
Gradual Change Quotes

There are 270 quotes

"It's the little progressive changes over time that push an industry forward."
"This manipulation is always gradual. It starts very small and then grows bigger and bigger until it's basically very hard for the victim to go back because they are just all in."
"Christian change is gradual, inevitable, internal, and symmetrical."
"If the Negro is to be eliminated, he must be eliminated slowly so as not to hurt any living individual Negroes."
"Everybody's going to say, 'Man, when did it happen?' and you won't be able to point to any individual instance because there wasn't any individual that was at fault. Rather, it was a slow march towards just not having any consumer rights."
"If you're looking to start intermittent fasting, I would recommend starting slowly and gradually by reducing the portions of your meal size."
"It's like boiling a frog or a lobster; when you apply more heat just a little at a time, it's hard to know you're stewing."
"But it took a few years until it had its tipping point."
"This is the story about the frog boiling in water... it's a metaphor that illustrates how people can deal with a situation that is slowly deteriorating."
"Everything happens gradually, then suddenly."
"You don't have to go from one extreme to the other, you can take it slower in the beginning."
"Second Amendment protects all the others but now that it's gone eviscerated or will be eventually and will happen in one step."
"How do you go bankrupt? Two ways: gradually and then suddenly."
"There is going to need to be a little bit of discomfort... I pray that you know this happens gradually."
"They will stop at nothing to achieve that, and they will do it incrementally."
"You're planting seeds. You're not going to convert everybody overnight. Just keep putting that information out there."
"History is happening right now in your face but you're a frog in a pot as the water is turning up and you don't even realize it."
"Change has been happening at too gradual a pace."
"Gogan's not a light switch come on now it's a toggle gogan's gonna come over a series of updates."
"There's all sorts of paths to start. You can go cold turkey or transition slowly."
"Most changes happen gradually, and just making sure the gradual change happens in the right direction is so much more important than getting those key moments right."
"God provides in miraculous ways, in 2017 Willie George started to like soft step down."
"Let's just go slow and easy... change minds."
"You can become more detached during this time, the drama can fall off gradually over the year and a half you can detect to."
"Small incremental changes over time can really lead to big change."
"There are some things that are slowly happening with the Biden administration." - Latoya McBean
"A distinct progression away from the dollar little by little by little than all at once."
"Semanticity comes along gradually of course because it evolves like everything else."
"How did you go bankrupt? ... Two ways: Gradually, then suddenly."
"But the wealthy have been buying our Republic, they've been doing it very slowly but in the end they will do it very suddenly."
"Step by step, law by law, mind by changing mind."
"She's modernizing the royal family one step at a time."
"You don't have to commit to doing everything perfectly right away."
"Sometimes changes can be gradual and we don't even notice them."
"Decoupling can be done gradually to parse it out."
"Build trust at first, then slowly over time we can modify the ask."
"We're gonna become guppy one slap at a time."
"He did it day by day, norm by norm, president by president, tradition by tradition."
"It's not something you're gonna fix overnight because it didn't happen overnight."
"A lot of little changes over a long period of time build up to one big result."
"It's like how Hemingway went broke slowly then all at once."
"It wasn't like one day I woke up and had a big epiphany, no no, it was a long process."
"Pick one area... focus on that one area... all the other areas are going to start to slowly improve."
"Over time however, they escalate and worsen."
"They took a slower approach, gradually getting spookier over time."
"For anyone who feels that way, titrating yourself off is a good way to go."
"I think the recognition comes slowly and all at once."
"Resisting immoral orders is more difficult than you think... they don't come all at once."
"People can't change overnight. It took years of work."
"We are sterilizing the planet on an installment plan. It doesn't mean the end of the world."
"Slowly but steadily, one of Calf Shirt’s legs unfolded like a man awakening from a long sleep."
"Little by little, baby steps, there is hope."
"There is no point where someone comes and grabs you by the shoulders and screams the nukes have been launched. It's happening now, almost everything that happens is gradually and then suddenly."
