
Naked In Death Quotes

Naked In Death by J.D. Robb

"All the blood, Eve thought, scrubbing sweat from her face with her hands. Such a small little girl to have had so much blood in her."
"Standard departmental procedure meant that she would spend the morning in Testing."
"Eve considered the tests a mild pain in the ass."
"Her eyes were swollen from lack of sleep, her skin nearly as pale as the corpses she'd delegated to the ME."
"Rather than dwell on it, she stepped into the shower, yawning."
"Small doubts and little regrets were often detected and could mean a second and more intense round with the machines and the owl-eyed technicians who ran them."
"Broadway was noisy and crowded, a party where rowdy guests never left."
"Even at this hour there was steam rising from the stationary and portable food stands that offered everything from rice noodles to soydogs for the teeming crowds."
"Eve double-parked and, skirting a man who smelled worse than his bottle of brew, stepped onto the sidewalk."
"Death rarely was a peaceful, religious experience to Eve's mind."
"The fact that only Feeney had been assigned with her meant that there were a lot of eggshells to be walked over."
"Steel fired into flesh," she mused as she passed the bag back to Feeney. "Ugly way to die, and the first I've seen it in my ten years with the department."
"She used the Trident Clinic for the first and Paradise for the second."
"No sperm, no blood but for the victim's. No DNA."
"Every surface had been meticulously wiped, including the murder weapon."
"The image ended with a graphic overlay. ONE OF SIX"
"She woke at three, shuddering, clammy, fighting for the breath to scream."
"Proud men often disguise their grief behind aggression."
"It took more than discipline and intelligence to rise so high so young. It took ambition, and to Eve's mind, ambition was a flammable fuel."
"Behavior seems inconsistent and questionable."
"The sun was bright as a sword but the air had the snapping bite of a petulant child."
"Save your sympathies, lieutenant. I want justice."
"Being poor is ... uncomfortable. I like comfort."
"I've already explained that. I can elaborate and add that I prefer a different type of bedmate, and that I prefer to make my own moves."
"I find it distasteful to look at you and watch the candlelight shift over a bruise on your face."
"She liked excitement and risk and didn't flinch from causing those who loved her embarrassment."
"Do you think so? I'm more of the opinion that your apartment is small for one woman."
"It's old-fashioned in that it would be more apt to say you dislike brutalizing people, in any form."
"I had her, then I shot her ... if one subscribes to the theory."
"Just because I prefer the stairs doesn't mean the staff shouldn't have a choice."
"I prefer people to machines, most of the time."
"It interests me, what humans have used to damage humans through history."
"Fortunately, he was distracted by my foot in his crotch."
"Roarke Industries was born out of his poor judgment."
"I can't compromise a murder investigation because I'm physically attracted to a suspect."
"Serve and protect -- it's not just a phrase, it's a promise."
"How do you sleep at night, after looking at something like this?"
"You're work, lieutenant. A great deal of work."
"Let him sleep," Eve muttered. "Let that bastard sleep."
"Whatever my crimes, and they are undoubtedly legion, they don't include murder."
"Be tactful, respectful, and tell him nothing he doesn't already know."
"I've been in the business of bullshit for more than twice your life, lieutenant. So don't pull out your tap dance with me. You have nothing."
"What we have, Senator DeBlass, is a complicated and delicate investigation."
"I'm sure you understand, senator, that the delicacy of an investigation of this nature often means progress is slow."
"I cannot and will not be placated with bits and pieces of information."
"There's little doubt that they both knew the same man. And that man killed them."
"Senator, I never knew your granddaughter and have no personal tie to her, but I'm personally offended by murder."
"Some high-class, high-dollar vacation paradise."
"As to why, the Olympus Resort will be a haven for pleasure."
"I spoiled her, it's true. I have no one to blame but myself for it."
"Professional companions are rigidly screened."
"I'm going after him. That's all I can tell you."
"She told me I didn't understand her -- never had, never would -- and that I saw only what I wanted to see."
"I wasn't sure of that, even after Roarke called me about you."
"Because you have something sad in your eyes. And it gets to me."
"Sharon was an angry woman, a defiant one who needed power. And wanted to be loved."
"A woman who dismissed her family, yet thought of them often. One who loved to live, yet one who brooded regularly."
"Odd, isn't it, how many different opinions and perceptions you find on one woman."
"I haven't yet figured out why the intense, driven, and prickly type appeals to me so unexpectedly."
"How can a world that allows legalized prostitution, full conception control, sexual adjustment, and so forth not take responsibility for the results?"
"Our right to bear arms. A woman murdered in her own home, her own bed, a victim of sexual freedom and defenselessness."
"Who do you think made certain you went to Testing in the middle of this case?"
"I respect the privacy of the people I care about. And I care about you, Eve."
"I'm tired of every time I have a moment with you, you put murder between us."
"Sex isn't high on my priority list. It's distracting."
"I'm going to make you let go, and I'm going to watch it happen."
"You won't forget me, Eve. You'll think of me."
"I don't like the idea of you shivering unless I cause it. Stay warm."
"Any case that comes across my desk is treated equally, regardless of family or social background."
"You can deal with me, or I can go out on my own. Your choice."
"Sex doesn't have to be a power trip. It sure as hell doesn't have to be a punishment. It's supposed to be fun. And now and again, if you're lucky, it gets to be special."
"Somebody just found a way to get through. You should be happy."
"If I'm wrong, they won't have to ask for my badge."
"I didn't expect to get away with it. Not really."
"Gluttony. I told him not to eat it. I specifically told him not to eat it."
"No one outside can ever understand what goes on in the privacy of a home."
"Families are a source of comfort, and a source of irritation."
"I've been carrying this around like a schoolboy carries a lock of his sweetheart's hair."
"I'm not going to let you walk away until we've figured out what to do about it."
"Yes, we do. Two lost souls. We've both turned away from something and made ourselves something else."
"It's worth risking my life to find justice for three women who are already dead, and to try to prevent three more from dying."
"No system's foolproof, or completely breach resistant."
"And you take damn good care of whatever you find in the box."
"Can't you do anything without strings?"
"Yes. This isn't one of them."
"Loyalty was a trait Eve had a difficult time arguing against."
"Secrets," Catherine said between trembling lips. "It has to be a secret."
"No, it doesn't. This kind of secret hurts."
"You've never been shuffled through the system. There's no feeling of safety. Only impotence."
"He said it was all right, because he was Daddy, and I was going to pretend to be Mommy. It was a game, he said, a secret game."
"And he raped me." She buried her face in her hands and rocked. "He said it was a present."
"We'll protect them," Eve said quietly. "We'll protect you."
"It's not about me." But she let out a shuddering breath. "I can't think about it, Roarke. I can't."
"Do you know what the media is going to do to him when this hits?"
"Crucify him," Eve murmured.
"He's finished." Roarke nodded. "In more ways than one."