rights seriously, we're taking eminent domain seriously."
"The essence of reducing government and letting markets decide is that you get these win-win situations."
"We're 33 trillion dollars in debt for one reason... we're doing it wrong."
"The argument is, well, we don't want to give people free lunches. Of course, the job guarantee is not about giving people free lunches; it's about enabling people to pay for their own lunches."
"The government always chooses the unemployment rate...you could employ all those people within about a week."
"Cryptocurrency executive order sent bitcoin prices surging 13 almost instantaneously."
"I will not impose any tax increase on people making less than four hundred thousand dollars."
"If the government starts getting rid of those types of laws that incentivize entrepreneurs to be star players for their country, that's a red flag."
"Hindsight is 20/20 but there's plenty of people with foresight telling the American government not to do these things that we continue to do."
"We need a big and bold program to modernize our nation's crumbling infrastructure."
"I don't think that preschool and college are universal rights or should be paid for by the government."
"Civil asset forfeiture is also the government stealing more than criminals, hardened criminals, from anybody and everybody in the state of Georgia."
"We’ve got to make sure that we reduce our deficit."
"Fat is supposed to raise your cholesterol, but for the first time since 1980, the US government completely reversed their stance on fat."
"The minute the government started giving kids money to go to college the colleges were like Whoa We Could raise our prices."
"They're drafting legislation right now, preliminary legislation that would build a $3 trillion stimulus package for infrastructure."
"Sound money means economic prosperity and limited government."
"The first wave of funding going out through President Biden's infrastructure law... It's going to open up an era. There will be no going back."
"In the earliest centuries, there was a lot of diversity within early Christianity."
"Companies and the government have taken advantage of those rules to be a predatory, or a better word, a parasitic economy on the United States and other democracies."
"The government should not choose winners and losers in the market."
"We believe in ensuring that Canadians have a fair chance to succeed and we are acting on that."
"Small business is the backbone of the American economy, and the president has put the nation's 30 million small businesses front and center in the response effort."
"Anytime a government disarms their population, catastrophe follows."
"For every everyone who is willing to provide support or a home to a Ukrainian family that are fleeing then the government will stand behind them."
"This administration's belief is that we can get our message across with a more humane policy by opening up avenues of legal migration which will encourage people to take those."
"The president's priority is to create a pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants."
"We will protect your social security, we will protect your Medicare, we will protect you as American citizens."
"We owe them a sacred and unbreakable obligation and we will fulfill that obligation with every resource and power that we have."
"We are deploying every tool, resource, and power at our disposal to protect our seniors and Americans of every age and background."
"This sweeping shift in the role of government in people's lives is not just some kind of incremental thing."
"I think people should have access to tests, so government's talking about giving people free tests now."
"In 1973, the government bought a 25% interest in Aramco."
"Our country has to get back to work again and you know what you're talking is when you are doing what we did with the shutdown that causes death also."
"When you talk about the first administration of the United States and the policy that was implemented, it was pretty much all masterminded by Alexander Hamilton."
"I'd probably write an executive order that repealed every executive order ever written."
"The risk is not doing enough and this is the time to act now."
"We are committed that whatever support we need to provide to the US economy, we will."
"Bitcoin is establishing itself as a macro asset that potentially helps hedge against the government devaluation of your money."
"The UK is tightening measures to block foreign investment that threatens national security."
"New waves of money are going to be coming out."
"Restrictions and lockdowns are not the problem. It's the government's failure to properly support, educate, and lead by example."
"This first round of stimulus... was a total mess."
"As a father of four kids, I have the government telling me I have to inject my kids with something that we know nothing about. That is evil."
"This is the calamity brought upon this country by a government which tried to prioritize economic interests over human life."
"We will not be able to protect every single job or save every single business, but I am confident that the measures we have put in place will support millions."
"Guys, please contact your reps to not just shoot down the ATF ruling, but actually gain ground in fortifying our god-given rights."
"If we slash the restraints not just at the FDA but across our government, then we will be blessed with far more miracles."
"If the government makes a law they can't enforce, they become a total mockery of themselves."
"If the government is smart, they will embrace stable coins."
"With the passage of the $1.4 trillion omnibus package last week, the federal ITC U.S. solar tax credits that were going to expire in a few days were instead extended for two more years."
"China is a forewarning of what's to come if Western governments implement CBDCs."
"Americans got to keep asking the question are we safer in the dark." - Safety in the dark.
"Thirteen million people were kept out of poverty because of our efforts."
"Society has determined that cannabis is not a crime most of the federal government needs to catch up with the rest of the nation."
"Best ways to fight a recession: cut spending, increase government spending, cut taxes."
