
Constitution Quotes

There are 1311 quotes

"I really appreciate you guys sticking in there with me. I hope all of this stuff made sense."
"We need more people that are willing to dispense with political parties and do what's right for the Constitution and the country."
"Secular morality is fundamentally superior to religious morality because our modern morality demands that all Americans promote, with vigor, the freedom and fairness of our Constitution."
"We're going to preserve, protect, and defend our incredible Constitution."
"Roe vs. Wade and Planned Parenthood vs. Casey haunt our country. They have no basis in the constitution. They've damaged the democratic process, they poison the law, they've choked off compromise for 50 years."
"When the founders crafted the constitution, the first thing they did was make sacred the rights of the individual to share ideas without limitation by their government."
"The Constitution allows for amendments because it was written with the idea that things would change."
"As judges, we decide according to the Constitution, we are governed by the rule of law."
"The rewriting of its Constitution allows the expeditionary deployment of its military, bucking the self-defense pacifist ideology of the past, and it's proof that Japan is actively preparing to send ships, troops, and planes to aid the U.S and Taiwan."
"Our tradition teaches tolerance; our philosophy preaches tolerance; our Constitution practices tolerance. Let us not dilute it."
"Our democracy held because courageous people like those you heard from today put their oath to the Constitution above their loyalty to one man or to one party."
"No law requires me to be compliant. In fact, the Constitution of the United States gives me my fifth and Fourth Amendment right not to be searched and seized and not to give you any information unless I'm suspected of a crime."
"The Constitution of the United States is to be approved by the people themselves... the solid basis of the consent of the people. The streams of national power ought to flow immediately from that pure, original fountain of all legitimate authority."
"Thus I consent, sir, to this Constitution because I expect no better, and because I am not sure that it is not the best."
"Constitution gives you more endurance and health, boosting your fortitude defense against poisons and disease."
"The First Amendment is the beating heart of our Constitution."
"If you're selling the Constitution to people who don't believe in God, not only does religion shape the moral view of people, it also shapes their view of what a human being is."
"The constitution is a living document because the English language is a living language."
"There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution."
"The Constitution is the greatest political document ever written, and we are in a post-constitutional moment."
"There's nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being the president in his last year."
"The Bill of Rights is quite explicitly for all of us."
"The Constitution of the United States does not contain one word of reference to the Christian religion."
"I do solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; so help me God."
"The magic and genius of this country is the way in which the Constitution and our culture interact."
"The US president is empowered by Article Two of the Constitution to run the executive branch of the government."
"Our hearts on the Midas touch Network go out to each of the grand jurors who did nothing more than swearing allegiance to the constitution and do what was right for justice."
"We need a written constitution; we've muddled along for hundreds of years with a sort of unwritten one."
"I believe that our Constitution was probably the best ever written as an agreement between the people and the government."
"The constitution sets the exclusive standards by which a person qualifies for election."
"The Constitution was designed to put limits and checks on all forms of government power."
"It will show that you put the Constitution above partisanship."
"Loyalty is ultimately to the Constitution, not personal or political loyalty."
"The constitution doesn't recognize any single ethnicity or race as the only holders of the country."
"People swear an oath to the Constitution... it is a piece of paper that is a gigantic golden mithril shield protecting us from so much evil and tyranny."
"He has abused his power and put the loyalty to himself before loyalty to the Constitution."
"Section three of the 14th Amendment is literally the safety net for American democracy."
"Public servants promise to defend our constitution, uphold our laws, and work on behalf of the American people."
"Our Constitution was the product of centuries of tradition, wisdom, and experience. Tradition, no political tradition, the people who came over here, or the tendencies upon which this country were founded, were not a product of tradition, they were a product of the Enlightenment, which was a challenge to tradition."
"It is very difficult to legally pass laws in this country [America] that affect religious freedom because of our constitution. We thank Allah for the constitution; it is a very beneficial document in that regard."
"The Constitution requires it, justice demands it."
"The beauty of the Constitution is that it tries to funnel people's political self-interest into a greater constitutional good."
"It is said that Jefferson...was instrumental in the drafting of the Virginian Constitution in June of 1776, whilst his statement that all men are created equal was included in the introduction to the Declaration of Independence and is regarded by many to be the most famous phrase in American history."
