
Economic Cycle Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"For every credit sugar rush, there is always a credit cliff unless the governments continue printing at the same pace and the banks continue lending at the same pace."
"In my opinion, we are in the beginning of a very classic late cycle debt crisis."
"Our economy runs on spending. The more that one person spends, the more that somebody else makes."
"By supporting us we'll be bringing more stuff and hopefully like our stuff goes full circle."
"If tether is creating excess demand and liquidity in the cryptocurrency market by issuing more tethers than they have assets to back up, you can see how this could take us straight into a doom loop."
"The spending multiplier: when people spend, that becomes somebody else's income, and then people save a portion of that and they spend the rest."
"We're at the beginning stages of a commodity super cycle."
"Bitcoin is the first time it's possible to stop the cycle of monopolies, corruption, and taxation."
"We're entering the end phase of this post-World War II debt super cycle... The value of gold exploded."
"A new technology capital spending cycle and the Roaring 2020s are underway."
"Asset prices go up, and then eventually the real economy kicks in, and then ultimately inflation comes and starts taking it all away." - Steve Hanke
"Eventually it will meet its demise and when that happens, every time throughout history, it is the people that pay."
"The enclosure of rent creates the cycle, but credit creation determines how high it will go."
"I don't think conditions are crazy but I do think that we're in the advanced stages of a very positive cycle."
"The recession is definitely taking hold in the very early parts of the cycle."
"Right now, it's the time to start preparing for that next cycle, to start looking for the plays that are going to lead the next bull market, doing your due diligence and your research now more than ever is so important."
"It's basically worth less now. This will keep happening more and more."
"We may be getting very close to the late stages of this crazy market mania."
"It is just an endless cycle of increasing wealth with no repercussions."
"I think the miners will be to the next cycle what the dot-com stocks were of the '90s."
"There's been this belief that these are terrific buying opportunities."
"They've cut their cost so much that we actually have like a beautifully cut, like in shape Airbnb with no fat going into this super cycle, which is insane."
"What happens when you go from this late stage capitalism to the socialist utopia...it turns into this never-ending cycle of authoritarianism and micromanagement of the economy."
"Here we go again folks, here we go. We haven't learned a damn thing, it's gonna happen again."
"According to Willy Woo, there is no top to this bull cycle."
"The majority of returns in the cycle are still ahead."
"You need a recession to get the next cycle going."
"I think right now we're in this cycle where we're basically going to enter the final mania phase."
"So, I think that we've seen the largest blowoff top in history postco and it only stands to reason that we're seeing one of the largest topping processes ever."
"Copper is heading towards a super cycle for prices."
"We are entering into a cycle, a super cycle for commodities... the biggest money makers on earth right now."
"The reality as I see it is you have got a combination of the peak of the credit cycle and we're beginning to go down the other side coinciding with trade protectionism."
"Every currency in South America collapses every 20 to 30 years."
"Your savings gets wiped away every seven years."
"We're in the infancy stage of another super cycle to the upside."
"The 18-year cycle is the single best tool for explaining the system, how it operates, who wins and who loses."
"It's a virtuous cycle. It is the supercycle."
"Every single store, even Walmart, they're a reseller, they buy stuff for cheaper, mark it up, that's how the world goes around."
"This is the classic inventory cycle that has historically driven recessions."
"Deflation, like inflation, can spiral if left unchecked."
"If people spend money, then businesses make more money."
"We have entered the next wave of inflation; in other words, we've entered a cycle of reflation."
"He correctly diagnosed the cycle and he correctly proposed the solution."
"Things will change and it potentially might have a very major effect on a future cycle."
"The risk is that we think we can go back to the way things were, that we basically go through the cycle we've been through several times over the last 20 years, and that we have just another one of the same sort."
"And so then those American workers have more money in their pocket, and then they go the restaurant nearby, and then suddenly the restaurant is doing a little bit better, so they hire a couple more shifts -- and you get this virtuous cycle."
"It just feels to me as if we're just building yet another base right here that will support the final run to the four-year cycle peak."
"The only people that have done extremely well out of this cycle are people who are following strategies like this."
"You can inflate away the debt for a period of time, but that will get embedded in wages, and if it gets embedded in wages, game over."
"Every tightening cycle in history has been followed by an easing cycle and vice versa."
"We're at the very early stages of that sort of super cycle."
"There's this lagged effect that next thing you know all of a sudden there's no demand and that demand sends us right into recession."
"We have a relatively normal inflationary cycle that is causing high nominal GDP growth."
"We have turned in the cycle, in my opinion."
"Economic expansions would be longer, recessions would be shorter."
"Understanding where you are in the market cycle, understanding where you are in the economic cycle, marrying those two factors together to produce good outcomes for your portfolio."
"The unemployment rate remains at just 3.5 percent, which is as low as we've seen in the current cycle post-pandemic."