
Market Dominance Quotes

There are 429 quotes

"It's bad for everybody that just a handful of companies control ninety percent of the beer market."
"Recognizing the value of organizing information on the web, Google managed to grow from a few tinkering PhD students to a formidable giant that now owns over 90% of search and carries out over 8 billion search queries per day."
"Amazon Now controls 50% of online spending in the US."
"Uber, in short, would not have achieved the popularity, growth, and dominant market share that it enjoys today without these billion-dollar subsidies."
"Tesla is eating their lunch. Tesla this year will deliver around 1 million electric vehicles."
"And given their strength, and their low cost, and their increased designs and improved quality, you start to wonder, what is going to stop this juggernaut?"
"Tesla's domination worldwide is growing too."
"Money has conquered everything in this society, including the party that is supposed to be the great check on free markets."
"The only company capable of a fat bundle right now in terms of media is Disney."
"Google's dominance of internet search and related advertising business make it an easy target."
"It's not about code, it's about the fact that they have market capture."
"I really do believe that the crypto decentralized version is ultimately going to take over as the apex predator of the financial system."
"We're headed to a point where a few massive companies dominate this industry."
"Taco Bell is the Golden Goose that's carrying the American market."
"Learn how to dominate in business in areas where you have a major population or consumer spending patterns."
"Shen has quickly become one of the biggest fashion retailers in the world, even surpassing Amazon."
"Bitcoin ordinal projects have potential, especially with Bitcoin dominance in the market."
"I certainly can say that Google's monopoly on ads has harmed consumers for sure. That is a very real thing."
"Probably the biggest reason that Google isn't going anywhere because Google is Google."
"They're almost getting to the point where they're too big to fail."
"Tesla is going after EVERYTHING and EVERYONE."
"The future of gaming is really good, and right now YouTube and Google are set to dominate it."
"There's literally 90 percent of the country up for grabs and they're being forced to make this decision that actually doesn't satisfy their palette because that's the only thing that's out there."
"Capitalism knows how to create market flows but doesn't know how to create societies."
"In order to gain supremacy over the luxury fashion market, Bernard Arnault still needs the Hermes franchise to be in his portfolio."
"The video game market is massive, it makes more money than all of movies, television, and music combined."
"There’s no denying that McDonald’s reaches the top of any chart or list when it comes to fast food..."
"They essentially want to own the whole supply chain."
"Valve attempting to control 100% of the PC gaming market is bad for developers and consumers alike."
"Apple's market share in the education field was over 50 percent."
"We're likely going to see a massive amount of value settled on one, maybe two dominant smart contract platforms."
"Call of Duty began to steal the spotlight from EA's franchise."
"Steam was basically a monopoly; it didn't have any meaningful challengers in digital PC game distribution."
"Tesla is going to be there to clean up the mess and eat everyone's lunch."
"Tesla has such compelling products and such a huge unassailable lead that I can't see anyone producing superior products for comparable prices."
"The Honda CRV is very, very important to Honda because Honda sells more SI rvs in the United States than all of BMW put together."
"Blu-ray ended up outselling HD DVD by a factor of four-to-one."
"Nintendo from about 86 until about 89 completely dominates the United States home video game market."
"Bitcoin itself is basically eating every other asset class for lunch. It is outperforming everything."
"Tesla is far and away the leading manufacturer of electric vehicles in the United States."
"Why do just four companies control eighty percent of the US meat industry? Because big food crushes the little guy."
"Most companies cannot pull off what Pepsi is doing."
"These people do not care what regular Americans have to say about that...it's market leader at all costs."
"Competition is a fool's game. The real end game for any industry is to own a majority share of it."
"Nvidia's chips have been coveted by gamers shaping what's possible in graphics and dominating the entire market since it first popularized the term graphics processing unit with the GeForce 256."
"Electric car sales utterly dominate in September, 82% of new cars sold in Norway had a plug."
"I'm driving towards AITX becoming a multi-billion dollar incumbent that owns the ARS space."
