
Consumer Impact Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"It's bad for everybody that just a handful of companies control ninety percent of the beer market."
"Voting with your wallets is probably the most effective action you can take."
"Our healthcare system is an industry, just like every other. A patient cured is a customer lost."
"It's hypocritical for PlayStation to say things like, 'Oh, they're not taking into account the impact this has on our gamers,' considering the various maneuvers that Sony and PlayStation have pulled that are not quite consumer-friendly."
"While on the surface, the price war appears to benefit consumers, in reality, it harms the entire socio-economic system."
"It's the consumers who get affected; it's the consumers who are being treated like trash."
"When you're buying new things, you are creating demand for that thing to be produced, and the whole journey it's taken to get to you has required a lot of energy."
"Intel is doing this deliberately and it is bad for consumers."
"You vote every single month with the money you spend and the companies you spend it with."
"Comcast basically has a monopoly in Baltimore, and the result is just like absolute devastation of anyone's ability to be online predictably."
"And more than anything, I am so excited for the impact that each of you will be creating by purchasing this cleanser to fight climate change and protect forests from deforestation all around the world."
"I'm genuinely concerned about what aggressive monetization has done to the game industry, to the quality of video games themselves. And, more importantly, to the people they target."
"We wanna make energy as clean as we can, as fast as we can, and do it in ways that don't raise cost for consumers."
"Feels good...buy guitars from small Builders...helping them put food on the table."
"Having optional cosmetic microtransactions in the game is not going to affect your gameplay."
"Liquid death also donates five cents from every can sold to help clean up plastic pollution and bring clean drinking water to those in need."
"I challenge you to create some change, email some companies about their plastic packaging or send some packaging back to a company in the mail."
"It's really exciting to see the power of women and their purchases having an effect on what economists and economic commentators are talking about."
"Decreased competition will increase prices and lower product quality for the consumer."
"Anti-piracy measures like DRM can actually negatively affect people who legitimately bought the game."
"There are always a couple of theories when it comes to monopoly power. One is that monopoly power should be broken if it harms the consumer. The other is monopoly power should be broken if it represents too heavy a percentage of the market."
"They're starting to improve it again and do you know why? It's because people stopped playing."
"Rather than it going to waste, we put it to good use."
"Every time someone who is able makes the choice to buy a more environmentally friendly product, there's a stronger case to force these companies to make cleaner choices."
"Why are the shelves at the local grocery store always partly empty? Why do deliveries take so much longer than they used to? Why is everything more expensive? The short answer is the supply chain; the long answer is not that simple."
"Gasoline prices could be hovering right around the $3 a gallon level."
"Valve attempting to control 100% of the PC gaming market is bad for developers and consumers alike."
"Me buying Assassin's Creed Odyssey and making Odyssey broke me did far more than not buying Odyssey ever could have done."
"Whoever wins, we lose. The streaming wars seem really exciting... but the truth is that those who are poised to be the winners are set up to win using the exact same tactics that cable companies have used since the very first TV service started."
"Several products... are gonna be in short supply."
"Shortages are coming and you're going to feel it."
"But for the here and now in terms of what it means for the consumer, that's top of mind."
"It does devalue accomplishments in the game when people can just buy them for USD."
"But this also means it’s very important how the tools are offered and advertised."
"The fact that certain elements were exclusive to each version didn't matter nearly as much."
"The consumer makes up 72% of our economy, so if we're heading into a recession, we need to look at the consumer."
"Ultimately, the consumers will end up paying for this in the short term."
"It's not right for us to be the number one consumer of these shows and not have our people get opportunity with advertising dollars."
"The companies that stay in business are going to be paying higher wages and their customers are going to be paying higher prices."
"Competition is a real thing, and monopolies harm consumers."
"Voting with your dollar is sometimes more important than just actually voting."
"Disney's nickel and diming people and they literally are."
"This impeachment was aimed at you, at the American people."
