
The Savior Quotes

The Savior by J.R. Ward

"Everything she had told him had been the truth."
"She couldn’t find herself in the unintended, unfathomable position of questioning their relationship after all their years of being together."
"Because if she had to walk by that office one more time and be ignored? She was going to have to do something about it."
"That conundrum had trapped her between her desire for a hot shower after exercise and her head-in-the-sand position on the first floor."
"In that moment of loss, she had forgiven him all transgressions, her anger disappearing as if never been, her frustrations and doubts gone the way of his life force."
"Once a loved one was gone, however, assuming you were essentially fond of them, she had found that the disappointments faded and only the love remained."
"Humans were like toddlers. If there was something that could kill them, they would beeline for that mortal event like the gunfight/knife fight/hand-to-hand was calling their name and promising free Starbucks."
"To focus on anything but the good times, especially when it came to Gerry, felt just plain wrong—especially given that she blamed herself for his death."
"She had been through this post-passing recasting of character before with her parents. There were different standards for the quick and the dead."
"Reality warped on him. The face in the sacred glass. From the seeing bowl. This was the female!"
"She was the fulcrum of his downfall, the eye of the storm that had taken him into madness, the catalyst, although not the precise cause, of his disintegration."
"Remembering Gerry as anything other than a good, hardworking man had felt like a betrayal. Still did."
"But tonight had been her first full replay of the horror movie."
"If they were going to kill him outright, they never would have let him in the house."
"The wave of sadness that hit Murhder was so unexpected."
"Nights had run into nights that had become weeks and months and years … and decades … and none of that had mattered."
"John Matthew proceeded down the sidewalk, his shitkickers crunching through that which had been slush at some point during the day, but was now refrozen ice-fossils of boot prints."
"It was a toss-up what was worse, the cold with the bad footing of the Decembers and Januarys or the complications and the stench of the hot months."
"Time was wasting. Although she wasn’t sure how she knew that."
"She was touching both their history and their unfulfilled future. And the feelings that came up for her, the sadness and mourning, were so powerful, it was just as the pain had been in the beginning for her, the raw absence of him incomprehensible."
"The image bore little resemblance to the second ID he’d gotten, the one that went with his top secret clearance. In that photograph, he’d been grim, his eyes narrowed and baggy’d, his face drawn from stress."
"God only knew what was going to go tits up next."
"We are still in the dark ages of medicine … Fifty years from now, replacement parts for the human body are going to be grown in labs, cancer is going to be battled at the molecular level by the immune system, and aging is going to be a matter of choice rather than inevitability."
"The mere idea of that made Sarah want to vomit."
"Sometimes, you needed to bear your soul’s pain to somebody who had walked a mile in your sparkly high heels."
"How could I not. They hurt you. They nearly killed you."
"You make me ashamed of myself. You kept going after those humans. I stopped. Otherwise, maybe I could have saved this female. And her young."
"Don’t blame yourself. There’s no right answer when it comes to healing from tragedy. You took care of yourself. That is what matters."
"I have no more moons left, and my night skies are going starless."
"No matter what happens, I’m with you. I got you. I love you."
"Most people didn’t know that they were saying goodbye when they did something for the last time."
"It was only in retrospect, after things changed forever, that they realized a period in their life, an era, had come to an end."
"Just what you’d want if you had to make a sprint for an exit."
"It required every kind of discipline for her to turn away and keep her pace slow and steady."
"Nothing out of place. Out of sync. Out of order."
"You know they’re pumping him full of disease! You know everything that goes on here—"
"I could tear your beating heart out of your chest and eat it for what you’ve done."
"What she is capable of will be much, much worse."
"The sound of an air lock releasing brought everyone’s head around."
"Buckle up," he told them. "And you’re going to have to tell me where to go."
"He’d done it, he thought as he squeezed the steering wheel. He’d fucking done it."
"After everything he had been through with his unreliable thoughts and his swirling craziness, it was hard to trust the rush. But damn, it was as if sunshine had entered him on the inside."
"Fuck that, he felt like a goddamn superhero."
"No doubt the first time he had been locked out of his own business."
"As a cold breeze ripped by, like it had discovered a zip code that wasn’t frigid AF and was determined to take care of that oversight, John’s hair ruffled on one side."
"But burning this lab down and slaughtering a bunch of innocent humans working security detail was not going to bring her any greater measure of peace."
"The expression that he never gave anybody but her. It was how he said "I love you" without using his hands."
"She thought of him meeting Murhder—and the seizure he’d had. Then she thought of what she knew, but had not told him, about his emotional grid."
