
Goldenhand Quotes

Goldenhand by Garth Nix

"In the Sixth Precinct, the inexorable current of the river that flowed through Death slowed almost to a stop."
"Amid the myriad Dead who waited, and hungered, and fought against the compulsion to go deeper into Death, there were two living people."
"It was true she could feel the Dead all around, with that strange sense she had not known she possessed for much of her life."
"Lirael barely had time to draw her sword and a bell of her own before the Dead attacked."
"The charge faltered and came to a stop, Dead creatures stumbling over one another."
"Good," said Sabriel, noting the bell the younger woman held.
"The Dead began to sob and groan under Kibeth’s spell."
"The tribes give messengers immunity from challenges and feuds and the like."
"You said you were a messenger; they’ll leave you alone."
"You’ll do no good if you fall to the bottom!"
"Telegram from Nicholas Sayre for the Abhorsen. Extremely urgent."
"But I didn’t know the mountain-folk followed that custom."
"I had better go and talk to Ellimere and Sam."
"Strange there should be nothing official," said Ellimere. "And several hundred miles south, there’s no chance it could actually be a Free Magic creature."
"The visions aren’t always clear," said Lirael. "I mean, they See many possible futures, and have to look for patterns or recurring visions."
"Almost too late sometimes," said Lirael, with feeling.
"I thought I’d go to Wyverley College first and talk to Magistrix Coelle, to see if she knows more," said Lirael.
"The Dead and Free Magic creatures did not wait on the convenience of packing a traveling kit."
"But not anymore," thought Ferin with grim satisfaction.
"The usefulness—or not—of spirit-glass arrows against her had been tested several times, to the archers’ cost."
"All through the north, the offerings had been slain, and urns containing their ashes dispatched as evidence that the order of the Witch With No Face had been carried out."
"I really must insist that I, at least, come with—" Anlow started to say.
"It must be the Free Magic in him, Lirael guessed, resisting interference."
"It can’t be killed," said Lirael. "Nothing of stone or metal can pierce its flesh. But a thistle will return it to the earth, for a time."
"I’m not sure even Sabriel would know about the peculiar nature of the Hrule."
"I want to come to the Old Kingdom," said Nick. "There is nothing for me in Ancelstierre. I was afraid, that’s all."
"Can you give me a hand to get up? Oh, your hand! Sam really did make a new one for you!"
"Her hand was glowing like a candle, soft behind gold-colored glass."
"I’ve had it for only a week, and I don’t think it will work very far south of here."
"Focus, Lirael told herself. One step at a time."
"The general wasn’t wearing a helmet or hat, his completely bald head white under the flare."
"Time is never wasted, fishing," said Karrilke. "Money is only money."
"I have never sailed home to Yellowsands without a full hold," said Karrilke.
"No," said Lirael calmly as the general continued to tug at the weapon.
"We need to help him remain human," whispered Lirael.
"Bring him! Fast as you can!" she shouted, and sprinted north.
"Push me over the side," croaked Ferin. "It’s me they want. They’ll not pursue."
"Nothing's ever sure at sea, but there's a good chance now we'll have you ashore soon after dawn, and to the healer."
"Better to stay alive... No point dying over salted fish."
"We don't really wear different clothes, I mean a few underthings..."
"The Library is very old, and deep, and contains many things that have been put away for good reason."
"Creatures, dangerous knowledge, artifacts made not wisely, but too well... some books that should never be opened at all."
"It is no matter what you think of librarians, or of me."
"Please, if you’re ready, get back in the paperwing."
"I go a thousand miles, to another kingdom, somewhere that feels like another world entirely."
"I believe the Library has a general dispensation for importing items of interest."
"Small stones!" shouted Ferin. "Break them in front of it!"
"There's only one sorcerer and keeper coming up," said Ferin.
"I think they don’t want to send their wood-weirds up the shale," said Young Laska.
"Can you see which tribes the keepers are from, in the main body?" asked Young Laska.
"I would hazard a guess their wind-eater is also a wind-caller," she said slowly.
"The Disreputable Dog had also insisted on coming."
"We have some gifts, long prepared for your return," said Vancelle.
"Nineteen of them, by my count," said Young Laska.
"And so another joins my happy band," sang the voice in the darkness.
"You must learn how to master your gift, as I believe it to be," she continued. "Though others might consider it something of a curse."
"No," said Nick quickly, flashing a look at Lirael. "No. I want to stay here. And learn. Learn what I am, and what I can and can’t do."
"I was very shy growing up," said Lirael to Nick, though she did not directly look at him. She hoped he would understand that she was still very shy.
"It is potentially a very dangerous power," said Lealla, "if Nicholas cannot control it. Certain spells, augmented beyond control, or made to fail, could be fatal both for himself and those nearby."
"I wonder how many sister-swords of Nehima are still in this world," said Lirael quietly. "For Raminah must be one, like Binder, the Librarian’s blade."
"That wasn’t your fault! It was the shard of the Destroyer within you. It is amazing you survived at all."
"This is what . . . this is what it is to be an Abhorsen."
"The Abhorsen is on holiday," spat Lirael. "I have the responsibility of dealing with such things now! Why wasn’t I told of this as soon as I arrived?"
"There was only the Charter, the marks, the feel of being an owl, of feathers rather than skin, sensing the shift and lift of different parts of the air, a whole new experience of the night."
"She was very tired. But she knew she had to fly to Yellowsands and do whatever she could."
"Falling asleep as an owl and crashing into the ground would not help anyone."
"You’re the Voice again? What happened to Kirrith?"
"But their holiday! She felt a sudden hollow feeling inside, that she had let down her half-sister, had failed in her duty."
"Thinking we will always See everything important."
"It is always important to look beyond a pleasant visage."
"Lirael. These words come from your mother. I am dead now, from the wasting sickness."
"But I will break down any message for multiple birds, as required."
"Northern invasion imminent at bridge stop. By royal order ready all defenses stop."
"Sabriel and Lirael, if you could find out whatever Arielle has to tell us from the past, that would be useful."
"The paperwings do not like to fly so far across the Greenwash."
"No, but I do know we must act as if there is."
"So Nicholas Sayre is the reason none of the young gentlemen Ellimere put forward ever came up to scratch?"
"The physical shape she wore those years with you died, but she is Kibeth, one of the Seven, and always will be."
"Love should always be shown, not merely said."
"The river can take you as easily in the First Precinct as anywhere else."
"The Abhorsen had never retreated in the time Lirael had learned from her."
"I thought you would be happy in the Glacier, as I was, growing up."
"You must go beyond the Great Rift, where the Free Magic sorcerers go to collect spirit-glass."
"You must kill her. I have Seen what must be done."
"Go now, with my love. I always loved you. Always."
"Me too! They cut my foot off! But I am Athask! I still shoot straight. Straighter than you!"
"It works, but slowly. I think we might reach the top of the northern side today."
"Fight against it. Fight the current. Force yourself back into Life."
"I smelled the fish. Thousands of good salmon gone to waste."