"We have these decrees by a Goldman Sachs executive who is now governor that is telling you no gym, no small businesses, no working out, no bettering yourself. Meanwhile, Walmart, liquor stores, all of them perfectly fine."
"The worst way you can damage an artist is just not support their work."
"They're not making anything new, they're just slicing the meat as thin as they can and they're bleeding the consumers." - Clownfish TV
"What we've experienced so far is just a small taste of what we're going to have to swallow when it comes to higher prices."
"The scale of change to the food system is unlikely to be successful if left to the individual or the whim of consumer choice."
"Used game sales or a thing of the past, wonderful! That means we can make more money on our games." - TotalBiscuit
"Remember, that's what a tariff does. It's not punishing foreign companies nearly as much as punishing American consumers."
"They started popping them out quicker and the quality started dipping."
"I think this is an insane win for Microsoft and a semi-worrying thing for gamers in general."
"For your washers and dryers, in the washers, they had no water coming out."
"Boycotts like the one that's happening to Bud Light are so important."
"Nintendo revealed it still managed to sell over 20 million copies... why Nintendo has no real interest in fixing mistakes."
"Every purchase we make in a supermarket is voting for a different world."
"DDR3 sticks aren't compatible with modern motherboards or CPUs, that creates demand for new memory."
"From a consumer standpoint, currently there won't likely be a huge impact."
"What happens when then Microsoft says you know what game pass is no longer 15 a month it's of course 25 and they're gonna Netflix it right they get the medical masks and then they just go Boop."
"This entire nexus of market failure is designed for each of the players to extract as much money as they can, and the public gets screwed."
"If you're involved in a bank, if you eat food, if you buy gasoline, you're supporting these families."
"I think a lot of the bills consumers are paying haven't just gone up a little but they've gone up a ton and and people are hurting."
"Many who were alive in the 1970s remember the first OPEC oil embargo of 1973 and the long lines that resulted at service stations for people trying to get fuel."
"Amid supply chain crunch analysts warn there will definitely be weeping children during Christmas."
"Joy-con drift has been a problem since the switch launched to put the more people buy switches and the more they play those switches the more drift rears its ugly head."
"Too much time on social media as a consumer depresses you, messes up your mental health."
"The carriers are winners and their significant increase in profits is being funded by higher prices for all products that move on container ships."
"Bad reviews do absolutely kill products too."
"How do you spend your money is as important as how you vote."
"We have decided to no longer offer movie and TV purchases and rentals through Playstation store."
"It's sadly the belly of the beast in the gaming industry."
"Gas stations that pass along the decrease in oil prices to lower prices at the pump."
"Together these actions could help drop the price at the pump by up to one dollar a gallon or more."
"Robin Hood trades are not free. When you pay for order flow, you're probably charging your customers more and pretending to be free."
"Authorized repair is manufacturer-controlled repair, which is another word for sales."
"You're not actually just purchasing food, you're supporting local businesses."
"Prices are through the roof, the cost has been ridiculous."
"This doesn't affect you in any way you're more affected obviously by the price of Parts than anything happening here for the person that doesn't build their own computer and wants to buy one."
"The current business model of releasing several books a year each with a tiny bit of usable content for players is stimulated more by greed than caring about balance."
"So look, to recap, our utility system largely consists of for-profit companies with monopolies over an essential service, building as much as they possibly can so they can pass the cost along to you on your electric bill."
"Ultimately it's the consumer that gets hurt...we want to be able to stream...I love having one device that I can just watch everything on."
"We have to understand the power of our dollars."
"Gas prices bringing down more than a dollar and 30 cents a gallon."
"Best of all, 90% of these products support small businesses."
"Customer feedback got them to change their mind; your voice matters."
"Brands to me are like a way to vote with your dollars."
"Consumer protections often end up hurting the very people they're meant to help."
"Consumers will be harmed in the short-term; PlayStation users would likely switch to Xbox, faced with weaker competition."
"She never even mentioned it. Wow, I had no idea my shopping affected so many people."
