
Stonehenge Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Stonehenge aligns with the winter solstice and possibly other celestial events, adding another layer to how the builders understood both the sun and the moon's movements."
"One of the great privileges of working at History Here and making films together with our team at Timeline is the access we get to extraordinary historical locations like this one, Stonehenge."
"Stonehenge is like a completely unique Stone Circle. There's nothing quite like it. It's got lintels, all the stones have been carved into shape, there's multiple configurations, not just what you see now."
"Stonehenge in England is one of the most awe-inspiring ancient sites on Earth."
"But what if I told you we have our very own Stonehenge in the United States?"
"The people who built the world of Stonehenge were innovators discovering and building a world that we still benefit from today."
"Stonehenge is arguably the most mysterious Monument on Earth."
"Perhaps one of the more exciting discoveries and mysteries in the modern age has been what lies beneath Stonehenge."
"You didn't think we'd talk about the most mysterious places without mentioning Stonehenge did you?"
"Most of us have heard of Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument built around 6500 years ago making it one of the earliest known structures of the ancient world."
"It was already a special landscape there were natural landscape features at the Stonehenge site that linked the heavens and the Earth giving it special importance."
"It's true that nobody knows enough about Stonehenge to really understand its full history but what we do know is that it was clearly man-made so that should debunk many of the lies right there."
"Stonehenge seems to be a type of astronomical marker."
"Secrets of Stonehenge archaeologists found ancient pits near the huge megaliths rivaling the wonders of Stonehenge."
"Almost everyone has heard of Stonehenge, but unless you're a resident of northeastern Massachusetts..."
"The work of C.A. Newham was able to confirm that Stonehenge was used for astronomical study."
"Stonehenge has proven to be quite a mystery to anyone who even attempts to try to understand its construction and the techniques behind it."
"Of all the great monuments of the past, Stonehenge is one of the most enduring and enigmatic."
"It stands on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, in the southern part of modern-day England, where it has endured the trials of 5,000 years."
"Stonehenge resolutely defies explanation."
"Stonehenge, in its prime, must have been an awesome sight."
"Stonehenge is a mystery that may never be solved."
"Older than the Great Pyramid of Giza, Stonehenge marks time as an object of wonder and almost natural beauty."
"150 generations of people have regarded it with awe and admiration."
"The Wonder of Stonehenge has always drawn the crowds."
"Looking at Stonehenge today, what we're actually looking at is the end product of something like 1,500 years of monument building."
"Despite the many theories, no one knows for sure who built Stonehenge."
"Stonehenge is made up of sandstone slabs transported from nearby quarries and blue stone slabs from Wales, a distance of more than 200 kilometers."
"Stonehenge itself is not only the biggest Neolithic structure in Britain, it is also the largest and most complete megalithic monument in Europe."
"Archaeological discoveries of numerous human remains near the site support the notion that Stonehenge was a place of pilgrimage for those seeking physical and spiritual healing across prehistoric Europe."
"This archaeological wonder predates Stonehenge by over 6,000 years."
"Archaeologists now have information about people who lived at the time of Stonehenge that would have been unimaginable just a few decades ago."
"Forensic analysis challenges theories of kneeling execution at Stonehenge."
"Stonehenge, which is located on Salisbury Plain in England, has been the topic of many conspiracy theories for many years."
"When the Stonehenge came down, that's when I just lost it."
"Stonehenge is a famous prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England, dating back to around 3,000 BC."
"...each generation has the Stonehenge it deserves or desires."
"Stonehenge is built a little bit before 4,500 years ago by people who, presumably based on this plot, had entirely farmer ancestry."
"The formation of Stonehenge has to be one of the most puzzling marvels yet."
"Stonehenge: a testament to ancient Britons' advanced knowledge of geometry."
"Their legacy remains, hewn into the living rock of Stonehenge."
"Stonehenge, where the demons dwell, where the banshees live, and they do live well."
"Stonehenge, where a man's a man, and the children dance to the pipes of Pan."
"The big Stonehenge... was almost certainly made by them."
"We now know when, how, perhaps why."
"Your book 'How to Build Stonehenge' is out there now."
"The structure is set up the same way as the land Stonehenge."
"He has harnessed the dark powers of Stonehenge through a microchip on the back of each mask."
"They're actually drawing in herds of animals from all over the British Isles to feed the workers at Stonehenge."
"This is the Stonehenge of Thailand, believe it or not."
"The story of Stonehenge is one of the most remarkable and mysterious in all of Europe."
"Stonehenge remains a place of inspiration and discovery."
"Goodness, the Stonehenge almost gave us a total lift of a staining paint. Wow, that is impressive!"
"Stonehenge is perfectly created for the moon."
"The roots go back deeper and it's not impossible that rituals similar to those of the druids were associated with the building and the early use of Stonehenge."
"Stonehenge... was constructed using joints that are not found in any other megalithic structure, making it one of the most sophisticated and advanced pieces of architecture of the entire Neolithic."
"The most famous ancient stone circle in the world is Stonehenge in Wiltshire."
"To this day, no one really knows why Stonehenge was constructed and by whom."
"These giant stones have been standing in a circle since the Stone Age."
"Stonehenge attracts a couple million visitors from all over the world each year."
"The entire complex has captured people's imaginations for millennia."
"Stonehenge was used to tell the time, which means Stonehenge is the only clock you can see from space unless you have a clock in your spaceship."
"...the people who brought this tradition replaced the population that had just built stonehenge."
"The magic of Stonehenge is insignificant next to the power of the force."
"Its colossal stones, some as heavy as 25 tons, are arranged in a circular pattern that corresponds with the sun's movements."
"Stonehenge continues to puzzle experts, remaining an enigma that showcases the ingenuity and spiritual depth of its creators."
"On the longest day of the year, the sun rises right over the heel stone."
"Stonehenge continues to fascinate people around the world with its bizarre and unexplained features."
"The recent discovery of blue stone fragments proves that after Stonehenge was abandoned, the locals still believed the blue stones held power."
"Perhaps the people who built Stonehenge liked to celebrate rituals during the summer solstice."
"Stonehenge continues to remain a mystery."
"Stonehenge was built to serve as an astronomical observatory that could accurately measure the change of the seasons and predict eclipses of the sun and moon."
"This morning at Stonehenge, the sun rose directly over the heelstone as it has done on every first day of summer for the past 4,000 years."
"Welcome to Stonehenge, one of the most famous historic monuments in the world."
"At the end of the day, the purpose of Stonehenge is lost to us, and that mystery is part of what makes it so fascinating."
"Probably one of the main things people think of when they think of Stonehenge is the Solstice, the Sun, and the stones aligning with the movements of the Sun."
"The rituals that went on here and the rituals that still go on today, like all sorts of people still have religious and spiritual experiences and beliefs surrounding Stonehenge."
"The midsummer sunrise and midwinter sunset, Stonehenge is celebrated, forming a line on the midsummer sunrise which attracts thousands of people on the longest day of the year."
"The mystery is that we still have no idea what drew human beings to Stonehenge even thousands of years before the first stones were put up."
"Stonehenge was built over a very long period of time, taking decades to complete while people lived nearby and went about their daily life."
"England has Stonehenge, these mysteriously placed stones."
"Stonehenge, the world's most famous henge, isn't actually a henge."
"The origin of the giant stones at Stonehenge have finally been discovered."
"Stonehenge still remains elusive, a mystery."