"Recovery is not just like a switch that you can turn on or off."
"Little by little, we want to help fix the problem."
"Successful change rarely comes from wholesale change."
"We're out here affecting change little by little."
"Everything always regresses to the mean and it's usually slow and painful."
"Saturn in Aquarius will allow more opportunities gradually introduced to allow normal people to participate in the market system."
"Until you change the culture, that's when you can stop doing the stop-and-frisk. But because it doesn't happen overnight, right?"
"We're experiencing it now. We don't want to be the frog in the kettle."
"The work that you've been doing on yourself, Taurus, it's instituting changes that were imperceptible at first."
"The shy Trump people are putting up their Trump signs slowly but surely."
"Green energy might be the future, but the transition from oil and gas to green energy has to be gradual."
"Healing is subtle, healing is gradual, healing is in that moment."
"We gotta keep beating the door down on them and push for better conditions one fix at a time."
"The ultimate goal is one by one they are turning the knob one one degree at a time towards hard left corporate establishment media narrative."
"Rome didn't collapse in a day and neither will the world."
"By degree, one compromise begets another begets another until pretty soon you've heard the old anecdote about the boiling frog."
"I always hoped for the best, but I ignored the slowly Changing Winds."
"I'm adjusting slowly but surely. I am adjusting."
"It's not like phones you can't just replace all the cars and trucks overnight."
"Just remember guys, slowly and then suddenly."
"Old things are passed away, behold all things are become new, it don't happen overnight but it happened gradually, that's right."
"Things get to terrible places one tiny step at a time."
"It's not going to be a bloody conflict or a riot in the streets. The real war is a slow steady march to destroy all dissent."
"Small changes accumulate across time. Just make a little difference today and another one tomorrow."
"We've been slowly losing a battle that we didn't even realize was going on."
"It's never going to be a finger snap overnight moment when the authoritarians take over and lock you up in a camp or something; it's always gradual."
"If you can slowly stop wearing makeup, you would probably help your skin health out tremendously."
"It's not a matter of magnitude or how strong a feeling you have, but small and simple things that build up over time."
"Take it slow, you know, just slowly chip away. Take things out that you know you shouldn't have and then add things in that you feel like you probably should be adding in."
"Evolution isn't black and white; it's a transitional thing over long periods of time."
"Executing thy judgments upon them by little and little."
"Tiny steps over time can mean the difference between survival and extinction."
"Evolutionary changes happen gradually, even the tiniest ones."
"Climate change is slowly spreading like a cancer."
"Change happens slowly and change happens at a snail's pace and change happens at a minute level at Manchester United but we have to get excited when we have to get excited."
"Your sleep is not going to change overnight, but it can change slowly, one step at a time."
"Make small measured changes every single day to reach your big goals."
"When the Chinese take over a place, it's often a fairly gradual thing that people notice, but they convince themselves they're not really seeing what they're seeing."
"You feel good inside... it really does feel and taste like a home-cooked meal."
"Change is not going to be immediate. The little things are going to be presenting themselves first and foremost."
"My life is falling apart, just one piece at a time."
"You're both moving toward each other... it's a gradual process."
"Change is happening; it's gradual but significant."
"When you get the ball rolling, things will start to change very quickly. It's going to be gradual, but you'll gain enough momentum."
"Hard to go vegan all at once, and even if they never go vegan, vegetarian is still a huge step in the right direction."
"You're not being asked to do it overnight, just one step at a time."
"Change isn't a decision; it's something that happens slowly with time without us realizing it."
"They do it so slowly over decades that no one really notices."
"True change occurs gradually, you gotta stay patient and be masterful."
"You're transforming from the inside out as well and it's not overnight but it's so powerful."
"The rebirth of the Sanhedrin is a slow ongoing process."
"It was just kind of like the slow, slow process...and then all of a sudden it's just like here."
"It's a process, right? Not suddenly switching to this perfect diet on day one."
"My house will actually change if I do that slowly as opposed to just moving things around."