"Voting with your dollar is always important."
"This kicked off a new era of consumer control over television."
"When something gets leaked, depending on what it is, it's cool for the consumer for a little bit."
"Tariffs are taxes designed to make foreign goods more expensive, therefore making domestic products more appealing."
"When Trump imposes a tariff on an item, you are probably going to pay more for it."
"Consumer prices are going up the fastest in 40 years." - Bloomberg News.
"The Trump tariffs on China are a tax on the US middle class."
"I hope that one day football fans realize that we are the enemy of ourselves cuz it's our eyes they want. If nobody watched football, there would be no Super League."
"It's entirely within our hands. We actually have the opportunity to derail this entire business practice."
"Why would you do that? And yet it will happen. It will happen with Aliens: Colonial Marines. It happened with War Z. It happened with Duke Nukem Forever."
"Even if a global human Holocaust was taking place, it would not be unethical to purchase commodities brought about through that Holocaust."
"Once again if you think those banks are the ones absorbing the cost then you're an idiot."
"The most important thing in the economy, folks, is consumers driving growth, earnings, and ultimately a strong dollar."
"The more we direct our dollars to those models, the more they're going to blossom."
"Efficiency does lower prices but it also lowers the quality and diversity of the products you can buy."
"Your dollar matters we don't have to keep asking them to cover our stuff so please support us in what we do."
"So will does that mean higher prices for consumers again it depends on what the product is but it doesn't have to be that much higher quite frankly."
"Maybe Shein clothing brand is kind of bad for Humanity."
"The harm comes to the people that unfortunately already do."
"We got to take power out of the corporations. You guys saw what went on with Tyson Foods. Okay, they don't care about you. They just want your money. As soon as we pull our money away, they're going to start caring."
"China's recent poverty alleviation record has fundamentally transformed the consumption possibilities of very low-income people."
"A little bit of packaging to show that you give a shit about your product really goes a long way."
"The next generation games are becoming ten dollars more expensive across the board."
"Our daily actions are creating misery in the rest of the world."
"Money is power every time you spend a dollar you are transferring your power to another person."
"Nintendo doesn't give dedicated servers, this is basically going to happen."
"It might even change the way we think about consumer drones and camera drones in the future."
"Beyond just the food, I'm helping people reimagine food."
"As the price of crude goes up, so too will gas prices. It is going to get worse for American drivers and consumers of energy before it gets better."
"It's been proven that large food companies deliberately go out of their way to figure out what's the most addictive combination of sugar, salt, and fat."
"It's really not cool to like buy an entire store worth of PlayStation 5s so you can resell it on eBay."
"Pharmaceutical companies will continue to extort insurers and ultimately consumers with the drugs they're being held ransom by."
"There is virtually no way to avoid unethical consumption, but that does not mean that you should go out of your way to create further harm."
"Shrinkflation: getting less total fluid ounces."
"Ultimately, if people don't buy these microtransactions, that I think keeps it pretty much keeps you in the straight and narrow."
"What we buy is actually the biggest way we communicate in the world."
"Nintendo claimed that less than 1% of the illegally accessed accounts were used to make purchases."
"The move will harm consumers and internet businesses that have relied on the rules to ensure all content is equally available." - Democratic lawmakers
"A repeal of the rules will allow companies to exert more control over the online experiences of American consumers." - The New York Times
"Netflix raised their prices and they're doing a lot of terrible things."
"People need to stop buying GTA 5 and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe because I would like sequels to these games please. Let's just stop doing that now."
"This practice will lead to more developers locking essential parts of their games behind extra payments."
"When I see loot boxes, cosmetic packs, boosters, or whatever else making it into and being sold on full price titles, I feel like it cheapens the experience almost like lowering the game standard to some time-killing app."
"Digital gaming besides convenience, there's no financial benefit for gamers."
"Each box of EnviroKids cereal you buy helps to save gorillas in their habitat."
"You vote with your dollars, so whatever you decide to put your money into is kind of like your vote towards that energy towards that specific thing or idea."
