
Corporate Control Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"It's bad for everybody that just a handful of companies control ninety percent of the beer market."
"If we were in China, that would actually be pretty plausible because they have an established, almost policy-driven desire to force companies to bend to their will."
"The idea of Musk gobbling up Twitter only aggravated concerns over the power that the increasingly consolidated and centralized ownership of social media gives billionaires and giant corporations over our lives."
"Internet has become a necessity in our modern lives, and allowing corporations to control it would be unfair."
"Wall-E was warning of something else, a chilling vision of the future that's getting closer every day with corporations taking more control of our life every day and an AI revolution taking over the world."
"Something like 90% of the seeds that we use to produce our food right now are owned by the big six pesticide companies."
"15 corporations would like to control the conditions of our life, and millions of people are saying not only do we not need you, we can do it better."
"You do not want these folks controlling your life."
"You're seeing these companies using the government as a tool to assert an unethical level of control over the consumer."
"BlackRock now controls more than 90 percent of the media."
"The US House of Representatives voted on a bill that would force TikTok's parent company ByteDance to sell the app within 6 months."
"Our future is grim. The Glazers won't leave until the club is on its knees."
"All of the AI resources now are pretty much in the hands of companies and defense industries, okay, that have their own agenda for it, which is what you say: killing, selling, spying, killing, and gambling. All the good stuff in life."
"Aladdin controls more wealth than the entire GDP of the USA."
"We really, I think, should be concerned when these companies that represent themselves as neutral platforms are actually exercising editorial control and pushing particular political viewpoints."
"I'm taking the company back, Alan. You were right about everything."
"Do you think for one minute you think you think Bob iger's gonna say excuse me we tell you something Hannity all right tough guy you're not going there that's our people that's our guy."
"A world where media, music, and content creation is monopolized under the control of mega banks and their investors."
"Nintendo decided that their creators program was going to rule how YouTubers made content."
"The free and open Internet is being quickly handed over to corporate giants."
"Facebook now had free reign over WhatsApp and Zuckerberg would turn this into his own data harvesting machine."
"Not only did Disney have a hit show on their hands and all of the merch accessories or Hannah Montana branded things that come with that but they also had a musical artist under their control becoming this Larger than Life icon."
"But future generations will be living in the worst versions of science-fiction if we don’t stop corporations from repeatedly reinventing the idea of company towns."
"Ridiculous that PayPal believes they can take people's money for the wrong opinions. Anyway, who decided what is and what isn't misinformation anyway?" - Elon Musk
"It seemed like this was a desperate attempt to fit into the woke narrative, either that or PayPal was just trying to increase their control over their users whilst virtue signaling to increase their EST score and look good to the public."
"When you have an authoritarian government that dictates what companies can do... that's ultimate censorship."
"Ninety percent of news outlets in the United States are controlled by six corporations. They're not out to tell you the truth of what's happening."
"I have an announcement, I will soon retire, and my successor will be the one who has the most shares in my town."
"It's actually quite terrifying. YouTube itself would like to put a leash on everybody, and we've talked about it a dozen times."
"Do you want Bezos and Musk and all of them to be 100% in control of policy over us? No, I think that's completely insane."
"It's a public utility, shouldn't be in the hands of these corporate, profit-driven, private companies."
"You can't leave these companies in charge... they can't set the ceiling."
"The question remains the same: Should an establishment be allowed to grow so powerful that it can control the entire world?"
"One of the things to remember is, in the Microsoft world, Microsoft likes to control everything."
"It's amazing to watch, that's why we have a show, because the media is owned by six companies and they're horrible."
"The problem is that Apple is gatekeeping third-party repairs."
"Disney admits that the agreements require other landowners to obtain Disney's prior written approval for development."
"Warner Brothers controls... $1 billion gaming properties."
"It's as clear as bell that we need to break up Google."
"The media is owned by the same corporate entities that control governance."
"Ownership and accessibility of purchase media should not be 100% at the hands of the corporations."
"The bad guys control and own the media companies."
"It's the fact that nation states and corporations are cracking down on the free and open internet that has made VPN so popular."
"The testing information isn't public; it's owned by the company that does the test." - Peter Apps
"They're still here and they're still in control, the bottom line is S Jim Radcliffe cannot do anything in that football club without the Glazers saying yes."
