
Gradual Progress Quotes

There are 219 quotes

"Somebody slowly but surely is going to message and communicate."
"Our relationship to fitness is broken. Don't look for perfection, look for steady, gradual progress."
"If you want to make your life better, do it. And it's not gonna happen overnight."
"Take the baby steps required to get there first."
"Start small, make incremental change, gradual changes, work up to it."
"Starting your fitness journey doesn't mean you have to go from zero to fitness model in the first day."
"They're gonna lay the foundations and it's going to happen slowly slowly slowly and then one day you're going to look and you're gonna go holy what actually happened there."
"Utopia is possible if one only steps inch by inch into their own creation."
"What we want to do is build true strength along the way."
"Baby steps, financial freedom does not happen overnight."
"Start with one and keep building. Don't start with how do I get a lot of income."
"It's like a slowly but surely, and I see them offering you the real [__] by the end of the year if the cards are played right."
"Slowly and steadily building a solid foundation that you know is not building a house on sand."
"It doesn't start with everything all at once... Just keep that in mind when you're starting your careers."
"With enough motivation and inspiration, we will get there one block at a time."
"As long as you're constantly improving, you'll slowly catch up over time. You can become a hero."
"You can't skip rungs on the ladder of success."
"Listen, you gotta walk before you can run guys."
"The smaller the changes, the slower the progress, the more likely you're going to lose the weight and keep it off."
"It's not something you're gonna fix overnight because it didn't happen overnight."
"You're going to be seeing the little green sprouts of it in 2021, and then as you move forward, it'll take a bit more time."
"Being content with enough, progress over time."
"Winning takes time, step by step, day by day."
"You win by slowly chipping up and stealing a lot of small pots that don't belong to you."
"Before you shoot for the stars, you have to make it to the moon."
"Improvement is still an improvement and you never know where you're going to be at the end of the year by just slowly and surely getting better."
"Just lay a brick every day. Eventually, you look up, you gonna have a brick wall."
"Little by little you have stepped up and up and up and it's only going to continue."
"The success of crypto is step by step, building your way up the ladder."
"This is an energy of patience. It's about blending two things together little bits at a time, not being in a big hurry about it, like doing it nice and slow."
"Ukraine's grinding offensive is slowly gaining ground."
"Start small, don't get overwhelmed, and take baby steps."
"If it wanted your ass, it would have taken it and it wouldn't have said anything to you."
"We're human beings, and we want to be the best version of ourselves. It's not about doing stuff overnight. It's about moving mountains with one drop of water at a time over time."
"Nothing happens overnight, I truly believe that."
"It's about winning that battle, you know, a little bit slowly. Yes, there's a cost to winning this battle or losing the battle."
"It shouldn't be overwhelming if you start and take baby steps, read the rules, figure out what the base stuff you need is, build off of that."
"It's a marathon not a sprint... recognizing that it is a marathon, like anything worth doing you're not necessarily going to have success right away."
"Solar Punk is rooted in the earth, grounded in communities, and a slow process of growth and nurturing."
"It's less about confrontation and more about building something over time."
"They're slowly making their way towards you."
"Cutting and polishing is a lot like eating an elephant, you're just taking a little bit at a time."
"There are still a lot of problems to overcome, but they are being chipped away on."
"It's not gonna happen overnight, it's gonna take some time."
"Do what you can handle, crawl before you walk."
"Make small steps, you don't have to figure everything out all at once."
"You're not gonna just suddenly look like Dwayne Johnson overnight if you have that goal. It's going to be like okay you can do five push-ups, that's great."
"You start off small, but if you keep at it, that's it."
"Be consistent with your nutrition and training - slow progress is better than no progress."
"Your journey is gradual but worth it. Slowly but surely, you're getting there in life."
"We don't have to do everything really quickly. We just have to plant those seeds every single day."
"Appreciate this slow progress and consider yourself fortunate."
"Progress is made sometimes slowly but we get there."
"You'll be fine in five years from now you'll be fine just you know take things step by step and know that the universe has your back."
"It's all about what you're doing on a regular basis to slowly add pennies to the penny jar."
"Our crowd believes in what we stand in brick by brick."
"One day at a time, one breath at a time, one baby step after the next, just like the millipede."
"Take things one step at a time in slowly baby steps in this relationship and in whatever else you're working at. Don't give up, just be persistent."
"Let's start small, we can't just expect to go in and feel comfortable."
"A great life is built by evolution, not revolution."
"Reality is not changed with a magic wand or the granting of a wish, it's from staring down the hard thing and moving directly into it one little step at a time."
"It's not overnight, it's building a piece of a foundation and then adding another piece and then adding another piece."
"Just because it's going slow doesn't mean it's not happening."
