
Size 12 And Ready To Rock Quotes

Size 12 And Ready To Rock by Meg Cabot

"Sometimes love can suck. It can really, really suck."
"Even fatties feel things. Big gals feel things too."
"But life has sucked a lot less since I finally met you."
"I can’t die, I suddenly realize. Even if Cooper does take care of Lucy, he won’t know what to do with my dolls."
"Once in a while you regret the road not taken."
"And that’s when you know it all was worth it, because once in a while dreams do come true."
"He’s a bank card lover, girls warned me about him."
"Just a bank card lover, don’t let him under your skin."
"What brings you folks up here? The ambulance parked in front of my building."
"I’m pretty sure Christopher’s got his own place in Williamsburg. He only crashes here when his parents aren’t in town."
"What am I doing here? I think the more appropriate question is, what are you doing here? And why are you covered in blood?"
"The blood's good. It makes it more real, man."
"Keep it together, baby. I'll never let anything happen to either of you, I swear it. Not while there's a breath left in my body."
"In order to ensure the safety and privacy of all residents, filming is not permitted in any New York College residence hall without proper authorization."
"Who am I? Just wait and see. Who am I? Tania be me."
"The truth is that I don’t even have a bachelor’s degree. When everyone else my age was going to college, I was singing to packed malls and sold-out sports arenas."
"You know, Stephanie, I’ve heard it’s possible these days to be vegan and not be anemic."
"It’s because her face conveys such a wealth of emotion in a single glance... or seems to at least."
"But things are good. As part of the benefits package for working here, I can go to school for free to get my degree."
"I believe the word you’re searching for, Ms. Brewer, is ‘congratulations.’"
"I don’t want this to get around. You know how gossipy this department is. But I’m with the EMTs. They’re in the president’s apartment."
"It’s possible I’m projecting, though. We learned about projecting last week in my Psych 101 class. Projecting is when a person ascribes feelings or emotions that she herself is experiencing onto others as a psychological defense mechanism."
"Assuming this turns out to be my first mistake. Well, maybe my second. My first mistake was coming over to the building that night to begin with."
"I can also admire something and not buy it," I say. "Especially if it’s not practical and probably costs a fortune."
"What’s abnormal is that they’re endometrial polyps. Honestly, there’s nothing to worry about yet, but after you go off the pill, if you have trouble conceiving, we’ll probably need to go in for a look laparoscopically."
"You’ve got my heart All I’ve got is Triple A."
"They got authorization, straight from the president’s office."
"It’s still camp," Stephanie says. "It’s just inside camp."
"This is going to do wonders to boost Fischer Hall’s reputation when the show airs," Muffy says enthusiastically.
"When Dr. Jessup called to say I got the job a little while ago, I was so excited."
"That’s the first thing I’d try to do if I were fourteen and staying in New York City for the summer. Get a fake ID and hit the bars."
"If an underage girl snuck out of this building and into a bar and something terrible happened to her in downtown New York City, it would add more drama to your show."
"Jordan Loves Tania is supposed to be a husband-and-wife-themed reality show, not Law and Order: Special Victims Unit."
"We’re in the business of providing students with a safe and healthy community in which to live and develop while they achieve their academic goals."
"According to my Psych 101 textbook, this is called hypervigilance."
"We might as well get cameras in here and put on our own reality show."
"It’s true that New York College uses the same food-service company as the New York State prison system, but it also services many of the hotel chains and theme parks in this country."
"It isn’t the responsibility of rescue services to clean the bodily fluids of a corpse from the sidewalk, floor, window, or roof that it lands on."
"You’d make such a good mama! But I don’t know if I wanna."
"I gave you my heart, thought you were all there could be. Instead you left me for her, said she was better than me."
"So thanks for dumping me, ’Cause otherwise I’d never have known."
"Not that married pregnant ladies can’t still be incredibly sexy, but to a teenage boy—"
"Everyone sounds good singing ABBA, especially in the bathroom. Why do you think they’re so popular?"
"People like to think pretty girls who run around in short skirts carrying tiny dogs can’t be intelligent, but unless they’ve inherited their money, they usually don’t get to where they are on looks alone."
"There’s no reason two busy working people—one of whom is also in school—shouldn’t pool their money to pay a third person who is in the business of cleaning homes to come to theirs to do so."
"Aren’t you the one who once told me that gossip is a social weapon that’s used more often to hurt than to help?"
"I want to make documentaries about people who are wrongfully convicted of crimes they did not commit. I want my films to help people, make a difference, you know?"
"None of us signed up to be on a TV show, that’s all."
"I’m guessing you’re going to be amazed at how little actual reality is in it."