"You now have these social media companies today that are able to do what no company in human history has been able to do which is to control the acceptable bounds of what can and cannot be discussed."
"Authorized repair is manufacturer-controlled repair, which is another word for sales."
"Do you want your property rights back or not? Do you want to be able to fix what you own or do you want these companies to control you?"
"The real answer to what a CEO actually does is whatever they want within the company."
"Elon Musk has been making major moves ever since he acquired X and he's been sharing documents that suggest there's political censorship happening on the platform."
"Intel has artificially locked down a lot of stuff."
"Nobody that's on the roster for the WWE should be considered an independent contractor especially when you cannot even fart or choose your own verbiage on social media without it being approved by the office."
"Even services like Nintendo Switch Online that allow you to play ROMs every month provided you have a license for this service will only get you the games that Nintendo wants."
"Governments are formed to stop all of the worst aspects of corporate greed."
"Parlor right now is hosted primarily by amazon cloud services now this is again the big service that caters to apple to netflix or whatnot now if you think for instance at any moment amazon can come up with a new terms of service on their system."
"This is about the wholesale takeover and artificialization of growing things."
"And off the record porter stansberry has allegedly said that they didn't want employees talking to the police or media because the company wanted quote the entire situation to just die down and not make it a big media event."
"When you have platforms controlled by corporate interests, eventually anyway."
"Twitter will burn itself down before allowing someone to restore freedom of speech."
"The media has been bought up by just a few corporations, and those corporations are all globalist corporations."
"Corporate media is controlled by five corporations and it's a huge problem."
"Deus Ex’s warning about the future of a world controlled by corporations is obviously an example of the story aging well even if it has less impact now versus twenty years ago because we are living it."
"Nintendo wants to control the content that you have. They don't want you to enjoy a game if they decide they're done letting you enjoy that game."
"Leaving science in the hands of big corporations was proven to be a disaster for our climate."
"You cannot write a tweet on Twitter without asking psycho or the company if you can write a tweet on Twitter."
"You own your body. So when a corporation or the government comes to you and says you need to submit to medical procedures in order to keep your job, that is tyrannical."
"China imposed regulations on billionaires and corporations to address inequalities and support workers."
"Do you think that we should be treated as monopolies and effectively broken up? I do."
"There is no dignity and there is no respect if your company says this camera in your house or basically you don't have a job anymore."
"Your internet service provider will be free to make online fast lanes in favor of the content of his choice." - Gigi Sohn
"They have control forever... Disney got themselves control for like two or three hundred years."
"There are also antitrust proceedings that can break up Google and prevent their monopolistic control from ruining the web."
"This disgusting move comes after a deplatforming... the radical left seems to have taken over the mind and soul of AT&T."
"Congratulations you guys now all work for me and also I'll be having all the money you have in the world."
"I don't think any corporation or any private business should control fresh clean water."
"We're talking only 147 corporations that control upward 80 to 90 percent of everything on the planet."
"WWE needs to not be in this position of total authority where it can just buy up so many contracts."
"It's a private company, could do what it wants but it's literally owned by Elon Musk at this point."
"Warner Brothers believes that they control the distribution rights."
"Somewhere along the way, the magic of the early internet has been lost because we no longer have very much control over our internet spaces in a meaningful way, and it's all because of these massive social media corporations."
"Apple just has too much control over the space."
"The corporate control, the endless cycle of content, the dilution of real films."
"It's about these big corporate businesses having complete control over everything."
"Maintain ownership and control over your company's devices."
"If the company controls most of the employee's work, then the employee is most likely a W-2 employee."
"The limitation of governmental power means the enslavement of the people by the great corporations who can only be held in check through the extension of governmental power."
"We don't own anything anymore, we rent it until the CEO says that we have earned the right to use our product again."
"To have one company controlling the genetic resources on which all of humanity is dependent is dangerous."
"Our public sphere where our democracy debates and discusses the topics of the day is now largely owned by a handful of companies."
"Facebook... became a way for us to be influenced and controlled by a corporation."
"Anonymous is tired of corporate interests controlling the internet and silencing the people's right to spread information."
"Control of the media by wealthy, unaccountable business interests can be seen as a democratic deficit."
"I don't think we can trust them to be the arbiters of free speech."
"Do you want to live in a society controlled by a few major businesses, or do you want Main Street to thrive?"