"The Constitution was written to limit the power of the federal government and to protect the rights of citizens."
"The Constitution was made to govern a moral and righteous people."
"The Constitution is such a strong document to form a foundation for a country that exhibits amazing freedoms and rights for the people that live there."
"We believe in a constitution that puts some issues off limits to majority rule."
"Do you think the Constitution should be used to create new rights? Senator, the Constitution is an enduring document."
"A military that is a party military will act based on party principles, and that is a threat to the American people, that is a threat to our Constitution, and that is a threat to our form of government."
"The moment that stuck with me is when Kamala Harris laughed and Joe Biden said, 'You can’t just do everything. There is a constitution.'"
"Americans have something all those who were forced to bend the knee did not: a constitution, a Bill of Rights, rule of law."
"The confrontation clause of the United States Constitution gives you a right to confront your accusers."
"I stand for the constitution of my country and I stand for the people of my country."
"The framers quite explicitly and uniformly chose to vest executive power in a solitary individual because they believed that vesting executive authority in one person would imbue the presidency with precisely the attributes necessary for energetic government."
"We as black Americans have always wanted what the Constitution stated: All men, black, white, and today Latino, Asian, Italian, etc., should be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness."
"He's here to sound the alarm, to protect the Constitution, to stir healthy dissent, to protect the lone voice."
"The text of the constitution makes clear there is no January exception to the impeachment power, that presidents can't commit grave offenses in their final days and escape any congressional response. That's not how our constitution works."
"Well, primarily it is the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, especially those freedoms and rights that are in sections 2, 6, 7, and 15 of the Charter, which I helped craft. And their freedoms of association, freedoms of expression, religion, conscience, freedom of assembly, freedom of association... Section six, freedom of mobility, the right to travel anywhere in Canada or leave Canada."
"I actually think there is political upside. I took an oath to support and defend the constitution. I take that seriously."
"I enjoy the amendments of the Constitution of the United States of America, and I thank God that I'm able to live in this beautiful country."
"There's no stronger advocate for the United States Constitution to include all amendments than I am."
"Excessive bail is prohibited under both the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article 1, Section 6 of the Idaho Constitution."
"It's America and the Constitution first before my political party."
"If Parliament tries to challenge the people, this stretches the elastic of our Constitution near to breaking point."
"It does feel like there is a cultural shift back to freedom, back to the Constitution."
"God is never mentioned in the United States Constitution except in order to limit religion and keep it out of politics."
"The court says this court has recognized no public accommodations law is immune from the demands of the constitution."
"We've got constitutional classes for you to learn about the Constitution, why it is what it is, how we got it, and how to use it."
"America was a wild west for a bit. America had to fight tooth and nail to gain their independence. They understood after having done that why it's necessary to have something of a constitution."
"The rules change; it's as if the United States Supreme Court made a change about codifying the United States Constitution."
"You either believe in the Constitution or you don't."
"The president's ability...flows from the Constitution."
"African Americans played an important role in the drafting of the Constitution by providing the physical labor that built Independence Hall and contributing their knowledge and ideas to the drafting of the Constitution."
"It's unconstitutional restricting uh freedom of the press."
"The president's job is supposed to be that and a guard for the Constitution."
"The Constitution empowers the Senate to try all impeachments and to determine the rules of its proceedings."
"It's not a matter of turning back the clock, it's a matter of restoring the original meaning of the Constitution."
"Once they've figured out that the Supreme Court is essentially rewriting the Constitution term by term, the old criteria for appointing and confirming judges no longer apply."
"The Constitution is not a joke, the politicians people vote in are a joke."
"The country was in the midst of a full-blown constitutional crisis."
"The Constitution is a document that brings us together."
"The Civic requirement should include some basic understanding of the Constitution."
"The idea that we have unmarked paramilitary troops at the federal level violating the Constitution and also violating our rule of law is disgusting but also expected from the Trump administration."
"The Constitution is only as strong as the people holding it up."
"We have a thing called the Constitution, which I cherish."
"The Constitution and the Bill of Rights... that's why this country is worth defending."
"The law will prevail, and the Constitution will prevail."
"The constitution symbolizes a contract between all of us."
"The Bible is the constitution of the entire creation."
"My allegiance is to my country, my allegiance is to my Constitution."
"The fifth amendment is part of our constitution, you can't legally force people to talk."