"PayPal is the Premier payment app in the United States."
"Apple unlawfully maintains its monopoly in the iOS app distribution market."
"Tesla owns over 70 percent of the EV market. To me, it's a no-brainer. Tesla's going to win."
"Currently the two-row Grand Cherokee is the best-selling mid-sized two-row crossover or SUV in the United States."
"Tesla's world, and everyone else is paying rent."
"ESPN realizing politics are bad... Fox News is dominating."
"If there was a company with the balls enough to do that and come out on top, it would be Coke."
"AirPods make more revenue than Spotify, Snapchat, and Airbnb combined."
"In this investor's opinion, Tesla is going to take an outsized share of the world's energy generation, storage, and supply."
"Ethereum's going to be the top dog... they're all going to just be hanging around."
"Netflix is still got that market share it still has that algorithm and if you get in good position on Netflix you are going to reach a lot of people fast."
"The economy is essential. You've always got to be in the game, you've always got to be dominating economically."
"Tesla has won the decade... it's now just a matter of watching this play out."
"This thing is kicking everything else's ass."
"You want to own businesses that have pricing power."
"Hamilton under a thousand dollars pretty much owns the field watch category."
"Now it's time to chill for about a year and wipe out these other small guys."
"What does Apple ultimately want? What does Google ultimately want?... Total dominion, uninterrupted ability to make decisions and to have power."
"Microsoft are pretty much leveraging their position as the platform of choice."
"Apple Watch is not only the number one smartwatch in the world, it's the number one watch period."
"Mobile is now bigger than PC and console combined."
"The risk of bankruptcy was much higher because they hadn't established themselves... it was obvious 10 years ago that Tesla had won the decade and the next one."
"Tesla represents a huge portion of the profit pool and a smaller share of actual units sold... they built a company that, frankly, is extending its moat and extending its lead."
"Once you start getting the hang of the psychology side of the actual market is when you start dominating."
"This is kind of the king right now in terms of anything in human being price range."
"Tesla is a juggernaut at the moment, it's won the hearts and minds of investors."
"Apple is still abusing their power to exclude competitors on their platform."
"But I do think, look, Fox News has cornered the market on half of the country’s television viewers."
"Nvidia will drag everybody down with them until they are the only ones left standing at the top."
"Upwork is pretty much the biggest player in this market. The opportunity here long term is massive."
"Tesla has won the decade; everyone else is [ __ ]."
"Battery electric vehicles captured over 90% of the marketer in Norway in February the second consecutive month over 90%."
"Just because a product is one at one point in time doesn't mean you want them to own the market for the rest of Eternity."
"Bitcoin doesn't need... nfts... Bitcoin is number one for a reason; it's because it's Bitcoin."
"Bezos continues to outmaneuver his competition."
"Garmin controls about 80% of that market in the US and 60 to 70% globally."
"We used to think Tesla would take 25% of the electric vehicle market in five years. Now we're saying we believe Tesla will take 25% of the total vehicle market in five years."
"Tesla sold over 100,000 cars in China in November, with Model Y dominating the premium SUV market."
"Tesla still dominates on literally everything that matters."
"Tesla is in a truly dominant position... yes, there is a landscape but no, there is not any competition."
"Tesla's lead is truly unassailable. Not only are legacy automakers screwed because Tesla is absolutely dominating in the EV space, but even battery cell manufacturers are in trouble."
"Amazon just continues to dominate teen market share, really impressive numbers."
"Just imagine dominating all the things, you know, we could just... what if everything that we made controlled the majority of the market share?"
"Without the purchase of Instagram, Facebook would have had a great decline."
"Google controls 88% of all internet search in the United States with 73% using their YouTube platform."
"Our goal is to completely own the space, completely disrupt the way it's being done."
"Amazon is the retailer of the future and of the now guys."
"TRX is literally the ultimate truck right now."
"Tesla still is the only game in the EV town."
"SpaceX delivered about two-thirds of all payloads to orbit last year."
"Tesla is going to dominate the electric vehicle marketplace."
