
Respiration Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"No muscles are involved during the expiratory process if it's completely passive."
"When you inhale a virus only about 30 percent will stay in the lung tissue, the other 70 is exhaled."
"You're not breathing in just oxygen you'd be dead; you're living in a soup of gases."
"But it's interesting because this study highlights the linkage between this visual attention, our respiration, and the fact that our body and our brain have these innate mechanisms for making sure that we're getting sufficient oxygen."
"ATP is made during respiration by ADP and Pi which is inorganic phosphate joining together in a condensation reaction using the enzyme ATP synthase."
"Trees absorb and store carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, releasing oxygen as a by-product."
"The slight but definitely regular expansion and contraction of the chest were caused by respiration."
"All living things carry out respiration."
"The lungs will want to be the smallest size possible and they will not want to expand."
"If you're going to design a lung and we're looking for optimal design characteristics you'd start by something that would provide a very large surface area because we need to absorb oxygen from the environment and excrete carbon dioxide back into the environment."
"The airways themselves as they divide more and more become embedded in the lung part of the substance itself and these airways are extremely flexible and get smaller and larger as the lung expands and contracts with each breath."
"Carbon dioxide tells the oxygen to release from the hemoglobin and go into the bloodstream."
"The sprouts are alive, so they are respiring. They are consuming CO2 and releasing oxygen."
"It is important to watch the chest rise for a full 60 seconds while counting respirations."
"The body tries very hard to keep the CO2 normal, even in the presence of ventilation-perfusion inequality."
"When you start to go up, ascend to the surface, you can breathe out normally."
"Intrapulmonary pressure is gonna be negative one. What do you mean by negative one? I mean that at that moment, let's say the atmospheric pressure is zero, it's minus one. It means it's below atmospheric."
"Nature hates the ether or the vacuum. When the air fills the void, it raises the pressure. Therefore, at the end of inspiration, your pressure is back to atmospheric from negative one."
"As you know from physics, negative pressure pulls stuff. So it's gonna suck the air in. That's why you breathe in."
"So, we get it. Now, what's gonna happen if your intrapleural pressure is not negative? The lung tends to recoil until it reaches relaxation volume, which is one liter, which is very, very little."
"Let's talk about the transmural pressure, which is the actual pressure that inflates and distends the lung. It's the difference between the intrapulmonary pressure and the intrapleural pressure."
"Aerobic respiration: breaking down glucose in the presence of oxygen, releasing carbon dioxide, water, and energy."
"When we're talking about the ribs, they allow for muscle attachment and various attachments to allow for breathing."
"Clearly, when you exercise, you're going to produce more carbon dioxide."
"These muscles are going to aid in the expansion and the contraction of our thoracic cavity which allows that air to move in and out of our lungs."
"Top on the list is gaseous exchange, as we've already elaborated. This simply means that our body takes up oxygen and releases carbon dioxide."
"We want there to be a near perfect match between ventilation and perfusion."
"It's the CO2 that's the most important variable."
"External intercostal muscles raise the ribs, increasing the diameter of the chest wall."
"Insects can contract and relax the muscles they have in their abdomen and this creates this pumping mechanism so gas gets pumped in and pumped out."
"Do chameleons breathe in water vapor? True."
"Mouth breathing is not a good idea."
"There are two key goals in breathing: why we breathe... taking up oxygen and eliminating carbon dioxide."
"Plants are getting their energy through oxygen and CO2 and nitrogen in the air or water."
"The reason that Mike was able to breathe out of water is because betta fish are known as labyrinth fish."
"The respiratory system is responsible for exchanging gases with the environment."
"Cellular respiration is a process performed by the mitochondria in order to create a molecule called ATP."
"The drive to breathe doesn't come from our oxygen levels dropping, it comes from our carbon dioxide levels building up."
"Stomata... they form a valve so these cells open and close and that valve is how oxygen comes out of the plant, carbon dioxide goes into the plant."
"Mitochondria is where respiration takes place, releasing energy for the cell to function."
"The external intercostal muscles contract and the internal intercostal muscles relax during the inspiration of air."
"Yeast... aerobic respiration produces three times as much carbon dioxide as anaerobic respiration from one molecule of glucose."
"Sprinting runners need a really high amount of ATP rapidly, which is why their muscles will respire anaerobically."
"The only damn reason we breathe is so that we can manage our carbons... so that we can make ATP."
"The large surface area is provided by the fact there are a very very large number of alveoli."
"Cellular respiration occurs in everything from a bacterial cell to you and everything in between."
"Remember, pulse is one minute, and respiration is one minute."
"Tiktaalik has the extraordinary ability to breathe both in water and on land."
"Respiration refers to the combination of airflow and the absorption of gases by your bloodstream."