"Don't jump all in right away, start slow, work your way up."
"Trust the magic, trust in something bigger. Embrace it and take it one step at a time."
"There is no elevator to success. The climb only happens one step at a time."
"Lean gaining is all about a slow consistent process."
"It's completely okay to start slow and the most important thing you can do is learn good money management."
"It's not an on and off switch, you develop it."
"Start off small and then build your way up. That's what you have to do."
"Bit by bit, day by day just kept doing the work."
"Start off small. There's a reason why the best riders in the world start off small."
"It's starting to pick up and like everything started like gradually like build while you're still like working on yourself."
"Millennials look, kids, we have to take slow plodding incremental steps to dealing with climate change."
"Small steps but really does go a long way to make life a little bit easier."
"Change doesn't happen overnight but now that people know change will happen."
"It's slow and steady wins the race in this next phase for you."
"Go step by step, one foot in front of the other."
"One step at a time, you don't have to figure everything out right away."
"The sooner you start working on it, the more those results are going to compound over time."
"It's a one step at a time, it's important to start the relationship at the beginning and work its way the right way up."
"We're making progress, a little bit at a time, and that's what truly matters."
"Taking baby steps... versus instant transformation."
"Slowly but surely just like everything else in my career we're not jump into it slowly but surely."
"We just need to get there, we just need to get that slowly."
"The idea of chipping away, it's just trying to build up as much support for the Republicans slowly even if it's a little bit."
"You gotta find time, save your money, look where you're spending too much and just take baby steps to doing it."
"You've got to slowly and gradually build it up... it could take decades of a lifetime to build."
"Success in business comes one pellet at a time."
"Take your time as you slowly rise."
"It's a marathon, not a sprint, right for learning a language."
"Success is not something that is just an overnight sort of thing."
"Just like anything, you take it one day at a time."
"I think the best tip for becoming a better version of yourself and becoming healthier is really just start small."
"It is a result of being relentless and pushing forward, you know I mean because these things don't happen overnight."
"Build slowly, act like you've got no money."
"The future lover that lasts a long time is not somebody that starts off super Jack and Rose immediately."
"Don't be scared to build it over time."
"You're eating the elephant one bite at a time."
"You don't have to eat the elephant all at once you eat an elephant one bite at a time."
"I could do a bungee jump, but you know for me it's all about small steps."
"There's this whole talk of emergence, like this ability that emerges by scaling, but the reality is it's always gradual."
"Habit is habit and not to be flung out the window by any man but coaxed down the stairs one step at a time."
"It's very important to gradually increase exposure over time."
"Start small. If you look at your home and you think about trying to tackle the home or tackle a garage it's overwhelming, but instead tackle that one little space for a week straight."
"The reason why meditation is the best is because you get it gradually and then when you have it, that's integrated."
"Start by Saving just do maybe ten dollars a paycheck do that for a couple of months then go up to 15 a paycheck do a little bit because a little bit is going to lead to a lot more so start out there."
"Although slow, it was consistent."
"It doesn't all have to happen now, just take time, live daily life, go slow and it'll all come together."
"Just stay after and take it slow and easy."
"Your success is going to be very gradual, slow, and sturdy, like building a strong foundation."
"Stamina can be rebuilt, but it's not something that comes back overnight—it's something that has to be gradually rebuilt."
"The slow burn of this kind of anthem type song."
"Rome certainly wasn't built in a day."
"The right answer here is incremental."
"I'm a regular guy with a regular job, building this over an extended period of time."
"If you're okay with a slow build, then just build your platform one by one like that. And then next thing you know, you got a hundred."
"... the more gradual the better... the higher calling, the nobility of the higher calling... I am managing this for God."
"You're never going to be a Rihanna overnight, because also the people that kill it have 20 people helping them."
"That's how you learn, you know, just a mushroom at a time."
"It's not going to happen all at once."
"Don't expect too much at once. Take baby steps and get to know each other."
"It feels like a turtle once you start to get into it a little bit."
"My goal is to have the change in any one year be so small that nobody is going to freak out."
"Slowly, slowly, like a tortoise, make you skinny. That is the way."
"You don't throw a house up in one stone, you take one stone at a time."
"Take control of your situation and slowly and incrementally expose yourself to those things."
"Starting small and within your means."
"...it's going to ruin your life you're going to end up getting overworked and it's just going to become really heavy so baby steps..."
"You can't have it all at once, rather than piecemeal."
"Her rise was a gradual process, not an overnight achievement."
"It's never an overnight thing where all of a sudden these fish just slide out."
"...the success that you actually see now wasn't made overnight."
