
Undead And Unworthy Quotes

Undead And Unworthy by MaryJanice Davidson

"Hmm. That was more flattering when we were twenty."
"I didn't shoplift this MJD book for mush, for schmaltz, for a bunch of ooooh-I-love-him-so-much crapola. I shoplifted it for sarcasm and a lightweight plot!"
"See? That's about you. That's you, honey, on a page with a first American print run of six figures."
"You'd better sit down and tell us everything."
"Nothing leaks more quickly or messily than a police station."
"If only," I muttered. "Look, I feel crummy that you got hurt, but you were lucky, and I'm not enough of a twit to put you right back in danger."
"Marc, I'm sorry, I guess I didn't realize... you think this is a debate. It's not."
"Anywhere. Until we fix this. The day the Fiends pack it up and go home is the day you move back in."
"Please. Would you really give a gold-plated crap if I was launched screaming through your windshield?"
"We got off real lucky this time – Marc with a few scratches, and you not even hurt – and I think it's completely nuts to push it."
"How long are you going to hold that one thing against us? I've told you and told you, I was a new vampire and didn't know the rules!"
"Anything sounds bad when you say it like that."
"You mean, right now? Right this minute, why do I hate you? Do I have to choose? God, so many choices..."
"Mercy," Sinclair lectured, "is a poor weapon."
"There was a method to my madness, and I wasn't at all happy to see my sister here."
"It wouldn't be understating the point to say I wished she'd leave the state until this was all straightened out."
"One of these days you'll miscalculate and break your rotten little neck."
"My gosh," Tina said mildly, "what happened to your arm?"
"She'll be hard on him. But at least they'll kiss and make up."
"And don't forget BabyJon is a constant reminder of her late ex-husband's infidelity."
"You worry too much about the papers. Also, nobody says down low anymore."
"If you value your crown, you will rescue Nick and defeat the Fiends."
"She is not the queen we thought. She is not smart, or powerful, or terrifying. Not like a real queen."
"You and I will come to terms of peace," I suggested, "or you will die."
"Maybe," I agreed. "I guess that'th up to each of you."
"In the thort time we have left alone together, you two thould probably do everything you can to look ath – as – unthreatening as you possibly can."
"Go save Nick, he's in the bushes on this side of the house."
"Yeah, so, thanks for showing up, but I took care of things. Pretty much."
"Forget it! We are going to be magnanimous in victory."
"I didn't say we were going to set them free. They'll have to earn their freedom."
"You don't want to spend the next thousand years doing that twit's dirty work."
"You are a menace, and if I could make it stick, I'd throw your ass in jail for the next hundred years."
"When are you going to get it through your head that Betsy isn't the cause of all your problems?"
"I love her, she's the sister I never got, and you know that."
"I'm not making you choose. I'm choosing. We're done."
"You're about to have a near-death experience."
"I won't! I felt my blood start to heat up again."
"Fuck you, lover. I'm the queen, and I'll do as I please."
"You wouldn't believe how depressing all this is. Good-bye, for now."
"A fine thing, my son being brought up by vampires."