
Fair Warning Quotes

Fair Warning by Michael Connelly

"The search for that indescribable thing that would fill up the emptiness inside would go on."
"We didn’t put anything up on the website that was not legally bulletproof."
"It was clear from these that her drink of choice was a Cosmo."
"Social media was not a reflection of real life. It was life exaggerated."
"It's like that movie The Exorcist, Remember that? With the possessed girl's head twisting around."
"I was protecting a source. The federal government wanted it, but I wouldn’t give up the name."
"I covered cops for almost two decades...I knew how it worked."
"It was supposed to be some rando hookup but that it felt like a setup."
"She just went there to get a buzz on and hear music, maybe meet a guy."
"They were free to go wherever and do whatever they wanted, and I did not believe that a victim was responsible for what happens to her."
"The best reporting starts out with a question."
"I wasn’t even sure why, or what I was doing."
"Now she was dead and I couldn’t leave it alone. My life had somehow changed since the moment the two detectives had approached me."
"True, I had come through dark waters. I had killed a man once and nearly been killed."
"It was the era of fake news and reporters being labeled by those in power as enemies of the people."
"You’re saying that our readers and financial supporters determine what stories we pursue?"
"You don’t yell fire unless there’s a fire. You know what I mean?"
"I think it was murder. I’ve said that from the beginning."
"We cannot guarantee that a breach will never happen."
"Nothing in life is one hundred percent guaranteed, so we need to make that advisement."
"When there are no rules then corruption sets in like rust."
"No place is a fortress to a good reporter. There is always a way in."
"We are required to provide it in our consent form."
"If there had been it would have been reported to the Food and Drug Administration, the agency that regulates the industry."
"All I can say is that I would protect you from being identified. My own credibility is at stake. I burn a source and no source will ever trust me. I went to jail once for sixty-three days because I wouldn’t give up the name of a source."
"It's the Wild West right now. There are so many directions to go with genetic research. It's really in its infancy."
"You’re thinking in the present. What about the future? This science is very young. We haven’t even had the whole genome for twenty years. New things are discovered about it every day. Will what is anonymous now stay that way in twenty years?"
"Even the military. Did you know that this year the Pentagon told all members of the military not to do DNA kits because of the security issues they pose?"
"Dirty four. It’s what some geneticists call the DRD4 gene."
"He wanted to isolate those genes and develop therapies. But that’s how I know about dirty four. From him."
"It's very simple. I was on a story, Mattson didn’t like it. So he falsely arrests me. It’s not only First Amendment, it’s the Fourth as well. They had no probable cause to detain me. I was doing my job."
"The relief that came from not having my work and my emails rifled through by the police came with a wave of exhaustion, no doubt due to my sleepless night in jail."
"I would never apologize for being protective about my story, Jack."
"She was usually too much in control to laugh out loud like that."
"Hope and hurt. With her, there had never been one without the other."
"I’m working on a story and it’s taken me to Orton."
"DNA works both ways. It convicts and it clears."
"The motherfucker’s a rapist. I know it. And the DNA doesn’t change that."
"If Orton invented a way to change his DNA, he’d be the richest asshole in California."
"Good to know. Maybe I should’ve had a book signing in Metro last night."
"You can't go into the lab. There are contamination concerns and a strict protocol."
"Polymerase Chain Reaction. It is where samples are amplified. We can make millions of copies of a single DNA molecule in a matter of hours."
"I need to tell you at the outset that I don’t want this intrusion."
"I’m doing a story. It’s about DNA and how it gets used and protected and who’s out there on the frontier of the science."
"I want to know about Jessica Kelley. I want to know how you fixed the DNA."
"If you print one word about Dr. Orton or one photograph, we will sue you and your website into bankruptcy."
"We were never going to get anything. They cleared everybody out of there, then started the phony dog-and-pony show."
"Just hold your horses for a minute. Let’s see what we’ve got here."
"You need a big drop to break the neck. Most hanging suicides basically die from strangulation."
"It’s not about your story anymore, Jack. This is bigger than your story."
"Almost all modern printers print from memory."
"But that means they’re mine and I want them back," she said.
"I’m your girlfriend and I just came along for the ride."
"I haven’t even gotten through everything in the printouts," Rachel said. "But there is a lot there."
"Sometimes a phone was the best way to get what you needed."
"Just hold your horses," Mattson said. "Sit down and let’s cool down. Let’s not forget that there’s a sick fuck out there killing people."
"All right, we trade," he said. "Info for info, intel for intel."
"Your turn," Mattson said. "Not yet," I said. "You haven’t told me anything I don’t already know."
"Autopsy has not been scheduled yet," Ortiz said. "But the preliminary notes from the field indicate he was already dead when he fell."
"He was a pedophile," Ortiz said. "Did four years in Corcoran for raping his stepson."
"I am a writer. I have written books about killers like the Poet and the Scarecrow. I am writing now about the Shrike. You are in danger."
"It’s a nightmare. But I’m there for her. Whatever she needs and whatever will help catch the bastard who did this to her."
"He killed two people today alone. And this was him covering his tracks. He must already know that something is up, that people are on to him."
"Let's not get paranoid. We still don't know for sure that either Jack or you was being followed. And if Jack was followed, why would he jump from Jack to you?"
"This is one of the most vicious serial offenders we have ever encountered. No one is safe until we get him."
"The whole industry is based on the principle of anonymity. If that is compromised then what do you have? A lot of scared people and a whole industry that could start to wobble."
"They were selling these women out. These creepy guys were paying for lists of women they thought they could get an edge with. It is so sick, and no wonder you end up getting a killer in the mix."
"It is rare that it leads to the toppling of a corrupt politician, a change in the law, or the arrest of a rapist. When that does happen, the satisfaction is beyond measure."
"Most of the time, journalism is simply an exercise in reporting on situations and occurrences of public interest."
"We have reached the point where the predators now can custom-order their victims."
"Jack, shut the fuck up before you once again ruin something good."
"I don’t want to talk about this right now. And stop drinking."
"He’s been kind of watching us without watching us. Watching me."
"I don’t put a lot of trust in composites," she said.
"First, we act like we don’t know he’s there," Rachel said.
"You’re all set. First row, keys on the front tire for you."
"Did you see the shooting?" I asked. "I just saw him go down," she said.
"We believe his intentions were to abduct and kill Ms. Walling," Metz said.
"Death is my beat. I make my living from it. I forge my professional reputation on it."
"I could probably look into it and check on what the police did with it, but I’m not a detective."
"I wasn’t acting. I was your source, Jack. What’s your question?"
"This guy is watching us. I think it’s him. How do we handle?"