
The Death Of Bunny Munro Quotes

The Death Of Bunny Munro by Nick Cave

"I am damned," thinks Bunny Munro in a sudden moment of self-awareness reserved for those who are soon to die.
"Don't worry, love, everything's going to be all right."
"Just take the fucking Tegretol," he says, softening.
"The starlings have gone mad. It's such a horrible thing. Their little babies burning in their nests. I can't bear it, Bun," says Libby, the high violin rising.
"Upon Christ and all his saints. Right down to your little shoes, baby."
"I think a bath is overflowing upstairs," says Bunny.
"I'll call you any damn thing you want, sweetie."
"I’m spinning around, move out of my way, I know you’re feeling me ’cause you like it like this."
"The giraffe was struck by lightning, Dad, at the zoo. It’s quite common on the veldts of Africa. They cop it all the time. They act like lightning rods. One minute they are minding their own business, the next minute they’re jelly."
"Smells all right," he says and folds a slice in half and stuffs it in his mouth. "Tastes all right, too," he says, but it comes out sounding incomprehensible.
"I’m usually in bed ages ago. My eyes are sore," he says.
"I feel like it will take two thousand light years before I will be able to get to sleep."
"Yet, as the blue evening, framed in the window, darkens into nighttime, little pockets of emotion twitch at the corners of his eyes and his forehead creases and his hands begin to tremble."
"Our children are having their childhoods stolen from them."
"I can’t do it. I’m not capable. I don’t know how."
"With each tick of the clock the memory of her fades, and she slips away."
"If you want the truth...She's a fucking bitch."
"Whoever said that there isn't a God is full of shit!"
"The sky looks like a giant swimming pool, Dad."
"I just wish everything would slow down. I wish everything would just level out."
"The world can't touch him. He seems to be the grand generator of some hyper-powerful electricity."
"You're a cunt, Poodle. Did you know that? But I love you."
"The simple act of crumpling up Poodle’s ‘gift’ and casting it aside has filled Bunny with a belief that he is in command of his life."
"‘I am in control of my appetites,’ says Bunny, quietly, to himself."
"We are going to relieve a few boobs of their cabbage."
"Hope … you know … the dream. You’ve got to sell them the dream."
"Now, are you the bloody navigator or what?"
"‘It’s been a hard day,’ says Bunny, wiping his face with the back of his hand."
"I think things are going to get a whole lot worse."
"You … are … the … most … luminous … object … in … the universe."
"Patience. That is the first and fundamental law of salesmanship."
"Never go back. All right? Never, ever, go back."
"Room service is when you lie on your bed in a hotel room, close your eyes and think of anything in the world that you want, and I mean anything, then you ring up reception, ask for it and some jobber in a bowtie brings it up for you."
"You look like somebody put you through the mincer, little guy."
"It’s all a bit over my head. I’m just a working stiff."
"Auden said it all. 'We must love one another or die.'"
"It’s been many years since someone has done this to me, Mr Munro. You have certainly charged an old girl’s batteries!"
"‘My dad says I don’t have to go to school today,’ he says, and suddenly he is sick to death of adults."
"‘This Replenishing Hand Cream has almost magical restorative powers. The effects are instantaneous,’ says Bunny."
"You want to amount to something? You want to learn the business or walk through life with your arse hanging out of your trousers?"
"‘I want to be with you, Dad.’ ‘Of course you do! Because I’m your dad! And I’m showing you the ropes!’"
"‘I think I might have to learn Braille,’ says the boy."
"The thing is, officer, that boy you just questioned in the car is frightened. He is scared out of his fucking wits."
"‘I couldn’t find the remote.’ ‘Shit,’ says Bunny, beneath his breath."
"‘It’s OK,’ he says. The boy squeezes his dad close and starts to cry."
"‘I’m ready,’ says Bunny, obscurely, to nobody in particular."
"‘Forgive me,’ she says, full of self-reproach. ‘I’m terribly sorry to have upset you.’"
"That’s not to say that in a few years … well, you know …"
"A Near-Death Experience is a striking occurrence sometimes reported by those who have recovered from being close to death."
"I think we are having our childhoods stolen from us."
"A Near-Death Experience generally includes an out-of-body event in which people travel through a dark void or tunnel towards the light."
"In a Near-Death Experience people have reported encountering religious figures!"
"I don’t know what I’d do without you," says his father as he takes a long drink of something from a bottle, opens the door of the Punto and, face first, falls in.
"A Near-Death Experience is often accompanied by strong feelings of peacefulness, Dad."
"We’re going to shake the money tree, OK? We’re going to shaft some mugs and milk the jolly green cow."
"We are vampires, my boy! We are vultures! We are a frenzy of piranha flenching a fucking water buffalo or a caribou or something!"
"He feels like he has been given an antidote and he could be bitten by every snake on the planet and he would still be able to walk away."
"This is not some fucking game we’re playing here. This is the real fucking deal!"
"You broke my heart. You dashed the cup from my lips, you little cunt."
"You want to end up a bloody nobody like him?"
"Shut your fucking hole. You are beyond recall. You are a lost cause. But we might just be able to save the kid."
"Down on Tom Tiddler’s ground, we were, picking up gold and silver."
"The skin is awakened to its fullest potential and infused with a surge of new beauty, stimulating your feelings of pleasure and well-being!"
"The night is a deep velvet blue and the moon an alabaster balloon and the planets and the stars are spilled across the heavens, in handfuls and heaps, like gold coins."
"A fantasy is a situation imagined by an individual which does not correspond with reality but expresses certain desires or aims of its creator."
"I just found this world a hard place to be good in."