
A Man With One Of Those Faces Quotes

A Man With One Of Those Faces by Caimh McDonnell

"You remember Aidan, your father’s first cousin from Clare?"
"To be honest, he was having a hard time thinking about anything else."
"He’s a lawyer," she beamed. "Flies all over Europe."
"Isn’t it great of him to find the time to come in and see his granny."
"This is my Gareth," said Margaret, pointing at Paul.
"She wants nothing to do with me… I mean… She knows nothing… Leave her be."
"If there’s a heaven, there’s a hell and… I know where I’m headed."
"So you are totally alone," said Dr Sinha. "I mean, other than this Mickey?"
"Don’t you dare cry! I have every right to be angry."
"This is Nurse Conroy… she’s the one responsible for getting me stabbed."
"There are many many fine women drivers in the world but none of them… are in this car."
"Despite looking very hard, Paul had been unable to locate even the slightest glimmer of sarcasm in the doctor’s eyes as he had held out the yellow t-shirt proudly emblazoned with the slogan "I Beat Cancer"."
"The national stadium dominated the skyline like a futuristic spaceship that had landed amidst rows of terraced houses built at the beginning of the 20th Century."
"Paul had once considered getting a dog but the only ‘garden’ the houses had was an 8-foot by 6-foot paved area at the front, and he didn’t believe a dog should be kept in a smaller space than a convicted murderer."
"The French may be a shower of cunts, but they can do bread."
"The right kind of lying. The point was, DI Jimmy Stewart had an uncanny sense for when unpleasant shit was coming."
"Paul wondered if there was any way he could find out Mickey’s second name in casual conversation."
"The picture had come with the frame, which he’d found in EuroWorld. He’d often wondered if those people really were a family, or just models hired for a job. He hoped it was the former. It’d be nice to know such things existed."
"He remembered being happy at the time, proud to belong. It bothered him that, looking at it now, his smile looked forced."
"The thought gave him a little smile in an otherwise crappy day."
"I’d certainly like you to take a run at asking it more politely."
"Good," responded Stewart. "If you didn’t, it’d mean you had not understood them correctly."
"We, the Garda Siochana, cannot, at this present moment in time, find our arse with the application of both hands, but we are phoning for additional resources to assist in this matter. Please hold, your call is important to us."
"I’m going to liaise with the bomb squad. You know where I am if you need me."
"Christ – was that Siobhan he could see deep in conversation with some guy in a high-vis jacket? How was her red hair so bright on a grim day?"
"I supposed the job required a cautious approach, unless you wanted to be brought home in a KFC bargain bucket."
"Detective Wilson, National Bureau of Criminal Investigation."
"Well, I’ll be the one-eyed son of a cock-eyed Suzie."
"Your sheer fecking manliness has got me a teeny bit aroused."
"Manners, and cooperation between departments."
"Scream like a little girl and I’ll fecking make you into one."
"I was enjoying that. Do you not know children are starving in Africa?"
"As far as I’m concerned, there is a need for panic. In fact, it was for situations exactly like this, that panic was invented!"
"I’ve got money, a car, I know a lot about… the case."
"The whole thing stank to high heaven as far as Stewart was concerned."
"You know that American expression for it – ‘dropping the kids off at the pool?’ Well, as you go on in life, a dump takes so long it feels like you’ve got to walk the little tykes there one at a time."
"I particularly remember how you not only refused to help, but also gave me a long speech about how Guards pulling stunts like that was what got us such a bad reputation."
"I figured it was going to happen anyway, might as well happen playing sports."
"Somebody should care, somebody should always care."
"I like her. She’s got mollocks. Not enough of it about."
"I thought it would only be appropriate to have him stuffed and put in the hall too, but apparently there’s rules."
"You can’t figure out how to put paper in the printer yesterday."
"Believe me, you’re barking up the wrong tree trying to make film references to this one, Doc."
"Every man has his weakness, I suppose. What’s yours I wonder?"
"Nobody likes me, not even me. That’s why I’m your worst nightmare."
"You don’t need to know who somebody is to know who they are."
"You can’t kill the golden calf, it was a statue."
"They took the lie of what they were and they made it real."
"Our lives? They’re actually pretty damn simple, we just somehow make them difficult for ourselves."
"You don’t need to be polite about my grandson."
"Good God, if it’ll help break the tension, I could shoot one of you?"
"It’s one of the big lies that we tell ourselves, ‘It’s complicated.’"
"If you’ve not got anything positive to say, don’t say anything at all."
"A day and a half ago, you asked me to do you a quick favour in exchange for a lift home. Since then, I’ve been stabbed, had my car blown up and I’m on the run from some kind of criminal Godfather who has the Gardaí in his pocket."
"Yes, and I personally love the bit in the movie where Jason Bourne rings up a call centre to update his insurance prior to engaging in a high speed chase."
"If I restricted myself to only talking when I’d something positive to say, I’d be a fecking mime by now."
"I guess the man who died two nights ago in St Kilda’s Hospice is an entirely different Jackie ‘Grinner’ McNair."
"I’m sorry but it wouldn’t be right, to take money to destroy two people’s lives, if they really are innocent of any wrongdoing."
"I’ve got absolutely no hobbies. You do not want to make yourself my only interest, believe me."
"It was time he stopped being the hurler on the ditch. It was time he got in the damn game."
"As far as Paul was concerned, peeing on a toilet seat should be a capital offence."
"You’ve got to land a few punches, if you’re going to throw the fight."
"Bollocks, Bunny. Get off the cross, we need the wood."
"That swan could’ve broken some poor child’s fecking arm."
"Speaking of results, Pauline McNair was an innocent civilian and now she’s dead."
"Anything happens to me, anything! And everything I know gets released."
"Keep going the way you are, Bunny, and you’ll have a lot more time to practice."
"I’m surprised you’ve not invited me around before."
"He was the one who’d first taught O’Rourke that the ends justified the means."
"Don’t bother with your wonky-eyed staring bullshit either."
"We go back way too far for that nonsense to work on me."
"Gravity. And she’s a mean auld whore."
"No, I won’t. I’m not going to stand by and watch you two idiots do whatever the hell this is."
"Stop making this all about you. Either help us, or get the hell out of the way."
"You did rugby tackle a man through a plate glass door earlier."
"We know about Bandon. We’re heading down there now."
"Firstly, he’s a policeman, it’d be nice to have one of those on our side."
"And thirdly, if anything, he probably hates Gerry Fallon more than we do now."
"We’re not open for several hours, and this is not a halting site."
"I just figured something else out. It really is a fairytale."
"He fucked up over there and they sent your psycho brother right back to you."
"Well, if you’re going to take all the fun out of it."
"There was a moment of perfect silence, a sliver of perfect peace amidst the fury and the thunder."
"The finest pure striker of a ball this field has ever seen."
"You pulled a baby out of the lady, Wilson, you’re allowed to be on first name terms now, I think."
"No harm done, thank God. In fact, you’ve done well. You helped bring that little belter into the world, didn’t ye?"
"Don’t go confusing this for a hugging moment, Wilson."
"Lawyer – singular? Christ, if even half of this shit is real Fintan, you’ll be needing a lot more than one."
"Like this is my fault too! I didn’t shoot him, tempting though it is."
"Watch her, doctor, she’s got a history of violence."
"The gluteus maximus is absolutely positively the only place to get shot."
"Christ only knows how many bodies they’ll find."
"You eejit! You didn’t save my life. I saved yours."
"Hence saving everybody’s lives. You are most welcome."
"I can see why the Jocks are so keen on those kilts."