"My executive order calls for new regulations... social media companies that engage in censoring... will not be able to keep their liability shield, that's a big deal." - President Donald Trump
"When governments start printing money, they destroy their currencies."
"It's time for us to get back to putting a priority on fiscal sustainability, and sooner is better than later."
"Centrally planned economies have inherent weaknesses due to mismanagement and corruption."
"The Biden Administration is admittedly engaging in a few things one that they're going to be engaging phone companies to censor private text messages."
"There are moral and ethical problems with government mandation of invasive medical interventions."
"Crypto investors will be watching these five questions facing the Biden administration."
"A judge officially put a stop to this vaccine mandate."
"We will strongly protect Medicare and Social Security."
"One of the things that they're talking a lot about with that is the infrastructure bill, rebuilding our bridges and our roads which is something that is desperately needed."
"Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people; tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people. This is tyranny."
"It's like Orwell's 1984, mid-sentence every argument they used to justify this measure is now the exact opposite."
"The obvious consequence of removing liability protection would be social media companies censoring more speech, not less. This order is about us waging Trump's bruised ego, not protecting free speech."
"So, we believe that because clean energy was one of his big initiatives when he got elected, it's one of the four, he will focus on getting an EV credit passed. There's no question in my mind."
"Government transparency is crucial in the approval of a liability-free product."
"The best thing that government can do when it comes to regulations is to set guardrails for companies and the industry that put hard stops in place beyond which the companies and the technology shouldn't go."
"All agencies have been directed to identify and cancel contracts related to critical race theory."
"It's freedom of conscience that these things should not be forced on individuals and especially on Christians by the government."
"If the government said, 'Hey, would you like $3,000, $3,600 per year?' I don't think anybody here would say no. I mean, that would be pretty awesome."
"I think we're gonna have good results... I think our stimulus package will get done and it will be a tremendous package."
"The basic reality of why we are in the trouble we are in the United States now is that preparedness is a choice and poor preparedness is a choice."
"The government shouldn't scare people back; they should woo people back."
"These extra checks will literally increase demand for goods and services and they will cause prices to go even higher."
"Science technology engineering mathematics are the future and it's about time governments start understanding it and talking about it properly."
"The federal government of the United States does not have the right, as far as I'm concerned, to work together with private industry to suppress, to silence, to censor a viewpoint that they don't like."
"Why are they discouraging people from forming families? Why do they want us to just live in a pod somewhere, receiving Universal basic income?"
"And now they're advocating for an expansion upon the government controlling more and more lives."
"Efforts to counter foreign disinformation have noble intentions, but government censorship of domestic speech cannot and should not be accepted."
"The government does what is best for the government."
"The stimulus check is a vital component to the recovery of America."
"According to Joe Biden, we may actually be seeing a third stimulus check...if we get this two thousand dollar stimulus check before Joe Biden gets in the office, Joe Biden may actually be talking about a fourth stimulus check."
"The fourth stimulus check is still very much alive and well."
"I fully expect the Biden administration to do exactly what they have said: stimulus checks and stimulus packages until the pandemic is over."
"Bill Gates has urged governments to spend billions to prevent the spread of future diseases."
"There is a lot of support going on for these monthly stimulus checks to be included in this next package."
"This sad state of affairs persists and survives because government intervention has removed the market test for success."
"I think by over-regulating and regulating by enforcement the U.S is making a big mistake I've said it to you guys before because what they're doing is number one they're forcing more crypto adoption real web 3 crypto adoption."
"If you think this is far-fetched, remember what we just talked about: the Democrats just passed monthly stimulus checks in the form of 250 to 300 per month per child."
"Listen, the government ain't should have never bailed Wells Fargo out."
"Why in the wouldn't they give people a two thousand dollar check, like it's coming out of Joe Biden's own bank account or something."
"This package will be the single largest Main Street assistance program in the history of the United States, the single largest."
"53 percent in favor of a major social welfare program nicknamed the Living State." - News Anchor
"No federal interference in social networks... we're with you."
"The impact of bailouts: subsidizing failure with taxpayer dollars."
"If you do not have a stable Society, you can't talk about trimming spending."
"Our government stands committed to strengthening and expanding the economy with high growth and to create conditions for people to realize their aspirations."
"The heart of the president's strategy is mass vaccination of millions more Americans with help from two new government regulations."
"Government shouldn't be banning ideas or taking choices away from teachers."
"The vaccine requirements in my plan will affect about 100 million Americans."
"If the government truly wanted to maximize the amount of people who are you know going to survive or be healthy then they should let people choose for themselves and well there you go."
