
Winds Of Fury Quotes

Winds Of Fury by Mercedes Lackey

"He did not serve them, as one petty bureaucrat of his father’s reign had whined that he must—just before he had ordered the man given to his mages. They served him; his pleasures, his will, his whims."
"He was their ruler by right of arms and strength; he had the power of life and death over them, and all that lay in between."
"Echoes of his movements came back to him like a whisper."
"He found all of his pensive thoughts poignant."
"I have been trying to find an Adept to teach me, with no luck."
"She was too old to play the coquette, too old for girlish mannerisms."
"But she had the attitude without producing results."
"That galled him almost as much as her consistent failure."
"The power of an Adept was what Ancar wanted; whether it was within himself or in another, it did not matter—as long as it was in his control."
"Even people I couldn’t stand back at the palace seem pleasant once I’ve been away from them for a while."
"There are more than enough mages here to keep the effects of a Gate Spell balanced, and prevent a spring storm from dropping down upon us."
"Indeed, we would have moved on this winter, had it not been for your request for help."
"We have herds," Silverfox replied. "Fear not; we have learned how to manage our own needs and balance them against the needs of the land. We have beasts that are quick to grow, and eat nearly anything. We shall start the herds as soon as you are gone."
"Gods of my fathers!" he groaned. "That is wonderful! I thought I had become naught but a man of ice! I have never found anything colder than a spring rain."
"Just be glad that we’re going to k’Treva by Gate, then," she replied. "Skif and I got here the hard way. It’s a lot colder outside the Vales up north!"
"On the whole, I think it’s a better idea," Elspeth told him. "I’m glad you talked them into it."
"I’ll always worry about you. At least a little. I guess we’re done," she said, uncertainly.
"Never underestimate the importance of even an apprentice," he had told her. "Their work goes on constantly, so that we do not so greatly upset all the balances of power and nature that we drive the weather and the ley-lines wild with our actions."
"I am very glad that I had already left the other ekele that I had built before all this happened," he said into the silence. "That was my home—for all that it leaked cold air all winter long. Built by my hands."
"We will do well wherever we go. Home should be in your heart, the Shin’a’in say. Worry not about me," Darkwind said, breaking the silence of Elspeth’s thoughts.
"By accident. Purely and simply, by accident and blundering."
"But whoever his teacher was, that teacher had evidently chosen not to inform him of this, and he had been searching for a way to make himself an Adept for some time now."
"Falconsbane had no intention of telling him. He intended to keep as many secrets as he could."
"Falconsbane was not used to cooperating. Falconsbane was used to giving orders and having them obeyed."
"I am not precisely a spirit, but I am not precisely 'alive,' either."
"The past was immutable, the present what it was because of the past."
"To Her. Remember me—and help me, if You will."
"Then this kingdom would be in Falconsbane’s hands. That would give him a new base of operations from which to work."
"And once the Gate had a goal, it 'knew' how to reach that goal, given the strength of Ancar’s need."
"Taking their land would be a good start. Finding the girl and the man would complete that particular facet of his revenge."
"He could have the world calling him Lord and Master."
"It never fails to annoy me how little faith people can have in each other, Herald or no."
"The mage who knows how to use simple spells cleverly is just as effective as the Adept with no imagination."
"Things were never perfect for more than a day at a time."
"Glorious Destinies get you Glorious Funerals."
"Love takes work. Love means being able to apologize and mean it when you blunder."
"What matter if he had been forced into the life of a shaman? He would never have had to experience any of this, never know that his body had done these things, had performed those acts."
"The most evil men in recent Shin’a’m history were those men who had slaughtered Clan Tale’sedrin, down to the last and littlest child—except for the famed Tarma shena Tale’sedrin who had declared blood-feud, been taken as Swordsworn, then tracked them down and eliminated them all."
"None of these folk were worth helping. If any of them had ever done a single decent thing in all their lives, they had certainly taken pains to ensure it went undiscovered."
"I must listen to the Avatars and remain quiet. That was still not only the best plan, it was the only plan. I must help the Avatars as they ask; I must hope they can help me. That is the only plan, the only decent course to take."
"There were things worse than death, after delving into Falconsbane’s mind he knew that. He would be worse than a rabid animal if he chose his own survival over taking the opportunity to stop something like Falconsbane."
"You can't assume that something that looks like an animal isn't an intelligent person—or that something that looks human is more than a beast."
"There has been a disturbance in the magical currents here, and that always makes the weather act up, unless someone is working to balance it."
"The weather, all over Valdemar has been rotten this year... It got bad around Midwinter, when everyone got hit with that headache, and right before you people popped out of that doorway this storm just blew up out of nowhere."