"The respiratory system is essentially the system where you can participate in gas exchange and airflow."
"The whole point of the respiratory system is to facilitate gaseous exchange."
"Breathe out CO2, breathe out acid."
"The endpoint of all the conversations we have about oxygen and hypoxemia ultimately comes down to how much oxygen gets into the mitochondria."
"Take a deep breath because we're going to inhale some knowledge about the respiratory system."
"Quiet inhalation or quiet exhalation moves about half liter of air in or out."
"In the first second of the forced expiration, a majority of the air is expelled. We expect about eighty to eighty-five percent or more of the air to be expelled out in the first second."
"The first second volume expelled is called FEV1, forced expiratory volume in the first second."
"Alveolar ventilation is inversely related to the partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide."
"The rate and depth of breathing will increase to get rid of excess CO2."
"The purpose of the lung is to do something with the blood, and that is to take the carbon dioxide out of it and to put oxygen back into it."
"Medical and nursing intervention will be targeted to increase carbon dioxide elimination."
"The diaphragm accounts for 70 to 80 percent of inspiration action during quiet breathing."
"Every day, you breathe in enough air to fill a thousand balloons."
"The respiratory quotient is defined as the volume of CO2 given out divided by the volume of O2 taken in or absorbed."
"Gas exchange is the primary function of the lung, so we're now at the center of the activity of respiratory physiology."
"Internal respiration is an exchange of gases where oxygen is distributed into the blood and from the blood it goes into the cells and tissues via the capillaries."
"The vapor lock then filters out the ice and water, evaporating it so the body can absorb the oxygen within the water molecules."
"Fish don't breathe water, they do breathe oxygen."
"84% of the fat that is lost turns into carbon dioxide and leaves the body through the lungs."
"The respiratory reflex center regulates not only the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels but also very importantly the pH."
"Every time you breathe in, 37 trillion cells in your body take in the things they need, and every time you breathe out, they let go of the things they don't."
"Your nasal sinuses produce nitric oxide, which plays a very significant role in the way your body absorbs oxygen."
"Mystery snails have both a gill and a lung."
"The pacemaker neurons... help to be able to set the pace of what is the normal respiration rate and depth for an individual."
"Respiration using oxygen, 18 times more efficient than by glycolysis."
"Hemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen from the lungs to all the other parts of our body for cellular respiration."
"Every breath you take is about 78% nitrogen."
"When you breathe in air, your lungs transfer the oxygen to your blood to keep your body going."
"A good effective gas exchange surface should have a large surface area and be very thin, generally one cell thick."
"Cellular respiration then generates CO2 and water, which are then used in photosynthesis."
"Aerobic respiration consumes organic molecules as the fuel and oxygen, and yields ATP."
"The balanced chemical equation for aerobic respiration is: C6H12O6 plus 6O2 produces 6CO2 plus 6H2O."
"How you breathe dictates how you think, and how you think is going to dictate some elements to how you breathe."
"The capillaries and the mucosa of our nasal cavity warm the air that you bring in from the outside."
"Your patient should be talking, they should be breathing."
"These alveoli look like clusters of grapes but they're going to act more like balloons, inflating when you breathe in."
"Respiration is not just about breathing; it is a vital process that keeps our bodies functioning."
"You want to assess the client's rate, rhythm, and depth of respirations."
"We care about the breathing first, that's what we're going to check."
"This is what we refer to as the natural irrigation of the body through the circulatory system with the help of the respiratory system."
"The eggshell has little air holes called pores that let the air in so the chicks could breathe inside the egg."
"The process of gaseous exchange is taking place across the respiratory membrane."
"The respiratory membrane is absolutely essential for this process of gaseous exchange."
"The alveoli cover a large surface area and they have a good blood supply."
"You can also get your blood oxygen saturation level as well as your respiration level."
"Sinuses are very important since they produce mucus, which is a fluid in your nose that filtrates, warms, and moisturizes the air you breathe in."
"Plants have to have the ability to breathe in order to grow and develop."
"Remember that plants have to have the ability to breathe in order to grow and develop."
"Thank God, I can breathe a little bit."
"It's amazing to think that the lungs are often working with a hundred percent efficiency."
"Photosynthesis is using carbon dioxide faster than respiration is producing it."
"The insects were bigger because the insects absorb oxygen through their skin."
"You should know your equations for aerobic and anaerobic respiration."
"The main purpose of respiration is to produce energy."
"The volume of air inspired per breath, this is quiet breathing."
"From your totally inhaled state to your totally exhaled state, that's the amount of air that represents the tidal volume."
"The inspiratory capacity is just the sum of those."
"The lungs are in charge of governing Qi and respiration."
"Respiration is the process of moving O2 towards and CO2 away from living cells."
