
Fall Of Kings Quotes

Fall Of Kings by David Gemmell

"Kings should not be subject to the whims of prophecy. Their destinies should be chained entirely to their will and their abilities."
"What glory was there in a victory ordained by capricious gods?"
"Even the defeat at Carpea could be used to advantage."
"A warrior's heart will burn with the need for vengeance."
"The first duty of a soldier is loyalty. When the king orders, we obey."
"The road a soldier walks is narrower than a sword blade."
"You are a rich man, but your continuing riches depend on trade."
"The weight of guilt settled on him as he stood alone."
"Priam is a man so drenched in deceit, even he would no longer know which—if any—of his statements was genuine."
"There are two kinds of dreams. Some come through a gate of ivory, and their meanings are deceitful. Others come through a gate of horn, and these are heavy with fate."
"Accept this gift, soldier, from Hektor's wife, she said, in tribute to your courage."
"The majesty of Troy was almost accidental, Gershom thought, a blending of impressive masonry and brilliant sunsets."
"Two friends should be able to stand together in silence without awkwardness."
"I am not ashamed of tears, he said. Nor should you be, my friend. It is said that the gates of paradise can only be opened by the tears of those left behind."
"Life without Penelope would be like a land without sunshine."
"Evil will always seek to justify its actions."
"A child should not have to see his mother die."
"I would have thought such a famed fighter would be bigger."
"Merchants did not stay in business long if they drove away good customers."
"You could have done nothing, lord. The first blows would have been fatal. By rushing in you would have risked being killed yourself for nothing. You acted wisely."
"There is love between us, Antiphones. Ultimately, therefore, all will be well. I have to believe that."
"No need to apologize, Polites. You are obviously more in need of Antiphones' fellowship than I am."
"You think Artemis or any of the gods cares a whit about your life or Kalliopes? Think on it! Have any of your prayers ever been answered?"
"The demigod would not have Kalliope, not even if the fate of worlds hung on it."
"Her love for Astyanax was like nothing she had ever experienced."
"The expression of love and tenderness on Hector's face made a lump form in Andromache's throat."
"Wars come and go, but there will always be fishermen."
"You do not pull a lion's teeth until you see the flies on its tongue."
"We must always offer respect to the lords of the earth, otherwise they will withdraw from us their favor or curse our endeavors."
"The gods value honor and bravery above all other virtues."
"Persion has suffered a great loss. Alektruon the hero was of his blood, and blood cries out for vengeance."
"The moon was bright above the cliffs, its silver light reflecting from the timbers of the Xanthos, giving the ship a spectral glow."
"You must consider this a hostile harbor, he warned them."
"I loved him as she would never-could never-love another."
"That is not what I meant. You are in a strange mood tonight, Golden One."
"Then you had better dress yourself for the feast, lest you be late and miss the entrance of the red demon."
"Your hands are remarkably steady for a man who is going to fight tonight."
"However, you do realize that everyone can be beaten? No one is invincible."
"She truly sees, Helikaon. And yes, the power of her visions comes close to driving her mad."
"Just because one event is predestined does not mean that an entire life is mapped out heartbeat by heartbeat."
"It is about you, Man of Stone. Your days upon the sea are almost done."
"Pain lanced through Iphigenias chest, and she cried out and staggered."
"I am Iphigenia, daughter of Atreus the battle king, sister to Agamemnon. You think that I will hide?"
"No one likes Iphigenia, little sister. Like her brother Agamemnon, she is cold, hard, and unfeeling."
"Craftsmen from Troy and Hattusas had built the main block of the temple with limestone, a huge rectangular building with a tower at one end."
"Women have been sold since the gods were young. Always by men, though."
"It is not just for Priam's gold, Andromache, but for all that gold represents."
"Pride? You think it is pride that drives Agamemnon? It is not, and it is why this war cannot be brought to a peaceful conclusion."
"An army is like a great snake. It must be fed and motivated."
"I have been ill, but let us not dwell on the matter. Your arrival is a surprise."
