
The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern Quotes

The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern by Lilian Jackson Braun

"His smile - very sincere. His handshake - very strong. His compliments - very gratifying."
"It's like this," Qwilleran told the cat. "If I walk into Percy's office and flatly request a change of assignment, I'm apt to land out in the street."
"Dictyogenous and Dieguenos. You sneaky rascal! You've stumped me!"
"Maybe I should wear something funereal to impress Percy favorably."
"We promised you another assignment when the right opportunity presented itself."
"What's selling these days?" "Just about everything."
"The way it worked, the cat dug his claws into the pages, and Qwilleran opened the books where he indicated, reading aloud the catchwords."
"Artists used to spend a whole lifetime carving a single object."
"When I handle jade, I feel a prickle in my blood."
"It's a tragedy per se, and our involvement makes it even worse."
"Doctors bludgeon their wives, lawyers shoot their partners, and bankers abscond with the assets. But journalists just go to the Press Club and drown their criminal inclinations."
"You'll like it at the Villa Verandah. There are soft rugs and high bookshelves, and you can sit in the sun on the balcony. But you'll have to be on your best behavior. No flying around and busting lamps!"
"I like anything, as long as it's comfortable, and I can put my feet on it."
"We've just finished some dormitories for the university, and a sorority house for Delta Theta, or whatever it's called. But those are out of town."
"I prefer design that reflects the spirit of our times."
"There's an element of tradition in newspapering."
"I have what they call a monochromatic color scheme."
"Come on, let's have a good rousing game to chase away the blues."
"He's a Siamese. They're inclined to be outspoken."
"Koko!" he snapped. "Get away from that book!"
"The only sign of life was a glistening eye, seen through one of the airholes."
"She looked like a granite boulder in a fussy lace collar."
"It's newspaper policy to tell who and where."
"All I did was work on my rug and eat peanut butter."
"That's what I've been told," said Qwilleran, preening his moustache absently.
"It was noble of your friend to let you move into his apartment with a cat."
"Planned Ugliness appeals to those who are bored with Beauty, tired of Taste, and fed up with Function."
"That poor woman! She'll drop dead from mortification."
"You hoped the magazine would fold! And these two incidents in succession may be enough to kill it."
"Maybe Tait wasn't victimized. Maybe he was in on the deal."
"I worry about Natalie - and why she wouldn't let us in today."
"What do you dream about? Chicken curry? People with guns that make a loud noise?"
"I really called to ask about Yushi. Do you know if he's available for catering jobs? I'm giving a party for a guy who's getting married."
"When David wrote his will, he provided for one final cocktail bash for all his friends - at the Toledo! No weeping! Just laughter, dancing and booze until the money runs out."
"Perhaps Jacques Boulanger, but these days it's hard to tell an enemy from a friend."
"Ah, yes, girls," said Orax. "There was Lois Avery, but she married and left town. And there was a creature with long straight hair who works for Mrs. Middy; I've forgotten her name."
"This is a real gone pad. Mais malheureusement, it's what the clients expect. Makes me feel like a jackass, but it's a living."
"My clients are all squares. They like tired cliches. Preferably French cliches, and those are the worst!"
"And that's where I was discovered by Mr. and Mrs. Duxbury, a couple of beautiful cats."
"I pretend to be French, and they pretend they don't know I'm not. C'est parfait!"
"That cat needs help. You should take him to a psycatatrist."
"A friend visited me the other evening, and Koko tried to bite her. Not a vicious attack - just a token bite. But on the head, of all places!"
"Koko thought you were using his name. A puss is jealous of his name, he is. Very jealous."
"I'll bet the timing wasn't accidental. And I suspect a plot."
"Let's hope no one plants a bomb in the Press Room."
"Lordy, that man had the patience of a saint!"
"I feel the same way," Qwilleran said. "Let's play the game and see if you can come up with something useful."
"None of the agonizing details had been spared."
"Despite his subdued exterior, he was a man of strong passions."
"I'm afraid you'll live," she said cheerfully. "It's only a scratch."
"Koko was on a long leash, and he flew around in circles so fast - all I could see was a smoke ring in midair."
"I hope they'll be happy together," said Cokey.
"I think we're all going to be happy together," said Qwilleran.