
Vampire Academy Quotes

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

"It's okay, I told her gently. Everything's okay."
"Animals didn't have a problem with Moroi, and they all loved Lissa in particular."
"Screw that, I said, shifting into a better position."
"It was a blanket of pure, refined pleasure, wrapping me up and promising everything would be right in the world."
"As soon as we leave, I want you to go back to studying. Forget you ever saw us tonight."
"I did keep her safe! I kept her safe when none of you could do it."
"I'll be able to protect her," I said fiercely.
"She does have standards, which is why you're done talking to her."
"Don't you ever touch me again. You screw with me, and I'll screw you right back."
"It's just, well. . ." She sighed. "I don't know if we should go. Maybe—maybe we should stay."
"You never know who's watching," she used to say, walking briskly around the classroom as she shut all the blinds. "Or who's following you. Best to be safe. Best to always be safe."
"All right," I told her when classes finally ended. We stood outside the school, and I was fully aware that in doing so, I was already breaking the terms of my agreement with Kirova. "We're not staying here," I told her, looking around the campus uneasily. I'm going to find a way to get us out."
"You know what I like about you, Mase? You think just like I do."
"No. I can't, actually. Okay, here you go: Mia isn'troyal ."
"We have a group project to do for our humanities class. How are we supposed to do it if Rose is in isolation?"
"One hour. I'll give you one more hour down here, and I'd better actually see you working."
"For they are strange and mysterious creatures," he continued in his scholarly voice, "and a man must be a mind reader if he ever wishes to make them happy."
"When I was seventeen, I met Ivan Zeklos. We weren't like you and Lissa, but we became friends, and he requested me as his guardian when I graduated."
"You think no one notices when half a class is gone?" she asked after a little while.
"Probably attacked by another bird," observed Ms. Karp. "They fight over territory and resources sometimes."
"I'm one of the best novices in this fucking place. I don't need you acting all gallant and coming to my defense. Don't treat me like I'm some helpless girl."
"Primary ones are written by people living today. You'll get better information if you find something written by the guy himself. Or someone who actually knew him."
"And that," I said, finally making my appearance, "is why he should be ruling instead of that bitch of a queen. He got robbed."
"Then don't feel bad about not getting involved," Natalie said. "I don't hang out with all those people either, and look at me. I'm just fine."
"Stop being an idiot," I snapped. "And why do you even care? Jealous I'm not doing it with you?"
"I'm serious. Wait…" he began. "I, uh, did something for you. Sort of. I went to the library last night and tried to look up St. Vladimir,"
"There's one thing Mia wants more than to destroy you and me. She wants to be accepted."
"I might as well get some use out of these stupid powers."
"The only way I survived was by putting blinders on, by ignoring everyone and everything."
"It wouldn't kill her to visit more, but I guess you're right. A little."
"Sometimes you need to be saved. I think you like being saved sometimes and just can't admit it."
"It's not like you're a feeder. Nobody's going to stop them."
"You have to protect her. The more she uses it, the worse it'll get."
"Too much power. No one could handle all that magic, not without losing her mind."
"There's nothing to think about. Just don't do stuff that'll upset you. Remember coasting through the middle? Go back to that. It's a lot easier on you."
"Your parents would have wanted you to be happy."
"We're deciding who's 'important' based on family alone, so we end up with these screwed-up people making decisions."
"You can keep playing with the brat pack, so long as you keep the 'other stuff' in check."
"I like him okay—which is about as much as you like him."
"We all have to do things we don't like. That's life."
"If someone turned you into a Strigoi, what would you want?"
"You lead a charmed life, and Vasilisa is lucky to have you."
"I think they'll try to help you. They were all really worried. Liss, I'm doing this for you. I just want you to be okay."
"Unfortunately, some sophomore had been in the clinic for an asthma attack."
"Just like that, whatever social headway I'd made plummeted."
"She didn't outright condemn me, but her silence spoke legions, and people behaved accordingly."
"You really are crazy. No wonder she dropped you."
"You are so beautiful, it hurts me sometimes."
"I already know they made it all up, because I didn't do any of it."
"Maybe I didn't have her and her friends, but I had my own friends."
"My old, fun-loving spirit perked its head up just a bit."
"It's a powerful element—but it's also dangerous."
"Spirit has its own agenda… You'll always have the urge to help and heal. It's part of you."
"It comes from you, from your own essence. To heal another, you must give part of yourself."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for you. But please don't make me do this."
"I didn't like hurting them. They reminded me too much of dogs. But it was me or them, and survival instincts won out."
"Get out of here," I yelled at him, shaking off my hound as its claws ripped into the bare skin of my leg, nearly toppling me over."
"But Christian, like any lovesick guy, didn't listen."
"With a gun in hand, she shot the hounds without hesitation."
"My stomach lurched, and it took a lot of effort not to throw up."
"I can't," she managed in a small voice. "I don't have the strength left."
"Bliss settled over me. Dizzying. Joyful. Like being in a dream."
"I can't do that. They'll fire you. Or worse."
"You didn't seem to think I was a child when you were all over me."
"It only happened because of the spell. Do you understand?"
"I'd never heard his voice so strained, so frantic."
"It's worth it, worth giving up the sun and the magic."
"Spirit can shape someone into a leader and also crush her ability to remain one."
"You've crossed into Death, into the other side, and returned."
"It makes you remarkable. It makes you dangerous."