
Future Prospects Quotes

There are 1167 quotes

"Your next long-term thing could be within six months."
"Your success is a testament to your hard work and dedication. Here's to all your future endeavors. Salute!"
"There shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain."
"Esports flourished during that time and it will certainly grow over the next few decades as well."
"This one is a dark horse candidate in my opinion. I think 10 or 15 years from now, this might be a big one."
"Asteroid mining might one day help our species to colonize the solar system and perhaps even the entire galaxy."
"If we can get the right owners, if we're lucky enough to get the right owners, it could be really, really interesting for our future."
"We have no right whatsoever to be telling Africans and Indians and Chinese for that matter that, well, you know, we're rich, and I don't think we'll give it up, but you guys, you should be looking forward to a lot less prosperous future than you might otherwise be."
"The light shall return and beautiful blessings are destined to unfold in your life."
"The 2022 election...paints a very positive and encouraging picture for 2024."
"I don't know when Honest stops growing, but I don't think it's in this decade. I think they're just going to continue to grow and grow and grow."
"What is ahead of me is greater than the inconvenience that is in front of me."
"We're just getting started, so we hope that you'll join us and help shape the future of development."
"When you really think about it, we have not even started yet."
"It's going to be a Renaissance. We're gonna have something that will be an incredible thing taking place."
"Create opportunities for them and also ensure that they have prospects for the future."
"It's about whether or not the path we're on leads us to a brighter future or a darker future."
"Science and research is our door to a brighter future, and that has never been clearer."
"What's on the other side of all of this is exactly what you want, what you're hoping for."
"So, what's next for JWST? Well, science. Science!"
"I'm a bull about AMC's future long-term prospects. I believe that AMC had a very proud first 100 years in business, and I'd like to think we're in a very proud second 100 years in business."
"Oh man, this is just a very exciting time. I mean, it really is. This is like about a lot is about to happen."
"I hope it's a hopeful interest that they hope to bring us along and we can join the cosmic community at some point."
"The future looks bright, the brightest it's looked in a long time."
"I am proud of our achievements in this state. I am honored by your support, and I look forward to the road ahead."
"The future looks bright in the Grand Valley region. It is a great city to visit, to go to school, and to live."
"Don't get too depressed. It's not all, of course, for depression. The central questions of this course are three. How did we get from there to here? What are the challenges and prospects going forward? And most importantly, in the last part of the course, how could we get to a better place in many of the countries that we're talking about?"
"Using light to propel spacecraft at a fifth of the speed of light could revolutionize space travel."
"I think they've got the talent to not necessarily need Champions League for the next couple of years."
"He's awesome... I mean they're young but they've been around the block."
"You're gonna have such an incredible, incredible many decades of your life."
"The future of our civilization may make that old phrase 'Go big or go home' take on an entirely different meaning."
"We’ll be looking more at advanced applications of biotechnology."
"Keep your head on straight; you're guided towards something much better."
"But what do you think is CSP technology going to be the solar wave of the future?"
"WWE can step forward into 2024 and beyond with goodwill that hasn't been seen in several years."
"This is a big harvest season coming up in September."
"I think we're going to have boom times, I think it's going to be great."
"Quantum computers will change everything: the economy, how we solve problems, the way we interact with the universe. You name it, quantum computers will be there."
"Next year's going to be fantastic because of the stimulus."
"The science of tomorrow starts with the technology of today."
"This is going to be a very interesting thing to watch you guys grow for sure."
"I'm delighted that people see the potential in our company and I'm looking forward to inventing the future."
"Hope you guys are excited as I am about the future of WoW."
"You're gonna end up with more than you can even imagine."
"It is an exciting time and I do hope that this collaboration keeps on improving and increasing as years pass."
"This rocks. This right here, this is the future we've been fighting for."
"This is the first time in a very long time that I've seen so many people share a unified voice about optimism about an abundant future."
"I believe you. Like, how does that make you feel in the present moment knowing that you can look into the future and that each moment can only get better?"
"The US is perfectly positioned to colonize space."
"Sweet relief, but also you want to say, 'Oh there's so much more to come into TJC.' There is so much more to come at TJC. There's obviously a World Cup around the corner, there are some ODIs, there's obviously the Asia Cup as well."
"Fundamentally though, as far as I can tell, solar power’s future is as bright as the sun that fuels it."
"Good stuff coming, a lot of celebrations as well, very special time coming."
"The future looks promising for Tesla and others in the space."
"There is a new opportunity that will come in."
"Intentions you may have been holding for a long time are quickly coming into physical realities in this next year."
"Ladies and gentlemen, the best is yet to come."
"Hang in there. You don't have to leave because where you want to go is coming here."
"If you can just survive this, maybe something good is coming next, you know what I mean?"
"That's going to be a real change in our society when we learn that we can be both scientifically advanced but also consciously advanced."
"I am more than hopeful, I am confident that our finest hour is yet to come."
"Where do I think all this is going? I think that we are on the threshold of a supernatural change in human evolution."
