
Fragile Longing Quotes

Fragile Longing by Cora Reilly

"Many consider arrogance and pride a sin, and I was punished harshly for those qualities."
"Life had to go on, though, and I had to appear strong."
"My sister deserves only the best, and you are the heir to the Minneapolis Outfit."
"I won’t lose another girl. I’d make sure Sofia was safe, safer than Serafina had been."
"Despite my excitement, I was delighted at how smooth my voice sounded, as if I weren’t nervous at all."
"We’ve all been dreaming about it, about finally getting our revenge."
"Bitterness poisoned my insides. I was caught up in a self-destructive spiral, but I couldn’t shake myself free of it."
"There was no way I could drive myself to another hotel or cheap motel. After what had happened with Emma, I’d never drink and drive."
"I squeezed his hand. God had played an abstract role in our lives."
"You don’t need to be her. You’re perfect the way you are."
"People will talk at the party if you show up with blonde hair. About you, about me, about our families. I won’t have it. You’ll get your old color back before the party, understood?"
"He made it sound as if I’d committed blasphemy by looking like my sister, as if I was sullying the perfect image of her that he probably still harbored in his mind."
"Change it back, Sofia. Before the engagement party. I don’t want photos of us together with you looking like . . . that."
"Overnight, the small flame of indignance in my chest turned into a roaring fire."
"I wasn’t a very rebellious person, had never been, but I felt the need to show him that he couldn’t push me around."
"It felt as if a heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulders."
"You look like a French runway model, sweetheart. Don’t expect men to understand that."
"I didn’t want to give them additional ammunition against me."
"Your mom’s right. You look French and sophisticated, but also cute."
"When did you grow up into a beautiful woman? Didn’t I tell you to stay my little girl forever?"
"I want the party to be perfect. Pissing Danilo off will only ruin my mood as well."
"Being stupid is the best thing about being young."
"I just want to make sure you stay in control of the situation."
"Don’t worry. We went over our plan a million times. I’ll stick to it."
"I’m going to fuck you hard right against this tree."
"I couldn’t say anything, couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, could hardly breathe."
"But I was done finding excuses for his actions, done trying to be what he wanted, what he needed, because so far, he’d done nothing to deserve my kindness or affection."
"I needed to stand up for myself for the first time in years, not just against Danilo, but also against my family."
"My mind was a mess, and I needed to figure out what I felt before I saw her again."
"Anna obviously didn’t intend to give us privacy."
"You should keep your mouth shut or it’ll reflect badly on Sofia."
"I’m done fucking around, don’t worry. I’ll focus on work until my wedding to Sofia."
"Try to enjoy the day. You’ve been looking forward to dress shopping for years."
"This dress is about me, not Danilo. I won’t waste any thoughts on him."
"I’m done trying to be someone else. Danilo would have to see me for who I was, and if that meant he’d never look at me twice, then so be it. I was enough."
"Men always do as they please, no matter the damage they do."
"Again, she sat at the sidelines of life, forced to see it pass her by."
"It’s my wedding, and I want a dance with my sister."
"Thank you so much. You’re the best brother I could ever wish for."
"Her kindness was impressive and made my own selfish acts of the past all the more despicable."
"That was a long time before the wedding, not to mention that I didn’t intend for anything to get to the press."
"I want you at my side for public events, of course."
"Love doesn’t work from a distance. You can only love whom you know."
"I’m not running from it. I’m just tired of investing too much in it when you don’t."
"Because your hatred is better than your disinterest."
"I’d have ripped your clothes off, buried my face between your legs and then fucked you."
"You loved my sister even though you didn’t know her."
"Our parents had good marriages, and I want the same."
"Koi fish," he said. "My father used to collect them. When he died, I took them in."
"Fish aren’t demanding, and I like feeding them after a long day at work. It calms me down and reminds me of my father."
"I’m not, really. I like animals but I don’t really have time for them."
"This is your home. I want you to feel comfortable."
"I’m glad. This is your home. I want you to feel comfortable."
"You don’t have to worry that I’ll turn this into a pink, frilly girl’s dream. I’m not a little girl anymore."
"I can show you more of Indianapolis tomorrow."
"You’ll get all the time you need, Sofia. I’ll take what you’re willing to give, just never mistake my patience as disinterest again, because if it was up to me, your body would be mine tonight."
"Let’s get you back to your husband. I’m sure he’s been guarding your panties with his life."
"Don’t worry, your good-girl reputation is safe with me. I have practice keeping a white vest. Life’s all about enjoying the little freedoms."
"Our marriage is more important. We could use some time to enjoy each other’s company."
"I hope you can enjoy the trip. I know your only experience here was horrible, but I really love spending time at the lodge, and I hope you will eventually as well."
"One of my least favorite birthday memories, if I'm being honest. I hope we can create many more far better memories in the future."
"The temperatures in this part of the state were still moderately warm, but it usually cooled down in the evening."
"I'm falling for you, Sofia. More every day I spend with you."
"You were young, Sofia. If even we adults couldn't handle the situation with grace, how were you supposed to do it?"