"The federal government created a bubble in education cost, and that bubble in education cost has now overburdened 15% of American adults with student loans."
"The government's insistence that schools should stay open."
"The health and safety of every Ontarian must come first, and that's why we're taking these important steps."
"The department continues to believe that the order requiring masking in the transportation sector is a valid exercise of the authority Congress has given CDC to protect the public health." - Department of Justice
"Canadians won't even know what information is being hidden from them because the laws will take the form of invisible algorithms."
"If the government can use access to children through schools to circumvent parental control over their bodily integrity, then we're in a scary new place."
"Governments around the world are taking steps to persuade citizens to change their eating habits."
"Christian nationalism is about saying hey I think the bible should control the government."
"The public disclosure represents a major change in the NSA's approach choosing to put computer security ahead of building up its arsenal of hacking tools."
"The administration, I do believe wants to see not just a bridge to the other side of coronavirus but the foundations for a sustainable, inclusive recovery."
"We need to send bigger checks to the people most devastated by COVID-19 and its economic effects."
"You know, this fiscal responsibility act that just passed to extend the debt ceiling, we're going to see a two trillion dollar deficit again. We're going over 50 trillion dollars in debt in the next 10 years. That's the path we're on."
"The Paramount question about UAP for government policymakers and many members of the public will undoubtedly be whether UAP posed an existential threat."
"The executive order will require that U.S government agencies purchase all essential medicines that we need from American sources."
"The Patriot Act is one of the most egregious violations of American civil liberties in history."
"Experts are calling these measures 'the most consequential housing plan in more than 50 years.'"
"The government can reasonably impose a duty to expose all sides of the argument about Britain and its historical record."
"Our job is to make sure we deliver affordability, that we've got enough in the bank for a rainy day, and that we outperform other like states. Those are our obsessions right now."
"Policies don't trump the constitution and don't trump law."
"One can only hope that this time the government will listen to the scientists before it's too late."
"We must continue to cut through every piece of red tape."
"It's very exciting start and as an ex-police officer I was very pleased to hear they're gonna be 20,000 more police officers."
"President Biden has called on Congress to extend the eviction moratorium."
"The federal government stepped in and offered incredibly affordable quality childcare. It's actually been done in this country before and it's been done well."
"This will give the U.S government more powerful lethal tools to destroy the cartel."
"If the government really wants to invest in early years as they said they will do, they must invest in nurture groups."
"More direct stimulus checks to individuals and families."
"Until the government, especially the FAA, makes the necessary changes to streamline their process... I urge all of you to stay angry about space."
"Tanzanian president urges central bank to prepare for crypto... urged the country's central bank to begin exploring crypto assets."
"Australian government builds mandatory quarantine facilities officials say the jab is the golden ticket to freedom."
"It's not a loan, there's no payback, it is a refund on taxes you probably shouldn't have paid in the first place."
"I do not want a nanny state locking things down because they won't be able to do it effectively."
"Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil pledges to invest up one percent treasury in bitcoin and crypto."
"This is exactly right. The divisive, false, and demeaning propaganda of the critical race theory movement is contrary to all we stand for as Americans and should have no place in the federal government."
"The workers of Maine have always been loyal to America and while I'm your president, this government will always be loyal to you."
"We had 15 days to slow the spread turned into one year of lost liberty."
"They've wasted time on stupid measures like this."
"But why hasn’t Antony Blinken labeled it a genocide?"
"There's compelling reasons if they have that stuff that we should release it to people."
"You lost your job, the government said you had to lose your job, you lost your income stream because the government said you had to lose your income stream."
"The USDA is trying to strip that away... they're willing to lock up an Amish farmer... and bankrupt them in the process."
"We passed the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history."
"We can afford it if the richest among us took less from the government."
"Would that be a violation of freedom of speech? You bet your ass it would be a violation of freedom of speech and it would be tyranny."
"A Labour government that acknowledges that trans rights are human rights."
"COVID didn't crush the economy. Government crushed the economy."
"Some people have been scratching their heads trying to work out how the Tory party... is now saying let's turn the taps on."
"The best way to get people out of poverty isn't to keep handing them cash grants from the government."
"There is to be the institutional separation of church and state. There is never, and I mean absolutely never ever ever never ever, to be the separation of God and government."
"The government led by Gensler is in a Full Assault on crypto and the goal is basically to either destroy in the US or drive it offshore."
"The biggest national security threats today come from China and Russia." - Pentagon
"So it's looking more and more like a fourth stimulus check is going to happen." - Ron
"We're going to drain the swamp and that's what we're doing right now."
"The Bush Administration lied about WMDs in Iraq, which was the blueprint for every regime change operation."