
A Castle Of Sand Quotes

A Castle Of Sand by Bella Forrest

"This sandcastle was something I planned to protect and be fascinated over for as long as I could."
"They are strongest together. They are weakest apart."
"Because I’m not as strong as you are, Derek. If I had to go through everything you’ve had to go through, I don’t think I’d be able to take it. It would destroy me."
"I’m useless to you as a vampire, Derek. This is what we have right now. It may be temporary, but it’s beautiful. Can we not just relish it while it’s ours?"
"My life was no longer about myself or the prophecy I had to fulfill. It had just become entirely about Sofia."
"It’s necessary, Sofia. He has to die before he totally corrupts you. When the time comes, I hope you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me."
"She deserves better than me, but ‘better than me’ definitely isn’t Derek Novak."
"It felt hopeless, like I could never get her back, but I refused to entertain that particular emotion."
"I don’t ever want to feel powerless again… I don’t want to feel like I don’t have a choice."
"My heart belongs to you, and it could never belong to any other."
"I will pursue you until death pulls us apart."
"You’re the woman I love. In my eyes, you’re practically princess of The Shade."
"Our time together is too precious to waste like this."
"There’s a reason I say ‘in my dreams’ and not ‘in my nightmares’."
"Once you go on this mission, understand that things will never be the same for you again."
"Because the last thing you want is to owe a vampire anything."
"How can I refuse? Sure. I’ll take her under my wing."
"No." I stood my ground. "I want to see this. I have to see this."
"How could I wish my curse upon the woman I love?"
"You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into, Ashley. No idea,"
"I want to reassure him, longed to let him know that I was his and would always be his, but I didn’t know how to do that without losing my own self-respect."
"Don’t be a fool, Father. The Shade isn’t a sanctuary. It’s a nightmare."
"Sofia is the girl Cora prophesied who would help me find our kind true sanctuary. Without her, I cannot accomplish the prophecy."
"A culling is a cold massacre. It is wrong and you know it. I will fight tooth and nail against this, Derek Novak."
"For the first time since I arrived there, it felt like joining the hunters had been the biggest mistake of my life."
"No, Ashley. It’s in your nature to be a predator now. You need to learn control. It’s possible. Vivienne did it. She never once drank human blood. Ever."
"You’ve changed, Derek. With her in your life, you’re a different man."
"It’s like you put a spell on him. How did you do it?"
"Derek isn’t some beast that ought to be tamed."
"You are the three vampires in this island who ought to value human life more than anyone else."
"The strong prey on the weak. Survival of the fittest."
"The thought of you seeing this will only make the experience more painful, Sofia. Please…"
"Let the sandcastle collapse. In its place, I will build a fortress—one that the waves of nature and time could never destroy."
"I’ve never lied to you, Derek. Not once in the past five hundred years…"
"I don’t deserve you, Sofia Claremont," were the words that I eventually blurted out. "But I will spend every single day of my life making up for that. I’m so in love with you."
"All the answers to the questions you’re asking are right within you. You were meant to fulfill that prophecy and you will. You’ll find a way."
"You really are a piece of work, Sofia Claremont."
"I can’t leave you. I wouldn’t know where to go or how to bear being alone. If you have to go through this, Derek, if there’s no other way, then we have to learn to go through things together. No matter how painful…"
"What we were doing was suicide and I knew it, and I think every other human insane enough to join in on our ‘stand’ knew that they could die for what they were doing, but we did it nonetheless."
"I want to turn back time. That’s what I want. I want to go back to the time when there never was a Derek Novak in our lives and Sofia only had eyes for me."
"I feel like I’m being selfish with you," I admitted. "Is this really the life you want? I mean, you’re this beautiful, vibrant person, strong and wonderful in so many ways…you should be able to find a husband who can give you a normal life, let you have kids, support you and allow you to fulfill your dreams…I want to be with you, but I feel like I’m taking all that away from you."
"I really just wanted to see you, Sofia, find out if you’re alright, if he’s treating you the way you deserve to be treated."
"No matter how much I tried to harden my heart against him... Ben still mattered too much to me."
"You’ll always be my Rose Red and I couldn’t bear the idea of always being resentful of you."
"I have no desire to protect The Shade, Sofia. I still want to see her die for what she did to me."
"Stop looking at me that way, Ben. Like you’ve somehow lost me…"
"All I can think about is escaping. I haven’t even really let the possibility of being his wife sink in."
"No matter what she’d been through, she was never a captive. She’d always been free to love and trust and accept others."
"If you’re actually sincere in what you’re saying, I’m sure she’ll find it in her heart to forgive you."
"If I can’t go back to The Shade, back to him, then I might as well die."
"I knew what Reuben would do once I revealed the location of the Maslens’ coven. He wouldn’t hesitate to destroy the place."
"It’s time to let go of my Rose Red and help fight for her to get her happy ending."
"I knew that it was crazy for me to walk into The Oasis alone."
"Get me out of here, Derek. Everyone here is insane. Especially my mother…"
"I demand the life of whomever it is that has tasted her blood."
"Your pleas only make me want to hurt him further."
"Understand this, Sofia. The man you love is Borys Maslen, not Derek Novak."
"You have no idea what you’re talking about. You don’t know what my life was like."
"I wouldn’t know what to do if I ever lost you."
"Blood doesn’t always run thicker than water. Or perhaps it does…because Derek’s blood runs in me just as much as mine now runs in his."
"It’s the first time vampires have ever been treated as guests at Hawk Headquarters."
"Nothing’s changed, has it, Derek?" "Everything’s changed, Sofia."
"We belong together. We’re going to get married. I am yours just as you are mine."
"If it’s good enough for you forever, it’s good enough for me."
"He already spoke to me, kid. You’re not the only one who can communicate with a cell phone."