
Back To The Bedroom Quotes

Back To The Bedroom by Janet Evanovich

"It was an outrageous house, a birthday cake in a showcase filled with bran muffins."
"With his brown hair, brown eyes, medium build, and average height, he wasn't a man you would immediately notice, and he preferred it that way."
"She didn't have a temperamental or mean bone in her entire body, but early on she'd learned how to manipulate, how to protect her ego, how to throw a well-aimed temper tantrum."
"He was in love, Dave decided. Flat out in love. And he didn't know what to do about it."
"She was quiet most of the time, and she usually parked in her own parking space, and she almost always said hello to him."
"Music is my life. I eat, sleep, and breathe music."
"She had never seen him go off to work, and she was surprised at how attractive he was."
"I'm between jobs... About six months. Bulldog, he thought grimly. He could see it in her eyes. She was going to sink her teeth into him and hang on until she had him figured out."
"He reached out for her again—this time with more success. He ruffled her hair and smoothed the collar of her bathrobe. 'Soft.' 'My robe?' 'Your hair. The robe is okay, too.'"
"Every year I felt I'd lost a little more control over my own destiny. Every year I made more money and felt like less of a success."
"I guess I'm lucky to have found something I really loved so early in life."
"We have to do men's stuff now. We have to go over to my place and watch a hockey game on the tube and drink beer and bore the hell out of one another."
"You ever consider yoga? Relaxation exercises?"
"My parents are very traditional people. They live in a house with furniture."
"Being alone is different from being lonely, you know."
"Marriage is like riding a horse. You fall off, and you get right back on and try again, and again, and again."
"Watch me chuck it to you. Watch me roll out for the pass. Watch me ooof!"
"The loneliest period of my life was when I was married to Anatole."
"There's all kinds of fun. Some fun is more fun than other kinds."
"Thursday we had an Uncle Scrooge festival and spent the day in bed, reading comic books."
"You've got to get a grip on this diet business, Howard. All it takes is a little willpower."
"Is that how you do it? You look like you lost weight since I saw you last."
"When she was learning something new, she thrashed around until she got a handle on it, then she mellowed out while she perfected her technique."
"It was the same feeling of being complete. Ultimate satisfaction. Gentle euphoria."
"I love you. It sounded dopey, so she blushed."
"Maybe what she needed was a pet, she decided. A dog would be nice, except dogs had to be walked, and she wasn't so hot at walking these days."
"He might not be the perfect marriage prospect, but she doubted she'd ever find a better friend."
"No relationship is perfect. You have to weigh the odds and make a decision."
"This is serious! I think I have terminal lust."
"You ever have a day when nothing goes right?"
"I think this was the first time she's ever driven a car."
"Never in a million years would she have suspected it could be like this. Loving someone so much that their pain was your pain, and their joy was your joy."
"We need a house in a family neighborhood, she said. Someplace where there are children skipping rope in driveways. Someplace with lots of bedrooms."