"As it neared, the light faded and thunder growled a warning of things to come."
"He crossed his arms and watched the storm racing over the empty fields beyond the city walls, lightning licking down and striking the earth for every beat of his heart."
"Thunder did more than rattle the glass; it shook the palace to the cellars, making all the stones in the walls tremble."
"Daydreaming of revenge and planning his course to obtain it were his only real amusements at the moment."
"When he wished to hear from them—which was rarely—he ordered them before him and stripped their minds."
"An unbroken egg driven into the trunk of a tree, straws driven through thick boards."
"Magic also affects the physical elements of the world. You should have noticed this by now."
"Changes in magical energy change the weather, as the air and water reflect what is happening in the magical fields."
"Any mage who is any good at all makes certain that he calms the fields if he can after he is finished."
"There is no more deadly an enemy than a religious fanatic. They are willing to die and desperate to take you with them."
"I have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t understand. What have we been doing that makes you so angry?"
"But the rumors made it seem as if you were indispensable."
"I refuse to lose either of you—you or my native land and my duty to it. I refuse to let you go."
"Being love-struck doesn't mean my brains have poured out my ears!"
"Whatever came, whatever they faced, wherever they went, all would now be right with the world."
"It was a good bonding. Display done. Mate won. Nesting soon. They would fly high together."
"I have returned, as I promised, with the help that I went to find—and with more, far more."
"As all well know, my blood-father was a traitor and a would-be assassin, and all my life his crimes have hung over my head, clouding confidence in my trustworthiness and ability to rule."
"I am the first and only trained Herald-Mage at this moment. There will be others, I promise you."
"Valdemar needs my skills and strength far more than it needs me beneath the Heir’s coronet."
"I will always be my mother’s true daughter, but I no longer wish to be a cause of worry and conflict."
"It might not to you, but you’re an example for others, whether or not you realize it."
"No one is going to pay any attention to the fact that you’re taking on more responsibility as the first Herald-Mage in an age."
"Every day we make him hesitate, is one more day we have to prepare for his next try at us."
"Sounds like the kind of lady I can get along with."
"He doesn’t care if they’re decent fighters or not; they’re fodder, and he can keep throwing them at our lines until they wear us down."
"I shall not believe he is dead until I burn the body, and sow the ashes with salt!"
"This group is strange enough without adding a talking sword."
"Tell a big enough lie, and everyone will believe it simply because it is too audacious not to be the truth."
"Anything you can do to bring confusion to this nest of kresh’ta will be welcome, youngling."
"I have an endless supply of peasant boys from women who whelp them like puppies."
"You don’t stand off and fling sand at a fire from a safe distance; you go in and cut a firebreak right in its path."
"Valdemar is not grainfields, or roads, or cattle; it is not cities, it is not even the land itself. It is people."
"So long as the people live—so does Valdemar."
"Every Herald will defend our people to his last breath and drop of blood, and lament that he has no more to give."
"Grain will grow again—herds can be bred—houses can be rebuilt. It is the lives of our people that are at stake here, and we must preserve them."
"All that Heralds have comes from the people—and it will all return to their service, first to last, until there is no more to offer."
"Gods, we are a deceitful bunch! It’s a damn good thing we’re honest, or no one would be safe!"
"Speak for yourself! I intend to persuade as much coin from the pockets of the unsuspecting as possible!"
"The only real power that Ancar would be able to touch, other than that derived from the death of underlings, would be through Hulda now."
"Oh, so? And I suppose you feel very sorry for yourself, eh? You feel the fates have mistreated you?"
"A brave man is simply someone who doesn’t let his cowardice and fear stop him."
"Hellfires, boy, I’ve seen less likely than that come to pass in my time."
"Patiencssse isss a jewel in the crrrown of any prrriessstesss."
"Demons be of the dark, Vkandis is all of the light."
"A focused and trained will could accomplish a great deal, even when the sorcerer’s own powers were slight."
"Terrible, terrible, but Ancar terrible is. Yes?"
"Tactics could be put hand in hand with strategy from the Palace, thanks to Mindspoken dispatches."
"How could humans be so attached to things and property that they would lose their lives simply to stay with those things?"
"She knew that Selenay felt the same, but Selenay spent far more time away from her little ones than Hydona did."
"It was a truism that those who provided support were greater heroes than the ones who fought the wars."
"Odd, how one never noticed a need, though, until it was no longer being filled."
"There was no rest for them that night; the entire carnival packed up and moved in the dark."
"Firesong was talented, Gifted, beautiful, and arrogant."
"Real pain had been touched and understood; Healing was no longer simply a mental exercise for Firesong."
"So, what we have is the three powers at the top, who should be working together, who we’ve assumed have been working together, are actually fighting each other?"