"I value this relationship. I’m not doing your laundry anymore."
"I can’t believe anything bad can happen on such a glorious summer day."
"All those times you said I’d never make it... So go ahead and sue me."
"You're lucky you have a mom who cares about you so much. Some of us aren't as fortunate."
"Someone who wants to use his gifts to help people who are in trouble. In a different era, I think they were called knights in shining armor."
"Let’s figure out who’s trying to kill Tania first. Then we can deal with our own problems."
"The tears of homesick college students," I reply gravely.
"People can be both, Dad," Nicole chimes in. "For instance, I write songs, but I’m also doing Teach for America, because I really want to give back—"
"I’ve heard you can restrict how many people can be in the room when you give birth, so you might want to consider that."
"It’s hard to find words to rhyme with ‘placenta,’ but I bet Nicole will manage. ‘It was the color magenta. It tasted like polenta.’"
"Don’t lie to me, Tania," I say. "You can lie to everybody else, but you can’t lie to me. You owe me."
"I’m so stunned, I nearly kick Baby off the blanket and across the room, like he’s a little Chihuahua football."
"There’s no date set or anything, but it’s something Cooper and I have talked about."
"I understand," Tania says, and she looks down at her fingers. On the third finger of her left hand is a diamond that’s approximately the size of Dayton, Ohio, or possibly even Paris, France.
"Singing is the only thing that’s ever made me truly happy."
"I didn’t care, as long as I was singing. Singing is the only thing that’s ever made me truly happy."
"When I sing . . . it’s like nothing can touch me."
"I’m sure your secret isn’t stupid," Cooper says, sitting down across from me.
"I hate secrets. They always come out, and then they ruin everything."
"Don’t even ask," I say. "How did things go last night after I left?"
"I don’t know what kind of place they think we’re running here," Wynona says.
"‘Does this look like a Hooters?’ I asked her."
"Whoa. I had tried to run around the square once and had been pretty sure my uterus was going to fall out."
"What I want to know is, what's going to happen to those girls? What those boys did was wrong, but those girls weren’t exactly innocent flowers either, if you ask me."
"My eyes inexplicably fill with tears, looking at all the teddy bears holding signs that say, GOD BLESS YOU! and the handmade cards—some of them in Spanish—that say, WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU."
"The man is a murderer, Heather. Tania’s going to need to stop worrying so much about the public relations angle of this thing and get real. It’s all going to come out, one way or another."
"I’m not your friend! I’m an officer of the law!"
"You know what I was doing all night? Questioning hippie vegetarian cupcake bakers."
"This ain’t a Lifetime special, and I ain’t John Stamos."
"You’re the one breaking up with him over it. And if you love him, that seems kind of unfair."
"But if we’re going to fix this thing, you have to be honest with me. You’ve got to trust me and you’ve got to help."
"People—even people who hate both her and Jordan’s music, like Sarah—have come to adore the two of them. They’re so attractive that when they’re together, they radiate an almost otherworldly glow."
"You cannot hide, and you cannot give in to Gary’s demands."
"Every day she appeared thinner and more fragile."
"The funny thing is that I had no idea how close we all were to the finish line."
"Sometimes Mr. Bigelow gets stressed when I don’t hit the notes right. Please don’t blame him."
"I’m a man who needs variety. It’s the spice of life, ya see?"
"That’s really special, to have a doll collection, or anything you can pass on to your own daughter."
"No one hates you. You didn’t do anything to Bridget. Gary did."
"She’s asleep. Don’t sneak up on people like that!"
"All those times you said I’d never make it. All those times you said I should quit. All those times you said I’m nothing without you. The sad part is, I believed it too."
"Then you left and, what do you know, I made it on my very own."
"So go ahead and sue me. Now that I’ve made it, you say it’s you I owe."
"If I’ve got one regret, it’s all the time I spent, all the tears I wept, thinking you were worth the bet."
"You’re not going to regret it. We’re going to have so much fun!"
"Nothing is more heartbreaking to me than what happened to that young lady in Wasser Hall."
"I’m not responsible for the things you do, Gary. Only you can be responsible for your actions."
"I am holding a loaded firearm. I’m going to shoot one or both of you."
"You nearly died tonight because of my idiot brother not telling anyone about that first letter—"
"L’chaim. It means ‘to life.’ I don’t mean to be insensitive that someone is dead. I’m just happy it’s not you or me."
"No," Stephanie said again. "Even if we did reschedule the Rock Off, there's no way your kid would win, because she's such a little bitch, no one at Cartwright Rec-ords can stand working with her. Okay? So take my advice and get out of here. No, wait . . . get out of show business."