
Charlie Bone And The Hidden King Quotes

Charlie Bone And The Hidden King by Jenny Nimmo

"Snow filled the air; thick and fast it heaped itself upon the sleeping city, almost as though it were trying to keep it safe. A blanket of down to smother the wickedness that someone was determined to let loose."
"The Red King and his friend walked together through the forest. It was a golden autumn and leaves fell about them like bright coins."
"Mathonwy delighted in bonfires. He sang in Welsh while he gathered the kindling, and the merry song hid the dread in his heart."
"Bright flame, burning sun, and golden star," he chanted. "Guard my children with your wild hearts. Live safely in the world of men, but remain forever what you are."
"Last night I saw a boy in the clouds and I knew that he was one of mine. A future child. And, listen to this, Mathonwy. I know that he was from your line, too."
"One day, my friend," he said, "your children will come to find you, and oh, what a day that will be!"
"Their coats have changed, but I still know who they are." The king laughed contentedly, pleased with his spell.
"Shape-shifting is not what I need, Mathonwy. I crave an everlasting change."
"The world and me," said Mathonwy without bitterness, for he was pleased to know that one day his bloodline would be joined with the king's.
"Losing a cat's worse than losing a dog," argued a small girl in a cape that was two sizes too large for her.
"Felix has his band over. They were in the cellar but they still made a lot of noise. Dad kicked them out around one a.m."
"Are you all right, Charlie?" she called. "You look lost."
"I thought I did a pretty good job, actually."
"But he was with Cook and she made him stay where he was. When it was all over, he crept out and saw something that made him very, very scared. Didn't it, Blessed?"
"You're under suspicion, Charlie Bone," said Tancred with a mocking grin.
"No wonder. I thought there was something weird about that stuff."
"Histories are written from a certain point of view," Bartholomew said dismissively. "They are edited, embellished, shorn of the facts. Only the traveler can find the truth, Charlie."
"You will find your father, Charlie," Bartholomew said with conviction. "Because of the way you are, and because of the loyalty you have inspired."
"She wants to keep in touch." Bartholomew gave Charlie an enigmatic smile.
"Your curtains, Charlie. Let the moon shine in."
"Vast," said Bartholomew. His voice softened. "And I believe the king is still there, or certainly his spirit."
"Promise not to tell a soul where we live, or where you found the animals."
"I don't have any photographs of your father," he explained, "but he took that one. I have always kept it and it just occurred to me that it might help you, Charlie."
"Stop right there, Charlie Bone," said a voice.
"You can keep the dog," Alfred called back to Charlie, "for now."
"It's me, Naren. This is what I can do. Were you scared when you saw my little shadows? If you whisper at the wall, I shall hear you."
"Hello, Charlie. I hope you got back safely. If anything troubles you, let me know and I can tell my father."
"Charlie, don't," sobbed his mother. "Don't touch her, it's too - dreadful."
"It's a spell." Charlie's mother covered her face with her hands.
"What you say about your grandmother is so bad. I will talk to Bartholomew tomorrow. Perhaps he can send advice."
"They're shadows, Grandma," Charlie said quickly, "from the branches of the chestnut tree."
"Uncle Paton, have you eaten any prawns?" asked Charlie.
"Leave him be, Onoria," said Mr. Onimous. "I think he's made a promise to someone. Am I right, Charlie?"
"Charlie, son, don't get in a frazzle," Mr. Onimous said soothingly.
"You haven't gone and sworn a silly oath, have you, Charlie?"
"There's trouble brewing. You'd better find an answer for the Boors or they'll force it out of you in a very unfriendly fashion."
"It is, of course, a catastrophe when beloved pets disappear."
"What are you going to do? Don't know. I'll have to think about it while I'm doing homework."
"Tomorrow every lost creature will be back in the city."
"It was just flies. I don't know where they came from."
"An owl hooted, and then another. They are coming back."
"Do not be concerned. The girl is still here, and so is Lyell's son, Charlie."
"Charlie will take me with him, into the past, where I can... rearrange history."
"I've got to get the animals back, Naren, and soon, or they'll lock me up."
"I just found them, sir... wandering around."
"Maybe they're trying to make it up to her, for Maisie's accident."
"Maisie's trouble was no accident. It was meant to put me out of action."
"I want to have some fun. I want to go out and sparkle again."
"He's the only one who can put them out of harm's way."
"Every creature that crossed his path has suffered for it."
"They're precious because they've got secrets in them, things about the Red King that we've never known before."
"Magicians try not to speak of him, for he brought our powers into great disrepute."
"The only light in the room seemed to come from the sorcerer's yellow eyes."
"Fine stories, my boy. Revelations! I'll keep them safe."
"Take your spell and leave this place. It doesn't do to linger in distant worlds."
"Far be it from me to remind you of school, but I thought I should at least alert you to the time."
"You're going to look a bit out of place in Kingdom's, Liv."
"We've given up on Charlie. Once we thought he'd join us, put his endowment to good use. But he's too much like his father."
"There's no future in swimming against the tide. You have to join in if you want to have power."
"Look to the forest, if ye seek the Kinge, for he is hidden there."
"Our whiskery friend will have to be persuaded."
"You're a nasty, unforgiving person, Mr. Bloor, just like the rest of your family."
"The plan. I'm afraid Mr. Onimous will have to reveal his secret door to the other children."