
Disagreements Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"We can agree on a subject but we don't have to be subject to our disagreements."
"At bottom, all political disagreements are really theological disagreements."
"Disagreements are to be expected, but if I do my best to empathize, it's clear that most people, shaped by circumstance, are doing their best to answer life's big questions, just as I am."
"The reason I'm here is because all we have tried to do for these last couple years is have some difficult conversations with some people we disagree with."
"True relationship building is where you agree to disagree."
"We're all increasingly intolerant of anyone who disagrees with us."
"We need to foster a culture that says it's okay to have disagreements."
"There's always been this fissure you know in the UFO field."
"It's just a friendly reminder that yes, you can have a favorite... you can like someone that you disagree with."
"Not everyone's gonna like your favorite band. My best friend doesn't like my favorite band. Shit happens."
"My opinion out of all of this is that he was right and she was wrong."
"We don't really argue like you are correct we don't get into petty fights but we do have disagreements or we get annoyed with each other obviously."
"I mean, when your point of view, like, you hold your point of view, whether you realize it or not, in part because you're taking pleasure in the suffering of the person you disagree with."
"Don't hold it against me, this is my personal opinion."
"The Labour family now seems lovey dovey...we have occasional disagreements and arguments but you've seen in this election campaign the Labour family coming together."
"We are allowed to voice our opinions even if we disagree. Sometimes it's okay to agree to disagree."
"You're entitled to your opinion... respectful disagreements."
"Revisionist history is a huge contention point between reconstructionists and eclectics and eclectic practice is perfectly valid but revising history in order to give your practices authority is not."
"But perhaps disagreements about the tales are beside the point."
"You shouldn't be bigoted against people even if you disagree with their beliefs."
"I can approve a message even when I have disagreements with the messenger."
"The best learnings that you can have are often from the people who you don't agree with."
"My generation doesn't give a [__] about the things we don't agree with."
"Let's not forget, every disagreement among believers doesn't need to end in a fight."
"You don't have to agree all the time. I like a little pushback. Makes things really interesting."
"Whatever our disagreements may be, there's no conceivable way you can make the right any worse, so please have at it."
"Learn from disagreements and different perspectives. Critical thinking is key to growth."
"There's a difference between being different in your thinking and thinking it's okay to tell you that you're wrong."
"Don't make an enemy out of a detractor, don't make a venomous fight out of a disagreement."
"There's nothing wrong with a little beef here and there as long as it doesn't get physical nobody's getting hurt it's fine."
"I have had plenty of guests on who I did not agree on certain things... and we treated each other with respect."
"I still love you, even if you don't always agree with me."
"Politics has to be dynamic; there have to be fights and disagreements."
"His family is normal and sweet, though they sometimes argue."
"Disagreements are what makes you grow as a couple."
"People will always have disagreements and arguments."
"Two humans coming together will naturally have disagreements, disappointments, discussions, and debates."
"There's things I actually don't like about you and like, things that he don't like about me, and disagreements and like, possibility of a breakup, you know."
"Disagreements and departures have always been a part of Pink Floyd's history."
"We have robust disagreements within the family, that's as it should be, but we also know what brings us together."
"And I suggest that islamists themselves have disagreements among themselves depending on their orientation yes yes yeah I mean we have a project called the umatics."
"Having major disagreements with people is actually probably really important as well because you really learn like a person's style of conflict resolution."
"The difference is that your disagreements don't affect your Creed."
"Clarification can squash a ton of disagreements."
"Those disagreements are very human; it's just important for us to recognize that they exist."
"We've had disagreements in the past but they've always been in good faith."
"You guys are not the cause of our disagreements, you gotta always love and respect yourselves."
"We can't be falling out over petty things, my dude."
"Once in a while, there'll be disagreements, but we're family, and that's what counts."
"As is one's want in relationships, you will from time to time argue or not see eye to eye on things."
"We may bicker, but we're friends."
"Brothers, and sometimes we may quarrel, but no matter what, we are united because we're all the same."
"Any two people that you put in the same room day after day... you're gonna have disagreements."
"Despite their disagreements, there was an underlying respect between George and Florence."
"When love of Christ envelops our lives, we approach disagreements with meekness, patience, and kindness."