
Girl, Alone Quotes

Girl, Alone by Blake Pierce

"Sometimes fantasies were best left as just that."
"Every day brought new tragedies and horrors, the details of which Ella was obliged to consume in full."
"Life moves a little slower in bayou country."
"The truth was he broke in through the front door, then left the house out the window after locking the front door behind him."
"I’ve studied every serial murder case in existence. I started doing it twenty years ago and haven’t stopped."
"This place is pretty much a zoo without an entry fee."
"With every crime scene, the day got a little darker while the night got no brighter."
"Decide you want it more than you're afraid of it."
"What's life without a drink or two? Especially in this game."
"In my thirties, I always swore I'd never be one of those career types who were married to their jobs and had nothing else to live for. Twenty years later, that's exactly where I am."
"It sounds like fun, but so does camping out on Mount Fuji. People tend to change their minds when they've got icicles on their nipples in the middle of the night."
"Everything that can possibly happen has happened at some point in history."
"From her past experiences, there was no such thing as a free drink. They always wanted something in return."
"Trust me when I say my life isn’t all that interesting outside of my Intelligence bubble."
"It’s about the struggle between contentment and chasing that one last high."
"Don’t make the mistake of romanticizing this job, or the people we chase."
"The idea of going back to my desk seems really weird. It’s only been a day, but it feels a million years away."
"Everything was so still and motionless, to the point that she felt a sudden urge to cry."
"Being early is on time. Being on time is late."
"The extraordinary becomes increasingly ordinary."
"Serial killers make great reading for an up-and-coming surgeon."
"Never in my thirty years," he said without looking at the agents. "I’m starting to wonder if it’s me or if the world is getting crazier by the day."
"This whole scene is one huge middle finger to us."
"It never gets any easier, Rookie, if that’s what you’re thinking."
"All of the men emulated by the unsub have been the archetypical all-American serial killer. White males, sexually motivated deviants, loners who killed to satisfy their own perversions."
"If he were to kill again, the killer would no doubt emulate another offender similar to the ones already referenced."
"Every victim type matches that of the killers he’s referencing."
"The unsub craves media and police attention in addition to killing for his own gratification."
"They managed to fit into their own little circles where they were considered part of the clique, but still, outsiders sometimes considered something to be off about them."
"He picks them out in advance, stalks them, learns their routines, and then strikes at the most opportune time."
"I don’t kill people, do you understand? I kill animals."
"I’ve told you once already, I didn’t do this. I don’t know who did this, and I don’t know the names of these people you’re throwing at me."
"Sometimes you can’t get through to them no matter what you try."
"Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the successful from the unsuccessful is hard work."
"You’re going to have to trust your intuition on this one."
"You scratched the surface of this guy with your profile, now you have to dig deep."
"I couldn’t live like that. I don’t know how any of you agents live like that."
"We’re playing a game that we can never win. Tragedy comes with the territory."
"If I get this wrong, more people will die and it’ll be on my head."
"You’ve got the talent, but talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the successful from the unsuccessful is hard work."
"Seeing a dead victim was one thing, but seeing a living one was worse."
"I’m an FBI agent with Special Firearms Honors. That means I can shoot you in the asshole from a mile away, and I’ve got my crosshairs right in the middle of your skull. If you move an inch, I’m going to blow your head clean off. Do you understand me?"
"Serial killers were not ordinary people, but ordinary people were serial killers."
"Life gets a little boring around here. Sometimes you need to inject a little serial murder to liven things up."
"Normal people don’t have favorite murders. Not all of us are inept losers who live vicariously through the monsters of the world. Some of us learn from them, and then catch the people who copy them."
"People only curse when they’re scared. Are you scared, Agent?"
"You’re all alone in here with a pure psychopath, and the only way out is to become a murderer yourself. You’re worried doing that would make you no better than me, not to mention all of the knowledge you could extract from me when I’m behind bars."
"The police will be here any second," she said, praying that her words might somehow make it true.
"You’re not going to kill anything with the safety catch on, are you? You moron."
"She’d always heard that when death was coming, you knew it. Worst of all, you accepted it as an inevitability."
"God had nothing to do with it. This was all you."
"Mistakes are always forgivable if you have the courage to admit them."
"Memories are the diary we carry forever. As long as he’s in your heart, he’s with you."
"We get it wrong sometimes. God knows I’ve made a few mistakes in the autopsy room, and you know what? Mistakes are always forgivable if you have the courage to admit them."
"It’s cool. You don’t learn anything from being perfect."
"It’s funny, really. We’re both here for the same reasons."
"When I was five years old, my dad was murdered. Why, or by whom, I have no idea."