"If your blood was really acidic, what could your lungs do to help keep your blood pH from getting too acidic? Breathe more quickly."
"Respiration is another important function carried out by the leaf; this process uses sugars made during photosynthesis and breaks them down into simpler molecules that are used as energy for plant growth and development."
"None of us would be alive if this was not happening. We need to get the oxygen from our lungs to our cells."
"Fish need to perform gas exchange just like any other animals, except they have to do this whilst they live underwater."
"Physical exercise increases the rate and depth of respiration, hence the supply of oxygen in the body."
"The efficiency of aerobic respiration, for example, is very high compared to the efficiency of human-designed systems."
"Some turtles can breathe through their anus."
"Understanding cellular respiration is certainly to understand why you breathe oxygen, where carbon dioxide comes from, and why the temperature of your body is almost 100 degrees."
"The top of the lungs are called the apex; the bottom are called the base."
"The contraction of these breathing muscles enlarges the chest volume and that actually creates a suction that sucks or draws the air into the lungs."
"The primary muscle of respiration, the diaphragm, has to contract down, it allows you to suck in air from high pressure to low pressure."
"Oxygen moves from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration down a concentration gradient."
"Alveoli are great in number and large in size, which means diffusion can happen more efficiently."
"The mitochondria is the site of aerobic cell respiration."
"Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are key processes in the carbon cycle."
"Gas exchange is the real crux of all this; it's what we're really aiming for."
"Mitochondria is a site of aerobic respiration where energy is released."
"Mitochondria are the site of respiration and what gives our body energy."
"The exchange of gases between blood and tissues is called tissue respiration."
"All cells need oxygen and glucose for a process called cellular respiration."
"So again, management is open airway, ventilation, oxygenation."
"Mitochondria is responsible for turning sugar into energy, so that's where respiration takes place."
"Mitochondria is the site of aerobic respiration."
"Respiration means the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide."
"Allow yourself to keep growing in this space, keep breathing into it."
"We're gonna talk tonight about how we breathe, why we breathe, what makes us breathe, how it works on different levels."
"Gas exchange occurs by simple diffusion across the respiratory membrane, with oxygen passing from the alveolus into the blood and carbon dioxide leaving the blood and entering the alveolus."
"The normal rate of respirations for an adult is between 12 and 20 at rest per minute."
"It's the same with the breath. Right, so if you empty out and let all the breath move out, and get a nice, full exhale. Naturally you'll get a nice, big refill, nice big inhale."
"You're creating stability and support as you breathe."
"We breathe out carbon dioxide, we give that to the trees, and they in return give us oxygen."
"Oxygen, which is useful for us because we need to breathe that."
"The cytoplasm is the site for several reactions; respiration begins in the cytoplasm."
"Oxygen is what drives all of this, for aerobic respiration."
"The organ that aids the breathing of fishes underwater is called gills."
"Your nose basically sits on your face, humidifies the air that comes in, warms the air up, and filters."
"That is where the magic happens, that is where gas exchange happens."
"The respiratory system provides oxygenation and tissue perfusion, it removes carbon dioxide which is the waste product of metabolism."
"The paranasal sinuses warm and humidify the air you inhale."
"The plants that need the CO2 give off the oxygen; the animals that need the oxygen give off the CO2."
"Thin membranes, i.e., the alveoli and the capillaries have thin walls, meaning gases can easily diffuse from one to the other."
"Gaseous exchange occurs in two key locations in the body: at the lungs, which we'll call external respiration, and at the muscle tissues and the organs, which is what we call internal respiration."
"Respiration is an exothermic reaction."
"They produce oxygen that all eukaryotes need to breathe, including animals, fungi, and protists."
"The ratio of carbon dioxide evolved to that of oxygen consumed is one to one when you're using carbohydrates predominantly as your power source."
"Respiration can be broken down into external respiration, which is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between fluids in the environment."
"Internal respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the fluids or the blood and the body cells."
"Minute volume is the amount of air that is inhaled and exhaled in a single minute."
"The total amount of air that could fit into the lungs is about 6 liters after maximum inhalation."
"We leave a tiny bit of air in the alveoli all the time; then to fill them with more air is actually very easy."
"You want a sustained current because that is actually what's going to flush the gases and create the gas exchange."
"Your diaphragm is the real hero of breathing."
"Your eyes breathe on their own, think about that, that's amazing."
"The veins are basically taking back that blood once it's been used up to bring it back to the heart so that it can be pumped into the gills to be oxygenated again."
"The artificial Gill works so that oxygen from the water passes through the outer walls of the gill and carbon dioxide is expelled."
"Bugs breathe through their skin, through spiracles."
"Respiration is a controlled combustion reaction where your body is burning fuel in the presence of oxygen to have energy."