"All speak of their love for you, their respect for you, and their pride in you."
"Love is to be cherished wherever it is found. Sometimes, though, love can lead to great heartache and pain beyond imagining."
"I hope I do not find you in Troy when we take the city."
"What will happen, do you think, when he discovers his wife is your lover?"
"To think of it fills me with a rage I can hardly control."
"The thought had occurred to me. If that proves true, then we are all doomed to poverty and ruin."
"In order to defend the city we must think like the invader."
"He has chosen you because he thinks you are the right man for this task."
"Our father has chosen to make a fool of me again."
"The games were important to him. He wanted Agamemnon and his crew of rabble kings to see how the Trojans could organize themselves."
"They will kill me whether I am a warrior or not."
"There are thousands of them, she whispered in horror."
"You are young, he said. There will be other children."
"The land is quiet here, and we are safe for at least this night. That is good enough for me."
"Yesterday is gone. Nothing we can do about it. Tomorrow is a mystery."
"I was raised among whores. A few were nasty, some evil, some grasping. But most were ordinary, like you and me."
"What does being a whore have to do with anything?"
"My Hektor is back, and the rats will flee to their holes."
"Troy needs all your strength for the coming battles."
"I will not die from an arrow wound, General."
"No, old friend, but Agamemnon would ensure an archer who killed me would suffer a cruel and lingering death."
"They will all be heading home soon if there is no sign of the treasure of Priam they've been promised."
"I have told no one, Xander, he said shakily. I ask you to keep my secret."
"Weve seen a lot of death, you and I—more than most. You know as well as I do death doesn't always come to those who deserve it."
"He is life, rich and raw in all its glory. No subtlety, no guile. He is the fire we gather around, and his light pushes back the shadows we fear."
"In a thousand years the Golden City will be dust, its walls ruined, flowers growing wild where Priam's palace once stood."
"But she will not die, Antiphones. I promise you this. Her story will not be forgotten."
"You are in the Thessalian camp, boy. You should be proud to be with Achilles and his Myrmidons, the finest warriors in the world."
"The gods watch for such arrogance with glee."
"War makes brutes of us all. This is no victory to be proud of."
"They are bored and frustrated, and now they are tired, too."
"I am no one's lover, no one's daughter, no one's wife."
"If they are all to die, as she feared they would, they would be together."
"Her heart at peace for the first time in days."
"The fog that had clouded her thoughts for the past days, a fog born of conflicting emotions, fear, and exhaustion, had dispersed."
"Truly it was called the Death Ship, he thought, the name given to it by the Kypriot carpenters who had built it but refused to sail on it, fearing it was a challenge to Poseidon, who would sink it for its arrogance."
"But Khalkeus had designed the Xanthos to be a trading vessel, to hold more cargo and to be faster than its competitors, and, crucially, to be strong enough to brave the heavy seas of spring and autumn and prolong its sailing season well past the days when other ships returned to their safe harbors."
"The Mykene were a callous and ruthless race, he told himself. They brought destruction down upon themselves."
"Only a madman would create such a weapon of death."
"Now the world had come to Troy to bring it to its knees and plunder that wealth."
"There was an atmosphere of fear and anger in the streets, and few ventured out after dark."
"But his obsession for ten years or more had been his search for the perfect sword."
"Everyone knew of the lumps of gray metal that fell from the skies. Most thought them a gift of Ares."
"The great palaces of the mighty were roofed with bronze and decorated with red and green marble, their walls carved with creatures of legend."
"If you are there, they will kill you, maybe even someone you helped, whose life you saved. You will be no more to them than a lamb among the wolves."
"Everyone living behind those walls is dead, lad. They may be walking Troy's streets, breathing her air, eating, sleeping, or making love. But they are all dead."
"The truth was, she thought, no one had enough to do."
"It only takes a single arrow to kill a king."
"Fear of the powerful king on the balcony quickly gave way to pity for the confused old man."
"Deep in thought, she was walking down a torchlit corridor when a voice behind her said, Lady, are you all right?"