"Tesla's lead is unassailable; they have won the decade."
"It's very hard to think of any reasonable scenarios in which Tesla starts losing ground."
"Xiaomi: dominating the market, eight straight quarters."
"I want to ride companies that can really ride the AI wave and establish huge huge kind of product dominance right with AI."
"Apple absolutely just crushing it here. Very very strong movement."
"Once you have effectively monopolized a certain sector, then you can squeeze as hard as you can... take profits."
"Amazon Prime is the most dominant service in the world right now."
"Tesla's been the most ambitious in terms of its production... set them in... quite a good position for taking... market dominance."
"This Cube would dominate the market for a good year or so."
"They're just crushing the Disney sub box game."
"Tesla's already won the decade, they have no competition and their lead is unassailable."
"It's so obvious that Tesla is in the lead and is in a commanding lead with the consumer market autonomous driving."
"Tesla is now worth more than all car companies on the planet combined."
"The end game for me is really the market takes over and forces the Fed or the government to really just take a backseat."
"It's Tesla's world and everyone else is paying rent."
"Starlink is completely running the table right now. It's completely dominated."
"AMC has become the clear undisputed leader in our industry."
"Tesla appears to be the clear market leader for years to come."
"Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google would be the big ones where you just look up and being like, 'Hey, you know, if you close your eyes and open them 10 years from now, like, do you think those companies will still be kicking ass and dominating?'"
"By the end of the 1950s, one in three cars on the road in West Germany was a Beetle."
"Dodge does it better than anybody else, they truly lead the pack in muscle Madness."
"Hex is winning and making everything else look like a joke. Absolutely no comparison."
"Tesla expects this to be the most popular vehicle in any category."
"Germany has 1,500 hidden champions, small firms dominating global market niches, thanks to local community banks funding their growth."
"Bitcoin has already established itself as an absolute juggernaut."
"IBM, once dubbed 'Big Blue,' dominated the computing landscape."
"By December of 2018, eight of the top 10 toys sold were all L.O.L. Surprise brand."
"We're gonna pop the Apple and just crush them."
"Start setting yourself up to win and really dominate this market."
"Netflix is in such an advantageous position when it comes to the streaming industry."
"If this scaled to all games...domineering position against both AMD and Nvidia."
"I think it's a very dominant company and it controls the market right now for probably the most important device which is your phone."
"I've been around for eight years and I've seen ten thousand cryptocurrencies come and go none of them have ever taken over bitcoin."
"In 2005, Tesco took in one in every three pounds spent in the UK."
"Doge overtook that spot and said, 'No, I am the king meme coin. I am the captain here.'"
"It's funny you say that because there has been like a couple things of like market research coming out that say that Sony is still dominating when it comes to audience interest."
"I think Ethereum over the next two years will take over that spot."
"Model Y to be the best selling car on Earth, not just in Revenue but in unit volume."
"Bitcoin is the dominant token in this space until we see utility become the price driver for the real payment networks for the future."
"Chrome sucks, and then Chrome just totally supplanted everything."
"Netflix already had that market cornered."
"It's going to help on passive own the internet space."
"Let's make it unreasonable to use anything else."
"Bitcoin outperformed every single other asset known to man... it's up until the right and it's worth 900 billion dollars for a reason."
"I want to deal with that part of the market where I don't merely beat them but I beat them decisively."
"Famous brands have extremely high share of mind, they come to mind effortlessly."
"I think this is the asset class to swallow all other asset classes."
"They derive benefits from being the world's largest IT infrastructure services provider."
"Nintendo was doing what they do best in Japan and that's pretty much own Japan."
"Even if this was the only thing that Tesla did different was to shorten the time from factory to the end customer, in any given company that would out-compete all other companies over time, it would not be a contest." - Elon
"You don't need to put a logo anywhere. Everyone knows exactly what this is."
"Global domination will occur in the next 12 to 18 months."