"If you lift like a 50 pound dumbbell right out the gate you're going to be so sore and so upset that you'll never want to lift a weight again, so it's a similar thing, that's my advice."
"That's kind of my plan and I think it's important for me to just start taking the baby steps in the direction... to start to get rid of that bad habit."
"It feels so good to be out here doing this again, even if I'm doing it slow for short periods of time."
"Be patient, just build up the layers gently."
"Be patient and remember to take it slow."
"You become fluent one piece at a time."
"Start slow. Move slowly. You'll be more relaxed and you can gradually increase your pace over time."
"You'll be rewarded from inside gradually."
"It's a marathon, not a sprint. Every year you focus on learning a little something."
"Just do a little bit at a time. Like, just don't try to boil the ocean. Do one small step at a time, things you can do in the next month, and then just slowly iterate."
"That's how you tackle a rebuild, one bite at a time."
"These things were just a slow burn. It's like a slow cooker, okay? Eventually you're like wow, how did I get here? It's like the frog in the pot, you know, slowly turning it up, he's cooked."
"The motto in Tanzania is pole pole which is slowly slowly."
"...if you're just getting into it you shouldn't jump into all this crazy stuff..."
"Little by little over time, you're gonna gain confidence."
"It doesn't always happen overnight."
"It's like cleaning the windscreen, you know? It's just things gradually..."
"It's a slow and gradual process, you cannot cheat nature."
"It might seem like a huge mountain to have to climb but persist and it will begin to not seem so intense."
"Never forcing, just finding where you can open up a little bit more."
"It's more about making smart decisions with what you have and gradually building it up."
"Nice and slowly, bring yourself up."
"Start slowly if you're new to intermittent fasting."
"I just have to be patient and it isn't going to be an overnight fix it's not gonna be one one night they're gonna wake up and instantly feel better about it like no this if this is gonna be a marathon not a sprint."
"The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time."
"Do you feel your English is improving? Slowly yes, speaking with you helps a lot."
"Big things start in small places and they take a very long time to happen."
"Crawl, walk, run. Start with less expensive, more reliable pens first, then spend more once you know what you like."
"Let's take it slow, a little bit at a time."
"If I work on it slowly, one drawer or one cupboard per day, eventually I'll get on top of things."
"The only way you achieve healing is one day at a time."
"Traditionally we've always thought that change comes with one big wave... but in the end of the day, change usually comes bit by bit, piece by piece."
"To run, you must first learn to walk, so let's take it step by step."
"MBSE involves a cultural change and can progress step-by-step."
"My advice is always to start small."
"Step by step, you'll ascend the staircase to success."
"Start small, start sustainable, give yourself grace, put yourself out there, and see where it takes you."
"There is no shortcut to success; it's always a staircase."
"I feel like things are kind of a journey and there's never like a super quick fix for a lot of things."
"Take baby steps. This is a very difficult process."
"While I increase calories, I also increase steps, so it's a slower, more gradual gain on the scale."
"Art is not about instant mastery; it's a journey of gradual progress and continuous learning."
"When it's done methodically and slowly, it happens."
"Start off small and be patient, and you'll have a magnificent experience."
"Start slow and don't rush; nothing good happens overnight."
"Things move very slowly and we don't see major changes happen overnight; this is not the stock market."
"Take it one step at a time, one meal at a time, one day at a time, so that you can build up to it and not get overwhelmed."
"You've got to go slowly, slowly, slowly."
"Success doesn't happen overnight, it is usually achieved over time."
"We're gonna keep grinding away and chip away at it a little bit at a time."
"Start small, there's nothing wrong with taking the slow road, slow and steady, but just getting started is important."
"Real change comes day by day, slowly building it one brick at a time."
"Let's take things one step at a time here."
"We have to take this step by step by step, and ultimately it will definitely pay off."
"You gotta start slow, man, slow money."
"It's a process, nothing is an overnight success."
"I don't feel like I ever hit a hockey stick, it's just been a slow daily grind since day one."
"Trust the process. Don't get too greedy, don't get too anxious, everything takes time, everything takes steps."
"Decide not in leaps, but in steps."
"We believe in systematic desensitization, a slow steady approach starting with the easiest thing to do and moving our way towards the hardest thing to do."
"Doing something noteworthy is not going to happen overnight; it takes small steps every single day."
"You don't have to go from zero to a hundred."
"Progress and take it slow, and it's very probable you will have setbacks; that's part of it."
"Inch by inch life is a cinch, yard by yard life is hard."
"Tear down a wall, one brick at a time."
"I am losing weight; it's not very fast, but if I would eat like 100% the way that I ate like in this video, my weight loss would be for sure much greater."
"You can do tiny little things that change your life... sometimes it's very tiny actions that you take and little by little, things change."