"John was a helluva fighter. He deserved the recognition and the honor."
"The fact that she was sublimely uncomfortable because her backpack was still on under the protective gear and the leg he was using as a pillow had gone numb didn’t matter in the slightest. All she cared about was that the child got some rest."
"Sarah’s brain just could not get wrapped around any of it."
"Wondering if you’re good in bed, she finished to herself."
"That smile pulled hard at the corners of his mouth. And then, like an athlete after a warmup, his lips stretched wide."
"Certain that John was in control of himself, in spite of that bloodthirsty snarl of his, she calmed herself and entered the human’s brain."
"The fact that he was relieved made him feel like a total asshole."
"Because she needed to go back to her world, without any memory of ever having met him."
"In a foggy, rambly series of recollections, he remembered going to that psychic’s shop and having the Book materialize unto him, its seductive power calling him forth and deeming him worthy of its many gifts."
"No, it is fine, he told himself. All is well. All is as it should be."
"I have my faith and my faith has me," he whispered. "I have my faith and my faith has me …"
"Instead, Throe would be the one who vanquished the threat. Protected them and their shellans. Placed himself voluntarily in grave bodily danger in order to ensure their safety and survival."
"Forgive me my wayward thoughts. It is never my intent to offend."
"It’s hard to go to the authorities and demand the laws be used to defend your own illegal practices."
"I’m so over my head, she thought. With all of this."
"Did they have a hydroponic farm somewhere and grow these big boys from test tubes?"
"I’ve got him," she murmured as she gathered the boy in her arms.
"Destiny is not a straightaway. It’s cluttered with corners and all of them are dark. We make the turns we do … and find ourselves where we are."
"The mind was a delicate, dispositive instrument in any person’s life, capable of defining their entire mortal experience."
"Fucking symphaths. Their weapons left no outward scars, but the destructiveness of what they wrought was almost worse than all that."
"You don’t own any of this. I decided to come after you, and your relations did what they did to me."
"Breakthroughs didn’t just happen; they had to be earned through sweat equity."
"You were the age you were, and death was just not a preoccupation for somebody who’d been on the planet for only eight years. Ten years. Fifteen years."
"No possessions. No control over his destiny. Nothing ahead of him."
"The best that anyone who breathed could do was a skate-by into old age, dodging the slings and arrows of biological failings and accidents, until you could sit back with your aches and pains and mourn the loss of your relevancy, your generation, your place in the population pecking order."
"So now he understood about the youth wasted on the young thing."
"Sometimes you had to sit on the sidelines while the one you loved worked their shit out."
"Fate was not going to have it any other way."
"Just threw his head back and laughed as loud as he wanted to."
"We don’t work without a coordinated plan anymore. And in case you haven’t noticed, we’re finally winning this war—without your help."
"It was a good time. Thanks for reminding me how much I used to love this job."
"Maybe it was the transition itself. You know, wiping clean all blemishes. Starting fresh—"
"I’m just so tired. I’m … so fucking exhausted from being in pain."
"It’s not wrong between you and me. None of this is wrong …"
"Family doesn’t stop. There is no past tense to family, Murhder."
"You’re going to have to give him a hell of a lot more than room and board if you want him to come through what was done to him and where he was kept."
"Emotion was so much harder outside of the hypothetical."
"Amazing how being in service to others gave you strength you didn't know you had."
"Strength did not exist unless it was tested."
"Hell, the chaos in his brain caused by the symphaths had been much worse than all this."
"Little by little, she was losing pieces of him. Of them together. Of her happiness."
"Great loss, like death, required time to become real."
"Emotions, after all, could be so strong that they could warp reality—not in the sense that mourning could resurrect what had been lost, but more like grief could sharpen recollection to such painful degrees that it was as if you could call the person to you, touch them … hold them."
"But at least now it wasn’t going to be a complete erase."
"The reality of their situation, eclipsed by all the medical drama, returned in a rush, as if it were pissed at him for having been distracted."
"Murhder’s nature was that of impulse, and it was because of this, as much as his insanity, that the Brotherhood had kicked him out: He had never bowed to even their loosest rules, even as he had fought beside them in service to the race."
"Of all the suffering he had ever been through, nothing compared to this."
"When the love of your life is gone, nothing is all that scary anymore."
"As long as Sarah was alive, he would live, too."
"Even if he could not be with her, his world had a distant sun, and that was just enough to sustain him."
"All I did was check on some work and the order of a new microscope. That’s it."
"I think Robert Kraiten murdered my fiancé two years ago. And I think he killed Gerry’s boss, too, but I don’t know why exactly on either account."