
Ocean Sea Quotes

Ocean Sea by Alessandro Baricco

"Sand as far as the eye can see, between the last hills and the sea—the sea—in the cold air of an afternoon almost past, and blessed by the wind that always blows from the north."
"It could be perfection—an image for divine eyes—a world that happens, that is all, the mute existence of land and water, a work perfectly accomplished, truth."
"Once again it is the redeeming grain of a man that jams the mechanism of that paradise."
"He is like a sentinel—this you must realize—standing there to defend that part of the world from the silent invasion of perfection."
"You need only the glimmer of a man to wound the repose of that which would otherwise be a split second away from becoming truth."
"The sea, the omnipotent sea—there is a point where it ends, and an instant."
"The artificial silence of the laboratory fell over the fixed circle delimited by his gaze."
"Nature is perfect because it is not infinite."
"The exact point where the wave...stopped—its outermost edge trimmed with a delicate perlage—where it hesitated a moment and finally, defeated, attempted an elegant withdrawal."
"The sea suddenly seemed to have been waiting for them forever."
"The sea will give you back your daughter. Dead, perhaps. But if alive, then really alive."
"Elisewin shall go to the sea. I shall take her there. And if need be we shall stay there for months, years, until she manages to find the strength to face the water and everything else. And in the end she shall return—alive."
"The sea, as the Baron saw from the geographer’s charts, was far away. But above all—he saw in his dreams—it was terrible, exaggeratedly beautiful, terribly powerful, inhuman and inimical: marvelous."
"It is the desires that save. They are the only real thing. You stick with them, and you will save yourself."
"The sea enchants, the sea kills, it moves, it frightens, it also makes you laugh sometimes, it disappears every now and then, it disguises itself as a lake, or it constructs tempests, devours ships, gives away riches, it gives no answers, it is wise, it is gentle, it is powerful, it is unpredictable. But, above all, the sea calls."
"They practically do not grow old. If they wished, they could live for eternity."
"Nature controls everything, nothing escapes her."
"In the end, and this is important, they die."
"Yesterday evening he wrote one about you, sir."
"My goodness, you're right, Bartleboom, you really do draw badly."
"One really learns loads of things in these seminaries."
"The breath of the evanescent daily ceremony."
"We, the abandoned of the earth, have become the womb of the sea."
"HOSANNA TO THEE, ocean sea, powerful beyond all powers."
"I have seen what desire really is, and fear."
"Even the most intolerable, atrocious truth of all. This sea is a mirror."
"Fear, fatigue, and disgust. Who knows what he reads on mine?"
"FIRST IS MY NAME, second those eyes, third a thought, fourth the coming of the night, fifth those mangled bodies, sixth is hunger, seventh is horror, eighth the specters of madness, ninth is meat, and tenth is a man who watches me but does not kill me."
"They are like little animals, believe me. They sense the danger. It's instinct."
"Elisewin... isn't she beautiful? She seems..."
"According to me, it's for the ships. THE SHIPS."
"Knowing where it lies. And attaining it. Whatever it may be, destiny."
"She was walking—and it was the most beautiful thing she had ever done."
"I demand to know where the devil we are going!"
"Write on the world just one word written for me I will read it."
"Have patience, do O Lord Most High for once again it is I."
"Losing oneself in another's arms is a fine way to lose oneself."
"It's weariness, my friend, Beautiful weariness. Adieu."
"You have your dreams, personal stuff, intimate, and then life decides it doesn’t want to play along."
"Life has no gratitude, if you see what I mean."
"He adopted the usual technique with Maria Luigia; it could not fail."
"So, for example, Bartleboom spent the whole journey verifying the unassailable logic of his plan."
"The sea, the sea is different... you cannot judge what happens in there... the sea is another thing."
"The sea, that vast entity which is simultaneously a menace and a wonder."
"You cannot say a prayer for the sea anymore."
"Say the sea. Because it’s what we have left."
"It doesn’t matter to whom. The important thing is trying to say it. Someone will listen."
"If someone were really able, all he would need is a few words... Perhaps he would begin with lots of pages, but then, little by little, he would find the right words."