"It's all changing little by little by little, then bang, all at once."
"Allah allowed that generation to experience the Sharia in a gradual manner."
"Only make changes if they work for you and make gradual incremental changes if you do need to make changes."
"A positive change coming for a long time, it's not a sudden change."
"Both micro and macro-evolution are different scopes of the same thing. Macro is just a lot of micros, one step at a time."
"Small changes over long periods of time turn into big things."
"Take small measured steps to make those changes."
"Over time, things will lean in that direction."
"We just need to keep at it and slowly but surely that change will come."
"Slowly I started like bringing a little more in and more, but it was definitely like scary."
"Big life-changing transformation happens one key shift at a time."
"It doesn't happen overnight, it happens over years."
"Victory is achieved by slowly winning hearts and minds."
"Evolution not revolution has been the order of the day."
"Change happens one step at a time, one foot in the water, one foot on the ground."
"Start out with just a week and then start out with two weeks and then try to build up."
"The church moves very, very slowly. The church thinks in terms of centuries, not necessarily what's going to happen tomorrow."
"It's like you're a frog boiling, and then suddenly by the end, the frog is boiled."
"It is just a gradual process. You may not be able to do it overnight because it's not overnight. You have to create a, for some, a lifestyle change of healthy foods."
"If you start out slow, you get adapted in small steps, and your body will get adapted and your mind will get adapted to the fact that this is extremely cold."
"Avoid anything radical... Radical changes, big diets, when you're in pain, it's not the right way to do it. Small, incremental, positive changes."
"Evolution is the steady progression of a species over hundreds of thousands of years."
"Rome wasn't built in a day. You're not going to completely transform your life overnight. But even if instead of midnight, you went to bed at 11:00 p.m. and got up at 5:45 a.m."
"We're doing exactly the thing so you know this whole thing about like if you put a frog in boiling water and you just change the temperature over time it won't notice until it dies yeah that's exactly what's happening yeah yeah."
"Ease in. For some of your long-standing and deep-rooted habits, it might be more effective to take small steps to ease into unwinding them."
"It's about taking little steps at a time, getting used to them, and moving in that direction."
"I want to wean them off me. But I can't show you how to do it fast. It just is impossible. It takes time."
"It doesn't have to be a binary thing, you know, it can be, I just basically gradually increasing the percentage of work that's original over time, you know, and it just doesn't have to be like I'm gonna stop doing what I'm doing and do something completely different overnight."
"The work God does in our lives happens slowly than all at once."
"Be gentle with yourself, don't try and cut anything cold turkey, ease your way into it, find workouts that are fun for you."
"That'd be crazy but doesn't it also like well it doesn't get passed on little by little it gets like it's like a gradual transfer it's a gradual transfer."
"People think that it's going to be a light switch, just on or off. But that's not the case."
"Building healthy and lasting positive changes in your life doesn't typically happen all at once but rather as a series of small action steps that grow and compound over time."
"...it's not going to happen in one cycle it's going to happen over many cycles to bring something back."
"Character arcs are not supposed to happen instantly, it should happen over the course of a story."
"Announce the new you to yourself first, reveal it slowly to the world like the waxing moon."
"You can't just completely rob your body of stuff that you used to have kind of like withdrawing from a drug you know you have to baby step it because I just cold turkey like I think I try and kido for like three days and I just the energy wasn't there."
"Making small changes over time is the key to turning something into a habit."
"Change happens gradually whether you're increasing your lot size or whether you're it's the things I'm talking about developing the mindset it happens gradually."
"Instead of just cutting it out as a whole, I would like for it to slowly disappear without anybody realizing it."
"I'm starting now to like build some of these habits so that it's not like okay it's january now all of a sudden all the stuff is gonna change magically in one big burst."
"You don't have to deconstruct your life overnight. You don't have to follow all of your dreams and face every single desire and conquer the emptiness that the Clutter is covering up all in one shot."
"It's like, throwing a frog in lukewarm water, turn up the temperature one degree at a time frog, eventually boils to death."