"This is hopefully our decade, Bitcoin owned the last one and I hope by the end of the 2020s Cardano will be the most predominant force in the cryptocurrency space." - Charles Hoskinson
"The model 3 forging ahead, Tesla's got 80% of the Australian EV market in February. Wow, just amazed, that is amazing."
"Chargepoint owns 72 percent of the market right now for charging units around Europe and the United States."
"Bitcoin's value is likely to surpass that of all competing currencies."
"India is an absolute powerhouse in the crypto market."
"Ukraine controls at least a quarter of the global market despite being home to fewer than one percent of the world's population."
"Shein made up half of all fast fashion sales in the US."
"I mean it's weird to see the McDonald's chicken sandwiches, I mean it just shows you the f*cking absolute brand dominance of McDonald's as a chain"
"Tesla owns this Market they were there first they made electric cars cool despite the quality and support problems people love them it is functionally a religion."
"Like what Facebook did with Instagram, that was probably the steal of the century."
"It's like the strongest thing you can get right now, and that's the market it's meant to serve."
"Amd cannibalized Intel, that's what happened really."
"It's gonna be very, very difficult for other car companies to really compete with Tesla long term."
"The Xbox 360 was the real winner of this generation."
"Short of a series of unfathomable disasters, by 2030, Tesla will be one of the world's most valuable companies, PERIOD."
"Tesla today is like Google running away with Search in 2000 or Amazon running away with ecommerce in 2008."
"Monopoly locks the door and throws away the key... they don't want you to compete with them."
"this is building into a giant in this industry."
"Where does this go from here? Because I feel like beating the automakers is kind of a shooting at this point and going to be a cakewalk."
"Tesla dominating everyone including European automakers in their own backyard."
"Tesla number one and number two in California. Pretty incredible stuff."
"So I don't think that this is a monopoly that Twitch stands to hold on to."
"Ethereum controls the market and the biggest apps are built on ether."
"The Amazon search engine is the largest search engine for shopping in the world."
"Silver represents over 90% of what we're doing."
"The leader in the space usually produces the highest returns."
"There's no comparison to this watch... there really isn't a competitor... it's pretty tough to beat."
"Amazon has become this massive player in this huge underlying trend which is people buying online."
"Toyota will own this segment in a relatively short time."
"Given that Roadster will be unequivocally better than anything else money can buy, I expect over time, it will take a disproportionately large share of this market."
"Tesla continues to dominate EV sales across the globe."
"ETFs have just crushed the mutual fund industry."
"When you have a market that is dominated 80% dominated by retail, that is a huge opportunity."
"The Sony Playstation hit the shelves... immediately left Sega's new system in the dust."
"I don't see worthy competition for Tesla emerging anytime soon."
"The Model 3 has become the best-selling midsize premium sedan of any kind in the United States in May."
"In terms of formidable competition, there really isn't much. Nvidia holds an approximate 87% share in the GPU market, far outpacing competitors like AMD and Intel."
"How much longer exactly can Hilux maintain its position as not only the top selling Ute but in fact the top selling passenger vehicle in Australia?"
"Tesla's lead is unassailable; they're dominating on everything that matters."
"Tesla's now selling two out of every three EVs in the U.S."
"Tesla is poised to capture a substantial slice of this opportunity—an opportunity that completely dwarfs the entire transportation and energy markets."
"They barely made it, you know, and now you have these other companies trying to get started but now you have Tesla sucking up all the demand, right?"
"Amazon is significantly bigger than Walmart and Target."
"There's no close second place to what Tesla's doing in the physical world. It's kind of mind-boggling."
"It's not even going to be about who's going to be the biggest company in the world; obviously, they're going to be the biggest company that ever was."
"Advertising, when done right, can lead a company to take a huge chunk of the market."
"Examples of monopoly power, from Google to pharmaceutical companies."
"Mobile gaming is expected to make up 57% of all gaming revenue globally. It's absolutely insane but it goes to show you the proof is in the pudding."
"Tesla's the only company outside of China making electric vehicles that has any pricing power at all."
"Nintendo kind of has that entire portable space cornered."