
Hopeful Outcome Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"You will get justice in this situation; balance will be restored."
"I'm gonna stand in the exact same place and hope you guys wrong."
"I'm sticking with them, they should make it."
"Obviously, my hope would be for a fairytale ending."
"Every single Mega nut who's thinking... hopefully this makes them think twice."
"Hopefully, he can do it tonight in Sparta Prague, but also hopefully he can do it tonight in Sparta Prague."
"Imagine that right can you I know it's I know it's highly unlikely highly unlikely but just imagine that this protest which will be huge turns into a massive celebration instead because it's confirmed that the glazes are going to sell."
"Team Adrian is definitely hopefully going to pull out the win."
"If anyone's gonna kill cancer, it's gonna be her."
"You are Romeo and Juliet, and we all wish you the same happy ending."
"Maybe the justice system will work... and we'll actually get some justice a little bit."
"I think something majorly has the potential to clear up for you in the week ahead as something that you've been waiting on for a while."
"Okay, there was a little bit of leeway there. We can still win this."
"If they could get over the line, that would be great."
"Oh this is so cool, we actually have a firefighting hose now, so firefighting should be much better. I'm hoping I can actually save this place."
"If you guys are enjoying rescue HQ, be sure to hit that thumbs up button."
"I hope that this reimagined, revamped ROH is successful in whatever it's going to look like."
"I actually want it to succeed just because of what the consequences will be if it does."
"Having sound money separate from the state is the idea."
"My hope is that it creates world peace or helps great world peace."
"And at the end of the day, I just hope the best comes for Summer and her family."
"I hope you're right because this movie deserves every freaking dollar."
"It's very slushy but hopefully it'll stick it up over the next 30 minutes."
"This is a wonderful conversation to me this is I you know I hope people enjoy it as much as I do I hope everybody listens I to me honestly back to like it matters to me this has been dopamine for me."
"I'm just patiently waiting for that email, fingers crossed."
"These guys are gods, I want to see these guys run someone over..."
"Somebody's actually going to break out of some type of narcissism and do the right thing."
"Would that change the world? I think it will."
"What ends up happening will be very healing."
"I do everything because I'm passionate about it and hopefully it's received well."
"This is gonna hopefully hit every nail on the head."
"Hopefully whoever gets custody in the end is going to protect them and love them."
"The longitudinal study provides encouraging evidence towards eradicating the virus."
"Not everybody's clearly going to end up this person like all the way but you're going to end up with this person."
"Prayers that Summer will be found safe and sound or there will be a conclusion to the case sometime soon."
"It's one last hurrah for the battling boxers, let's hope we can get that win!"
"Maybe this is something that could, in the end, bring them back together."
"If this works, this would be very, very good."
"At the end of the day this is a 20 month old little boy who is teeny tiny so this expression is finding a needle in a haystack right I'm just hopeful that they find something."
"Ukrainians are putting up a brave fight... I hope that they're successful."
"She could not stop hoping that the two of them would succeed in changing her world for the better."
"Whatever was lost or stolen, you're getting it back."
"They know what they're doing. I want to assume and hope that they're just not telling the public everything because they don't have to, and eventually, hopefully, it will come out."
"We do have an entire team of people every day in court dedicated to helping good people charged with crimes find safety, find that clarity, and find some hope about their futures."
"Maybe hopefully they'll pull together in the end and accomplish the mission."
"There's something not right here... we can have a good resolution, a good ending to this story."
"I feel extremely vulnerable but also... a small chance of my own victory."
"Reagan and Evelyn then use this knowledge to fight off the approaching monsters and hopefully give Humanity a shot at survival."
"I'm gonna do my best and hopefully I'll be able to give the most ethical answer."
"This would be a dream if it ended like this."
"That's so cute, prom time, I hope everything goes well."
"Chloroquine might improve the success rate of treatment."
"Patients treated with chloroquine demonstrated improvement."
"Hopefully we can quite possibly win this game."
"Hundreds of thousands of lives in the United States and around the world would be saved."
"There seems to be desire for things to work out in this situation."
"I believe we are going to save it at the bitter bitter end. I truly believe we are going to get a W."
"Things may actually be going their way."
"I am putting my eggs in the Romadun basket."
"God is going to do what you gave up on thinking could happen."
"Disclaimer: this is a genuinely hideous task, but hopefully it's gonna be worth it in the end."
"All I can really do is just hope that karma does its thing."
"I cover these unsolved cases every single Wednesday in the hope that maybe one day an important piece of information might come to light from my videos and maybe something good can come from it."
"This is a factory sealed case so I'm hoping we're gonna get one of everybody."
"I think it was worth it, we'll see how it goes."
"Wish me luck that my plan goes over well."