"Ultimately, no matter what any state declares, the ultimate check on fraud that our constitution created was for the state majority of state delegations in the house to say who was the real winner."
"That choice is now an obligation of our office... We can stand up to this president in defense of the country and the Constitution and the Liberty we love."
"I take that very seriously... it's a duty of upholding our constitution that's part of the first thing you say in your oath of office."
"The postal service is actually in the damn constitution, it's literally written in the constitution." - Dr. Neon B. Carter
"I am driven by a commitment to truth and transparency rooted in our inherent duty to uphold the United States Constitution and protect the American people."
"Once we start terminating parts of the Constitution that don't work well for us at the moment, that's the ball game."
"The Constitution is the most enduring political charter in the history of Western civilization."
"I think the constitution is suspended during a virus, during a pandemic."
"Walk by faith. Faith in the Constitution, faith in our democracy, faith in the rule of law."
"One nation under God, a Bible, and a Constitution."
"We have something, it's very beautiful, it's called the Constitution. Maybe you've heard of it."
"Preserving, protecting, and defending the constitution should be the most unifying factor in American politics."
"You want a constitution that unites us and political arguments that divide us."
"The most serious and solemn and important and tragic last ditch safety valve in the constitution has been used as basically a 'we're number one' foam sign."
"It's not just about Democrat Republican okay, it's about establishment and Americans, it's about people who want globalist governance and who want American freedoms and American governance and a constitution that's what it boils down to."
"If you take away the checks and balances by saying that one branch doesn't have to respect the other branch, then we won't have checks and balances anymore."
"The basis of our government, the Constitution, is the individual."
"The law, the Constitution, the supreme law of the land."
"Okay, they were defeated, but it didn't erase their morals straight away. And that is why the Constitution of the United States was written in such a way that respected human rights."
"You don't get to dictate my life based on your religion. That's what this country's Constitution indicates."
"Enforcing the Constitution against Donald Trump and other insurrectionists is not partisan, it is patriotic."
"They do not stand for American value, they do not stand for the Constitution, they stand for autocracy."
"The white race deems itself to be the dominant race in this country...our constitution is colorblind."
"The Supreme Court has perverted the constitution."
"If we just followed the constitution, the government would be very much smaller."
"If you're going to be consistent about the Constitution, that is the right ruling."
"The 14th Amendment says insurrectionists may not serve in office."
"It's not sustainable for this country to ask men and women to raise their right hand if at the same time you're teaching them the constitution is racist."
"This is a momentous day for America, for the United States Constitution, and for the fair and impartial rule of law."
"What I'm fighting for is the Constitution, what I'm fighting for is the perpetuation of the republic."
"We are confirmed a record number of 217 federal judges who will interpret the Constitution as written."
"Even if the Constitution has taken a holiday during the pandemic, it cannot become a sabbatical now." - Justice Gorsuch
"Our constitution is clear; it is the driving law behind this entire nation, the framework upon which we were built where we the people maintain power."
"It was a constitution, very primitive but the first in American history."
"Revolution at that point, the people would be the ones to give themselves new constitution, the referendum, and everything they are asking you who are enjoying the benefit today to give to them peacefully."
"There may be some that cite at this stage that the constitution says there shall be no religious test for any position in government and that what we're pointing to here would be a violation of that concept."
"The Federalists were those individuals who were the supporters of the Constitution."
"The United States Senate, every one of those senators still took an oath to defend the Constitution."
"A U.S. government-funded organization organized a petition to rewrite Thailand's Constitution..."
"It's an insult to all Americans, it's an insult to the Constitution."
"The Constitution is actually a very spiritual document that guarantees freedom and many of the things that we enjoy in society simply cannot exist if that is basically destroyed."
"In the year of our Lord 1787, the Constitution was written."
"Freedom of the press, ma'am. The First Amendment."
"The new constitution reserved ultimate authority with the Workers Party."
"This is a man who respects the Constitution unlike the other guy."
"We need to uphold the rule of law and the Constitution of the United States."
"I'm traveling the country with my son in defense of our constitution."
"You cannot have a leader of the Free World who does not respect the Constitution."
"The original intent of the constitution must be factored in. It means what it says, and it says what it means."
"No religious tests will ever be required for qualification of any office or public trust under the United States."