"There's so many things that make people sad or depressed about the future but I think becoming a space-faring civilization is one of those things that makes you excited about the future." - Elon Musk
"If this is the shape of things to come, holy banana cakes, dude!"
"America is thriving like never before. The Best Is Yet To Come."
"The prospect of very rapid growth is at least something that should be on the table."
"We're just getting started...I've never been more optimistic about America's future."
"Brexit is our golden opportunity, and I'm very excited as to what the future holds for the UK."
"He has the potential to be something special."
"Americans can be confident that we'll continue to build out that structure going forward for the weeks ahead and the months ahead."
"If you are reunited with this person and you speak your truth, that is going to set in good standing for a much better relationship in the future."
"You're feeling a lot more positive about the future, you're feeling a lot better about the future and moving forward."
"The future only looks brighter for Black Panther."
"In some ways it's going to be way worse, but in other ways it's going to be way better."
"Junction is just the beginning, it's gonna get bigger and bigger over time."
"Something good is on the way to you, something that is going to be long-lasting."
"Mining natural resources in space with high dividends on earth. What sounds futuristic may become reality in just a few years."
"I think we're doing okay, and I believe there's like a lot to come for us."
"So the distant horizons card is really jumping out to me with the Fool in the future. You're gonna take this leap here. There's good news ahead and there are also good times ahead with distant horizons."
"It all began with great expectations, outside this Charmed Circle is new territory. What will happen to the first female ex-royal? What does the future hold for Fergie?"
"Cyberpunk is far from dead with major updates on the horizon."
"If you want a shot at making something work with this person in the future, you have got to let them go."
"And will likely serve as the foundation for several other multiplayer-focused Clancy games for years to come."
"The next four years will give us one of the best windows of opportunity we've ever had."
"Maybe long term, classrooms could be 50/50 or 60/40, or at least 75/25."
"The future is sure looking exciting, isn't it folks?"
"It's a great time to be in mixed martial arts and the best is yet to come."
"The hard truth is actually that most believers today are more fans of Yahshua than actually followers of him."
"I think it could be a pretty ripe future there."
"The promise of that technology... offers tremendous confidence that we can go forward with this technology."
"Success over the horizons if you follow your passions."
"Wanda Maximoff is the most interesting character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe going forward."
"I have hope again that Overwatch has a future."
"Hats off to them and I can't wait to see where they go from here."
"2020 was the turning point for profitability for Tesla this is just the beginning 21 21 2021 will be even more exciting."
"You need to keep moving forward. There's really a lot of good stuff coming to you."
"I'm almost worried that nothing is ever going to be able to live up to this in the future."
"By the time I'm ready to move on from the Volt, there could be enough competition that you can get something really sweet for a lot less."
"The future is bright. It's not guaranteed. It has to be earned. It has to be defended, protected."
"This will be the best thing that can happen for the Chinese diaspora."
"Most importantly, shows that Stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future."
"Empowering women changes the future of humanity."
"You truly are headed towards financial abundance."
"The offensive Trio of Caleb Williams, Bree Hall, and Garrett Wilson is about to give opposing de coordinators anisms for the next decade."
"I think it's just the beginning... there will be much more to be integrated with blockchains in the future."
"If you met this new person already, just wait. I feel like you guys could be getting to the next level very soon."
"Tonight is the beginning of a new era and through that door is your future. Are you ready to see it?"
"It's been a life-changing journey excited to see what's next for me and my friend."
"The future is really bright for lucid motors."
"We're about to enter the Golden Age of the music business."
"We do think that innovation is going to be a big part of this recovery."
"The future for the technology in this space is really exciting."
"We Tetley stand today on the cusp of the graphene age with applications in everything from de-icing of aircraft wings to life-saving medicine."
"You were amazing, you got a bright future ahead of you."
"If you do what God tells you to do today, He will open up the entire vista of your tomorrows."
"Commander is still probably the future of Magic: The Gathering."
"Operation Health laid down the groundwork... I'm very confident in the future."
"Another thing on that dark timeline if we must go to that dark timeline uh is hopefully repair can meet the advancements of Technology as we move forward."
"Over long periods of time history turns into legend and legend turns into myth, but at their root myths and legends have some sort of truth within them, whatever that may be."
"Don't compromise because you do have something really great coming in."
"But I doubt it will be the last time we do that, as it seems likely that someday someone will visit the defunct landers that dot the Martian globe and maybe bring one home."
"I'm really excited about the direction that this video series is going."
"The more reasons we have to be in space, the more we'll end up there."
"Congratulations to you snuts you've been incredible you've done incredible today you've done incredible in the past and you're going to keep doing incredible in the future."
"The dream is to create a whole new world for the next generation of gamers."
"The future belongs to Africa, and the better days are ahead of us."
"Embrace new ideas but keep your guard up because everything is only going to get more interesting."
"Huge future uh you know title indications here in terms of where the winner could go into that picture is it though the right matchup."
"I do feel optimistic about the way that the valley will continue to be at the forefront of change."