"It's not a race. It is, for you, the slower the better, because once it's gradual, so gradual, you don't feel the change."
"Continual self-improvement through gradual little changes in your life."
"Darwin describes Evolution as a slow and gradual process as a population of organisms adapts to a new environment it becomes a new species different from its ancestors"
"It's way more sticky way more effective to go through that change slowly bit by bit than to try to get yourself all clear exactly the way I want it to be."
"The changes are happening gradually with time."
"Bit by bit, we will change this world."
"It's better to be one percent better every single day than to try and make a million changes at once."
"It was kind of gradual, wasn't it? Wasn't a one like, boom, it hit me."
"World views change very gradually."
"Small changes over a long period of time can make the biggest of differences."
"Making minute changes slowly will eventually turn them into habits."
"Cut it down to one sugar in your coffee in the beginning. You see, a little bit every day."
"I think we have this idea in our heads, all of us, about like one day over summer, it's just gonna like open up again, like the light's gonna go back to normal. But I really think it's gonna be like really gradual."
"Change is never just one big thing."
"Being yourself is really, it's all about a process of shedding, a process of removal, a process of washing all that mud out."
"Take your time. Don't try and change the world in one day."
"Changing habits gradually in small steps, the smaller the better."
"It's a frog in a pot of boiling water."
"I think it'll take a lot more time for it to be really, really changed."
"We really can gradually shape ourselves."
"Always feel free to scooch on in, but little by little, try to scooch on out."
"The goal is small incremental changes over a long period of time."
"It's the boiling frog syndrome and this happens every single time."
"Definitely not a overnight change, but it was the start of 'Man, I got to do something. I don't think you can leave that stuff behind. It just kind of comes part of you."
"It should be gradual, it shouldn't be this overnight transition, it'll be over time, it'll be talked about, it'll be processed, it'll be earned."
"The devil turns us one degree at a time, so slowly that we don't even realize that we're turning."
"Personal change often happens through habituation, not sudden epiphanies."
"It's a mosaic evolution that we see in these groups."
"All these things have started off more modestly and then over time people realize there should be improvements to it."
"It's slowly boiling the frog versus dropping a frog."
"So, my philosophy is, alright cool, if you're eating unhealthy 100, start off eating healthy 60."
"It's not always a quick light switch, it's sometimes you just gradually emerging from it and your opinions crystallize."
"Father and grandfather took things gradually because, honestly, if I were to hold a gathering tomorrow and tell everyone that women would now have the exact same rights in the pack as men, the more traditional families would revolt."
"Emancipation was in fact neither quick nor painless nor perhaps even revolutionary."
"We need a miracle, but that is the miracle. It's just not arriving in a flash, it's arriving over time."
"The unmaking of scientific knowledge does not happen quickly; it's not a rapid Gestalt shift in thinking."
"It's important to understand the structural, the deep, fundamental forces that may be operating slowly just like water might be heating up slowly for the frog but they are nonetheless extremely important."
"It's a process, it's not something that happens overnight."
"I have a lot of hope for institutions... it's like, understand the institution and slowly, revolutions from within versus revolutions from the doubt."
"Make changes slowly, even when going from bad to good."
"We are trying to be as transparent as possible, we're slowly easing and adapting into it."
"We need to avoid those big violent breaks; we need to do it in a smooth way so that everybody comes off better."
"Slowly working your way to becoming more and more sustainability conscious in the way that you do your skincare routine is the best thing that you can do."
"Realize you don't have to do it all at once and also realize that any change, any reduction is important and should be celebrated."
"This is why you need a gradual reduction."
"Marriage is sometimes a lot like a boiling lobster analogy; when you're in, some behavior comes up on you gradually."
"We build upon successes, whereas what dieting does is thrust everything on you all at once."
"Start slow, start with breakfast or start with lunch."
"Gradually, then suddenly, this is how the Lord moves."
"Cataracts is opacity of the lens, and for this, the changes in vision are gradual, slow, and painless."