"I love being an FBI agent because the FBI is a group of highly trained and highly intelligent men and women who are dedicated to upholding the Constitution and protecting people."
"We have to always err on the side of protecting the constitutional rights of the criminal defendant."
"As long as the Constitution is there, we need to abide by that."
"Should they be denied basic citizen and human rights? If you said yes, then it looks like you're disagreeing with our own American constitution."
"America is guided by the Constitution, which states freedom of speech is a fundamental right."
"You're against us if you wear that thin blue line, not for the constitution."
"The first amendment is not there to protect basic speech like hey I'm going to go to the store and buy bread and water it's there to protect political and social opinions that are controversial."
"It's not supposed to be based on party. They're supposed to be objective and based on the constitution."
"Equality means we are equal before the law pursuant to the Constitution."
"These are Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts... who are there to defend the Constitution to uphold the rule of law."
"I think the underlying premise for every American to uphold the constitution is a good thing."
"They were willing to sacrifice their lives for free speech, for the Constitution."
"You have a constitutional right to control your children's education."
"The spirit of the US Constitution lives in Bitcoin."
"Our government is being run by a cadre of powerful post-American forces. Our current political leadership acts as though our constitution and the freedoms protected by that constitution are no longer valid."
"It's time to wake up stupid. This isn't a joke, this is a man who has himself come forward and stated that he intends to rewrite the Constitution."
"The first amendment forbids arbitrary treatment... viewpoint discrimination."
"This Constitution puts into practice the insights of proper terianism, completing the founding fathers' vision."
"We used to believe in the constitution now we bend it and twist it."
"The Constitution matters, even if half the country doesn't see it."
"I don't think the union is going to last very long... The United States, with the government not following the constitution."
"You cannot overrule the Constitution with a public health order."
"The Federalist Papers convinced the American public of the merits of the Constitution."
"At the center of the South African Constitution: the right for the accused to be heard."
"The Constitution has been absolutely destroyed by the current government."
"Trump is a true politician because he is a true American wanting to go by what our constitution says."
"Democrats need to set aside political considerations and do their constitutional duty."
"We take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic."
"It's not my responsibility as president to uphold the constitutional law handed down by the Supreme Court, it's my responsibility to uphold the Constitution."
"Every branch has the responsibility to uphold the Constitution."
"A day of tragedy became a Triumph of freedom, and I'll always believe that by God's grace I did my duty that day under the Constitution of the United States of America and our institutions held." - Mike Pence
"I'm also truly shocked that a bunch of leftists and progressives came up with the worst idea in probably constitutional history."
"We love our country, we love our Constitution."
"The Constitution is an edict that has served us well because of how it was written. You can add to it but you should never take away from it."
"It’s up to us to prove the wisdom of our Constitution, the resilience of our democracy, and strength of our nation." - Hillary Clinton
"It's a coherent portrait of a crime on the constitution."
"The Constitution is the playing field upon which we play the game of democracy."
"You can't be forced to do something that's that means that you're surpassing the subvert in the constitution if you're doing that."
"The journalism is the only career path one of the only career paths that is constitutionally protected."
"We have a responsibility, we take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
"These are folks who reject the First Amendment. They don't believe in the Constitution. That's why I say it's anti-constitutional."
"The Constitution was written to keep the government off the people's backs."
"The attacks on faith, freedom, and the Constitution never stop, but neither does your ACLJ."
"My oath was to protect the Constitution and that is what I will do."
"We are so constituted as to seek after knowledge."
"It's time for gun ownership to be well regulated again, like it says in the Constitution."
"The Constitution stands on top, everyone's on a level playing field."
"All men are born free and equal and have certain natural, essential, and unalienable rights." - Massachusetts Constitution
"Despite all its flaws, it is unquestionably the wisest ever yet presented to men." - Thomas Jefferson
"Your highest loyalty isn't to precedent; it's to the Constitution of the United States."
"I took an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies and it doesn't expire."
"A constitution is the overriding law because it establishes the fundamental principles of a government at either the state or federal level."
"The importance of the Constitution reflecting the reality of society must be a tool of empowerment."
"I will continue to do as a member of the House, speaking for the people of San Francisco, serving the great state of California, and defending our Constitution."
"We have a constitutional framework that works."
"Freedom of speech is one of the things that makes our constitution work."
"I know the laws. I know the Constitution."