"So one of the biggest reasons for you to take care of yourself if you want to live a long time is that the longer you live, the more likely that you're going to still be here and experience that breakthrough."
"I walked out of the experience excited for the future."
"I think we're going to have a tremendous next year."
"Although I did not plan to return to Starbucks, I know the company must transform once again to meet a new and exciting future where all of our stakeholders mutually flourish."
"The potential of this game with mods is just insane."
"Sorry this didn't turn out to be the big break you always dreamed of, Angel, but don't you worry, your time will come."
"That's exciting, that's an exciting thing to see moving forward in the industry."
"The signs are looking pretty good right now."
"There is technically a way to do it, but it is very important to note there are absolutely no plans for that at this time."
"We're in the Champions League next season, very keen to see how deep we can go."
"Something is coming, it's a major opportunity for you in June."
"2024 is definitely going to be an interesting year for Starbase!"
"This is the greatest opportunity in human history."
"Prepare for the amazing times that are ahead."
"I don't know if it's necessarily gonna be better six months from now than it is three months from now."
"Trust me, trust that something better will work out for you."
"They really want to heal things though and be able to move forward with you one day."
"I'm seeing a soulmate coming in that could possibly lead to marriage."
"Your time will definitely come, I don't want you guys to feel like all hope is lost."
"The next big blessing coming your way is a caring, honest relationship."
"There are better things ahead of you. Just remember that."
"We want to make sure that little brother comes out of this with his future intact."
"I think you've earned whatever beautiful things are on the horizon for you."
"I actually think this is a really good thing for Assassin's Creed Mirage and for the future of this franchise."
"Wonderful opportunities are coming your way."
"But look you learn and you grow and we're on to bigger and better things now all right so yeah I'm very excited for the future looking around a couple teams and a couple organizations and it should be a good time."
"This month is offering you a seed of something that could really grow into something with a lot of potential."
"The next five years both technologically and creatively are going to really take this medium someplace that you've never imagined."
"A new era of nearly limitless energy is coming, and it's looking very bright."
"The next generation of researchers and scientists are going to be flying with their payloads and I'm so excited for what's to come."
"The easier it is for them, the more liable they are to succeed in life."
"India is going to be a huge growth economy over the next few decades."
"That's the hope that we have for the future, that competition will break things."
"Do you sense a great rebound or fall is coming for Bioware?"
"It's an opportunity for innovative farming with future benefits."
"Their success if we're connected and we're good people and I can work to help them and truly be proud of them then who knows what that'll bring in the future."
"The universe wants to remind you there's something better on the other side it's gonna be worth it."
"For being a 20-year-old dude, when he gets to be 25, when he gets to be 30, y'all better watch out for this young man. He's gonna be a problem."
"Your best days are not behind you yet, my friend. They are not."
"Overwatch in 2020 onward is going to make the first three years of Overwatch's life feel like the Dark Ages."
"I think fourth place would be a really successful season because of not only what it would entail but also what it could then mean for the future."
"Great to see this league coming together. I'm excited for the U, the possibilities of this league, and hopefully, with some media coverage like I saw today, a lot of good backing."
"We do have a lot of awesome things coming down the road."
"Focus on new love because that's what you have coming your way."
"This election is a choice between a dark winter and a president promising a bright future."
"2022 is going to continue that momentum and maybe even amp it up a little bit on the space travel to-do list."
"Growth is something that you want to invest in, that explosive growth is what's ahead of us."
"The job future is not something conjured up out of anybody's imagination."
"I'm really impressed by the iMac, it really just has me excited for the future of Apple computers."
"It's time for you to get there because what's coming for you is going to give you so many opportunities for growth."
"Are we starting to hit the ceiling with Fred? What does he actually bring? What is the future with Fred like?"
"Just know that you are going towards better days."
"Stay optimistic about your love life. The best is yet to come."
"Tyree Wilson and Max Crosby: this is the future."
"This November, this is the state where America's comeback will continue full speed ahead."
"Starcraft II gonna have another couple strong years."
"There was absolutely no doubt that we will be back here pretty soon."
"We'll get not just the Internet we've had, but a better Internet, a better now, something that we can use to build a future that'll be better not just than what we hoped for but anything that we could have imagined."
"You're going to be reaching some really good surprises."
"2024 is going to be the year where we'll truly see if this one step forward two steps one step backward Two Step forwards approach truly pays off."
"The future of gaming just got a little bit better."
"Democrats are saying that there is more to come after this next stimulus package."
"There's so much to be excited about right now and in the future."
"We are projected to be the worst team in the NHL, we've got to be, right? But that's gonna help us out in the future."
"Without sharing, there could be no justice. Without justice, there can be no peace. Without peace, there could be no future."
"Cryptocurrency is still the future regardless of what happens in the short term."
"Streaming is the future, but we need to assess what works and doesn't work."
"Will the 21st century see the dream come true?"
"There's going to be a whole new option that's going to become available."
"So will more women get a chance to lead their nations in the future?"
"These bright prospects are also indicating the happiness that is coming into your both lives."