"It's amazing how the power of the consumer base spoke."
"Losing LG is an L for all of us, just because that is it's a competitor that's one less set of cool ideas that's going to be tried out."
"Established platforms extract unfair monopoly profits."
"Competition breeds excellence. PlayStation is pro-PlayStation consumer, which makes them anti-Xbox and PC consumers."
"They're literally saying that it's consumers who will get hit with higher costs."
"Decluttering is not bad for the environment, consumerism is."
"Prepare for the actually terrible part of Diablo Immortal: the microtransactions."
"The only way these government entities and these big corporations can get you into all of this alternative energy is if they make the costs of owning the alternative unbearable."
"Food inflation is outpacing everything, while products shrink and prices rise."
"It feels like a curious decision, you know? Saying 'yeah, we're going to temporarily take this away from you at the time you want to watch it the most.'"
"Robinhood is kind of screwing people right now man, it's tough to watch."
"A monopoly is not good for the consumer area, so we don't want that."
"He might think something that's already been released because he wanted to recall the products."
"Nestle is basically making money off of ruining the lives of innocent babies."
"Every big tech company follows the exact same pattern... [the] 'ification' process."
"Why is it that video games are the only industry... where companies can literally go out of their way to invent shitty DRM?"
"With great power comes great abuse... prices of the Parks have gone up."
"It's just interesting how rapidly the gaming landscape can change from one year being all about loot boxes to the next year being complete silence on the topic." - Mike Williams
"EVS tax credits have been proven to be more of a political interest than a consumer advantage."
"When a game is offline that means my 70 dollar purchase is [ __ ] extinct."
"I still remember when the light bulb went off on my head - it's like I'm voting with my dollar every time I spend."
"Nvidia really has corrected pricing here and they absolutely needed to if they don't want these things just sitting on shelves like a lot of RTX 4080s are."
"We're concerned about instances in which monopolistic practices or a lack of competition in healthcare markets may be raising prices for consumers, maybe depriving them of access to quality healthcare."
"It's the tiny little bugs that reduce a body into dust, and those little bugs are the million little marketing companies that are actually your biggest problem."
"Amazon is now exploiting its Monopoly power to enrich itself while raising prices and degrading services for tens of millions of American families."
"I just really really hope that Sony stays committed to bringing value to the PS VR2 and its owners because that's what's really gonna make or break this thing."
"Bank consolidation will reduce consumer choice and give surviving banks virtual monopolies."
"Ultimately, it's the traveler's dollar that decides which businesses stay and which of them go."
"Credit cards act as a reverse Robin Hood, punishing cash users."
"If you love the game, you pay more, then the quality improves and the competition improves."
"High prices could stick around for decades as fragmented world trade will disrupt supply chains and push up costs for consumers."
"The interconnected nature of the modern global economy is such that every purchase you make puts you in direct contact with hundreds, maybe thousands of workers in that supply chain."
"Uncompetitive markets create big profits for the owners of those firms but they hurt everybody else."
"My intent is to provide awareness primarily about what this industry is, what is multi-level marketing, what does it do, how does it affect people."
"Our choices as consumers can also create a meaningful impact in terms of forcing the hands of production companies by not engaging with content that makes you feel icky by not supporting content that you don't agree with how it's made."
"Paying 25 cents, 50 cents more for a cup of coffee doesn't cost a lot to us, but it means so much to them."
"Please don't consider buying from a pet store which you're supporting the company to keep producing more of these guys."
"By taking your money out of the unethical business and putting it in an ethical business, yes, you're going to make the same difference as you would by not eating a cow."
"You are essentially voting with your dollar to encourage them to make more plant-based products."
"Removing competition is a net negative for us as consumers."
"The burden of a government tax on a commodity whose demand is inelastic will fall more heavily on consumers."
"In a country where your choices for air travel are slim to start with, this is tough to take in."
"The impact on consumers could spur yet more action from a greater number of central banks."