
Flight Of The Nighthawks Quotes

Flight Of The Nighthawks by Raymond E. Feist

"Fear rose up within his chest, and he knew he had stayed much too long."
"His possessions often moved away when he reached for them, or items suddenly appeared to trip him up without warning."
"Try as he might, it was in his nature to be responsible."
"He rarely spoke of it, but she knew something had happened to him during the war with the Emerald Queen years before, during the time he had lingered between life and death, his body a mass of burns from a mighty demon’s magic."
"Since that time he had changed, he had become more humble and less sure of himself."
"Love is not the simple romance that the tales make it out to be."
"Marriage is mostly about taking the good and the bad together."
"I’m just a normal mother worried about her boys."
"If you stoneheads really care about Ellie, you’ll be happy for her."
"I’ll grab happiness where I can and if anyone cares, it doesn’t matter."
"He had made peace with his gifts years ago, and with such power came responsibility."
"Our girls and boys are trying very hard to understand these things."
"Our interests are best served if we can discover how they remained hidden for so long."
"Never ignore dreams, Pug. My people believe that parts of our minds are always at work, always seeking to understand things."
"Rumours are wonderful things, when employed correctly."
"I’ll walk. The fresh air clears my head and helps me think."
"I think something is approaching and when it emerges, the struggle will be more fearful than anything we could ever imagine."
"The ride through the forest seemed to take forever."
"They had no sense of time, as the minutes passed by and the road passed under the hooves of the horses."
"No harm will come to you, if that’s what concerns you."
"We’re waiting. What we don’t know is what we’re waiting for."
"Maybe you’re right. Maybe it’s time to learn."
"They possess no special abilities, gifts, or talents that we can see."
"What we need are some ruthless bastards who will happily cut the heart out of their own mothers if need be."
"You’re a remarkable hunter, have uncommon tracking and woodcraft abilities, close to those of the elves."
"Children can be cruel, Nakor. You want your heartless bastards, get them when they are children and don’t let them learn compassion."
"I don’t feel bitter, but I guess some wounds, even childish wounds, never heal. They just grow faint."
"The day will come when you will understand your true potential, Caleb, and finally realize just how special you are."
"Any idiot can use mortar; it takes a good eye to place them so they hold together because of weight and size."
"Everything they teach you, even if you don’t quite know why now, will help some day to keep you alive."
"Perhaps we can come up with something better than just getting by."
"Let us wed, and I will name the boys as my adopted sons. If all of you will have me."
"All you must do is be beautiful, and that is already done."
"From this moment you are grandsons to me, and with that comes privilege and responsibility."
"You have an impulsive nature and a complete lack of concern for any consequences."
"Why should I worry about consequences? Someday I’ll die; but before that I want to have things, and anyone who stands in my way will suffer for it."
"I guess you could get into trouble if you sacked a temple, or killed a priest for no reason, but if you leave the gods alone, then they leave you alone."
"I don’t understand bad or good, just know what I want to do."
"But it feels good when things get out of control, you know?"
"Sometimes I do. Pain ... wakes things up. It makes you alert, aware."
"You break through the pain and on the other side there’s… Clarity."
"The pain turns into a feeling like nothing I can describe."
"The day is still young and I need to do some work."
"It’s a half a day’s ride to the foulborough — outside the ancient wall — and then another two hours of riding to reach the gates."
"Anything and everything. We are always looking for rare items of great worth to sell in the Kingdom."
"You’re a trader from the Vale, by the name of Caleb."
"My father built a lake down there before I was born — because my mother hated walking all the way to the beach to go swimming."
"Each nation has different customs and beliefs. You’ve already seen everything one can imagine about people."
"We are always nervous about Roldem, because of their navy."
"No one said anything about stupid boys getting in the way, either."
"You, of course, could use a bow with great efficiency."
"No, killing a man is fairly easy. It is killing him and not getting caught that makes it difficult."
"No, to kill royals you’d have to employ fanatics. Those willing to give up their lives to see a son of the imperial house dead. A professional would never undertake such a contract."
"Among my calling, they are legendary. Being legends, there are equal measures of truth and myth to their story."
"It is believed that they were once a family, a large family of men and women who took the occupation of killing to a higher level, making it an art form."
"So, not only are we going to frustrate them tonight, let’s see if we can get this one back to where we might get some answers out of him."
"For ten gold coins, I’d believe you were Sung the Pure for the night."
"Torture is an art form, Magnificence. Anyone can beat a man into insensibility. Anyone can inflict enough pain so that the prisoner becomes nearly mindless."
"Time is money as I am sure you are all aware, so let us get directly to the question: what have you to ask of the Ragged Brotherhood?"
"Had the Nighthawks wished you dead, young lord, you would now be dead."
"We don’t have time," said Tal. "Revive him now."
"Magnificence, I shall do as you bid, but he will only tell us what he thinks we wish to hear, without regard for the truth."
"Do what you can, but if Leso Varen is in this city, I want to know where he is. I won’t ask Pug or Magnus to come here unless I know for a fact that the sorcerer is in Kesh."
"He got himself wounded, again," said Nakor with a serious expression.
"That would be wise," said Pug as he scanned the report.
"Because if I appeared in Kesh and Varen got wind of it, he might eschew subtlety and try to blow up the city just to kill me."
"If there’s enough bloodshed in the capital, the frontiers could become unstable."
"Varen wants evil to linger, not a quickly resolved conflict."
"Our mandate is to ensure that Varen doesn’t get what he wants."
"It’s keeping him dead that seems to be the problem," said Nakor.
"I have seen too much in my life to assume anything a myth. It is usually just something I haven’t seen yet."
"I was hiding in the shadows before these curs were born, Magnificence."
"I’ll ask Father," said Caleb. "Now, find Shabeer and I’ll start making plans for tomorrow."
"But had I known that we weren’t going to have one tomorrow, I’d have had more to eat, and a hell of a lot more to drink."
"I’m already a total mess," said Tal, wading through the muck.
"We wait for something interesting to happen."
"I wouldn’t worry about satisfying your father. More than anyone here, he will understand what is at stake."
"They must be stationed where they can intervene and keep order. Something is going to happen, and I am not sure what it is, but when it does occur, it will be unexpected."
"The struggle in the sewers and the warehouse district of the city had diverted Lord Bey’s attention as well as the local constabulary and agents working for other factions in the government from the simple truth; that the real struggle was taking place in the palace."
"It’s a good thing you did. We’d have been done for in a few more minutes."
"No, for all we know Varen is a cook poisoning tonight’s meal, and tomorrow, we could all be dead."
"We wait for him to give himself away. Whatever he has planned will go forwards."
"The thing to remember is that we only need a few men close to the princes. They must be men you can trust, and impress on them… well, you know what to say."
"It was only chance that had Tal’s sharp eye notice it."
"Now we wait. The game is coming to an end, and we will not risk being too far away from you to help."
"My people! Today we celebrate Midsummer’s Day, the Festival of Banapis!"
"We have much reason for rejoicing in the Empire!"
"In the heart of the Empire, amid all our bounty, are those who would see all our greatness reduced to ashes!"
"Woe, Oh Kesh, that a father should confront such grief."
"Now, the madness that hangs over us will end!"
"No," said Kaspar, drawing his sword. "He was mad a long time ago."
"Grandfather! What madness is this? There is no treason here!"
"Show no mercy! They are all bewitched!" he shouted.
"You’d better sit down, or you’ll burst your own heart."
"It’s never over, Pug! Didn’t I teach you that years ago?"
"Then I think we are done. Let us relax as best we can."