
The Last Of The Moon Girls Quotes

The Last Of The Moon Girls by Barbara Davis

"Family isn't always about blood. Sometimes you just recognize someone."
"There are no goodbyes, my Lizzy, only turnings of the Circle."
"Everyone’s got a right to go looking for themselves, but once they manage it, they should come back home and deal with what’s past, look things squarely in the eye."
"It’s my hope that one day your book will be there too, shelved beside mine, so that gifts like ours will not be lost to the world."
"We must never forget who we are. How far we’ve come, and what we’ve had to endure at the hands of those who fear what they do not understand."
"Gifts like yours can't be thrown away. They're in you still, waiting to be called up."
"Whatever you choose, know that you are always in my heart."
"You were so beautiful, but you were always hiding, trying to make yourself invisible."
"We can’t let that change who we are, or dim the light that is in us."
"I was not so strong when I was young. I fell in line and walked the path already paved for me, too timid to stray, to find a way to be both what I wanted and what was expected of me. I hadn’t your spirit back then, though I sometimes wish I had."
"So much becomes clear when looking over one’s shoulder. I have no regrets, or if I do, they’re few, and faded with time. But I understand now that there are an infinite number of paths in this life."
"Some are well traveled, others must be forged. But none should be walked with a guilty or bitter heart."
"Absorb the words a little at a time, and hold them close. Then come back to the book when you are ready."
"Trust me in this, sweet girl. You will know when it’s time."
"Even now, after her death, Althea was still teaching, reminding her who she was and where she’d come from."
"No strings. No hassles. No baring her soul. She’d never learned the art of opening up to another person. Alone was what she’d learned instead, and what she’d gotten good at. Alone was safe."
"How had her grandmother lived with it? Worse still—how had she died with it? Knowing there would always be some who chose to believe the whispers?"
"Sometimes justice takes care of itself. Why not do us all a favor and leave the dead buried?"
"But as she turned and walked away, she couldn’t help wondering what he’d think if he knew she was planning to pay the police chief a visit."
"Just do what you need to do and get out of there. I promise it’ll be a relief when it’s over, like closing one chapter so a new one can begin."
"People die, babe. It’s a fact of life. There’s no reason to feel guilty about selling something that belongs to you. Get on with it, and come home."
"Sometimes the craziest things are the truest of all. Just because we can’t explain a thing doesn’t mean it’s not real."
"Trouble. That’s what you’re worried about? Stirring up trouble?"
"Bees are like people, little girl. They attack when they feel threatened—when they’re afraid. It’s the same for us. It’s always the things we fear that sting us in the end."
"We prefer falsehoods and half-truths, inventions meant to gloss over things we don’t wish to see. But knowing half a thing is to not know it at all."
"Seek truth in all things, my dearest girl. There can be no healing without it."
"Seek truth in all things. There can be no healing without it."
"You never get a second chance to make a good first impression."
"There are all kinds of ways to be abusive, ways that don't leave scars for the neighbors and the police to see."
"It’s just so hard to have been right. You know how you get that feeling, and you just know something bad is coming. And then when it does, you keep kicking yourself because you knew. You knew, and you didn’t stop it."
"You could never be invisible to me. Not then, and not now."
"I know this is hard, Susan, and that it’s the last thing you want to talk about, but I truly want to find out who hurt your daughters, and talking like this might help me piece something together that the police missed."
"All those busybodies flapping their yaps about those poor girls. They had no idea what they were talking about."
"I know that sounds harsh, but if someone doesn’t want to be your friend, you can’t make them."
"To love truly is to risk the deepest cut, but it’s always a risk worth taking."
"The best magick always takes us by surprise."
"No power lines running to the structure, so it wasn’t electrical. That’s the first thing we rule out for a structure like this. Old wiring, dry wood, only takes a spark."
"Kerosene," he announced, turning to Lizzy. "And an old glass milk bottle. Better known as a Molotov cocktail. Crude, but effective."
"Sometimes I wonder if Althea . . . if some part of her might still be here, trying to clean things up."
"Just because you can’t see her doesn’t mean she isn’t here."
"It wasn’t luck, Lizzy. You’ve had perfume in your blood for as long as I can remember."
"You were such an amazing little girl. I remember thinking, How could one little head hold so much information?"
"It means you’re not the only one with terrible memories. I live with them too."
"I just want you to be happy. Fulfilled, you know. Because you deserve it."
"You made me wish I’d paid more attention when I was a kid and Althea was trying to teach me."
"You weren’t exactly the poster child for normal."
"It was personal. It’s how twilight felt to me when I was a kid."
"You might have been too stoned to remember how things were—how you were—but my memory’s fine."
"You’re a little old to be afraid of witches, Dennis."
"What I am afraid of are people who believe silly rumors, and pass them off as truth."
"It’s easier to be prickly than to be vulnerable, to distract with harsh words rather than show our bruises."
"I’ve been patient for eight years. I’m done being patient."
"No one knows who killed Heather and Darcy Gilman, Dennis. Not you. Not the police. Not even Lizzy."
"It’s about intention, Lizzy, about sending what’s in your heart into your work."
"There is no quarrel sharp enough to sever the bonds of blood."
"I’m thinking of starting a new project, but I needed to clear my workbench first."
"It wasn’t exactly a lovefest, but I understand some things I didn’t before."
"I’m not letting my boss pay the taxes on my grandmother’s farm."
"Some people are destined for the whole love-and-marriage thing. I’m not one of those people."
"When your last name is Moon, you learn pretty quick not to want what other people have."
"There’s a light inside you, Lizzy. Althea had it too. And your mother. It’s what makes you a Moon—that light."
"The longer it sits, the less it’ll be worth."
"This was never supposed to be permanent, Evvie. You know that."
"Home is in your blood. It’s not just where you live, it’s who you are."
"I’m not, in fact. Which is why the legacy will end with me."
"We don’t get . . . attached. We have one job, to produce a daughter to carry on our legacy."
"You dragging your feet wouldn’t have anything to do with Andrew, would it?"
"It’s time to put my energy into getting this place on the market and forget the sleuthing."
"All I’ve managed to do so far is remind everyone why they don’t like us."
"Maybe it’s time to put my energy into getting this place on the market and forget the sleuthing."
"The only way to kill a witch is to burn her."
"It feels like I’ve been pushing you away for half my life."
"We’re all scared, Lizzy. And we all make mistakes."
"Bridges can be built across the widest chasms, even when all we have to build with are broken pieces."
"You deserve the whole white-picket-fence thing, and you’d never have that with me."
"I had a few last-minute details to clean up."
"You should be more careful, Ms. Moon. I’d feel awful if you ended up getting hurt."
"A man does what he has to. It was like he thought he had no other choice."
"Nothing, probably. But it’s ironic, don’t you think?"
"And perfectly capable of falling down and cracking your head again."
"Because I’d know how lucky I was, and just how rare a man like that is."
"She’s here with me. She’s pretty banged up, but she’s got plenty of nurses."
"The days of the solitary crone ended a century ago."
"I came back here to learn how to be your mother."
"I’m not sure Dennis knew the difference anymore. His whole identity was wrapped up in being Hollis’s protector."