
Backstage Pass Quotes

Backstage Pass by Olivia Cunning

"Who would ever think to use guitar riffs in discussions of human psychology?"
"Ah, Doctor Ass. Doctor Pompous Ass. I've met you before. Thousands of times."
"She cringed inwardly while maintaining her smile. This guy was the antithesis of her type."
"The only way to save yourself from my beast is to put it in your mouth."
"If you want no strings, no strings you'll get."
"I'd just like a few minutes with something a little more permanent than a fucking tour bus, you know?"
"It's just not pos—" He covered her mouth with one hand. "Okay, don’t say it. Just let me pretend then."
"If I'm stupid enough to fall in love with you in twelve hours, I deserve to have my heart broken."
"I don’t think anyone intends to break hearts."
"My little sister. She died in a car accident when she was sixteen."
"She was your little sister. You thought you could always protect her."
"I wouldn’t miss this show for anything. I might not look it, but I’m your biggest fan."
"Do you have your garters on underneath?" "If I decide you’re worthy, you might find out after the show."
"She wasn’t jealous of the attention he paid to the strings. It excited her in a primitive way she couldn’t describe."
"I’m glad you came," he said. "I had it in my head that I’d never see you again."
"Typical preshow jitters. I’ll be fine once I’m on stage."
"Who are you here with?" "Sed or Trey. I was hoping Brian, since Angie split, but he’s a one chick kind of guy."
"How easy would it be to get a superiority complex with these fans racing around to fulfill his every request?"
"And what are your names?" "I’m Darlene," "I’m Myrna. Myrna Suxsed."
"He’s front and center so he needs to look beautiful."
"If he stepped in dog shit, I’d lick it off his boot if he asked me to," Darlene said.
"He sighed and pulled out before collecting a pad of hotel stationary and a pen from a round table near the window."
"Sed promised you a taste of my new solo. Don't laugh if I fuck it up. I wrote it today."
"I know he's hurting ten times more than those he hurts."
"If she tells you off, then maybe you’ll get her out of your system, and if she doesn’t, then we’ll get to see you happy again. Shit, the whole band is suffering because of this funk you’re in. We need you, you know. You’re our glue."
"Are you working this weekend?"
"Not necessarily."
"Then what’s the problem?"
"You haven’t sent me a ticket yet."
"Fuck," he murmured.
"As long as it’s thanks to me," she said, laughing.
"I’ve never seen you like this. Not for this long."
"Myrna’s different."
"I’m not worth a sick day?"
"I don’t know. Are you?"
"I need to get in that drawer." He pointed at it, his nose wrinkled.
"You like me, don’t you?"
"What makes you say that?"
"When I called you this afternoon, I thought you’d just hang up on me."
"I’ll tell you later." His hand moved to the zipper of her skirt.
"You’re under my skin. I’ve been planning for your return since the moment you left me behind in Des Moines. I have several surprises for you, actually."
"Willing to freeze half to death and ride on a motorcycle in a skirt to be here."
"Hey, it’s a really nice bike."
"Just let go, baby. I’ll make you come again. You don’t have to hold back."
"I find it soothing. Being from the Midwest, I haven’t seen the ocean many times."
"I wouldn’t let you eat him. Isn’t that right, Pinchy?"
"I almost bit the dust, or I guess it would be sand. You rescued me."
"If you don’t have to work for something, you just don’t appreciate it as much."
"Being with you is like being on a fast train to nowhere. It’s scary, but for some reason, I don’t want to get off."
"Love is not a victory march. It’s a leap of faith."
"There's a certain beauty in the chaos of life, and sometimes, the most unexpected paths lead us to where we're meant to be."
"The heart knows what it wants, and sometimes it’s smarter than the brain."
"Fear is just a roadblock on the path to achievement. Overcoming it makes victory so much sweeter."
"Music is the language of the soul. It can lift us to heaven or soothe the deepest wounds."
"Trust is a fragile thing – hard to earn, easy to break."
"Life’s too short to let fear make big decisions for you."
"Put it inside me," she pleaded. "Just for a minute."
"Oh God yes, thank you," she panted. "Thank you."
"If I wanted to restrain you, would you let me?"
"The five of you are going to clean this bus from top to bottom and it’s going to stay clean or I’m going to smother every last one of you in your sleep."
"If my heart grows any fonder, it’s going to hop out of my chest and into yours."
"You know what they say. Absence makes the heart grow fonder."
"This entire relationship is a compromise for me."
"I'm not sure how much more of this I can take."
"Because if I called you his ‘romantic interest,’" he said, using finger quotes, "you’d probably go hide in the bathroom again."
"You know it turns me on when you play hard to get."
"Is it that hard for you to be proud of him?" Trey asked.
"You just showed how much you care. Brian will be stoked when he cools down and realizes it."
"I never said I didn’t want to be here," Malcolm added.
"Everyone has to suffer through my solos for the next hour."
"That might work. Does the band know any Winged Faith songs?"
"He’s an amazing musician but refuses to change, which puts him out of a job."
"Every band knows every Winged Faith song ever written."
"The look of determination on your face. Papa Sinclair won’t know what hit him."
"Small vocabulary," Malcolm commented, grinning to himself.
"Craziest fuckers on the planet," Jace said quietly into Sed’s microphone.
"You should get up there and show these kids where their guitar heroes got their influence."
"There’s a difference between can’t and won’t."
"He does sound a lot like me," he murmured. "With embellishments."
"I’m proud of you, son. I don’t think I’ve ever told you that."
"I’m glad you told me, Myrna. I feel a little better about you being gone for a whole week."
"You’re very generous with your friends, sweetheart," she murmured.
"I’m not disgusted," she whispered. Relieved. Yes, that’s what she was feeling.
"Yeah, no problem." Brian climbed to his feet.
"Just love me, Myrna," he whispered against her lips. "Please."
"You’re too good to us," he said. "I can’t remember the last time we felt so… settled."
"Just stop thinking so much and feel," he said. "And I don’t think you ever listen to what’s going on in here."
"I like knowing what it really is better. Wrap it around my cock."
"Tenderness doesn’t involve your cock at all and especially not wrapping my hair around it."